Breaking Bad

You are to choose a drama or sitcom from the list below and watch one episode to complete this assignment.


  1. Big Bang Theory
  2. Orange is the New Black
  3. Walking Dead
  4. Breaking Bad
  5. Dexter
  6. NCIS


Purpose: To employ the techniques learned in this course for presenting arguments and developing equations using the techniques for problem solving. Please include the following details.

  1. Provide a cover page according to APA guidelines (see OWL from Purdue University). Also, note the format for a cover page attached to these instructions.
  2. Provide the title of the drama or sitcom that you chose.
  3. Provide the title of the episode for your chosen drama or sitcom.
  4. Provide the original airdate of that particular episode.
  5. Provide at least three paragraphs (at least five sentences each) to provide synopsized details regarding the plot for that episode (beginning, middle, and ending).
  6. What was the key issue involved in the plot?
  7. Identify the type of math used in the episode, i.e. algebraic, geometric, statistical, logical, etc…
  8. Discuss how the math identified in (7) is used to solve the problem or assist the character (basically give an example or two of a mathematical model/equation used and what was the scenario). The student should recreate the math equation step by step along with their response as to why and how this math was used.
  9. Construct an argument using the information from section 3.7 based on the key issue(s).
  10. Which valid or invalid argument was used (see section 3.7) and it’s form. State whether the argument is valid or invalid.
  11. Construct a complete truth table to confirm that your argument is valid or invalid.
  12. Any extra details that will enhance your submission.


A rubric is provided below to help guide your response.

An example of an APA cover page is also provided.

If sources are used, include a reference or bibliography page (see attached).

The project is to be delivered via email at on or before April 12, 2015 (11:59PM)


History Project II Rubric

Grading All Points Half Points No Points
Content – 20 points 20 – 11 points

·         Content is comprehensive, accurate, and addresses the assignment.

·         Ideas are presented in a clear and understandable manner.

·         Major points (10) are stated clearly and are well supported.

·         Research, if used, is adequate, timely, and addresses course concepts.

·         Content and purpose of the writing are clear.

·         Demonstrates a clear and logical thought process.

10 – 1 points

·         Paper addresses topics and ideas required.

·         To Improve: support ideas with specific details.

·         Include research citations.

·         Demonstrates some understanding of the topic.

·         There may be errors in the mathematics, if any, though they are not significant.

·         Contains a sufficient amount of justification /proof of the mathematical content included.

·         Demonstrates some logical thought.

0 points

Demonstrates little or no understanding of the topic;. Mathematical errors are frequent and significant.

Does not contain enough mathematical content or had no justification of the existing content.

Demonstrates little or no logical thought.

Cover Page – 2 points 2 points

See below exactly

 1 – point

2 elements are missing.

0 points

More than 2 elements missing

Punctuation, grammar and spelling –6 points 6 – 4 points

No significant errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure.

3 – 1 points

A few significant errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure.

0 points

Several significant errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure.


If any references were used, please include a bibliography or reference page (see below). For example, if you use the textbook or the Internet to identify an appropriate equation, state the source appropriately.