
Due: 4/23/19 by 4pm.
Choose ONE of the following prompts. Respond completely in at least 1,500 words. You must submit your final draft to the Portal by 4pm on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. You must cite at least three sources in proper MLA formatting. Refer to the syllabus for the grading scale.
1. Describe the arguments for and against social responsibility. Utilize at least three examples for each to adequately support your findings.
2. Identify the impacts of technology on a firm of your choosing since the time it was founded.
3. Choose up to three laws below that had an impact on marketing. Explain why each was needed and the grander purpose it served. Include at least two applicable examples for each legislation.
a. Federal Food and Drug Act of 1906
b. Federal Hazardous Substances Act of 1960
c. Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968
d. Public Health Smoking Act of 1970
e. Natural Environmental Policy Act of 1970
f. Child Protection Act of 1990
g. Aviation Security Act of 2001
h. Do Not Call Law of 2003
i. CAN-SPAM Act of 2003
j. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
4. Identify and explain the five ways of entering the global marketplace. Discuss risk and return for each method. Cite examples.
● Cite your sources. Please include a minimum of three (our textbook can be one source) in proper MLA formatting.
● Refer to the Syllabus for further instruction on criteria for written assignments, as well as grading rubrics.