Insurance and construction in Dubai

The construction business is evidently a risky business. In the present construction business one-half of all the firms will be declared out of business because of the difficult nature of having to deal with labor and industry demands. Labor difficulties, equipment problems, economic downturn and material shortages among other problems could cause a contractor to fail making him leave the business standing still (Bueno 2014). Because of the risky nature of the construction industry, there is no project owner that can afford to hire the services of a gambling contractor. How can a project owner use a low bidder to award his public contract while he is not sure whether the contractor can be dependable?

Insurance and bonds are used in the construction project to provide construction assurance and financial security on a construction project with a confirmation that contractors will perform they needed project and give financial awards to the material suppliers, subcontractors and laborers. In simple terms, bonds and insurances are a surety that the party offering the contract is guaranteed by the other party that they will actually perform the contract (Bueno 2014). In a building project, there are three parties involved; the project owner, the one taking the contract and the surety and these parties represent the bid, the performance and the payment bond.

Insurance and bond types

The bid bond is developed for providing financial assurance to the owner that the bid has been acquired in good faith and that the one acquiring the contract is willing to enter into a contract for the quoted price. The performance bond also provides all the requirements needed for performance and payment of the contract.

The payment bond is a guarantee that the one willing to perform the contract is also willing to pay a certain amount from the total bid to his material suppliers, laborers and subcontractors as well as all other parties associated with the project.

The performance bond is a protection to the owner of the project from any future financial loss in the event the construction fails and the constructor is unable to accomplish the contract with reference to the terms and conditions of the contract (Bueno 2014). In Chester’s cases study, performance bond was broken because as a constructor he failed design and develop a thorough building which resulted in leaking’s. The contractor in this case was to blame because probably he did not purchase the right materials needed for the construction or did not pay the laborers the exact amount they should be paid so they performed substandard work.

Insurance and bonds performs the functions below

  1. Guarantee that the bond project will be brought to completion according to the conditions and terms of the contract at the determined price.
  2. Bonds and insurance also guarantee that material suppliers, laborers and subcontractors will be well paid even in the event of constructor default (Doloi, Iyer, & Sawhney 2010).
  3. Insurance and bonds makes the construction process a smooth one by stipulating all the terms and conditions of the project.
  4. Insurance and bonds decrease the possibility of having the contractor divert project funds into his personal use.
  5. Insurance and bonds also act as a channel between the owner of the project and the surety.
  6. Insurance and bonds also reduce construction cost in some cases of building by facilitation the application of competitive bids.

The importance of insurance and bonds in Dubai

A primary importance of using insurance and bonds can be derived from the definition of a construction bond. A construction bond is referred to some form of surety bond which can be used by a certain project investors to defend the project owner against any adverse events that would cause failure of project completion, disruptions as a result of insolvency among builders and failure to meet the specified contract demands (Burton 2000).

In the event that the bond is broken by default, insurance and construction bonds have legal obligations that protect the owner as well as the contractor (Market Report 2014). Most times in the event of failure, insurances and bonds may declare the right for the contractor to re-bid the job in order to bring out a complete project or replace the contractor or give out the money paid for performance.

With construction bonds, the risk of not completing the project is shifted from the owner to the contractor. It is essential for every engineer and project contractor to have these bonds and insurances because they spell out the rights of each party in the process. Judging from the case study involving Chester and Daryl, we can clearly see why Chester was judged for failure to design a building that is up to standards. From this case study, we can clearly link the fees attached to Chester with the performance bond and how the law requires the contractor to face punitive damages when they fail to do a good job.

In Dubai, most construction projects if not all need every contractor to provide the owner with a performance bond which should guarantee performance under the stipulated contract (Elliot 2015). In Dubai, performance bond is basically required to provide every employer with a fast and efficient solution in the event the contractor fails to carry out his obligations as defined in the contract. This applied to all construction companies registered under Dubai and its law and the larger UAE.

Before understanding how performance bonds works in Dubai, it is essential to have an understanding of the difference between guarantees and performance bonds. In Dubai, a guarantee shall only be paid in the event the loss is approved on a primary contract. The right of the employer to liquidate the performance bond in the Dubai construction market can only be triggered when the contractor or any side of the contractor decides to default. The employer has no absolute right to make any liquidation decisions on a performance bond and therefore such decisions should be exercised with maximum caution. The significance of the performance bond in Dubai is evident when the relationship between the contractor and the employer turns sour. Looking at the Dubai financial crisis that occurred towards the end of 2008, most business owners caused a lot of harm to many contractors who were not being paid at that time and were later subjected to liquidation of their performance bonds (Elliot 2015).

This action to some extent caused a lot of difficulties to contractors when they later approached banks to provide them with performance bonds. In the UAE commercial code in which Dubai also operates upon, the Federal Commercial Law act No. 18/1993 provides a regulation of issuance of performance bonds and the conditions in which the employer can liquidate performance bonds. In the UAE market, the surety firm must be fully satisfied that the one taking up the contract is operates a profitable, well managed, fair deals, promise keeping actions and all its obligations in a timely manner. With the existing evidence in performance bonds and surety bonds in Dubai, these aspects have evidently play significant functions in contributing to the industry success (Elliot 2015). In increasing the success of the industry, performance and insurance bonds have allowed the construction industry to continue sustaining its position among the largest contributors to the growth and stability of the nation.

Why do we use bonds and insurances in construction?

