Fluorescence microscopy applications to the study of subcellular structure Electron Microscopy of Subcellular Structure

 Imaging Task


Modern Biological Microscopy Techniques Report


You should base your report on one or more journal articles or published review articles. Pick one of the titles listed below for your report or make up one of your own.  Please make full use of me at your tutorial session to help guide you in the preparation of your report.  THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS.  Ask me for as much help as you can.


Suggested Titles


  • Fluorescence microscopy applications to the study of subcellular structure
  • Electron Microscopy of Subcellular Structure


Format – Max. 5 pages, excluding references and title page / contents


Use the following outline format for your report. You may work together in groups, but your final submitted report MUST be unique to you.  


Abstract and Introduction (10 / 50 marks)


Your report should include a 100-word abstract and start with a brief summary introducing the major principles of your chosen technique.


Biological Application (Commentary)(28 / 50 marks)


After introducing the technique, describe in more detail one or more particular example(s) of an application of the method in biological research. This will take the form of a brief commentary on a particular research example or journal article.  Describe what the authors have shown using the technique.


In writing your report, don’t go into too much experimental detail, but try to point out limitations or potential experimental difficulties.   You will be awarded marks for telling a coherent story, not on your knowledge of all the details.  I DO NOT expect you to research the subject extensively. I have provided a few reference papers for you, but I encourage you also to search the literature yourself.


You will design and implement a research programme that will inform the practice and business planning of your fourth term

Assessment requirements
You will design and implement a research programme that will inform the practice and business planning of your fourth term. You will set out the ways in which you will identify useful sources of evidence as well as how you will gather that evidence and systematise it. In addition, you will define your method of analysis and the way in which you will use it to draw testable conclusions.
You will use the research to identify the programme (or any other moving-image asset.) which you will make for your Major Project.
You will research the likely routes to market for your programme and other materials, looking both at illustrative historical and current case studies, and deriving further primary evidence from systematic dialogues with those who can inform your proposal.

What are the current patient safety characteristics of your organizational culture?

Choose one of the following two questions to address.

What are the current patient safety characteristics of your organizational culture?
Identify at least three aspects of your culture that you would recommend changing with regard to patient safety, and suggest strategies for change.
What is a workaround that you have seen used?
Analyze why nurses may feel tempted to choose this risk-taking behavior over behavior that conforms to a safety of culture.
Be sure to make reference to the week’s readings in your response. Please allow neither your initial post nor any of your replies to exceed one paragraph in length.

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of
knowledge (4th edition). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 14: The Electronic Health Record and Clinical Informatics
Chapter 15: Informatics Tools to Promote Patient Safety and Quality Outcomes

Please write a detailed description of how you would plan, implement, and evaluate your remedial framework


Please use APA 6th for references. Use peer reviewed journals no greater than 10 years old unless seminal.

Please write a detailed description of how you would plan, implement, and evaluate your remedial framework (consider the role and attributes of an effective healthcare leader, and relevant leadership/management theories throughout each stage). Critically evaluate each framework/model/ theory used and how you would overcome this to ensure the strategic plan implemented is successful.

DO NOT include an introduction or conclusion.

Follow the outline as below please.

The strategic issue is, “Implementing Seawards into the emergency department and general/surgical wards in hospitals” – do not focus on this is the essay. This is for reference so you know what the strategic issue is and how to reflect it in the assignment.

The university subject is called Strategic Health Management.


Paragraph 1: Plan for addressing the strategic issue (consider strategic management thinking/frameworks/models during the planning phase) Please focus on SWOT Analysis and TOWS Analysis.  (700 words)

Paragraph 2: Implement the remedial framework (consider components of implementation science or change management theories/models and incorporate relevant aspects in a meaningful way) – (700 words).

Paragraph 3: Evaluate remedial actions to address/solve the strategic issue (consider measurable programs/tools/instruments to be used in assessing if the plan has met its objectives. Also consider the key activities that need to be evaluated/assessed, how these will be measured, and by whom). (700 words).

