Business Communications

Identify a problem in your current job or a previous job, such as inadequate use of technology, inefficient procedures, spotty customer service, poor product quality, low morale, or a personnel problem. Assume your boss agrees with your criticism and asks you to prepare a report. Write (a) a two or three sentence statement describing the problem, (b) a problem question, and (c) a simple statement of purpose for your report. (You are not required to write an actual report). Support your answer with direct evidence from the text or other peer-reviewed resources.

The Job Search and The Interview
1-How has job searching for candidates and job placement for hiring managers changed in the digital age? In your opinion, have the changes had a positive or a negative effect? Why?
2-Is interviewing a two-way street? As a job interview nears conclusion, what kinds of questions should you ask about the position or company? Provide some examples that you have used.