Carefully read the Paragraph Exercise from Learning Unit 5 and revise it using the checklist in your textbook. You might want to ask a friend to read your writing and make suggestions as well. Take your time and write the best three paragraphs you can about your subject. Once you are satisfied, proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Submit your work to the appropriate area below.

Carefully read the Paragraph Exercise from Learning Unit 5 and revise it using the checklist in your textbook. You might want to ask a friend to read your writing and make suggestions as well. Take your time and write the best three paragraphs you can about your subject. Once you are satisfied, proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Submit your work to the appropriate area below.
Your submission should be a minimum of 600 words.
Paragraph Exercise attached.
The Process of Writing an Illustration Paragraph refer to this checklist of steps as you write an illustration paragraph of your own. 1. Narrow the topic to fit your audience and purpose. 2. Compose a topic sentence that can honestly and easily be supported by examples. 3. Freewrite or brainstorm to find six to eight examples that support the topic sentence. If you wish to use only one example or a narrative, sketch out your idea. (You may want to freewrite or brainstorm before you narrow the topic.)
1st paper is 250 words about discussing how revision helped with your short essay for this unit. Describe some of the changes you made or what you did to revise your work. Do you think the changes made your work better? What does the term “better” mean to you, specifically in terms of your writing? If you have any revision techniques that work for you, discuss them.

The second paper is 2 pages and revise it using the checklist in your textbook. Take your time and write the best three paragraphs you can about your