Discuss the content you would include in a Survivorship Care Plan, and outline your approaches to education and collaboration with John and his wife to develop this plan

For the purpose of this assignment you are the Cancer Care Coordinator at the hospital where
John receives his adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. John is currently receiving his
last cycle of chemotherapy and you will be meeting with him to provide education with
regards to his discharge and self-management planning following the end of his active
What you need to do
Discuss the content you would include in a Survivorship Care Plan, and outline your
approaches to education and collaboration with John and his wife to develop this plan. Your
plan should consider:
 The recommended follow up regimen after curative treatment for colorectal cancer,
having critically reviewed the available evidence.
 Signs and symptoms associated with colorectal cancer recurrence.
 Strategies to prevent survivorship issues that John may experience across all domains
of health (including physical, psychological, social and spiritual health) after
treatment for colorectal cancer.
 Evidence-based communication strategies and theories of behavior change to
facilitate effective education about health behaviours and promote a healthier
Points for Consideration:
The above assessment task is best addressed using the following format
Use the following headings: referencing and in-text referencing (APA) should be
extensively present due to 15 referencing requirement and word limitation. So please,
scatter them almost after every second sentences.
Introduction [100 words] Your introduction should clearly explain the context and
purpose of this case study essay, as well as outline the areas covered within it.
Discharge planning [400] This section should discuss John’s cancer diagnosis and
treatment summary, followed by: – The recommended follow up regimen after curative
treatment for colorectal cancer for John, incorporating critical discussion of available
evidence Relevant referrals/clinical documentation to be provided to coordinate ongoing
care Signs and symptoms associated with colorectal cancer recurrence –
Collaborative approaches to education and planning for self-management [900] In the
context of education and planning for self-management, this section should discuss:
– Survivorship issues that John may experience across 1) physical, 2) psychological, 3)
social and 4) spiritual domains of health; and at least one strategy for prevention of the
identified issues.
Health education to be provided as well as the communication principles and evidencebased strategies that will facilitate effective education and goal-setting.
Conclusion [100 words] Give a brief summary of the main points of your case study
References [not included in word count]

Evaluate the effectiveness of social and professional networks in creating own professional online presence to improve employability

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of social and professional networks in creating own professional online presence to improve employability (As part of this task, students are to open a Linkedln account in class).
  • Produce a report evaluating the effectiveness of the use of the following different modern technologies: (i) Cloud Storage (ii) Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) (iii) Social Media as either a tool for marketing, information gathering or communication within the workplace

    (3rd / Pass)


    (2.2 / Pass)


    (2.1 / Merit)


    (1st / Distinction)


    (1st / Distinction)

    Category 0-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-84% 85-100%
    Engagement with literature (including reading, referencing,

    academic conventions and

    academic honesty)

    Little or no evidence of reading and/or reliance on inappropriate sources.

    Views and findings mostly unsupported and non-authoritative.

    Referencing conventions used incoherently or largely absent.

    Poor engagement with essential reading. No evidence of wider reading. Reliance on inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources. Heavily reliant on information gained through class contact. Inconsistent and weak use of referencing. Engagement with a limited range of mostly relevant and credible sources but with some reliance on information gained through class contact. Some omissions and minor errors.

    Referencing conventions evident though not always applied accurately or consistently.

    Engagement with an appropriate range of literature, including sources retrieved independently. Some over-reliance on texts rather than other sources. Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies. Engagement with a wide range of literature, including sources retrieved independently.

    Selection of relevant and credible sources.  Generally sound referencing, with no/very few inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

    Engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature. Consistently accurate application of referencing. Exceptional engagement with an extensive range of relevant and credible literature. High-level referencing skills consistently applied.
    Knowledge and understanding (Knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles of a subject.) Major gaps in knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject matter. Inclusion of irrelevant material.  Substantial inaccuracies. Gaps in knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles, with flawed or superficial understanding. Some significant inaccuracies and/or irrelevant material. Limited knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles within the subject area. Some elements may be missing. Knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles is accurate with a good understanding of the field of study but lacks depth and/or breadth. Competent knowledge of the basic underlying concepts and principles.  Exhibits very good understanding. Excellent knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject. Exceptional, detailed knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles
    Cognitive and intellectual skills

    (Evaluate underlying concepts and principles of a subject and interpret qualitative and quantitative data in order to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements.)



    Wholly or almost wholly descriptive work. Little or no evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles.

    Failure to develop arguments, leading to illogical or invalid judgements. Minimal or no use of

    evidence to back up views.


