Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility

In the recent research in regard to Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) multinational companies such as Microsoft, the company was rank number one in fulfillment of its role as a company of citizenship. Unlike other big companies in the globe, Microsoft Company normally releases its corporate social responsibility report every year (Dudovskiy, 2015). The report usually includes a detailed report in regard to the company citizenship programs and the various engagements of the company with the community globally. The Mission of Microsoft Company is to fulfill the needs of the people by fulfilling the company‘s responsibilities for the purpose of the people the company serves. The work will illustrate the various fields of corporate social responsibility the company participate in globally.

Corporate social responsibility of Microsoft Company for instance in 2014 was more than $ 1 billion. The amount included cash donations of about $119million while in-kind donations were estimated at $948.6 million in the same year (Dudovskiy, 2015). In addition, Microsoft also participated in charitable activities such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which were founded by Bill Gates the company’s founder. The charitable activities were also related with Microsoft Company perception to the global general public the company serves.

According to 2014 report, workers empowerment and education in Microsoft Company was estimated to be part of the company’s mission. As a matter of fact, all the employees of the Microsoft Company working globally are always required to complete a report on training and standards of business conduct in order to evaluate the areas within the company that needs to be improved. In regard to labor and humans right most of the workers working for the company stated that they would like to continue working for the company because it respected their rights (Monrose, 2013). Over the years the representation of the minority groups in the society such as women in the company has consistently grown globally. In regard to environment, Microsoft has turned to renewable resources as a source of energy. It has taken it role to offset more than 600,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions.  In its operation globally, the company continues to adhere to health and standard. In conclusion, the company provides employment to thousands of people around the youth. As a result it has improved the standards of living for the people globally.


Dudovskiy, J. (2015) Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Retrieved from:
Monrose, G. (2013). Microsoft Ranked #1 in Best Corporate Social Responsibility Programs, Continues Dedication to Citizens and Communities. New York publishers.

Islamic University of Surabaya


Development and introduction of business and entrepreneurship program in the Islamic University of Surabaya in Indonesia would be a transformation process for the university, market and an opportunity for the undergraduate students seeking to enroll in the course to tap the opportunities in the business world. In comparison to University of Riau in Indonesia which offers the Business and Entrepreneurship programs for undergraduate for a tuition fee of $550 per semester (Jobber, 2012). Given the increased demand of the course in the business industry, market and global environment, the University of Riau is seeking assistance from the Suda Group which is a Tokyo based education training provider and which offers solutions to the business challenge being experience today on how to introduce the course, the pricing strategy to use and value for customer in providing the service. The research involves the role of SUDA Group in encouraging the Islamic University of Surabaya to adopt Business and Entrepreneurship programs of undergraduate through appropriate pricing strategy and customer value.

Pricing strategy

The Islamic University of Surabaya is an Indonesian university of low ranking in the country. The university does not Business and Entrepreneurship Programs for the undergraduate course. Given the fact that most university with a high ranking are offering the course for the undergraduates at a high cost that is unaffordable for most students in the country, it is an opportunity for the university to introduce the course and charge average tuition fees which are accommodative for the students and relatives (Annet, 2011). Pricing strategy would be the appropriate approach for the university to use in order to attract many students from other universities and the country in large those who are in need of the course (Kumar, et al. 2010).  The average fees for the course shall be determined based on the average cost of the course from the other various high ranking universities. In addition, it would be appropriate to collect opinions from the students and the management on the appropriate course charge that they would expect the students enrolling for the course to start paying. The collected information in regard to the course charge would be compared with other university charges, the course charge for other courses and the students’ opinions to come up with the average program charge that is appropriate for all.

The price strategy for SUDA group would depend upon various factors such as the demand and supply in the Indonesian market, university profit maximization and the value based factors. Given the increased demand of the Business and entrepreneurial skills in the Indonesian market and the globe, there is need for the Islamic University of Surabaya to exploit this opportunity and introduce the program for the undergraduate students. Most university of high ranking in Indonesia are currently charging a tuition fee for the program at $550 and above per semester (Bennett, 2009).  Prior to setting the appropriate charge for the course, it would be important for the SUDA Group to understand how easy it is for other universities offering the course to drive the prices up, it is important to understand how the number of students to be enrolled might bring the charges for the course down and the competitive rivalry in the high education sector. Moreover, it is important for the group to understand the threat of the substitution and of new entry in the process of offering the course in the university.

After considering all these factors, it would be appropriate for the SUDA Group to come up with an average program charge that would increase profit for the university, would have the power to make the students to switch from other courses to the course or other universities to the Islamic University of Surabaya and the charge should put into consideration the competitive rivalry (Machado, 2011). Based on the other courses charges it would be important to put into consideration the charges of the other program in order to come up with standard course charge for the course. Given other low ranking universities in Indonesia which do not offer the business and entrepreneur programs might also be willing to introduce it would be appropriate to set a course charge of about $400 per semester (Jones, 2015). The Business and Entrepreneur program charge according to SUDA Group is neither too low nor high and it may be of great assistance to the Islamic University of Surabaya in Indonesia because it would be in position to serve the business market and the high demand of the business skills in the global market that has become competitive.

Value to customer

By SUDA Group introducing the Business and Entrepreneurial program at an optimal price in the Islamic University of Surabaya, it would have succeeded in providing a series of self-efficacy, engagement and problem solving course that would enable greater goal alignment and productivity of the workforce in Asia. The reason for introducing this course in the university is to eliminate the gap of knowledge existing within the university as far as the business courses are concerned (Defoe, 2014). The university shall view our services as a necessity because with the introduction of the program in the university, the university shall be in position to offer world class practices in training and education provision. The provision of the program would be tailored solution which would meet individual, corportate and business needs in the current and in the future. In conclusion, the fundamental aspect for all businesses today is to become competitive in the global market. Introduction of the course in the university would be an effective strategy of integrating and empowering the local workforce.


