muscle vlog

Find an article, video, or website that discusses either the importance of muscular fitness or muscular flexibility. You may use one of the suggested websites in the vlog instructions or another you have found. Include the following in your vlog discussion:

In the first part you will give a short review and summary about the article, blog, web site, newspaper article, YouTube video etc., that you choose that deals with the specific given topic for the blog. Include the link and reference information to your chosen source material in this section.
In the second part discuss how this material relates to health and wellness coaching. How would you use this information with a client? What kind of clients would this information benefit? Why did you choose this material? Be as specific and detailed as you can.
In the third part think critically about how this material integrates with biblical faith. What is a biblical view of the information? How would this material affect your faith and how in turn will it affect how you use it with your clients. Use Scripture to support your thoughts. Be careful of using cliché language.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Research about “Commercial Auto Insurance” in Detail and Describe Current (2019) Market Conditions and Give Examples of What Real Companies are Doing. Might best be focused in one state (Please focus in California state).
RESEARCH with Citations is KEY.

Some hints for a good grade:
1. Attach a source page. Good research is key to doing well.
2. Information should be current—certainly from 2018 and better if it is reflective of 2019 projections.
3. Best if information reflects current environment for both sellers and buyers.
4. Teach the reader something for maximum impact. Make the reader feel good that he read your paper, for all reasons.
5. Current Market Conditions=Rates, Availability, and Condition of Coverage
6. Who are the big players in this line?
7. Quality, not quantity.
8. Make sure the risk or market is P/C related.


Answer this question (in 700 words) in proper essay format and use intext citations and web sited page.

In this question you will choose three of the presentations of Hamlet’s soliloquy in act 3, scene 1, the justly famous “To be, or not to be” passage below. In considering all three presentations, discuss blocking (the movement of the actor), his use of emphasis and tone in referring to specific lines and concepts, his costuming, the set that the director uses in creating a physical scene, and the Prince’s overall presence. Which Hamlet best meets the audience’s expectations given Hamlet’s central importance in Shakespeare’s great tragedies?

Use these links in viewing the various actors and their soliloquies:


Attached is the act 3 scene 1

Site the videos

let me know if you need anything

thank you

Class clowns

Now that you’ve completed your research and your annotated bibliography, it’s time to compile this information into a research essay. Remember that the key terms for this unit are context and circulation. Our most important readings for this class were “Rhetorical Reading Strategies” and “Annoying Ways People Use Sources.” Please remember these readings, as well as the suggested readings on the calendar, as you write your paper. You will need to consider the readings and key terms in your upcoming reflection and cover letter, so familiarity with all this information is key.

Your research essay should have the following components.

1. Include at least six academic sources. Two non-academic sources are allowed (and highly recommended).
2. Have a strong thesis that argues a specific point.
3. Be organized clearly so the reader can follow the writer’s thought process.
4. Use sources to enforce supporting points for the argument.
5. Show evidence of revision and proofreading before submitting the final draft.
Length requirement: 1,500-2,000 words.
Formatting: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins

Discuss, using the preterit and imperfect, either medical problems you have had or what you have done to keep yourself fit. This is for Azusa Pacific which is a Christian university so they always ask that scripture be tied into everything . Also interact with I Corinthians 9:24-27 about the importance of discipline.

Discuss, using the preterit and imperfect, either medical problems you have had or what you have done to keep yourself fit. This is for Azusa Pacific which is a Christian university so they always ask that scripture be tied into everything . Also interact with I Corinthians 9:24-27 about the importance of discipline.

This is what the Scripture reads :
24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.


Diversity in the Military

Choose one business issue such as job dissatisfaction, attitudes, managing diverse workplaces, etc. from your own professional work experience or current events with peer-reviewed journal articles as your basis. Apply a total of 2 different concepts (such as organizational commitment, model of perception, components of attitudes, etc.) from Chapters 1–4 of the Kinicki & Fugate textbook to the issue you are discussing. Relate the chosen chapter concepts from your readings to the business issue in a way that demonstrates understanding of each concept. Review the Discussion Board Forums instructions document and grading rubric (found in the Assignment Instructions folder) for detailed assignment requirements.

