Benefits of art and art therapy

Art Vandelay
Graduation Project
7 November 2018
Mrs. Meek/Ms.Weeks
Indent your paragraphs. All paragraphs need to be indented.
Title Notes –
you will have a title
Title is in the Middle of the Page, centered
NO my title is, or Just the Topic- Animals
All Main Words in Title are in Caps.
Just the first letter of all main words
For the title, you do not underline, bold, italic or put into quotes- Just type it.
Same font and size for entire paper
You double space, not triple or double double space..
Headings- On each page you need your last name and the page number-
Use Insert, page number, Type your last name on page 1 and it will copy to the rest.
Include last name with page number on pages 2-8 and works cited Like this
Vandelay 2
Font Style and size
– Times New Roman, 12
Nothing is in BOLD
Double Spaced
3rd POV-
NO 1st- I, we, etc
No I did my paper on, I am going to tell you about…
This is a research paper…NOT a personal narrative.
NO I understand ….I feel, I think, etc NO First person, NO 1st person, NO 1st person, No 1st person…
.DId I mention no 1st person. Did we mention…NO FIRST PERSON…
You also do not use 2nd person…YOU….Reword to use The reader, People,
WHO Are you talking about….THE audience, the doctor, the patient, etc. They is also not acceptable…
We, you, they, them, I, my, we, me, you….NO, NO, NO, NO, No, NO, No, No, No, No, NO, NO,
-THE WRITER CAN NOT USE 2ND PERSON EITHER. note how when I wrote this, I did not use 2nd person, that I addressed whom I was speaking about….
Okay…enough about not using first or second person….On to more information…
How to start
You need to have an attention grabber to start your writing.
Try a Quote, a stat or an antidote. You will cite this as well.
SHould already be in your outline, follow your outline
Do not use a rhetorical question.
. Thesis statement
should be in paragraph one
this is my argument, here is how I am going to show you… ( Without using 1st POV)
3 prong- Main topic, 3 sub topics
Will be last sentence of 1st paragraph
Should be your Topic and three reasons why. *
Do not, under any circumstances, use I will tell you about.
Will be 1 sentence
Page Requirements- Graduation Project Requirements and Jr. Project Page requirements
7- 8 pages- you lose points for anything under 6 full pages For Graduation Project-
DO NOT put 1 paragraph on each page, must be full pages.
Works cited page does not count in total number of pages for paper
Have 7 pages, just be safe. Honors classes- required to have full 8 pages.
5 FULL- 7 pages for Jr Project paper. – DO NOT put 1 paragraph on each page, must be full pages. Works cited page does not count in total number of pages for paper
remember next year your Senior project paper must be 8-10 pages.
Per the Graduation Project Rough Draft Rubric- You will lose 10 points per page under the requirement or 10 points OVER the requirement.
Works CIted page DOES NOT count as 6-8 pages
Source Requirements- Minimum sources required
11th grade Jr Project- 4 sources- 1 book, 1 database, 1 internet, 1 other
Note Cards- 40+ required- Teacher discretion
12th Grade, Graduation Project- 5 sources- required-1 book, 1 interview, 1 internet, 1 database
. Works Cited page-
Does not count in 6-8 pages for GP or 5-7 for Jr. Project..
.Hey…this page does not count in the paper numbers….
You will have at least 8 ( regular) 9 ( Honors) total pages…
The words- Works Cited at top, centered
In ABC order by the first word of each entry
Double space between each entry
Left justify first line, indent 2nd-4th lines
ASK for help if you do not know how to cite info.
Use to help cite items…People don’t memorize, they use the resources created to help them!!!!
Not asking is not an excuse for having this incorrect.
Internal documentation- MLA style- How to Cite Inside the paper….
This is where the info came from…This is a research paper…You do not know all of this information, it comes from somewhere…CITE it. You must be able to show documented sources for all of the information in your paper. This is a formal research paper, not your opinion.
(Author’s name, page name, etc, page ##).
period at end of parenthesis
document anything you got from somewhere else. Otherwise is plagiarized WIll show me where the info came from…Having 20, 30, 40, 50 60. 70. 80. 90. 100% copied is a bad idea
When using a direct quote, you must put the info in “….” quotes.
Introduce the quote…
for example…According to ECUPirates, “ the upcoming football season will be amazing” (Carden, NP).
-make sure that the quotes you use make sense and you make sure the reader knows why you put the quote where you put it.
Do not just use a direct quote just to have it in the paper.
Direct quotes should not be more than 2-3 lines within the paper.
Quotes should be embedded within sentences
Do not use colons with direct quotes
-any information that is used that you did not know, anything that you looked up and found MUST be cited.
No questions. DO not ask a question within your paper and then answer it.
-Opening Paragraph-
your first paragraph should not be just one sentence, in the first paragraph, you need to give the reader something that will grab their attention,
THEN you go on and state what the argument is and the 3 reasons you will be discussing…
WITHOUT using I will tell you about…
Last sentence will be your thesis statement
Intro paragraph should not go onto the 2nd page.
Attention Grabber which is either a quote or stat
Then 3-4 BRIEF general sentences
Body paragraphs- Will have many body paragraphs
argue your point
use details
cite information
No contractions
No 1st or 2nd person
Within the paper-
GP paper only- Somewhere in your paper, you need a picture, graph, visual which is relevant and useful,
no larger than 1 ½ inches x 1 ½ inches
Cannot be on the 1st page or last page
1 picture per 6 pages.
Wrap text around picture
Will be referenced within the section of the paper.
Ending the Paper
Have a conclusion
Bring it to an end
Do NOT write, In conclusion…
Other tidbits that might be helpful
If you start a sentence with a number….you must write that number out.
When mentioning a person’s name, you use the entire name the first time, after that, you refer to that person by their last name. You do not use the first name as you do not know them.
You DO NOT talk about what your product is inside your paper.
Writing your paper DOES NOT count as product hours.
The interview source DOES NOT count as product hours.
Any number ten and under- write them out.
Do not start your paper with a number.
Revise to avoid losing points for formatting issues
. Spelling and Grammar suggestions
Look over spelling- correct it
Look over transitions..such as For example and in regards to, etc
Do you use them too frequently?
Do you have you start too many sentences the same way?
Look over capitalization- Fix it-
Proper Nouns (Specific Places, Names, Locations etc)
Eugene Ashley High School vs high school
Art Vandelay vs the guy or art vandelay
RIchlands, NC vs city or richlands, nc
-first word in sentence
Indent the first line to each paragraph- tab over
.Verb tense- Past- don’t switch from past, present and future
Do not use rhetorical questions- You will change your tone to answer.
. No contractions- this is formal writing
Contractions are like….don’t, can’t, won’t, isn’t, didn’t, aren’t, you’re, wouldn’t, couldn’t,
Check for run on sentences and sentence fragments- Fix them
Run on sentences are multiple sentences together with no punctuation.
Fragments are incomplete sentences, missing subjects, verbs, or predicates.
You must have a subject and verb for each sentence.