The use of insurances and bonds in probably the most popular technique that is used to ensure an employer is protected from the negative results on a contractor who is unable to perform. In a nutshell, bonds are used solely for the protection of the employer against a non-performing contractor (Elliot 2015). With the dangerous nature of uncertainty in the construction market which is presently being reinforced by high profile construction agencies, employers are becoming increasingly concerned than in the past to make sure that they do not pay for the fines in the case of the contractor fails to perform according to the building contract. It is very vital therefore to use bonds and insurances for all contractors, employers and subcontractors in order to have a deeper understanding of how to protect oneself from underperformance claims (Hosie 2010). A practical advice to subcontractors and contractors is that they should engage in careful consideration of the conditions of every bond to ensure that the bond obtaining cost is reflected in the contact price. On the other side, employers should also recognize the fact that different bonds have different prices and a bond of high price will attract an increased contract price. Most times, a balance could be attained by the protection level needed by the employer and the likelihood of the contract price increasing.

Smooth operation of Dubai insurance-construction system

The option of performance bond is being weighed in Dubai with a feeling of replacing it with surety bond. According to Nambiar (2010) Dubai has grown with a roar in its new design and implementation of strategies in the construction industry. The country’s operations in insurance and construction industries are smooth with a reflection of the best in terms of infrastructure and positioning (Nambiar 2010). This means that country has very strong laws and regulations that compel contractors to produce nothing but the best. In Dubai, failure for the contractor to design as per the terms of the contract brings a very heavy price on the contractor and some heavy burden on the employer as well. The tough situation in Dubai with banks with relation to performance bonds and contractors has not been loosened.

Before issuing performance bonds, Dubai banks do not bond or lend on contractors who do not provide previous work experience and this is the main problem for contractors and employers. In this manner, I would say that probably banks are being warned on the waver performance nature of contractors and certain construction employers. This phenomenon is on a higher rise causing a smooth flow of operations within the construction industry creating exceptional performance in Dubai’s infrastructure and world positioning (Nambiar 2014). In Chester’s case study if it were in Dubai, banks would not have issued Chester with the document on performance bond if there is no recommendation to show he can deliver quality. No reputable insurance company at the same time would have permitted Chester to use their recommendation for building without documents to show that he can deliver. The success in Dubai that makes it at the top most position worldwide in construction is smooth in its determination that every contractor, subcontractor and employer knows the consequences of designing substandard buildings which included being denied license to fully operate as an engineer.

The world of E Government

A significant body of literature has been developed to claim the benefits of the government being more sensitive to the needs of their customers who are also referred to as citizens. When the government treats citizens as customers, increased levels of customer satisfaction and service are recorded. Customer service and satisfaction are recorded on the multi-channel delivery, flexibility, marketization, personalization, increase timely response, information management and complaint resolution. When the government treats its people as customers are not citizens, there is a developed increase in confidence and trust in how the government administers democracy (Curtin, Sommer & Vis-Sommer 2004). When there is an increase in trust and confidence in the democracy process, another implication of treating citizens as customers is evident in the increased participation in the democratic process and particularly and increase towards a more developed customer centered services. In other words, the element of citizen as a customer could be narrowed down relevant services, cost effective approaches and personalized services for the benefit of the public. In other words, the role of the government as the service provider promotes stronger citizen engagement, tackle exclusion and at the same time build a healthy democratic dialogue with the government.

Reaction Paper on Stage Sisters film

Stage sister is an enjoyable and a well-made film that has enormous relevance to Chinese history. Stage sister film makes a perfect connection between stage drama and the drama at social stage making a big title for the film. The film finds a perfect base on the negative impact in modern China. The beginning of this movie mainly uses the stage sisters to describe the conflict between two sisters and fairly reveals to us how contemporary China has changed and developed in the present century. The use of a description between sisterhood and love rank exceptionally provides us with an understandable drama with reference to present societies (Jin 2013). As the film progressed, the audience was made to see how the difference and conflict between sisters is more obvious and how blood relationships can be easily broken. The timing of the film I believe is one of the reasons for its significance.

Produced just at the time of Cultural Revolution, this film adheres to revolutionary models of operas that please and charm the audience. The film finds more significance in failing to base its story on the meeting of two young women coming from different backgrounds but instead focus on the film as a contemporary opera. The personal drama within the film is parallel to contemporary fictional worlds performed in theatres. Stage sisters managed to develop two central ideas revolving around ‘sisters’ and ‘stage’. Understanding the ‘stage’ in this movie result from the importance of occupation called Shaoxing opera. On the other hand, ‘sisters’ I believe makes reference to the process of developing a close split close between the two female characters. The movie is acted in a way that the audience can divide it in three distinct categories.

In my opinion, the first part of the movie focuses on introducing how the two sisters met (Jin 2013). The movie enters a second part which becomes more interesting for every audience because of the discussions on the pressure of life, dealing with fame, money and the pressures of wanting to remain down to earth. The transition to the last part of a movie presents to the audience presents some type of fissure but brings us to some form of courtroom. The crucial moment at the end of the movie can be well connected to the beginning of the movie with a successful transition as well which makes the audience relate whatever happens in a contemporary world. Generally, the movie is a good one because of its representation of the thoughts of people during that particular period of time. Directing the movie in 1964, just the time that Cultural Revolution is taking place in China was a good reception to the audience (Jin 2013).

Not only are we able to relate to women and how they were unable to make choices on their own during Cultural Revolution but the producer ensures that the audience links conflict and wealth among other cultural conflicts (Jin 2013). In a nutshell, stage sisters is a work is a full representation of socialist realism work and a picture that resembled the melodrama in Hollywood in terms of female sexuality. From this film, we are able to conclude that people in different stages of change and distinct periods can make life a simple reflection to the rest of the public.