    Largely descriptive work, with superficial evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Weak interpretation of data, flawed development of arguments and judgements. Information accepted uncritically, uses generalised statements made with scant evidence and unsubstantiated opinions. Ideas sometimes illogical and contradictory. Limited attempt at evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles, tending towards description.

    Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data but with some errors. Some evidence to support emerging arguments and judgements but these may be underdeveloped or with a little inconsistency / mis-interpretation.


    Good evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data, with minor errors.

    An emerging ability to use evidence to support the argument.

    Mostly valid arguments and logical judgements.

    Sound evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data accurately. Ability to devise arguments using evidence to make mostly appropriate and valid judgements.


    Excellent evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles. Can interpret qualitative and quantitative data accurately and with some insight. Excellent ability to devise arguments using evidence and make appropriate and valid judgements. Exceptional evaluation of the underlying concepts and principles based evidence. Outstanding interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data.

    Exceptional ability to devise arguments using evidence and make wholly appropriate and valid judgements.

    Practical skills

    (Different approaches to solving problems in particular contexts.)


    Limited or no use of taught, basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques.

    Little or no appreciation of the context of the application.

    Very weak evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts.

    Rudimentary application of taught, basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques but without consideration and competence. Flawed appreciation of the context of the application.

    Weak evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts.



    An adequate awareness and mostly appropriate application of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques.

    Basic appreciation of the context of the application.

    Can identify problems in particular contexts and propose basic alternative approaches or solutions though there may be errors.

    A good and appropriate application of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques.

    Clear appreciation of the context of the application.

    Good evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes mostly appropriate solutions.

    A very good application of a range of basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques.

    Very good consideration of the context of the application. Very good evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes appropriate solutions.

    An advanced application of a range of taught, basic methods, materials, tools and/or techniques.

    The context of the application is well considered, and insightful.

    Excellent evidence of different approaches to problem-solving in particular contexts and proposes appropriate solutions.

    Exceptional levels of application and deployment skills in particular practical contexts. Outstanding identification of problems in particular contexts and formulation of wholly appropriate, thoughtful solutions / different approaches.
    Transferable skills for life and professional practice

    (Communicate the results of their study/work accurately and reliably, and with structured and coherent arguments; the qualities needed for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility within a structured and managed environment.)

    Work is poorly structured, disorganised, inaccurate and/or confusingly expressed. Very weak use of language and/or very inappropriate style. Failure to work effectively individual or as part of a group. Little or no evidence of the skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.



    Work is poorly presented in a disjointed manner. It is loosely, and at times incoherently, structured, with information and ideas often poorly expressed. Weak use of language and/or inappropriate style. Flawed approach to individual or group work, meeting only partial obligations to others. Limited evidence of the skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility. Mostly ordered presentation and structure in which relevant ideas / concepts are reasonably expressed. Work may lack coherence and/or accuracy in places. Can work as part of a group, meeting most obligations to others but perhaps with limited involvement in group activities.

    Demonstrates the basic skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with some areas of minor weakness.

    Mostly coherent, organised and accurate work, in a suitable structure and is for the most part clearly expressed. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with clear contribution to group activities.

    Demonstrates the skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with some areas of strength and some of minor weakness.

    Work is accurate, coherent, fluent, well-structured and organised.

    Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with very good contribution to group activities. Demonstrates very good skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility, with just occasional minor weakness.

    Work is coherent, very fluent and is presented professionally. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an excellent contribution to group activities. Demonstrates excellent skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility with an appetite for further development.. Work is accurate, exceptionally coherent, very fluent and presented well. Can work effectively independently and/or as part of a team, with an exceptional contribution to group activities. Demonstrates exceptional skills for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility with an appetite for further development.