Kinicki A., Fugate M., (2018) Organization Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach 2nd Edition. 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education

Explore how marriage and gender roles are treated in either play Explore how deception is used in either play Othello only–discuss the theme of race A Doll’s House only–discuss the theme of money * If you would like to write your essay on a topic other than these, you must first get your instructor’s approval.

Research: 2-3 sources from GALILEO and/or a reputable source (Wikipedia, Shmoop, Cliffs Notes, etc. are not reputable sources).

Length: 750-1250 words

Choose from Othello (p. 728-826) or A Doll’s House (p. 827-888).

Topics to choose from:

Explore how marriage and gender roles are treated in either play
Explore how deception is used in either play
Othello only–discuss the theme of race
A Doll’s House only–discuss the theme of money
* If you would like to write your essay on a topic other than these, you must first get your instructor’s approval.

The drama essay requires one outside source from GALILEO. After choosing which of the two plays you will write on, search GALILEO for articles related to that play, or a theme within the play. Then choose an article to summarize. This article should also be the outside source cited in your essay about the play.

For the summary, write a 1 page discussion of the main ideas from that article, and how you intend to use the article as evidence for the arguments you will make in your essay. Be sure to include the full citation (provided in GALILEO) on the works cited page of the document. For any direct quotations or paraphrased information in your summary, be sure to use an in-text citation.

Format the document with all required MLA headings

Frugal Innovation in the Hospitality Industry

Choose a type of the paper you would like to write and follow the format in the uploaded PPT:
1. Book chapter
2. Theoretical article
3. Empirical article
4. Practitioner article
5. Case study

IMPORTANT: Please read the Frugal and reverse innovation ppt and the pdf document carefully and put the useful information into the work.
Topic changing is possible as long as it more suitable for what you would like to write, but the paper is must be related to frugal innovation.
Thank you.Choose a type of the paper you would like to write and follow the format in the uploaded PPT:
1. Book chapter
2. Theoretical article
3. Empirical article
4. Practitioner article
5. Case study

IMPORTANT: Please read the Frugal and reverse innovation ppt and the pdf document carefully and put the useful information into the work.
Topic changing is possible as long as it more suitable for what you would like to write, but the paper is must be related to frugal innovation.
Thank you.

Parole and Reintegration

A summary of chapter 15 that discusses Parole. Please keep this text practical and use the facts from the text. This does not have to be formatted in APA. Simple text format is excellent.

*** The book is Introduction to Corrections Second Edition
-by Robert Hanser
-ISBN-13: 978-1506306759
-ISBN-10: 1506306756
-Chapter 15

A summary of chapter 15 that discusses Parole. Please keep this text practical and use the facts from the text. This does not have to be formatted in APA. Simple text format is excellent.

*** The book is Introduction to Corrections Second Edition
-by Robert Hanser
-ISBN-13: 978-1506306759
-ISBN-10: 1506306756
-Chapter 15

A summary of chapter 15 that discusses Parole. Please keep this text practical and use the facts from the text. This does not have to be formatted in APA. Simple text format is excellent.

*** The book is Introduction to Corrections Second Edition
-by Robert Hanser
-ISBN-13: 978-1506306759
-ISBN-10: 1506306756
-Chapter 15

Opioid Crisis Among the U.S. States: A Correlation Analysis

Historical or Legal or Theoretical or Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses

The Historical or Legal or Theoretical or Conceptual Framework (page numbers continue sequentially from the previous chapter) section provides the: who, what, when, where of the problem, and illustrates how these elements are interrelated using tables and maps for illustrations where appropriate. It provides conceptual and operational definitions of concepts and variables. It legitimizes the study. (See handouts on Theoretical/Conceptual Framework, Tables and Logic Model, Fishbone Diagrams, Cause and Effect Diagram, etc.).
NOTE: the following specific information concerning the conceptual framework

3. Demographics of the problem and project focus area (where data will be collected).
4. Who/What (independent vars.) is affected (dependent vars.) by the problem and how?
5. Who are the key stakeholders (opponents, proponents), and what are their positions?
6. Include relevant maps/illustrations (where relevant)
7. What key terms and dimensions should we know to understand the key issue?
8. Based on the literature review, what guiding questions and hypotheses are being addressed in the project?

I have to answer these questions 3-8, , i have attached the power point and the paper so you will be able to do this paper..