Jin, J. (2013, August 18). Retrieved February 09, 2017, from

Why human beings do not need socialization

Take for instance standing at grocery store thinking about what you will be your tomorrow’s to do list at the checkout line. The cashier immediately greets you and out of being polite there is a response and forcefully you enter into a chit chat and afterwards feel very happy. This is one on one or rather face to face conversation that used to be evident in the past. In another example, thanks to technology and the internet, you go through a website that shows online activities for all its users and when browsing, you find other users online and one sends you a chit chat message just to start a conversation and at the end of the day you log out feeling like it was the most peaceful conversation you have ever had. What just happened when comparing the two scenarios? It is evident that the world has developed modern ways of socializations compared to one on one socialization and thus the world currently believes that humans would not always need socialization. This essay argues that human no longer need socialization because face to face socialization is diminishing, an increasing focus in digital communication and physical isolation being a social norm.

Face to face socialization is diminishing because of technological advancement such as mobile and computer networks that makes long distance connection easy. Social media has made one on one communications less meaningful while modern apps and social networks have made life easy. Social networks and apps have made it easy to communicate with food chains that do not only need to know your needs but are also willing to deliver your needs right at your door step, thus a service that more people prefer in modern times.

Even in social environments, it is very common to find people not interacting with one another on one on one conversation. Family as the basic socialization unit has actually lost its function presently because it is very common to find family members in a group where they send texts to each other as a form of communication every day (Mcgrath, 2012). People are focused on becoming more digitally connected as compared to traditional forms of communication. Even at a party, it is popular to find people communicating through social media platforms and looking through social media to find what is interesting as they keep the fun. In social functions, most people are actually preoccupied with taking pictures and further spend more time in uploading their pictures of social media sites for the rest of their friends to see.

Physical isolation has become more of a social norm. More and more people are becoming disconnected from the social grid and trying to fit into a group without physical presence. The current digital needs also require many people to spend more time alone and less time in physical social functions. It is common to find many youths currently moving from up country and finding modern structures of living that support internet connectivity. Many constructors presently are building modern constructions that support Wi-Fi and internet connectivity and thus most people tend to maximize on the internet by spending lots of time browsing. This explains the many forms of internet addicting and social media platform addiction that have caused many to engage in a social cleanse. In social cleansing, most people have given up social media and its use in a bid to stay off the internet and live peaceful lives.

The technological revolution that has happened in the present century has evidently impacted basic elements and units of socialization as well as daily lives. New technologies in the media have increasingly been embedded in the present society and resulted into diverse negative social changes. Among the major socialization institution that has been affected with this change is the family with social networking preferred more than face to face communication.

The Aspects of Diversity in ADP


In the modern times, the aspects of workplace diversity have become major priorities for both large and small corporation managers to put into consideration. Over the decades, both local and international organizations have been championing for workplace diversity.  The organizations drive towards workplace diversity has been necessitated by drastic shift of the nature of jobs, manufacturing industry, increased service sector jobs, branding in the companies, sincere business ethics and investors’ relations. Despite the large companies to manage workplace diversity, many challenges still exist in terms of chauvinism, classism and racism. The three aspects of workplace diversity still remain interconnected and intact with other sources of diversity such as enculturation, healthcare and education. Moreover, workplace diversity might also be revealed in terms of: gender, class, age, race, physical abilities, minority, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion. The role of the work is to illustrate the aspects of workplace diversity in ADP Organization.

The aspects of workplace diversity in ADP Organization

ADP Organization is an organization that goes beyond providing technologies and data services as it assist its clients in making better business decisions. The organization assists other business in the economy to unlock their business potentials. For over 60 years, the ADP organization has been in the forefront in providing outsourcing solutions to other businesses. Today, the organization is believed to be one of the most diverse, admired and innovative (Matt, 2015). The company’s deep insight, unmatched experience and innovative technology have enables it to gain strategic business and competitive advantage. The organization is not only limited to assisting other organization attain their comparative and competitive advantage but putting the needs of the society and the environment at the heart of the organizations decision making strategies.

As a matter fact, accessing diversity related material from the ADP Organization is easy and simple.  Diversity related materials are easily accessible because from the Company’s portfolio one can be in position to realize that it has employed workers from different ages, social class, ethnicity group, racial background, sexual orientation and physical abilities. Different images in the company’s portfolio indicate how successful the company has been in ensuring workplace diversity (Dueto, 2010).  Basically there is a direct link from the company’s portfolio which directs the reader on how the company has continued to observe the workplace diversity in both the internal, external and environmental affairs (

Diversity in the ADP Company website

By entering the term “diversity” in the search box of the company’s portfolio, the search shall reveal that the organization is committed to various forms of diversity such as:  provision of flexible working environment, how to work with the suppliers diversity, boosting diversity, promotion of awareness, leveraging the benefits associated with the differences and commitment of the organization towards diversity in general. Sometimes searching under the “press releases” or “careers” may assist in establishment of the diversity related information such as: employees payment, benefit management, compliance, human resource analyzes, health care reforms, being in regard with the legislation, and talent management (Kreitz, 2014).  Having various sites from which one may be explore the diversity related materials might be of great significance in informing the researchers and the other organization in search of their organization services to understand how ADP Organization respect, observe and is committed towards workplace diversity.