Annet, A.(2011). Assessing the Balance of Power in a Business Situation: Porters Five Business Model. Indonesia university press.

Bennett, M.(2009) .Stages of Intercultural Sensitivity: Purpose and Need. Oxford University Press.

Literature on Positioning in Marketing Strategy


Market positioning is an effort by the company to influence the consumers’ perception in regard to a product or the company’s brand relative to their perception in regard to the competitors’ products and brands in the market. The function of market positioning is ensure that the company’s product and brand occur the minds of the consumers’ in the market in a clear, unique and in an advantageous manner. The concept outlines the efforts which should be adopted by an organization in order attract the customers in the target market. While positioning, the organizations normally establishes images of its products and brand based on the nature of the target market (Mirkel, 2014). The big image of product and brand positioning in the target market is normally created through the use of promotion, product, place and price marketing strategies. Despite the fact that the company’s situations might be different, there are common criteria for determining an organization success in winning and reaching a market. Nonetheless, whether an organization is centered upon business service, packed products or emerging technology organization shall depend on: brand, product, pricing and competitive positioning strategies to position on the target market.

Branding management

Position the organization brand is the critical aspect for any given business and organization. The first step towards brand position is determining the dimension of the critical brand positioning. Brand is basically determined depending on the target customers the company intends to serve. The marketing department in an organization must put into consideration the current position of its brand in the market (Peter, 2011). The kind of analysis is normally conducted in order to understand the gaps of the organization in positioning itself on the market and taking advantage of the potential opportunities of where the organization intend to position itself on the market. By analyzing the position of the organization brand in the market assists the organization to identify the products or the brand with high demand and hence going ahead to offer the customers’ demands on the brand. Understanding the highly attractive brand dimension in the target market the organization shall be in position to deliver a brand that shall successfully position itself in the market and at the mind of the customers.

Product positioning strategy

Successful product positioning in the market demands the organization to understand the product externally and internally. Once the organization or a business is properly position in the target market, it would be easier for the organization to position its products and services. Organizations must understand that when they diverges their product and brand offering into different directions they eventually dilute the value of the product and eventually confuse the customers. Therefore, there is need for each and every organization in the market to successfully differentiate its product against those of the competitors (Steve, 2012). The product to be positioned in the by an organization must meet the differentiation, relevance and functionality principle in order to capture the customers. It is the role of the organization to keep on differentiating their products and services according to the modern new technology in order to remain competitive in the market.

Competitive pricing strategy

Pricing strategy is normally based on the competitive positioning. Whenever an organization produces high quality products and services and come up with a reputable brand, there is a high chance for the organization to command high or premium prices for the products of brand. Nonetheless, there is need for the organization management to put into consideration the customers’ sensitivity to price. The uniqueness and quality of the products and services offered in the target market justify the high prices for the product (Mirkel, 2014). Understanding the customers pricing sensitivity will basically will allow the marketing department within the organization to establish appropriate pricing strategies which shall optimize the organization’s market trend predictability, margin and volume. The pricing strategy to be adopted by an organization shall create opportunities in the market for the organization and create a concrete relationship between the consumers and the organization. The pricing strategy enables the organization to dig broader and deeper in ensure a balanced perspective which puts into consideration the demands of both the organization and the customers.

Competitive positioning strategy

Marketing positioning as a whole demands the organization to understand how better it offer the brand, product and services in a unique and differentiated manner in comparison to the competitors who produce similar products and services.  When the products and services differences for the organization are identified, supported and appropriately merchandised, the organization shall be at a compelling and accurate aspect of comparing them with those of the competitors.  It is always fundamental for the organization to understand the brand and products it offers to the market rather than defining the brand and the products within the grounds of the competitors (Lauren, 2015). Nevertheless, an organization should never make a mistake of over position because it would eventually result into organization failure in the target market. Therefore, given the differentiation, relevance and functionality of the product and brand, the organization should put more emphasis of differentiation strategy. The consumers are so much concerned with what is offered in the market and it is the role of the organizations’ to fulfilling the demands and needs of the consumers in the market through the various aspects of market positioning. In conclusion, market position is a fundamental principle that should always guide the functionality and operation of the organization in a competitive nature of market.


Mirkel,H.(2014). Differentiation Strategy: Market positioning. New York Publishers.
Lauren, D. (2015). What Is Positioning in a Marketing Plan? Retrieved from:
Peter, F.(2011). Good branding gives a company several advantages including establishing a positive reputation and building an image attractive to consumers. New York Publishers.
Steve, J. (2012). Company marketing and communication strategies: A Global Aerospace Brand. New York Publishers.

HIV cure is a step closer after scientists make gene editing breakthrough

Gene editing is the recent HIV cure breakthrough in the scientific research techniques. The technique has enabled the scientists to shear the HIV virus from the human cells. Over the years, the American scientists have made great efforts in finding cure for the HIV using the gene editing techniques. After numerous years of research, the research team in Pennsyvania in the Temple University, they managed to eliminate the HIV virus from the human cells through the snipping technique (Doug, 2016). The snipping of the HIV cells from the human body successful took place in the laboratory but the researchers believe that the trials would be successful within the next 3 years. In 2014, the HIV researchers had also managed to eliminate the HIV DNA from the normal cells of human being. Using the same technology, the scientists managed to eliminate the infected T-cells which normally weakness the human being immune system.  The tests also went ahead to simulate the manner in which the virus would be treated in human bodies.

During the study, the scientists’ team obtained blood from patients suffering from HIV Virus. The T-cells from these patients were cultured in the laboratory and they were later treated with Crispr gene editing system in which the which targeted the proteins used in enzymes to eliminate genetic sequence of the HIV Virus cells. The results from the study proved that it was possible for the scientists to eliminate the virus and bar it from re-infecting the cells once treated. Despite the fact that gene editing has became a fundamental medical research in the current HIV phenomenon, scientists and research fears that the process might result into further health complications (Zhang, et al. 2015). Nevertheless, through the use of high detailed genome sequence analysis of the cells treatment, scientists and researchers believes after HIV cells treatment AIDS patients will continue to function normally without any side effects.

