Case study for hemotology/Immunology

Your clinical application essay should be organized as follows:

First page: The first page is the title page. The title page will include only the following:
Running head
Page number
The title of the paper
The author (without credentials)
The institution (The University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Next pages: The body of your paper. The body of the paper will include the following:
A detailed introduction providing all of the facts of the case (Note: There is no unnecessary information in the scenario. The scenario provides clues for your rationale.
Next to the last page: Include at least three teaching points. Teaching points DO NOT need references. (Show us that you can follow instructions.) The teaching points are YOUR words.
Last page: The last page is the reference page. All references should be in APA format. This textbook has authored chapters. The appropriate formatting for an authored chapter in a textbook is found on p. 204, example 25, in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.
Submit your work as a PDF through the assignment portal in Canvas. ALL assignments are due at 2300 CDT.

Below is a clinical situation that an Advanced Practice Nurse might encounter. Although this case is an obstetrical case, the pathophysiologic principles apply to patients who are men or women, young or old. In THREE TO FOUR PARAGRAPHS, assess the situation and address the questions that relate to the scenario. Be concise and clear in your presentation.

The first paragraph of the Clinical Application Essay must include a complete introduction that presents the facts of the case such that a reader not familiar with the case will understand what you are writing about. The next paragraphs should explain the pathophysiology that has caused the conditions of the case.

Be sure to check your spelling and grammar. Proper use of APA format is required. DO NOT USE REFERENCES OTHER THAN THE REQUIRED TEXTBOOK (Grossman and Porth’s Pathophysiology (9th ed.). PLEASE NOTE: YOUR ESSAY SHOULD BE CONCISE, WELL ORGANIZED AND NO MORE THAN FOUR PARAGRAPHS IN LENGTH (not including the introduction and teaching points.) Follow instructions. PLEASE SEE THE RUBRIC FOR GRADING PARAMETERS. Use the rubric as a checklist before submission.

In a separate section (but in the same submitted document), list and enumerate using Arabic numbers at least THREE teaching points that relate to this scenario. Use more if needed.

A teaching point is something that you say directly to a patient, a parent or other family member about the situation, condition or treatment to reinforce what you say to the patient during the clinic or office visit that should be remembered after the visit. (“You will need a follow-up appointment” is an instruction, not a teaching point.)

Do not use jargon-not everyone you talk with will have the same level of education that you do. (Perhaps have a non-medical 13-year-old read your teaching points to see if they can understand what you are saying.) Teaching points do not need references.

If we were discussing oral health, examples of teaching point would be:

It is important that you brush your teeth after each meal. This helps keep the teeth clean and prevents cavities and bad breath.
Flossing at least once daily is important to assure proper gum health.
Seeing your dentist twice a year is important for good oral health. Your dentist will not only check your teeth and gums but will also do a comprehensive cancer screening of the tongue, salivary glands, and other tissues in the mouth. By seeing your dentist often, small problems are taken care of before they become big problems.

“I would tell the patient that the tooth brushing is important after meals and I would explain flossing.”


(The beauty of this scenario is that it combines elements of both the hematologic and immunologic systems into one case.)