The significance of the workplace diversity in the organization website

The usefulness of the workplace diversity information in the ADP Organization portfolio is of great importance for the potential employees because they will be assured that their diversity in terms of their: religion, ethnicity, social class, race, gender, sexual orientation and fairness in decision making shall be respected and honored (Dueto, 2010).  By the customers accessing the workplace diversity of the ADP organization they would be committed to rely on the products and services of the organization as they would be in position to be assured that their demands shall be fulfilled according to their expectation or the company go beyond it’s the customers’ expectation. Moreover, the availability of the workplace diversity in the ADP Organization shall be or great significant to the suppliers because they would be assured of timely payment and consistent supply.  Moreover, the ADP Organization workplace diversity information is associated with the company’s cases of core values, diversity and mission.  The diversity interrelated material is so current because it talks about the day to day running of the business and the reasons as to why the organization remains committed and successful.

The use of the photographs in the organization’s websites

The appropriate of the photographs and graphic material in related to workplace diversity in ADP organization is to illustrate how the organization is committed to diversity in terms of: gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, physical abilities, fairness, age and class (Dueto, 2010). As a matter of fact, the use of the photographs indicates that the company employs people from different background and there is no favor of any kind in the organization. The ADP organization believes in equity in employment and distribution of resources.

Job application based on ADP website

As a potential employee, customer and supplier looking at the ADP organization photograph from the website I believe they encourage the employees to apply for jobs because the workers in the photographs are of: different ages, gender, mental abilities, race, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation.  In addition, the organization web site photographs illustrate different people working in different geographical location within the organization. They illustrate that the workers within the ADP organization has a variety of work experience, family status, earn different incomes, religion, and education, level of communication and organization role (Hunt, 2013). The photographs illustrate various people using laptop and phone communicating with other stakeholders of the organization. As a matter of fact, ADP organization is such a company that is committed to various kinds of workplace diversity as indicated by the different photographs in its websites.

Communication level

The role of the different people within the ADP Organization might influence the internal management of the prominence diversity in the organization. Basically, the role played by the organization employees has the potential to influence the workplace diversity in the organization website just in case altered (Hunt, 2013). The ADP Company is proud for being rewarded and recognized as an organization that is committed towards workplace diversity.  The company has a great story that is being told by various organization stakeholders.

Given the fact that the ADP Company uphold its mission by bring its value to its clients, working hard always, being a global community, working according to the highest ethical standard, providing high quality products and services and the business in general. It has been several rewarded and recognized by the other organizations with different rewards (Hunt, 2013).  It was rank number one in business services security, recognized for being an integrated talent management vendor analysis, pay roll provider, the recruitment outsourcing provider, technology innovation award and e-recruitment awards. The ADP Company commitment to diversity, recognition and rewards illustrated that the company is not a game of numbers by the organization’s mission.  As a matter of fact, the diversity in the workplace brings diverse ideas and from these ideas best solutions shall be obtained.

Being a female over 55 years  with racial minority, person with physical challenge  and a lesbian  I would go ahead to apply for the join in the ADP Company given the fact that I am qualified. The fact that the ADP Company is a workplace diversified company based on the various aspects of diversity represent in its website (Dueto, 2010). As a matter of fact, based on the photographs and the websites messages from the company’s website I understand that my personal diversity shall be respected by the company managed as the company has done previously. The various recognition and rewards received by the ADP Company I am assured that my diversity would not be a hindrance towards me applying for the position being advertised in the company because I already qualify for the position.


Prior to job applicants, employees, employers and customers analyzing the organization’s internal conflict and productivity, it is fundamental for these stakeholders to analyze the organization in terms of its workplace diversity. Workplace diversity in the organization is based upon the: race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, age, religion, fairness, diversity and physical ability. It is the role of each organization in the economy to ensure that it observes and respect workplace diversity of all kind for the sake of all. It is believed that organizations such as ADP which recognize workplace diversity are not only a game of numbers but the organization’s mission.  Workplace diversity is an organization’s refreshment of the organizations relevance in the economy. Therefore, it should be understood that diversity of the people in an organization such as ADP brings diversified ideas. From the ideas diversification, the organization is always in position to provide diversified and best solutions.


Matt, R. (2015). The diversity of people brings diversity of ideas, and from a diversity of ideas, you get the best solution(s).  New York Publishers.

Hunt, G. (2013). Committing to diversity is not just a numbers game, it’s a mission. University of Cambridge.

 Dueto, H (2010) Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions. San Francisco press.

Kreitz, L. (2014). ADP Organization’s Best Practices for Managing Organizational Diversity. California Publishers.

Causes of Obesity in the USA and how it can be prevented

Obesity is a condition of persistence increase of fat and weight in the body as a result of overeating, environmental and genetic factors. The condition has been classified as having a Body Mass Index of thirty or even greater. The BMI is a tool that is used by scientists to measure obesity (Renee, 2016). According to Renee 2016, the major leading causes of Obesity condition in America has been over eating of foods which are highly saturated with fat and sugar  which has significantly contributing to increased calories in the body and in the diets. The causes of obesity in America are complex and varied. Nevertheless, the major causes of obesity exposure are as a result of fast foods, socio-economical status, environment, overeating, unhealthy snacking and genetic predisposition.  The role of the work is to illustrate the major causes and prevention of obesity in America.

Regularly eating of fast foods in America has strongly led to overweight. The fast foods items significantly contribute to increased daily intake of calories within our foods. Given the fact most Americans are used to eating fast foods, it is the main reason for overweight. According to a research conducted and published by the Preventing Chronic Diseases journal, fast food has about 33 percent or three times likelihood of causing obesity (Renee, 2016).  Large intake of energy giving foods has greatly resulted to obesity. The low energy foods are full of high fiber and water which supply increased amount of calories in the body.