Elimination of HIV-1 Genomes from Human T-lymphoid Cells by Cas9 Gene Editing

AIDS remains a critical public health crisis in the world. Currently, over thirty five million people in the world are believed to be HIV infected in the globe. New infections are expected to rise with a steady rate of 3 million in the coming years (Doug, 2016). The Antiretroviral therapy is believed to effectively control the Viremia in HIV patients and restore the host cell but failed to eliminate the latently infected T-cells. Individuals infected with HIV virus must consistently continue to consume ART given the persistence of the reservoir cells of the HIV-1-infection virus. During the latency stage, the HIV infected cells within a human being, there are little or no viral proteins are produced. Therefore, they result into avoidance of the viral cytopathic effects and evade the clearance by the host immune system. Given the fact that the CD4+ memory T-cells cubicle which is believed to be the most prominent latently infected is the critical focus of the research in eliminating the HIV-1 infection.  Under this approach, the researchers and scientists continue to use kill and shock approach to trigger elimination of the cells producing the HIV virus. The inhibition of the Vorinostat and deacetylase results into reactivation of the latent virus in the cells.

However, there are numerous limitations to the approach because most HIV genomes fractions in the reservoir are believed to be non-functional. Moreover, the integrated provirus might fail to produce replication of the virus fully, the CD4+ cell of the HIV-1 infections have been found by the viral outgrowth analyzes to be smaller that the cells being reactivated within the reservoir. The elimination of the reactivated infected cells using the cytotoxix T lymphocyte has not been sufficient. There is possibility of viral rebound of the uninfected T-cells hence difficult to protect the uninfected people in the society (Zhang, et al. 2015). Despite the approach therapeutic efficacy and success, The ART treatment has been unable to treat and eradicate the HIV-1 infected patients and necessitates these patients to undergo long life treatment and medication. As a result, a new therapeutic approach is required in order to achieve complete treatment and elimination of the HIV-1-infection, reduce the medical costs and long term side effects associated with the treatment and elimination of the virus.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

The pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is the recent HIV-Infection virus prevention method where people uninfected with HIV virus usually takes daily pills in order to reduce the risk of being infected. The pills taken contain two medicines which are used to treat HIV. People who regularly take these pills once exposed to HIV through sexual inter-course the pills prevent them from infection (Karn, 2013). The PrEP is the modern powerful technique which may be combined with the use of condoms to provide HIV virus infection prevention. People who normally use this method of HIV virus prevention must be committed to taking drugs daily and visiting health care providers after every three months.

As a matter of fact, PrEP pills are not consumed by everybody but consumed by people who are at a high risk of HIV virus infection and are HIV negative. It is also appropriate for HIV negative individual in a relationship with a HIV positive partner. It is also applicable to heterosexual partners who regularly engage in unproductive sex, gays and an individual who is polygamous. The PrEP is the most effective strategy for preventing individuals from being infected with HIV virus. It is only regarded to be ineffective if the pills are not taken consistently.  The strategy become even more effective once combined with the use of condoms (Karn, 2013). People using the PrEP encounter minor side effects such as loss of appetite and stomachache. In conclusion, the PrEP HIV Virus prevention has been regarded to be the safest way to prevent HIV infections.

Organic Bean BSB119 Assessment Item 2 Country Analysis Report

Table of Contents


Executive Summary

1.0  Introduction

1.1  Purpose and score

1.2  Company and product profile (optional)

2.0  Economic Environment

2.1  Economic status

2.1.1      GPD

2.1.2      Economic freedom

2.2  Key Economic Indicators

2.2.1      Inflation

2.2.2      Market demand [Or this is a business factor?]

3.0  Political Environment and Risk

3.1     Taxation and tariffs

3.1     Laws and regulations

4.0  Business Environment

4.1  Environment comparison

4.1.1      Culture

4.1.2      Effort to attract business

4.1.3      Free trade agreement

4.2  Product Potential

5.0  Country Choices

6.0  Weighted Index

7.0  Conclusion

List of References






Executive Summary (on its own page – 100 words)

Despite the universal financial crisis, the organic production sector has stayed unaffected and has continued to grow and experience complete turn overs of profit at the moment. Numerous countries have seen tremendous increase in the sector of organic production and consumption of the same has escalated throughout the years. Countries that had little or no knowledge about organic farming in the past years have now begun to consume and produce products of organic nature by themselves. Every year, businesses upon businesses are being developed in the name of meeting consumers organic needs while at the same time developing support of agriculture and organic farming. Asian countries have not been left behind in organic plantation and developments as they have also been found at the frontline of starting successful initiatives and projects around organic agriculture.




























2.0 Economic Environment (350-400 words)


In order to explore the market opportunities in Asia, it is critical to consider key economic environment factors that play a fundamental role in determining the next steps of investment for Organic Bean. To investigate this further, the following variables will be discussed: Economic status and the breakdown of GDP and economic freedom followed by key economic indicators, such as market demand.


2.1 Economic Status


For a critical analysis on the economic status, a detailed snapshot on the gross domestic product (GDP) is imperative to understand the differences between the markets in Japan and South Korea. The GDP refers to the market values of all goods and services accumulated within a country during a given period of time, essentially mapping the standard of living within that country (What Is GDP? (Gross Domestic Product), 2010).


To compare Asian markets, it is crucial to firstly graph the Australian market that Organic Bean currently operates in. In the final quarter of 2015, the Australian economy exceeded predicted forecasts by rising 0.6% in the GDP rate of growth (Scutt 2016). This is commented on by Rida Husna from Trading Economics as unforeseen as compared to an incline of 1.1% growth in the previous quarter (Husna 2016).


