Case Analysis – Airport Emergency Planning vs. Strategic Tactical Operations

Refer to 14 CFR Part 139.325
from the GPO U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Develop a case analysis on this topic:
Airport Emergency Planning is a vital responsibility of an airport, not to mention a requirement per 14CFR Part 139.325. Strategic Tactical Operations (STO) as conducted by an airport ARFF unit is how emergency response protocol is established and implemented. The two concepts should be used concurrently.
Read through the Airport Emergency Planning vs. Strategic Tactical Operations Analysis for Case Analysis #2 (attached) to be familiar with a case analysis on this topic. You are to use that document for guidance only, as you should develop your own case analysis.
Refer to the Certified Federal Regulation (14 CFR Part 139.325) and independent reading material.

In a 2-3 page paper, the equivalent of 500 words, please provide a case analysis for this ARFF scenario as follows:
Review materials from the provided and outside sources regarding the case analysis
Diagnose the case (identify the issue/problem, define the significance of the issue/problem)
“Size-up” the case (determine the influence of the issue/problem, decide what was done well, and identify what could be improved)
Provide recommendations (identify courses of action; what would you do differently?)
In your case analysis, include these elements:
Significance of the problem
Two alternative actions
Two advantages and disadvantages per alternative action
References page

Please provide 3 sources from Google Scholar