Business Math Problem, excel spreadsheet, and essay description of solution

Option #1: Truck Estimate

A project requires hauling of 40,000 cubic yards (cy) of compacted fill. The fill material will be hauled to the site in 21-cy, loose measure, trucks. The cycle time for a truck is 40 minutes per trip. The swell factor for the earth is 25% and the shrinkage factor is 10%. Assume eight hours per day and a 45-minute effective hour. Determine the number of required trucks to complete the project in 32 working days.


You will deliver both:

An Excel spreadsheet to include:

Tables of all information (data) given in the problem, formulas that reference cells thus creating dynamic formulas that will change if information in the tables change, and the final answer highlighted in yellow.

Show all of your work (at each step).

A two-page narrative to describe your findings and interpret your results:

Follow APA format

Include a cover page and reference page.

Support your work with at least two peer-reviewed, credible, and current scholarly articles.