On the contrary, the Japanese consumption was termed as weak by Yuichi Kodama, chief economist at Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co and further predicted the decline to continue due to the lack of driving economic support (Ujikane, 2016). As seen in Appendix One, there is a clear trend of instability. This is demonstrated through the erratic recovery from a dramatic -2.0% drop in 2014. As such, it is clear the Japanese market is far below the standards of those mentioned in the Australian market.


In comparison, the economic status of South Korea has seen its most accelerated growth in the past five years. Peaking at a 1.2% GDP increase in the final quarter of 2015 marks the greatest expansion since 2010 (Kwanwoo, 2015). This was similar to the expectations of Australian GDP growth, as the South Korean economy also surpassed economists’ predictions of 0.9% rise. Despite this upward trend, 2016 has seen a slow advance of 0.4% in March from 0.7% in the previous quarter (Husna 2016).


Through a detailed GDP summary of the Japanese and South Korean markets, there is a strong partiality toward South Korea due to the similar nature to the Australian market status. However, to pinpoint this further, the aspect of economic freedom must be analyzed.


Economic freedom is referred to as the fundamental right of every individual to govern his own labor and property (Knoema, 2016). As such, Japan’s 2016 economic freedom score is 73.1, placing Japan 22nd on the global scale. The trade freedom score is 82.6 and is predicted to decline (Index of Economic Freedom, 2016).


Furthermore, the 2016 South Korean economic freedom score sits on 71.7, placing South Korea 27th on the global scale. Additionally, the score of trade freedom is 74.6 and is expected to increase (Index of Economic Freedom, 2016). Despite having lower trade freedom than Japan, the overall economic freedom score is only 4.3 below the United States. (Marotta, 2014).


Therefore, with a consideration of GDP and economic freedom a clear perspective of the two markets economic status’ are able to be analyzed. It is shown that South Korea has a stronger grip on GDP and have a more stable economy than Japan. However, when examining economic freedom, it can be noted that Japan allows more trade freedom than South Korea. Despite the strong competition, the South Korean market may be a better option for Organic Bean. This is because not only is GDP more weighted than economic freedom, but because

4.0 Business Environment (350-400 words)

Business environment refers to all external and internal factors that can influence a business, but in general, internal factors are usually under the control of business (Cherunilam & Ebrary, 2010). Therefore, only external factors will be discussed in the following context.

4.1 Environment Comparison

Cherunilam and Ebrary (2010) stated that some factors have favourable effect for certain businesses. For an organic coffee organization who wants to export to foreign countries, under PESTLE analysis, political, economic, social culture, the commercial relations between Australia and Japan/South Korea and relevant law are crucial, all remaining elements are less important.

4.1.1 Social Culture

As an Eastern Asian country, Japan are recognized as a tea-drinking country, however, coffee still earned a place of honour (Grinshpun, 2014). It is common because of the effect of globalisation, world culture is coalescing for centuries. Actually, according to Grinshpun’s research (2014), the consumption of coffee (As of year 2004, 147 tons of roasted coffee and 105 tons of instant coffee were consumed, as compared with 128 tons of green tea) are doubled as the consumption of green tea in Japan. On the other hand, instant coffee dominate the coffee market in Korea with 94% market share of off-trade value sales which is completely different from Japan although Korea and Japan have a similar consumption of coffee (Park & Moon, 2015).

4.1.2 Effort to Attract Business

It should be highlighted that Japan, Korea and Australia are members of APEC, and similarly, both of Japan and Korea are resources scarcity country, however, Japan and Korea has different attitude in agricultural products import. Japan has been the most significant member to Australian international trade for over 50 years after 1957, to be more exact, it accounted for 18 per cent of Australian exports of goods and service in 2005(Constable et al, 2014). However, the close cooperation is not for all aspects. Japan has restrictive tariffs and quotas on agricultural products which is unlikely to be removed or relieved recently, and unfortunately, Australia is quite competitive and highly export oriented in agriculture (Constable et al, 2014). On the contrast, the agricultural and mineral commodities are the backbone of Australia-Korea trade (Jones & Blayney, 2014).

4.2 Product potential

As the information above, it is struggle to assess that which country is better for Organic Bean. Japanese has a preference of coffee bean but the limitation is hard to solve, and instant coffee is the majority of Korean coffee market although Korean market is open for Australia. Nevertheless, Park and Moon researched (2015) that there is a trend of increase in import of fresh coffee bean in Korea according to the change of taste.  Therefore, Korean coffee market would be a good choice to Organic bean in future.


5.0 Country Choices (100-200 words)

The European and Japanese markets are better and popularly known for having the greatest market share for organic sustainable coffees. The share of organic coffee in each of the mentioned countries range above the mark of 3.4 providing a sustainable average of 1.6 percent slightly above the weighted average that is assumed to be at the 1.1 mark. Preliminary research has indicated that those Japanese and European markets have the highest number of shares in organic coffee production and therefore for a similar business to get to higher heights, we shall invest more in the Japanese market particularly the Korean market. The Korean market is reported to have an improved state of natural resource management within its biodiversity in conservation. At the same time, investing in the Korean market does not only bring organizational development but equally community development because of the increased use of human labor in coffee farms. Farmers are looking for crop resilience to climate risks and weather changes and the Korean market I believe present businesses with a high level provision of the same. Korea also provides farmers and businesses with on-farm diversification and less external costs of input while at the same time reducing financial exposure. For organic bean that is in the search for long term settlement in organic production, the Korean market is a perfect environment especially because of the gradual change in the market.

(For a long term plan, Korea is better for Organic Bean although Japanese consumer more coffee by coffee bean now. The taste of Korean is changing gradually; the consumption and market share of coffee is increasing. As a result, Korean market has more capacity unless Japan changes its restriction of fresh food in the future.)

