C.S Lewis book LWW has lidfe lessons

The novel written by C.S Lewis, The Lion and The Witch and The Wardrobe is a story about 4 children who have to leave London and have to live with a professor. The children decide to hide in a wardrobe to discover Narnia. In this novel there are many life lessons such as Aslan sacrificing himself for Edmund, that you should always try to do the right thing by letting Lucy go like Mr Tumnus did and that you shouldn’t lie like Edmund entering the wardrobe.

The novel The Lion and The Witch and The Wardrobe has many religious beliefs. C.S Lewis was very Catholic and very religious. One example is when Aslan the lion sacrificing himself for Edmund. Jesus sacrificed himself for others and was crucified on the cross, where Aslan instead was killed on the stone table and the White Witch tells him to “Despair and die” like how Jesus slowly died on the cross after carrying a heavy cross. The life lesson here is that people sacrifice something for someone. Or if you sacrifice like eating a fruit instead of chips the outcome is you will feel healthier. See you could want the chips more than the fruit but fruit is much healthier. The more serious ones are like should I go for

In the novel the White Witch is battling Aslan’s Army and Edmund decides to fight her. Even though she is bigger and stronger Edmund puts himself before anyone else which shows bravery. In David and Goliath it is the same thing, where Goliath is the stronger one and David still battles him out and wins. Are you explaining what the life lessons are here?

An important lesson that this book teaches is that always try to do the right thing like Mr Tumnus did. Instead of turning Lucy to the White Witch he made her stay at his house. This shows bravery and love for his friend. Mr Tumnus is a very good and loyal friend. Even though by law he should of turned her in. “a Daughter of Eve in the wood I was to catch them and hand them over.” Even though Mr Tumnus didn’t do the White Witch’s bidding, he still got into trouble with the witch but did it all for Lucy. When Lucy reunited with Mr Tumnus, he was so happy that she was alive and that the good he did all added up. Mr Tumnus had been turned into stone for Lucy and had been treated poorly he still wanted to be her friend.