What does Black feminism mean to you? Give me an example/s of Black feminist thought.

Please write in your own words. Please write a beautiful, perfect, interesting, strong, powerful, detailed, clear, and critical essay! Show me the tentative argument with good faith efforts.
Please refer to and use all the files that I have uploaded. I am repeating myself here again, you must use all the sources that I have provided in order to complete the paper for my satisfaction.

Please add some details and make it more aligned to the question.

For this week, read Patricia Hill Collins’ (PHC) Black Feminist Thought Collins Patricia Hill Black Feminist Thought.pdf and the Combahee River Collective (CRC) Statement Combahee River Collective Statement.docx
What does Black feminism mean to you? Give me an example/s of Black feminist thought. This can be contemporary or historical, from or beyond your lived experience or knowledge base. Following this, I would like to see you apply Collin’s Black Feminist Thought to contextualize your statement. Be as specific as possible. Know and be able to explain the meaning and significance of each of PHC’s six aspects of Black feminist thought. Which one/s stand out the most to you, and why? How is the CRC’s Statement an example of Black feminist thought?

Organic intellectuals
Women of color epistemologies

Distinguishing features of U.S. Black feminist thought
Resist oppression
Tension linking experience and ideas
Individual v. collective experiences—dialogical relationship
Black women intellectuals
Always changing: as social conditions change so does response/resistance to them
Relationship to other projects for social justice