In 1,375-words, write a report for the district administrators who hired you. In the report, describe the processes you followed and the outcomes you achieved as well as those you still plan to achieve, in each of the following areas:

Case Study
You were informed in February that you would be the principal of Maynard High School beginning in July. The following is what you observed between February and the end of the current school year:

1.The high school is in its second year of existence.
2. There are 1,100 students in grades 9-11 (grade 12 is in development and will begin next year).
3. There are 45 full-time teachers.
4. The administration team currently is made up of the principal and two assistant principals.
5. There are three school counselors currently assigned by grade level.
6. The office staff consists of a receptionist, attendance clerk, and administrative assistant for the principal, and two administrative assistants supporting the assistant principals.
7. There were three assistant principals at the beginning of the current school year. One resigned at the semester break.
8. A transition principal and assistant principal from the district office have been assigned to the school until the end of the current school year.
9. Ten teachers have given notice they will not return for the next school year. They represent the core areas as well as the electives.
10. Not all of the teachers have received an evaluation this school year, and a few evaluations were written without a formal observation.
11. A few teachers have reported that standard curriculum is available, but not everyone uses it.
12. A published professional development plan is available, but sessions have not been consistently offered.
13. Teacher development days (district supported professional development days for the school) have been presented as a short initial information download and then teachers are on their own in their classrooms.
14. PLCs or CLCs are nearly non-existent.
It is now July and you are the school principal. Complete this assignment describing what you did and what you still plan to do to revive the school’s culture and success.

In 1,375-words, write a report for the district administrators who hired you. In the report, describe the processes you followed and the outcomes you achieved as well as those you still plan to achieve, in each of the following areas:

Assessment of the existing culture.
Setting a new vision for the school.
Identifying short-term and long-term goals and outcomes.
Actions that were taken and actions that remain to meet the goals and outcomes.
Elaborate in the fictional case as you see fit. Include the following:

The leadership style and philosophy you espoused and why.
How you made progress toward a student-centered environment that promoted the values of democracy, equity, and diversity within the school.
How you were advocating for students and their families/caregivers.
How you incorporated and/or planned to incorporate community interests and needs by building productive school relationships with community partners.
Citations for 3-5 research articles that you used as the basis for your decision-making.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines


a Solve for the unknown soil parameters in the table
Soil Yt Y„ Gs e n s u>
kN’m’ kHm1
1 165 063 000
2 268 047 033
A soil has a voids ratio of 0 7 Assume that the solid material occupies 1
m3. aid Gs = 2.65.
a Calculate the dry and saturated unit weight of the
a Find the moisture content for a fully saturated sample
Given the moist (bulk) density (p,) of a soil is 1 76 Mg/m3 and its
moisture content is 10% Assume the Specific Gravity (G3) for the solids
Is 2 65 Find.
a Void Ratio – e
a Porosity – n
a Degree of saturation – s
a The saturated density – ps
Standard proctor compaction tests earned out on the following sample of
sandy day yielded the following results: Gs = 2.73
Bulk density (kgfrn1) 2058 2125 2152 2159 2140
Water Content (%) 129 14 3 15.7 169 179
a Plot the relationship between dry density and water
a Estimate the optimum water content and determine
the air voids percentage for the maximum dry
a Calculate the moisture content necessary for
complete saturation at this MDD if Gs = 2 73
Effective Stress
A soil profile consists of a 3 m thick layer of gravel, overlying a 5| m thick
clay layer overlying permeable rock The water table is 1 m below the
soil surface The properties of the gjravel are y^ = 18 kN/m3, y^. = 22
kN/m3, and for the clay y*« = 16 kN/m3
x Determine the effective vertical stress 6 m below the
soil surface if the pore pressure at this depth = 60
£ Explain how the pore pressure can be greater than
the hydrostatic value.
Effective Stress
A borehole on a mine site has the profile shown below
i: Find the effective stress at the bottom of the clay
layer 2 under normal conditions.
s If the groundwater is lowered by 2.4m
£ If the groundwater is lowered by 2.4m and that
capillarity results in the sand layer 1 being saturated
with water up to the original WT level).
Sod Lay« 1, p, = 1930kg/m\ Gs = 2.72. e = 0.515
v WT
Soil Ljyw 2. » 2010 k»’m / .
Effective Stress
The following table provides information on a layered deposit of soils.
Soil Thickness
(m) Gz e
Rise (mm)
1 2 265 04 10 0
2 4 27 05 15 500
3 4 26 045 5 800
4 5 2.65 0.55 10 0
Calculate the dry. bulk and saturated unit weights for
each of the materials.
Plot the vertical total stress profiles from surface to
the base of Soil 4 .
If a water table is located 5 m below surface, plot the
variations with depth below surface of the vertical
total stress, the pore water pressure and thus the
vertical effective stress.
Pumping from a Confined Aquifer
A well has been installed to penetrate a layejr of fine sand that is
estimated to be 4m thick and confined between two impermeable clay
layers Two monitoring bores are located 5m and 10m from the well
After 2 days of pumpinq at a constant rate of 20 litres per minute, the
heights of the water in these wells are measured to be stable and 6m
and 5m. respectively, below the ground surface.
& Estimate the in situ permeability. Express your
answer in units of cm/s.
Pumping from an Unconfined Aquifer
A well has been installed to penetrate a saturated, uniform silty sand
layer that is 10m thick between the surface and an underlying
impermeable fresh rock layer Two momtonng bores are located 3m
and 6m from the well After 2 days of pumping at a constant rate of 100
litres per hour, the heights of the water in these wells are measured to
be stable and 6 0m and 6.5m, respectively, above the impermeable
Estimate the in situ permeability. Express your
answer in units of cm/s.
04.11 Flow wider an Embankmeht
A tailings dam has been constructed over a uniform semi-impermeable
layers as shown in the sketch. The layers has the permeability as Layer
Type 2 in the previous question o ool crr\ -5
s Use a “flow net” to estimate the flow rate (expressed
as nr per day per m strike length (width) of the
Stress below an irregularfooting
An irregular shaped concrete small house slab has been constructed
with the dimensions as shown in the diagram below. When the house is
completed, it is estimated that a uniform stress of about 250kPa will be
applied over the area of the slab
m Estimate the vertical stress at a depth of 2m below
the corner C.
■*—— 5m —►

