Briefly describe the main contentions of the Wahhabi movement and the two main ways this movement differed from other revivalist movements

Briefly describe the main contentions of the Wahhabi movement and the two main ways this movement differed from other revivalist movements. What are the origins of the American University in Beirut, and what are its connections to the rise of Arab nationalism? Who were the Young Turks, and what did they do? How did the neorevivalist Muslim Brotherhood (Jamaat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin) and Islamic Society (Jamaat-i-Islami) regard the Western concept of separation of church and state? What were six principles of reform in Turkey known as Ataturk’s “six arrows”? Which of these do you think had the potential to clash with traditional Islamic beliefs? Each question should be 100-300 words. Sources don’t have to be used if not needed.