Body image and plastic surgery


• GMOs
• Doping /steroid use in sports
• Abortion
• Nutritional supplements
• Organic foods
• Legalizing drugs
• Body image and plastic surgery
• Paying players in the NCAA
• Giant environmental topics like ‘global warming” or “deforestation”

Research Paper Proposal

Length: 3-6 pages, typed, double-spaced in college format..

You must write this paper in bullet point form, making sure to respond thoroughly to every single bullet point question. Take a look at the rubric posted in the Paper 1 assignment folder to see how each section of the proposal will be weighted and graded.

These proposals must answer the following questions:


  • What is your topic? What is the particular angle you will take on this topic? For example, if you choose to research homelessness, will you explore causes?; effects?; programs to address it?; homelessness in a particular geographical area?; amongst a particular group? (e.g. women, war veterans, etc.)


  • Why have you chosen this topic? What intellectual, academic, or personal stake do you have in this topic?



  • What big question or questions do you have about this topic that you hope your research will answer? Be sure that your questions focus on the specific topic you propose above. Don’t ask general questions about the topic.


  • What kinds of information do you think you will need to answer these questions? Government reports? What kinds? Statistics? That show what? Personal narratives?



  • Why do you think this kind of information will be helpful? Be specific.


  • Tell me how you will fit at least 15 hours of research and writing into your life. You do not have to share intimate details of your life, but identify days and hours that you can devote to this project.



  • When you search in library catalogues and online databases, what words or terms will you use in your searches that you think will help you find the information you need? Try to come up with as many search terms as you can.


  • What do you already know about this topic? How did you learn it? Be specific about the kinds of materials you’ve already consulted. YOU SHOULD NAME AT LEAST THREE SPECIFIC SOURCES you’ve consulted (e.g. “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” in the Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychiatry.)

You must write this paper in bullet point form, making sure to respond thoroughly to every single bullet point question. Take a look at the rubric posted in the Paper 1 assignment folder to see how each section of the proposal will be weighted and graded.