Bullying in the work place

Web Cast review: Nursing: Bullying in the work place
Presented 11 Apr 19 at 1:00 pm


1. What activity did you participate in? When was the activity completed?

2. Name of the activity or person interviewed?

3. What were the objectives of the activity?

4. How does the activity impact nursing practice?

5. What did you like best about participating in this activity? What was least appealing?

6. Was anything unclear or confusing to you in the activity (i.e., content)

7. In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the activity, your overall experience with the activity and when you learned from it (i.e., what was the ‘take home message’ for you)?

8. Utilize APA format, however, title page and reference page not necessary. Treat this as a scholarly assignment using complete sentences, proper syntax and spelling.

9. Upload certificate or verification of completion with this activity report (if interviewing a nurse leader, have them sign a copy of this rubric)

10. Paper should not exceed 3-4 pages, including the certificate or verification of completion

***Please review the web cast posted and address each question listed in rubric, Thank you.***