6.0 Weighted Index

Paragraph explaining the scores

The GDP is classed 15% in the Weighted Index due to importance on the product and how to economy will react. This notion should particularly affect Organic Bean’s decision as it gives an insight into the value of consumer products with the Asian markets, ultimately forecasting the outcome of Organic Bean’s product.

Economic freedom is graded 10% in the Weighted Index. The importance of economic freedom is defined particularly by the notion that individuals may consume in any way they please. This allows Organic Bean to know whether consumers have the financial ability to invest in their product.

Regulations and social taste is extremely vital and take 25% and 35% respectively, because regulations determined whether product from Organic bean can enter the market, after that, social taste determined whether people in this country will buy it.



7.0 Conclusion (100-200 words)

The continuum of sustainability is a dynamic one and can be perfectly viewed as an ongoing process rather than being in a state of static achievement. In order to ensure that a business stays successful and meets the demands of sustainability, it is important to consider factors such as the potential of the product, the social culture, the economic state of a country at the present, the environmental demands, the kind of efforts the business is able to put in, the business environment at large at also the laws and regulations of the area in which the business chooses to operate from. After all these consideration to success and sustainability, organic bean decided to settle on the Korean market because of the numerous benefits that the market has to offer. Although the Japanese market competes the Korean market, the Korean market still manages to meet all the demands and requirements that a business might need to be successful. Organic bean is cautious in their business development initiative but from the examination presented above, it seems like the overall organic industry is cautious though optimistic about the future. In a nutshell, the future of organic production is bright in the Korean market and for organic beam that has chosen to perform their organic production in the Korean market as well.

MT460 Management Policy and Strategy. Name of Case Study: Louis Vuitton company

Company Name: Louis Vuitton company

Topic of the Week: Louis Vuitton in Japan

Synopsis of the Situation

Louis Vuitton is a company that was founded in the year 1854 by Louis Vuitton in France. He started off with developing Canvas Damier Pattern with main agenda of making the company recognized by consumers. After the death of Louis Vuitton, George Vuitton his son resumed the management of the company. With time, and to be precise, after the world war I, the firm embarked on an expansion strategy to other courtiers and well as places within the country.

In Japan, Louis Vuitton firm made its entry in the year 1977 whereby the first stores were opened in Tokyo as well as in Osaka. The management was attracted by the economic boom that was slowly taking shape in Japan as compared to other Asian countries. As accompany in Japan, they embarked on making leather bags, watches, suitcases as well as other men and women wares. This attracted a large number of users in the country as it recorded that about twenty million women in Japan by then owned a brand of the Louis Vuitton’s bag each year.

With much profits gained in Japan, it is in record that by the year 2007 Louis Vuitton firm had a total of two hundred and fifty stores in Japan. This was possible by taking advantage of the high demand of fashionable bags and women’s wear hence much profit. The success of the company in Japan could not go without challenges such as counterfeiting and over the competition. Counterfeiting has damaged the face as well reputation of the company hence making huge loses. This has seen the company even lower the prices of their merchandise to attract consumers. This article, therefore, focuses on the challenges facing the Louis Vuitton firm in


Alternative Solutions

  1. to solve the issues of counterfeiting of the firm’s merchandise, the company should embark on creating public awareness. This will enable the consumer only buy original Louis Vuitton’s merchandise.
  2. to solve the issues on over competition with the other companies such as Gucci company, the company should enhance advertisement. To do this, the company should create apps to enhance public awareness.
  3. There is a looming problem upon termination of M Jacob as the leader in Japan. To solve such problem since Jacob’s success is also the future of the company, the company can train certain employees to ensure a smooth transition of leadership of the firm.

Selected Solution to the Problem

The selected solution to the problem of counterfeiting will get the Louis Vuitton’s company back to its foot. Counterfeiting is an issue that affects various companies that manufacture the various product such as the Louis Vuitton. Therefore, another manufacturer may tend to develop the same products like the bags being manufactured by the same Louis Vuitton firm. This, therefore, hinders the progress of the company.

In addition, communication to the public will be a recipe to inform the consumers of the counterfeits in the market that resemble their original product. The company, therefore, has to be out in Japan and other parts of the world to inform the consumers to be on the knowledge of the counterfeits.


To implement communication to the consumers the presence of counterfeits products in the market, the company should include a new logo into their original bags, this will bring difference with other product making it possible to tell the two products that seem to look similar apart.

Secondly, to implement a solution to the problems involving counterfeits, on behalf of the company, I would call for a rebrand of the products so that the faith, as well as reputation of the company to the consumers, can be enhanced at all time. The advertisement will be the tool to get the message across to the consumers hence the creation of awareness of the original company products, unlike the counterfeits that are produced by other manufacturers.

Recommendations and Conclusion

The solution on completion among the other manufacturing companies and the Louis Vuitton’s firm, the company should aim to improve the quality of their products such as the suitcases, handbags, watches, shoes among others so that it can compete in the Japanese market favorably without making huge loses. This is also important to the future of the company and to manage it further, qualified employees should be admitted to exercise their expertise to maintain the company levels as before.

One recommendation is that the Lois Vuitton firm should capitalize on the current technology to manufacture quality and more user-friendly products if the company is competing favorably in the Japanese as well as a global market by making quality products.

In conclusion, the problems such as counterfeiting, completion as well as management should be dealt with in time to keep the Louis Vuitton firm a global profit making a company just like it was before.


Figure 1. SWOT Analysis based upon the topic of the week for the company case.


1.the topic on the Louis Vuitton firm and the problem that is faced are common to most manufacturing firms hence gives the learner an insight of challenges facing the company.

  1. the topic further exposed the success techniques for companies such as good management as well as manufacture of quality products to be consumers

3.the topic further challenges the learners with business ideas hence expansion of companies into other company can be a major boost to profit generation.


