Book Report on Triumph of The City

Written Report
3-4 pages – 12 pt font, double space, 1” margins
Use any of the commonly accepted style guides (MLA, Chicago, etc.) for rules of grammar
and citation.
You must cite at least 3 references other than your book (not including the book you’re
reporting on). At least one reference must be from a refereed or professional journal (aka
peer– -reviewed journal), e.g., Journal of Planning & Development, Journal of Geography in
High Education, Social & Cultural Geography, Journal of Development Economics, and
Community Development (these are only a few examples). DO NOT USE URLs AS
In the text of your book report include the following (in no particular order):
Introduce the author – provide a bio that demonstrates their credibility on the topic, but keep
this very brief.
State and summarize the major ideas of the book. Explain the various sides of its themes or
Explain if you believe this book’s topic(s) is(are) influential or detrimental (personal opinion,
but be able to back up your claims). Is what they are talking about an important topic.
Highlight what you found of most interest and explain why. Think about the opportunity cost of
the topic. If more consideration was paid to the topic would there be a positive economic
development impact?
Explain whether or not you and/or others agree or disagree with the author and explain
An “A” paper will bewell—organized, well-written and grammatically correct. It will have at
least 3 different references (more are fine), with at least one from a refereed academic
journal, and those will be properly referenced and cited. It will thoroughly summarize the
topic of the book and explain the issues covered and perspectives from other researchers
Electronic submittal ONLY to D2L.
The idea for the presentation is for you to share your knowledge of the book with the class.
Give an overview of the book and explain whether or not it was a worthwhile read and why.
If you don’t recommend it as a reading, explain why.
Keep your presentation to 10 minutes.
Have fun with it. Bring anything amusing or entertaining to light, and be creative with the
ways you present your ideas.
Some version of visual presentation is requested (e.g., PowerPoint).
5% of your overall grade will be based on your presentation. Presentations
will be made on the due date of the papers.