Strip footing ultimate bearing capacity
A stnp footing is 2m wide and founded at 3m depth in a soil of unit
weight 19 3kN/m3 and a cohesion of 10kPa
s Determine the variation in the ultimate bearing
capacity of the foundation for friction values of 25°
and 30°.
£ Given a FOS = 3.00, what are the safe bearing
Foundation on Sand
A footing 2 5m square is located 1m below surface in sand The load on
the footing is equivalent to a vertical pressure of 400kPa. The saturated
unit weight of the sand below the water table is 20kN/m3 and above the
water table its unit weight is 17kN/m3
The design parameters for the strength of the soil obtained from testing
are c’ = 0 and = 35°
s Determine the factor of safety with respect to bearing
failure for the following cases:
The water table is 5m below ground surface.
The water table is 1m below ground surface.
The water table is at the ground surface.
Comment on the effects of water.
Buried rigid footing
A ngid footing of plan dimensions 1.5m x 1.5m shown below is
constructed in soil of cohesion 30kN/m2, angle of fnction 25 degrees,
total unit weight 20kN/m3, Youngs Modulus 8400kPa and Poissons
ratio of 0.35.
In a plate bearing test in the same soil, using plate dimensions 0 3m
x 0 3m and a bearing pressure of 400kN/m2, the settlement of the
plate is 4 5mm
a Calculate the greatest load that may be applied to
the footing, if the factor of safety against general
shear failure is to be at least 3.0 and settlement
according to the theory of linear elasticity must not
exceed 30mm.

Select a country outside the U.S, and formulate an argument with respect to that country’s internal political dynamics.

For your research paper you are to select a country of your choosing (any country throughout the world except the United States) and then formulate an argument with respect to that country’s internal political dynamics. In effect, what you are doing is examining some political feature or characteristic of your country and then explaining its functioning (or theoretical form) through a carefully researched argument. Topical concerns abound as to what you can argue about with respect to your country, including issues dealing with public policy, political culture, political participation, racial or ethnic conflict, economic inequality, religious sectarianism, gender inequality, or even your country’s electoral system. Just keep in mind that the argument that you ultimately make must be “political” in nature and therefore must address the political stakes that are in play concerning the topic that you are researching.

For this part of your course project, your manager has asked you to design one full rack layout that provides a scalable solution for the rest of my data center.

Continuation from last week!


For this part of your course project, your manager has asked you to design one full rack layout that provides a scalable solution for the rest of my data center. The rack size is 42u and must:


Include at least five 2u servers

Include at least one 4u storage unit

Include at least one network switch

Include at least one PDU (Power Distribution Unit)

Include one UPS power unit

Show Air Flow


In addition, the company Information System Security Manager (ISSM) has also asked you to update your ongoing diagram with physical security controls. You should:

Write a brief report discussing your choice for physical security controls and how they will be used in the Data Center.