  1. the high price at which the company products are offered may in time deny the company enough revenue as the consumers may opt for cheaper products.
  2. if the counterfeiting that is a major issue and if not solved the company will experience losses.
  3. it is a weakness for the company to only venture into luxurious products that are very expensive, this hinders diversification of products.


1.with the elaborate advertisement of the company products, more consumers will be attracted.

  1. with the current management at the company, the is an opportunity that the company will be getting back to the top ahead of Gucci company.
  2. the current technology that is being implemented is soon taking the company to the another level of high-profit generation


1.the topic informs both public and business people to be aware of counterfeiting of products the is so common in Japan.

  1. stiff competitions that is between manufacturing companies such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton may lead to losing of revenue to the company if the other company offer quality products
  2. leadership transition is a likely threat that may face the company because Marc Job’s contact may come to an end and if a smooth transition is not taken into consideration, then the company may experience leadership instability.

mathematics lesson plan, Lesson title: Understanding points, lines, rays, angles, triangle and quadrilaterals

mathematics lesson plan, Lesson title: Understanding points, lines, rays, angles, triangle and quadrilaterals


Standards: Standard four

Materials: Number lines, colored pencil or markers and Ruler

Content objectives: I can easily apply the use of protector to measure angles, classify angles as well as draw parallel and perpendicular lines.

Language objectives: I can write acute, right and obtuse angles. In addition, I can draw up parallel, perpendicular, lines of symmetry and rays.

Time frame Lesson plan

20 min for each lesson

Day one lesson

Lesson 14-1 and 2: Draw Points, Lines, Parallel, perpendicular lines and Rays

Objectives of lesson one: Draw points, lines, line segments, and rays and identify these in two-dimensional figures.

Objectives of lesson two: Draw parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines and identify these in two-dimensional fingers.

Materials: Number lines, colored pencil or markers and Ruler


–         Write words such as lines, line segments, endpoint and rays on the board and ask the students to identify them.

–         Ask the students to identify various key concept boxes in the lesson as well as the difference that exist in each example

–         Have volunteers come to the board and write symbols for perpendicular as well as parallel. In addition, have other students draw examples beneath each word on the board.

Question: How do the students know a figure is a line segment and not a ray or a line?

Day Two lessons

Lesson 14-3 and 4: Hands on: Model Angles and Classify angles

Objectives of lesson three: Understand concepts of angles and angle measurement.

Objectives of lesson four: Use concepts of angle measurement to classify angles.

 Materials: lesson paper.


–         Conduct a quick preview of the previous lesson.

–         Use the appropriate tools and demonstrate to the students to form angles.

–         Ask the volunteer to draw angles on the board hence help in demonstrating to the students how to classify angles (vocabulary on view: Acute angle, degree, obtuse angles, right as well as one-degree angle)

Question: what is the difference between acute, right and obtuse angles?

Day three lesson

Lesson 14-5, 6 and 7: Measuring angles, drawing angles and solve problems with angles

Objective of lesson five: To use a protractor to measure angles to the nearest degree.

Objectives of lesson six: Use the protractor to draw angles of a specified measure.

Objectives of lesson seven: To solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on diagram in a real-world and mathematical situation.

Materials: Index cards with acute, right and obtuse angles drawn on them and protractor.


–         Quickly review the previous lesson on classification of angles after which ask the students to recall knowledge on angle measurement.

–         Have the student familiarize themselves with material for angle measurements during the lesson.

–         Draw on the board various angles and model to students how to take its measurements

–         Further have the students draw various angles as well as to name various attributes of the obtuse, right and acute angles.

–         To be able to solve problems, present students with problems to identify the unknown angels on the board.

Question: what is the procedure of contracting a ninety-degree angle?

Day four lesson

Lesson 14-8 and 9: triangles and Quadrilaterals

Objectives of lesson eight: classify triangles based on angle measure and describe triangles using their attributes.

Objectives of lesson nine: To classify quadrilaterals using their attributes.

Materials: protractors, colored pencils or markers, tape and index cards.


–         A quick previous lesson preview and relate to the current lesson triangles

–         Write the words on the board and have the students say what they know about the words on the board. (vocabulary on review: Acute, obtuse and right angles)

–         Ask the students to identify the difference existing between classification of triangles and angles.

–         On quadrilaterals, write words on the board and ask the students to identify words. (vocabulary on review: parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid and square)

Question: What difference exist between triangles and quadrilateral?

Day five lesson

Lesson 14-10 and 11: Draw lines of symmetry and Problem-solving Investigation: Make a model.

Objectives of lesson ten: Identify figures with line symmetry and draw lines of symmetry.

Objectives of lesson eleven: solve problems by making a model.

Materials: paper hexagons, scissors, square pieces of paper.


–         Write words on the board and ask the students to identify. (vocabulary on review: line of symmetry, line symmetry)

–         Explain to the students that line of symmetry is a characteristics figure that can be folded into two halves

–         Explain to the student the student a real-world example of line of symmetry.

–         Demonstrate to the student as well as develop a model that can be used to solve problems on angles.

Question: what is a line of symmetry and where is it applicable.


20 min for each lesson

Method one: Development of a Math model

Day one lesson: for the purpose this lesson on points, lines and rays, explore with the students the use of number lines, colored pencil to draw the point, lines and rays. Further, explore with the students to draw figures to make parallel as well as the perpendicular lines by joining up the points.

Day two lesson: for the purpose of modeling the angles and classifying of angles, employ procedural skills as well as fluency to draw up obtuse, right and acute angles.

Day three lesson: For the purpose of measuring angles, explore with the use of index cards to show the students the various categories of angles. Further explore with the students to remember that acute angle is less than 90o, right angle is 90o, obtuse angle is more than 90o and less than 180o.

Day four lesson: for the purpose of tringles and quadrilaterals, explore with the student to draw acute triangle with three acute, right and obtuse angles and use protractor to identify their various objects. Further, explore with the students by use of index card to draw quadrilateral on each card such as squares, trapezoids, parallelogram, rectangles and rhombus

Day five lesson: For the purpose of drawing lines of symmetry, explore with the students to use hexagon papers and scissors to prepare a line of symmetry and also explore with the students to procedurally solve various problems on angles.