As a matter of fact, poor diet is not the sole source of obesity among the Americans.  Basically failing to engage in physical activity is the major source of obesity among the Americans. Given that most Americans are much busy, they normally have little time to engage in physical activities in order for them to burn excess calories as a result they end up being obese (Renee, 2016).  The inactive lifestyle in America has been as a result of most Americans spending most of their time in leisure activities, schoolwork, computers and television hence leaving little time for them to be in active activities. Inactive lifestyle leads the Americans into high blood pressure, diabetes, health problems, colon cancer and coronary heart disease.

In addition, family history and genes has been associated with obesity and overweight among most of the Americans. Obesity and overweight has been associated with certain families in America. As a matter of fact, the chance of a child becoming overweight or obese is greater for individuals whose parents are also obese (Renee, 2016). Someone’s gene might influence the amount of fat or calories being stored in the body given families share physical activities, habits and foods there is a relationship between the environment and the genes.

There are various ways in which the Americans may use to prevent themselves being obese of overweight. The Americans must ensure that they do away with the fast foods which are the major causes of obesity amount. The Americans should reduce intake of fast foods because they contain huge amount of fats and sugars which result to increased levels of calories in the body (Renee, 2016).  The Americans should shun away from consumption of huge amount of energy giving foods which supply huge amount of calories and substitute them with lean protein, vegetables, fruits legumes, beans and whole grains.  The Americans should engage in physical exercises which would assist them to burn the accumulated amount of calories in their bodies. Exchanging in physical exercises and activities would generally result into reduced weight. The Americans should ensure balanced and healthy eating in their budget in order to ensure that they reduce and avoid being obese or overweight.


Renee, J. (2016). Leading Causes of Obesity in America. Retrieved from:

South Asian Politics Research


Land acquisitions in Pakistan and Sri Lanka which have been facilitated by the government through the transfer of large amount of land to investors and private corporations have been regarded by World Bank to be a significant means of boosting production in agricultural sector in the Third World countries among the Asian countries.  Nevertheless, activists and academic critics has termed the move of large portions of land acquisition by the government and offering it to private investors as land grabs which normally displace peasant farmers in disadvantaged ways (Gordon, 2014). Moreover, land acquisitions and grabs in Sri Lanka and Pakistan have not been done for the sake of promoting agrarian production but towards real estate development and industrialization. The role of the work is to illustrate the forms that the recent land grabs and acquisitions in both Pakistan and Sri Lanka have and whether the move has resulted into broad-based development.

Land acquisition and grab in Pakistan

Currently, the land transmission systems in Pakistan are unable to cope up with the land demands and expectations in some areas. As a matter of fact there is unsupplied land demand, high risks of instability and voltage control aspects under certain conditions.  The land acquisition and resettlement framework in Pakistan has been supported by both the World Bank and Asian Development bank. The role of the land acquisition and resettlement framework in Pakistan is to plan, screen and define the land management and acquisition in Pakistan (Radika, 2013).  Despite the fact the land grabbed from the farmers and land owners by the government  has been criticized, it is believed that land acquisition must follow Land Acquisition Act which was adopted in 1894 in Pakistan. The land acquisition in Pakistan must also be in regard to the resettlement policies, rules and laws.

The Pakistan government understands than before it grabs or acquires any given piece of land certain criteria must be met. In Pakistan, the land acquisition requirement framework is believed to be applicable to all facilities and sub-projects. It is the role of the government to review the land approval condition and the financial impact the facility to be established will provide to the community (Gordon, 2014). The social assessment of the new project to be established will indicate whether land resettlement or acquisition would have a greater magnitude upon the indigenous people. The land acquisition and grabs by the government in Pakistan would vary depending on the severity and level of scale of the project to be established. Early screening of the land by the Pakistan Government normally assists in avoiding involuntary resettlement and land acquisition.

The Land Acquisition Act 1894 in Pakistan normally governs land acquisition in the country. The Act regulates land acquisition procedure and enables the federal government to acquire the private land for the sake of public use by exercising the right of the public domain. According to the Act in Pakistan, land acquisition is a provincial function and each province in Pakistan interprets the Act differently. Land in Pakistan is classified as either: rural or urban land (Sunil, 2015).  In order to avoid injustices during land acquisition or grabs, the land acquisition and resettlement framework observes property rights protection. It ensures that no one is deprived his or her property without adequate compensation at a consensus rate. During the land acquisition process both the political agents and tribal leaders are involved in the resettlement plan and implementation procedure.

According to the world Bank, when involuntary land acquisition is adopted it results into severe social, economical, political and environmental risks.  The move results into destruction of the production systems as well dismantling the way of life of most people. In addition, the Pakistan’s Land Acquisition Act (LAA) and Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF), land acquisition and settlement must be guided by different principles (Gordon, 2014). Prior to the land acquisition, the government is necessitated to screen the project in order to identify the present, past and future risks and impact of land acquisition. The government should go ahead and establish the resettlement plan through consensus.

Furthermore, it is the role of the Pakistan Government to conduct meaningful consultations with the host communities, the people to be displaced and the non-governmental organization in order to establish resettlement and entitlement options. There should be improvement or restoration of the resettled communities through land compensation or replacement of the land value. It is the role of the government to provide the displaced with both economical and physical assistance once displaced. By doing so, the government would be in position to improve the standard of living of the resettled persons (Sunil, 2015). The Pakistan’s land acquisition Act has developed procedures which are equitable, consistent and transparent by negotiated settlements. Ensures that the legal owners of the land are recognized and appropriately compensated and provide resettlement plan to the land owners in timely manner. It is the role of the government to execute and conceive the involuntary resettlement in raged to the development project that is causing displacement. Once the displaced communities are compensated it is always the role of the government to assess and monitor the resettlement outcomes and the living standards of the displaced communities. When all these shall be done, the Pakistan government would have fulfilled the equitable and right to property policy in acquisition of the land despite the fact that the community might have resettled involuntary.

