Biopsychology: Sleep and memory

Previous research on sleep has most times focused on the aspect of cognitive processes and memory. There is an existing gap in previous research to identify how sleep affects cognitive processes through the study of emotion. The benefits and effects of sleep would first be evident on emotion in order to affect memory. The human memory has been highly linked to motivation that is applied in day to day emotional challenges which further cross link cognitive functions together.

Miller, N. L., Tvaryanas, A. P., & Shattuck, L.G. (2012). Accommodating adolescent sleep-wake patterns: the effects of shifting the timing of sleep on training effectiveness. SLEEP. 35(8), 1123-1136.

In this investigation, the researchers examined the effect of sleep on soldiers receiving training. The research looked at two groups that received extra sleep each night and a control group that had less sleep. Great support revealed that the group that received enough sleep recorded an increase in emotions, positive moods, physical fitness and this group was less likely to drop out.


The study did not find successful connection between sleep and emotion via memory. The research concluded that sleep has some small amount of effect on functioning.


The nervous system is linked to several parts of the human emotion and so an effect of sleep on the nervous system would result to an effect on human emotion.

Research design used

The kind of research used here is descriptive because it shows the strength ability of soldiers during war for those who have had enough sleep and finds a way to link sleep and memory to emotion.

Voderholzer U, Piosczyk H, Holz J, Landmann N, Feige B, et al. (2011) Sleep restriction over several days does not affect long-term recall of declarative and procedural memories in adolescents. Sleep Med 12: 170–178.


Adolescents used in this study revealed that sleep did not affect memory but affected emotions and later emotions would affect memory. Researchers concluded that sleep promotes emotion while emotions independently controls memory at tasks involved in memory.


In this manner, the long term memory is engineered to interact with the psychology of emotions. Consequently sleep functional affects expressions, emotions and human behavior.


Choosing this reference is because of its design contribution to measuring a particular aspect of interaction between long term memory and emotion.

Wilhelm. I., Diekelmann, S., Molzow, I., Ayoub, A., Molle. M., et al. (2011) Sleep selectively enhances memory expected to be of future relevance. J of Neurosci 31: 1563–1569


Sleep improves memory. However, effects of sleep can be understood from whether an individual sleeps at daytime or during the night. The conditions of sleep set the pace for encoding and reinforcement of memory and emotion.


Lack of interference while sleeping increases the motivation for high level cognitive thinking as well as emotional aspects. Daytime sleep is subjected to interference and this same interference acts as a possible cause of poor memory and poor emotions.


Apart from just claiming the possible causes of sleep deprivation and its effects on cognitive performance, these authors came up with a way to place their participants in a state of awkwardness to prove ethical issues in sleep deprivation.

Carskadon, M.A (2011). Sleep’s effects on cognition and learning in adolescence. Prog Brain Res 190: 137–143.


What is the exact role of sleep in social functioning, school performance and declarative memory? This was the exact question this research aimed at answering. Social function is linked to an individual’s mood therefore this research acts as a proof that performance in social functions and general class performance is hidden in emotion. The greater an individual’s emotion, the higher their cognitive performance; sleep comes in as a factor to balance emotions which later improve cognitive performance.


The various components of the central nervous systems that are linked to emotion have been identified to have major effects on human behavior. The study included a research design that investigates on adolescents. This study fairly narrows down current perspectives of psychology and explains the evolution of human behavior with regard to sleep, emotion and memory.

Ethical issues

The researcher in this study managed to maintain ethical principles and standards that helped addressed individual participant rights to engage in the research.

Based on your topic selection and initial resources, what is your research question?

Basing on the research above, my research is ‘what relationship does sleep patterns have on emotion and cognitive performance’?

How have advancements in technology influenced research on human behavior?

Because human behavior is changing, most researchers have started to identify the role of emotion on cognitive performance. This is because most human behavior is attached to motivation which is revealed through emotions.

How have views on your topic changed over time?

Various techniques throughout history have revealed the relationship between human emotions and behavior and cognitive performance.

What conclusions can be reached, based on these studies and references?

The general idea of biopsychology is that human behavior can be influenced by any natural process that finds its root in the brain. It is the only approach that believes in the change of human behavior from the central nervous system.