Method Two: Co-operative learning, Math’s four group rotation.

–         Introduce the concept of group rotation to class.

–         Give the students, a class exercise to solve problems on angles, triangles as well as quadrilaterals. (assess the student’ performance and understanding on the concept)

–         Form the outcome of the assessment, divide the students into four groups such as bellow level, bellow level, on level and above level. This groups therefore rotates through the four stations during the math lesson.

Station 1: Work with The Teacher

The students sit closer to the teacher, who engage them through an interactive learning and discussion as per the academic needs of the group as well as the day’s concept. In the group, guide the student through the class text questions after which ask them undertake a small exercise to assess their progress finding unknown angles on triangles, rectangles as well as identifying the various classes of angles.

Station Two: Independence Practice

The student in this station remain seated on their desks and work out simple exercise on drawing parallel, perpendicular lines, lines of symmetry. Ask the students to use protractor in measuring angles as solve some problems.

Station Three: Group Practice

The students at this station group themselves into three to four. They engage in a discussion as well as raise question according the concept learnt on triangles, angles, points, lines and quadrilateral. Students provide reaction to questions suggested as the teacher asses the relevancy of the answers suggested.

Station Four: Math’s Game

The students are provided with paper hexagon plates and scissors; they should fold the paper hexagon to develop lines of symmetry which will divide the objects into two equal halves.

Summery on the four stations

Stations Work with the Teacher Independent Practice Group Practice Math’s Games
Rotation 1 Way Below Level Above Level Below Level On Level
Rotation 2 Below Level Way Below Level On Level Above Level
Rotation 3 On Level Below Level Above Level Way Below Level
Rotation 4 Above Level On Level Way Below Level Below Level




20 min for each lesson

–         Explain to the students the right procedure to draw up points, lines rays, angles triangles and other quadrilaterals

–         Clearly explain to the students the difference between acute, right and obtuse angles.

–         Clear any misconception on the, squares, triangles, rectangles as well as other relevant quadrilaterals to the student

–         In explaining the various classification of various types of angles engage the students in doing light examples.

–         Explain to the students how well they can procedurally attempt the failed problem and make relevant corrections.


15 min for each lesson

–         Build on relevant question involving angels and quadrilaterals, lines of symmetry and elaborate to the students how to go about them

–         Elaborate to the students how to join up pints and lines to develop parallel and perpendicular lines.

–         Elaborate to the students’ step by step method of solving both simple and complex on angles

–          In addition, elaborate to students how to solve problems with angles.


15 min

–         Give the students comprehensive exercise and assignments to verify the students’ problem-solving skills on angles

–         For each lesson, assess the vocabulary of the students as per the concept learned such acute, right and obtuse angles

–         Apart from the class exercise, give students homework on drawing parallel and perpendicular lines.

–         Give to the students a final evaluation test at the end of the chapter.  From the outcome, advice the students with problems on the covered topic accordingly.

From the outcome of the final test, assess the performance whether the students are able to move to the next chapter, by understanding the concept unknown angles, triangle, quadrilateral, lines of symmetry and rays.


Reflection Paper on ‘The Effect of Online Games on Children Social Behavior, Personality, and Health’

This is a reflection paper that provides a brief account of my previous undertaken research on the ‘The Effect of Online Games on Children Social Behavior, Personality, and Health’. This paper aimed at adding to existing literature on the effects of online games on the behavior, personality and health of children with particular focus on books, internet searches, newspapers and journals. The findings in this research did not contradict what I expected to find out when carrying out my own research. This reflective paper is a presentation of what I felt and a personal perspective about my research.

Having done previous research on this subject, the brochures gave me reasoning behind addressing this subject. It was not hard finding the right pictures that would be useful in my study. To some extent, these brochures provided me with helped me to reveal the feasibility and the usefulness of this study with regard to the images used.  I figured out that I needed pictures to make the audience understand the basis of my research and I enjoyed incorporating them in my investigation.

Practically, in every aspect of life that is being influenced by technology, there are so many questions with regard to the effects of technology particularly online video games. The questions on the effects of online video games have been developed around the themes of personality, behavior and health of children. In my research, I began by making phenomenological observation of the aspect of video games and looked at the current statistics of its users with particular emphasis on children. With this approach, I figured out that it would be possible to draw conclusion easily on how online video games affect the behavior, personality and the health of children and the attitudes one should have when relating to them.

In composition, video games can be understood from three basic components of the keyboard, exposure to the screen on which the game is displayed and a microcomputer. Other variants like a joy stich or a light detector which is the form of a gun which help the user detect what region he should be pointing at. I found most of the articles very interesting and very informative which propelled my desire to go further into investigating the effects of video games on children. Although there were many ideas I agreed to from the presentation of these authors, I would like to disagree with the results of Dwerk & Modlen (2005). These authors claim that video games have the positive impact of increasing team work, bonding and provide solutions to a game problem.

Let us take for us instance, I video game that is centered around violence, how is the violence in this video game promoting team work, bonding and bringing solutions to a game? Instead, such a game would cause children to be quick tempered and in fact team up against one another. I think this aspect of promoting bonding and working together should be revised in the future analysis of the same topic. Apart from this fact, I agree to all the positive and negative effects of online games on children as discussed by all these authors.

When planning to write this research, I must agree that I had a difficult experience choosing a topic to focus on. Upon finding a topic to write on, I also found it tasking to take one a stand on whether online video gaming is best or should be discouraged for use by children. I must agree that choosing a topic is the most difficult task when needed to perform a research. Most times students complain about having to write assignments that focus on a specific topic assigned to them by their instructor but in real sense having to choose a topic on your own is even harder. When I finally got the topic to focus on, I had so many ideas I needed to write about that I become stressed and overwhelmed. I am used to designing papers that the author takes a stand but because of the many ideas I had, I decided to address both sides of the research. As stated in most articles in the library database with claims that ‘students experience confusion and uncertainty’, I completely agree to this quote.