Land Acquisition and Grab in Sri Lanka

The Land Acquisition Act (LAA) of Sri Lanka has given the minister for the lands the powers to come up with a motion to acquire privately owned land for the purpose of public use. The Act does not necessitate the minister to declare the purpose over which the private land shall be acquired for. The Sri Lanka constitution does not guarantee property rights in explicit terms. Lack of legislative provision in regard to private land acquisition has basically failed to address the economic impact of the government grabbing private land for the sake of public use (Sunil, 2015). The Sri Lanka government has the powers under the constitution to interfere with the private land ownership without the owner of the claim for compensation or resettlement as per the property right requirement. Nevertheless, despite the fact that there are no legal measures governing land grabbing Sri Lanka, the constitution demand the minister of land to be accountable during land acquisition process.

According to the law society research, law of strict laws governing the government when acquiring private land for the sake of public use has resulted into ethnicity and conflict during land acquisition in Sri Lanka. Despite the fact that, there has been increased urbanization, foreign investors’ influx and major scale development, most of the resettlement and settlement areas have been greatly affected. Land grabbing and acquisition in the East and North of Sri Lanka have been identified as major source of conflict and ethnicity (Sunil, 2015).  Given the fact that property right has been interfered with the government has resulted into militarization in the affected areas in order to bring back law and order in the affected regions.

Basically, according to the Sri Lanka government and land acquisition Act, the private land owners in the North and East part of the country displaced during the civil war has no right to claim for compensation or resettlement. As a matter of fact, extensive track of land in the two regions were acquired by the government during the civil war in attempt to establish buffer zones for the military and create high security zones. Despite the fact that the communities were never forcefully evacuated, they were compelled to leave their lands due to the natural disasters and horrors of war (Gordon, 2014). Nevertheless, when the war came into an end, the right owners of the lands went ahead to claim back their lands but the government failed to give them their land back as they were already under public development and government projects. As a matter of fact, until today these lands still remain in the hands of the Sri Lanka government and are being used by the military.

Whether it is for the sake of security concerns, most of the illegally acquired lands for the sake of government use continue to violate property and land rights for the vulnerable populations. The Muslim community which is believed to occupy the northern and the Eastern side of Sri Lanka are believed to be affected by the lack of a firm property right law which determines how land rights should be respected by both the government and individuals in Sri Lanka (Sunil, 2015). Land ownership problems in Sri Lanka are being experienced by both the minorities and majorities in Sri Lanka as the government controls who to use the land. The Sri Lanka government has also gone ahead to acquire private land without putting into consideration the existing legislation in regard to land ownership and property rights.


Given that both Sri Lanka and Pakistan goes ahead to violate private land and property ownership, there is need for both of these two countries and the Asian region in particular to create public awareness  and land ownership which shall be coupled by just and fair state policies. The land ownership and property right to respond to the demand of the citizens by ensuring that they have to solely own land without being interfered by the government. Just in case the government of the day is in need of private land for public purpose the relevant procedures and policies are followed in order to maintain justice and fairness in the society.


Gordon, D. (2014). Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF). Retrieved from:

Radika, G. (2013). Acquisition Of Private Land For A ‘Public Purpose’ By The State – Should Due Process Requirements Be Met?. New York Publishers.
Sunil, E. (2015). Land Grabbing – Scope, Issues and Remedies. 4th edition. Cambridge University Press.

“The Dream of the Rood” to Beowulf


According to the bible Christ is depicted to be the same today, yesterday and forever. Nevertheless, the Poem Beowulf and The dream of the Rood depict the image of Christ to be changing throughout the ages. In the poem “The Dream of the Rood” which was written during Anglo-Saxon period described Christ burial and death in a different manner than that in the biblical accounts. In order for the poem to emphasize Jesus Christ crucifixion and triumph, the poem goes ahead to depict Christ as a violent warrior who courageously tackle and defeats sin (Richard, 2014). The form of depiction is similar to the courage and horror valued and expressed in the Beowulf.  Despite the fact that the two poems were composed during the same period of time with the same agenda, the poem Beowulf was believed to be the longest poem with approximately more than three thousand lines while the Poem “The Dream of the Rood” was composed using about 156 lines. The role of the work is to compare and contrast the poems “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf.

Comparison of the poems “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf

Both “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf poems are similar because the characters used in the poems meet their death similar manner. As a matter of fact the characters in both poems were fighting for similar things. The characters were fighting for the sake of protecting others. In the poem Beowulf, the Beowulf was fighting a dragon in the society that was harming others. In similar terms, in the poem “The Dream of the Rood,” Christ who was the main character was fighting sin which was a dragon that destroyed the life of the people in the society (Kevin, 2010). Basically, both the sin and dragon were dangerous for the life of the mankind.  Nonetheless, according to both poems in order for the wickedness to die in the society it was important for both Christ and Beowulf to die in order for them to be declared victorious.

