What are the benefits of having college libraries open twenty four hours a day on campus year round?

  1. Lesson 1, Why Do We Cite

Plagiarism -Don’t do it!

Why is this wrong?

How serious is this?


Plagiarism ppt.

What are the consequences? Let’s talk about this!

Let’s go slowly over this power point and ask questions along the way – YES –It is this serious and YES –it is misunderstood!

Power point presentation

The fact is: We live in a world of COPY and PASTE – we forget where we got things and we love writing things down that we heard and telling others!

But always remember someone else wrote it first – someone else got the information from someone/somewhere else.

Your answers?


Academic Sources:

  • What are they?
    • Academic sources (also referred to as scholarly, peer-reviewed, or refereed sources) are written by experts in a particular field and keep those interested in that field up to date on the most recent research, findings, and news. They are published in peer reviewed journals or books published by academic presses. These sources usually are written by people who hold PhD degrees in their area of specialization and work at higher education institutions.
  • Why are they important to me?
    • The authority and credibility found in scholarly sources will improve the quality of your paper or research project. Use of scholarly sources is an expected attribute of academic course work.
  • How can I tell if a source is academic or scholarly?

Academic vs. Popular sources:

Let’s review the chart below and mark the item with an “A” if it describes an Academic source or with a “P” if it illustrates a Popular source.

  1. Appearance is eye-catching and full of glossy images (e.g., photographs, cartoons, advertisements).
  2. Articles report briefly on news items or subjects of interest to the general public
  3. Article reports actual research findings.
  4. Every article will contain cited references
  5. Articles are written by staff writers or journalists.
  6. Journal of Asian History
  7. Articles uses technical or academic terminology.
  8. Articles communicate research findings.
  9. Articles do not usually follow a particular structure.
  10. Articles are all written by scholars in a particular discipline who have done extensive research in their field.
  11. Each article is peer-reviewed (critically evaluated by a board of experts in the discipline) before publication.
  12. Articles are informative in a general manner and are published by commercial organizations for broad audiences.
  13. Wikipedia and CNN.com.
  14. Articles are usually published by professional organizations and societies, or large publishers that specialize in academic publications.
  15. Article is easy to read; defines specialized terms.
  16. Oxford University Pressand the University of California Press.
  17. Mostly text, with some tables and charts; very little photography; no advertising.
  18. Article is for general readers; shouldn’t require any special background.
  19. Articles include bibliographies, citations, and footnotes that follow a particular academic style guide.
  20. The author’s names and credentials are provided.

What are Peer Reviewed Journals?


How can I identify Academic or Scholarly Resources?



  • Are author names provided?
  • Are the authors’ credentials provided?
  • Are the credentials relevant to the information provided?


  • Who is the publisher of the information?
  • Is the publisher an academic institution, scholarly, or professional organization?
  • Is their purpose for publishing this information evident?


  • Who is the intended audience of this source?
  • Is the language geared toward those with knowledge of a specific discipline rather than the general public?


  • Why is the information being provided?
  • Are sources cited?
  • Are there charts, graphs, tables, and bibliographies included?
  • Are research claims documented?
  • Are conclusions based on evidence provided?
  • How long is the source?


  • Is the date of publication evident?

Academic Source Review: Scholarly Source :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv3TdaHv-Oo

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.

By Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/research.html


Learning Objectives:

SWBAT define Scholarly Sources

SWBAT identify Peer reviewed sources/journals

SWBAT analyze the types of research and information needed for academics and career

Curriculum – Plagiarism and Paraphrasing & Sources

Activity – Choosing total of six resources for the AB and do an AB.




  1. Lesson 2 The art of finding the research

The Annotated Bibliography must be posted no later than Sunday Night 10/21 by 8pm. It goes on the journal area entitled: Annotated Bibliography Due 10/21 by 8pm.

We will not meet Thursday  10/18 so that you can work on your assignments. However, I will be in the classroom if you need any help!

THREAD NAME: Last Name –  AB

WORD DOC Name: Last Name –  AB

Let’s review how to research and what your AB (Annotated Bibliography must look like and how to cite the work and the information needed.


AB Assignment: Construct an Annotated Bibliography using A Total of SIX (6) Sources (Scholarly or approved sources by the Instructor). Never use a poor source as you are proving your topic.  Still not sure? Review Again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv3TdaHv-Oo

Please use MLA formatting. Sources go in alphabetical order. In the sample annotation, the writer includes three paragraphs: a summary, an evaluation of the text, and a reflection on its applicability to his/her own research.  Do it exactly as you see the model! This is one example –please do them all in one document as shown! You already have two done on the discussion board so you only need 4 more. Remember your sources must be in alphabetical order. Also, please do not copy and paste from the abstract.  If you do use some of the article and want to quote it, please in text cite. If you paraphrase, you must do that as well (In text citation).