Although I now have a clear understanding of how to maintain certainty and avoid confusion, I can say the experience of turning ideas into an actual paper is an interesting experience. To come up with this research, I had to write down every idea that came to my mind at whatever time during the day and once I had a draft of what I wanted to incorporate in paper, I trimmed down the number of factors into an a pleasant paper. For me, it was never a great deal to have a bibliography included in my paper because instructors have always insisted on quality papers for submission.

While conducting this research, another problem that seemed to affect me was the method of acquiring data for use as information in my research paper. I used online journals most of the time to acquire information because I felt they were valuable sources. Even though I avoided looking for sources in the library, library sources could also be beneficial but it was somehow stressful and overwhelming to acquire information from the library. Now I have an understanding why most students avoid using library databases. When comparing my final paper with the rest of my classmate’s paper, I realized that my research was more planned although I could relate to having suffered impatience which was easy to contradict as well. Although I got overwhelmed with the amount of information, I did not search for articles unplanned and haphazardly. One thing I learnt in my research process is acquiring planning from developing an outline. What an outline does is to help a researcher narrow down the wide amount of information he has into specific topics he would wish to have on his paper. In the future, I will adopt of a culture of using an outline that should reveal how I will structure my final research. An outline also helps in making the researcher sift through important information when working on a deadline.

There were no limitations in this study because as a researcher all I had to do was search for material in online databases and use previous literatures to structure an individual study. My concepts and observations in this research have led into maintaining a neutral argument. I have had my hands on both the positive and the negative which I believe is educationally correct. In turning my ideas into actual arguments in written form, I feel that I tried my level best. However, the problem to me was picking a focus in a topic that is needs to maintain a neutral stand. It was hard maintaining a focus in such a vast topic but all in all I enjoyed reading my own research very much. This process allowed me to think critically, help me reflect on my childhood and help parents in deciding whether their children should engage in online gaming activities. I am now able to write better researches in the future after this process.

Systems Management

How an organization benefits from operational planning

Operational planning allows the company to communicate with its employees better. While communicating with its employees, the organization becomes aware of how to work together with its personnel to improve on production. With communication, the business is also able to achieve tremendous coordination at simple levels of operation. As it is defined in Operational planning text by Abraham (2012), this process incorporates making preparations of detailed business plans for the next fiscal year. In a nutshell, operational planning helps the company coordinate its activities well in the achievement of a unified goal.

Relationship between budget and operational planning

Abraham (2012) defined budget planning as ‘the process of matching available business economic resources with what the business needs to spend on implementing its policies’. This means, operational planning helps in laying out the distinct business departments and the activities to be performed in these departments so that budgeting planning department can spell out the resources needed. In budgeted planning, the kind of things that should be budgeted for are the supplies, the estimated mileage for underwriters, payroll for the employees and many other items that should be placed on the payroll, lunch expenses for all agency visits and transport expenses while designing policies for organization. Budget planning and operational planning are related because they significantly feed from each other. There are strategies developed from operational planning but money or resources are needed to deal out with how each of these plans would be instigated.

How system thinking improves decision making in operations

Personally, I think system thinking revolves around activities that make sure all employees are on the same page with the management. In simple terms, system thinking everyone is on the same platform on how to achieve the main goal of the organization. I had immense fun discussing system thinking with my colleagues in school who did not really know what the process is all about and had not read about it. They asked me how I managed to know all the process in business department yet I was just a student. I told them that all I wanted to know was how everyone operates within an organization and how all departments work together to service the policies that are recorded in business books.

Deliberate and emergent strategies

Put simply, a strategy can be defined as a given course or set of action adopted by an organization or a person to the extent of achieving a particular or predetermined goal (Moore 2011). Mintzberg’s emergent strategies are the most influential with the view that every emerging business strategy should accommodate the intentions of a changing reality. An emergent strategy is a set of believes, action and behavior that is consistent over time. Mintzberg’s strategy is the best because it implies that a business has incorporated a learning culture. The difference between deliberate and emergent strategies is that both give an outline of business objectives but the outlines in deliberate strategies are ambiguous compared to the strategies outlined in emergent strategies. Emergent strategies help the future of a business by helping managers point out clear success patterns and strategies for the business. Failure to adopt emergent strategies will make the business less flexible in a highly competitive environment since managers would besticking to the rigid deliberate actions and might not arrive at their most preferable destination.


Good action Research

Any research seeks to have an understanding, a description and an explanation of how certain factors influence the main idea of the research (Furlong & Oancea 2008). Every research must also be aligned to the focus of the project with the project team recognizing the rising concern of the study. In enhancing the undergraduate student experience via fundraising partnerships: an action research project, this project failed to align the whole research to student retention and the research team also failed to recognize the increasing concern of student retention in the area. A good research apart from giving an idea of what the whole research is all about; there is need for the research team to outline the central theme of the whole research in brief (Lodico, Spaulding & Voegtle 2010). This factor was not considered in the educational research on enhancing undergraduate experience. However, this research is exceptional is revealing to the public who it is addressing. Reading the whole paper it is evident that the research team is addressing the higher education council and relevant authorities that are responsible for student success.

Assessing the value of a community based-approach to language and cultural learning research fulfills the aspect of originality. In as much as this research reviews previous researches, the research team in this research manage to stay original. In maintaining originality which is among the primary qualities of a good research, the research team used qualitative and quantitative strategies of data collection in assessing the value of community based approach in cultural learning. A good research should be professional especially in the way it communicates to the public (Barry 2012). This paper is exceptional because it has less grammatical errors and language mistakes and manages to use simple language in communicating to its audience.