Moreover, both poems depicted the death of Christ the same way it happened during the crucifixion. In the poem Beowulf, his death was received by other people in the same way that of Christ was received. The people beside Beowulf who had the power to defeat the dragon were coward and weak to assist him defeat it. If the people beside Beowulf have assisted him, he would have managed to defeat the dragon or even saved him from the torture (Richard, 2014). In similar way as depicted in the poem, “The Dream of the Rood” the Disciples of Christ abandoned him when He was being punished and at the time of need. In addition, during the Christ crucifixion his admires who were belittling him came to mourn for his body the same way it happened with Beowulf. It was ironic that those people who were coward to assist and save Christ were in the forefront to mourn Christ and Beowulf death.

Both the “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf poems had common parallels. Both poems were written during the same period and involved many warrior and heroic like characters with similar religious themes. Basically, the poems were narrated by unfamiliar sources but they were eloquently worded. Both the “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf poems had common parallels. Both poems were written during the same period and involved many warrior and heroic like characters with similar religious themes. Basically, the poems were narrated by unfamiliar sources but they were eloquently worded. The main characters in both poems were trustworthy, loyal, strong, and courageous and finally accomplished their goals through death or victory. In both poems, all these traits were revealed by the Cross, Beowulf and Jesus Christ in similar ways and terms. In the poems, both the Cross and Beowulf are portrayed as heroic and heroic and loyal while Beowulf and Jesus Christ are portrayed as savior and warrior (Richard, 2014).  As a matter of fact, both poems reveal that loyalty is a significant quality in life because being loyal is similar to being faithful to the government, life, special cause and religion. Acting in loyalty meant acting in a respectful, truthful and honest way. As depicted in the poems, loyalty enables a person to remain true to his or her beliefs, stick to the truth and achieve ones goal just like Beowulf and Jesus Christ revealed the goodness they were born with.

Both the “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf poems revealed that both Christ and Beowulf were not willing to leave their throne of power despite going through a lot of hardship in their life. The poem “The Dream of the Rood” fails to mention the inability of the Christ to shoulder the cross’s weight in order not to depict Christ not to be a warrior (Kevin, 2010). In the same way, despite the fact that Beowulf was being considered to be a warrior there are instances in his life where he was disappointed and could not manage to attain victory but he encouraged himself to hedge forward. Although “The Dream of the Rood” did not genuinely depict Christ as a warrior who would be defeated, the poem Beowulf went ahead to show that just like mankind, Beowulf would also be defeated and fear.

In contrast to the biblical burial where Jesus Christ was given a simple, timely, efficient, and humble burial, in both the “The Dream of the Rood” and the Beowulf poem both the characters were offered a befitting warrior burial. In the “The Dream of the Rood,” the Old English society placed the body of Christ in a sepulcher, wretched it with eventide and sang funeral songs for Him. In the same way Beowulf was also befitted with a memorable burial as the society considered him to be a warrior and a hero in the society. According to the Beowulf poem, being a hero he was entitled to receive a befitting send-off as a thanks giving for the role he had played in the society. The befitting sendoff in both the “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf poem is a clear indication that both Christ and Beowulf were respected figures in the society who were supposed to be honored and respected for their great contribution towards civilization of the society.

The Christ image as a warrior in the poem “The Dream of the Rood” is an illustration of the optimistic manner rather than pessimistic manner of the medieval Christians of understanding and embracing Christ crucifixion. With Christ crucifixion, the human beings felt guilt for he had died for the sake of their sins. Nevertheless, crucifixion in the poem “The Dream of the Rood” is reassuring and hopeful that Christian would resurrect just like Christ resurrected. The purpose of the poem was to illustrate the victory that was won by Christ over their sins (Kevin, 2010). Most historians believes that both the “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf poems were composed for the sake of missionary purpose. They were composed using heroic character for the sake of catching the warriors’ imagination so that the society of the time would willingly embrace the Christian doctrine. The poems had evangelism appeal which emphasized than human being could get salvation through Christ triumph on the cross.

The differences between “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf

The “The Dream of the Rood” poem has been regarded by most scholars to be the finest poem that expresses the theme of Crucifixion in the Anglo-Saxon period. Despite the fact that it focuses of themes common in the old English poetry, the poem is unique in the way it describe the image of the Cross within the context of the vision dream (Gavin, 2013). The people has therefore been regarded to be philosophical because it has been used as a vehicle for theological doctrine which illustrates in a brilliant way the monastic way  of life of the Old English society. Although the poem “The Dream of the Rood” was only narrated using 156 lines long, its complexity and depth made it a popular poem significant for the twenty first century.

On the other hand, the poem Beowulf is the greatest and longest surviving Old English poem narrated to the Anglo- Saxon Society. The setting of the poem is believed to be around sixth century. Unlike the poem “The Dream of the Rood,” it begins with a short lineage of the Dane royal dynasty. The poem narrate about the deed of a Scandinavian prince by the name Beowulf and also reflected on the worlds of Swedes, Danes and Geats who were highly civilized, rigidly feudal, newly Christian and violent. The poem is believed to be composed of Christian content because it was narrated during the paganism conversion period. The poem was quite different from the other forms of poems because it consisted of 3, 182 lines which is the longest poem in the world of poetry.

The Poem “Beowulf” depicted Beowulf as having more human characteristics than Christ unlike the poem “The Dream of the Rood” which depicted Christ to be having more heroic-like qualities. In the poem Beowulf, the character was depicted to be “Glitter and glide” which is a typical character of a hero.  Nonetheless, in the poem “The Dream of the Rood,” Christ is depicted as a character full of humility and honor (Kevin, 2010). Therefore, the character of Christ in both poems are different in one way or the other because in the poem  Beowulf the character is seen to be superior than Christ but in the “The Dream of the Rood” despite Christ emerging to be a hero he did it in humility.

