Business Writting

One of the keys to being prepared for the complexities and pace of change in today’s business
environment is to be up-to-date on relevant events, trends, and insights. Therefore, regular, in-class
discussions about companies and current business issues will be a significant focus of this course.

• Choose a business-related article from one of the approved sources list (can be found on page 5
of this document and on BlackBoard). Your chosen article must be less than two weeks old.
• Create an outline using the template on page 3. There is also an example of one from an actual
article on page 4 for your reference. You should not do additional research to find out
information about companies; simply outline the information in the article.
• Written outlines are to be no more than one page.
*Hints for choosing an article and creating your outline:

• Choose and article that is approximately 7-10 paragraphs in length in order to have enough to
• Keep your audience in mind. How much detail is appropriate/necessary? Why is this article
interesting? What do you want the audience to take away?
• Try to pick topics about markets, companies or industries that you are genuinely interested in.

Directions for handing in your assignment:
• Submit to BlackBoard
• Bring paper copy to class
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Outline Template:

Article Title: Title from publication

Source: Use APA standard citation.
Link to Article: web address of the article
I. Main Idea – A succinct statement about the article’s content and
purpose (1-3 sentences).

II. Facts / Background – What do we know to be true or factual from
the article? What is relevant as well as what provides the audience
with sufficient background knowledge?

1. Fact/Background 1
a. Specific/example/evidence of “1”
b. Specific/example/evidence of “1”
c. Specific/example/evidence of “1”
2. Fact/Background 2
a. Specific/example/evidence of“2”
b. Specific/example/evidence of “2”
c. Specific/example/evidence of “2”
3. Fact/Background 3
a. Specific/example/evidence of“3”
b. Specific/example/evidence of “3”
c. Specific/example/evidence of “3”
III. Reaction & Results –
1. What is the outcome, potential change or warning?
2. What do experts/analysts/executives say?

IV. Conclusion – What fact, lesson, or new knowledge do you want
the audience to take away from your outline summary of the
article? No opinions.

An example outline is included on the following page.

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Article Title: Workers Win Supermarket President’s Job Back
Source: Seelye, K. and de la Merced, M. (2014, August 27). Workers Win Supermarket President’s Job Back –
Market Basket’s Board Announces Deal to Reinstate Ex-Chief. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Link to article:
I. Main Idea: Fired Market Basket CEO, Arthur T. Demoulas, will gain full control of the grocery chain after the board
approved his bid to purchase the remaining portion of the business from his cousin Arthur S. Demoulas and his
allies. This deal ends a 6-week employee protest, public rallies and customer boycott of the chain in response to
the firing of Arthur T.
II. Facts/Background
1. Privately held grocery chain with stores in New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts
a. 2 million customers
b. 49.5% owned by Arthur T. Demoulas
c. 50.5% owned by Arthur S. Demoulas
2. Employees and customers protested firing of Arthur T.
a. CEO Arthur T. was fired in mid-July
b. Employees from all ranks (clerk to management) stood together to resist the firing of beloved CEO
b. Shoppers supported the employees and honored the boycott
c. Protests led to company loss of millions of dollars/week between mid-July and the end of August
3. Deal was negotiated and approved to meet the demands of workers
a. Governors of Massachusetts and New Hampshire stepped in to mediate when there was a
b. Arthur S. and his allies agreed to sell their 50.5% stake to Arthur T.
c. Price was about $1.6 billion
d. Valuation of the company is estimated to be $3.2 billion
3. Arthur T. will return to “day to day operational authority”
a. Will assume official CEO role when deal is finalized
b. Current co-CEOs, Felicia Thornton and James Gooch, remain in roles until deal is finalized
c. Expected final transaction in February 2015
III. Reactions and Results
1. Professor of work and employment research from MIT Sloan School of Management, Thomas
Kochan said, “Market Basket has done more to educate us on how to manage a business than any
business case study that has been written to date.”
2. Christopher Mackin, lecturer at Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations remarked at the
rarity of the outcome. He said, “This show of group solidarity achieved what employees and
customers asked for…This is unheard of in corporate America.”
3. $3.2 billion valuation may be high since the business plummeted for 6 weeks, but analysts are
optimistic about a quick rebound with help from employees.
IV. Conclusion: The protests and boycott that Market Basket employees staged (and customers followed) led to
their demands being met with acceptance of a bid by Arthur T. Demoulas’ to purchase control over the
company. The outcome of this situation is unique in the united commitment by employees and customers, and
because it emphasizes the power that employees have in a business. This situation brings forth many lessons in
business management, leadership and employee relations.
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Grading Rubric

Follow the guidelines below for full credit for your “Current Business News Summary” outline.
(4 pts.)
• Writing is clear and succinct
• Outline is one page in length
• No grammatical or spelling errors
• No personal opinions included (e.g. do not use the phrases “I believe” or “I
think”) – just include the facts of the article
(4 pts.)
• Main idea is clearly stated
• Summary points and background information are logically introduced
• Clear summary/closing statement
• Formatting matches example provided (see page 3) and enables high skim value
Sourcing (2
• Article is from one of the approved online sources list and is business-related
• Source is written in APA format