In the “The Dream of the Rood” Jesus was so much courageous because he climbed onto the cross himself. The Cross in the poem signified Christ as a warrior who was not ready to give up with his fight. He never engaged into a fight just like Beowulf who used to fight the dragon using his personal strength. Christ basically humbled himself for him to be crucified on the cross despite the fact that he had the power to resist but Beowulf used his strength to ravage and fight the dragon before it had died (Richard, 2014).  Despite the fact that both Jesus and Beowulf died for the sin and sake of others Jesus was much concerned with the sinners than Beowulf.  Therefore, it takes great strength and courage to die for others and ones belief and this is what exactly what Beowulf and Jesus did.

In the “The Dream of the Rood” poem, Jesus was referred to be a hero because he fought his foes for the sake of his faith with the support if the Cross. Nonetheless, in the Beowulf poem the Anglo-Saxon period people thought the warriors to be men who were fantastic heroes in the society (Clark, 2011). Despite the fact that the Beowulf poem is believed to be “The strongest of all men to have ever seem the light of life on earth” (778-779), it fails in character representation because it considered Beowulf to be superior to other beings in the society. In the poem, Beowulf described his heroism nature by reciting some of the battles at the sea in the mead-hall when he had a verbal conflict with Unferth.  Although Christ in the Cross in the poem “The Dream of the Rood” was depicted as a hero and a warrior, in reality He was a true worrier who emerged victorious after defending the life of others, belief and defending his faith. In addition, it was through his death and resurrection that we were able to be cleansed our sins.

The words used to illustrate Christ crucifixion in the poem “The Dream of the Rood” reveals that the poet of the poem has a conscious choice of portraying Jesus as a courageous warrior. Rather than just using the word Christ in the poem to describe Jesus, the poet decided to call him “the warrior” or “the young hero.” These words revealed the clear images of Christ as a person of honor and respect (Gavin, 2013). Nevertheless, in the poem Beowulf, the main character Beowulf is praised to be the hero, valiant warrior and hero. The poet presents him as a daring, vigor, strength and an individual with the potential and power to resolve conflict in the society.

The tone of both poems was different because the poem “The Dream of the Rood” portrays Christ to be willing to approach the cross. The poem claims that when Jesus was on his way to be crucified he hastened as he was willing to be crucified in order to emphasize he was still the warrior and was ready to die for the sake of mankind and that the mankind would be redeemed onto the Christ (Clark, 2011). The poem “The Dream of the Rood” emphasizes that Christ voluntary accepted to be crucified for the sake of mankind. On the other hand, when Beowuif was preparing for a batter with the mother of Grendel he was dreadful for his own life. In the poem Beowuif, he said that he said that “I am eager to begin!”(14) Unlike Christ in “The Dream of the Rood” who boldly mounted onto the cross. For Christ he joined the faith battle with courage but for Beowulf he plunged into the war with great eagerness.


Both the “The Dream of the Rood” and Beowulf had both similarities and differences. As a matter of fact, “The Dream of the Rood” was similar to Beowulf because it presents Jesus as a hero who had come to the world as a courageous, trustworthy, and faithful and honored for the sake of humankind redemption. Similarly, the Beowulf is a poem of heroism and victorious. It indicates Beowulf to be a hero in the society despite going through difficult life. Nevertheless, both poems were different because Christ figure in “The Dream of the Rood” is different from Beowulf figure.  Christ is believed to voluntary accept to be crucified for the sake of mankind sins but Beowulf is dreadful to engage in battle for the sake of mankind. The “The Dream of the Rood” is a short poem with about 156 lines but Beowulf poem is the longest poem with 3182 lines.


Gavin, B. (2013)”The Dream of the Rood” Anglo-Saxon Poetry”. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Kevin, C.(2010). The Battle of Maldon and Other Old English Poems. Toronto: MacMillan Publishers.

Clark, K. (2011).Introduction to the Old English poem called BEOWULF. University of California Press: Berkeley.

Richard, H. (2014).Dream of the Rood and Beowulf. Retrieved from:

The Impaired Nurse

Background of the study

According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, the aspect of impaired nurses in the medical sector has been in the rise in the recent years. As a matter of fact, it is the role of the nurses to be caring and compassionate to the patients, colleagues and to themselves. Nurses who are exposed to substance abuse pose a threat to the patients, colleagues and themselves because they are at a high chance of neglect. Basically, nursing is among the professionals with high esteem (Thomas, 2014). Nevertheless, it is also associated with negative aspects such as nurses’ substance abuse. Given the stressful and demanding nature of nursing most nurses in United States have ended up abusing substances. The topic “The Impaired Nurse” has been selected for discussion because it is a stigma that results into moral failure and lack of willpower among the medical practitioners in United States and the society at large.

Current relevance materials

Drug abuse among healthcare practitioners is believed to be devastating because it leads into professional ethics breach, affects the health centers reputation and put the patients under care at risk. The nurses might complicate their lives and those of their colleagues at the workplace. Despite the fact that it is always difficult to obtain accurate statistics in regard to nurses being addicted to drugs, the American Nurses Association estimated that 10 percent of the nurses in nursing sector abuse drugs or are addictive to drugs (Thomas, 2014). The association believes that this rating is consistent with that of the United States population. The aspect of impaired nurse or drug addiction is a major healthcare risk among the nurses and healthcare professional. Nursing specialists such as psychiatry, oncology, critical care and anesthesia which are highly demanding pressure the nurses to engage in substance abuse due to physical demands and intense emotions.

Despite the nurses experience and areas of practice several addictive triggers such as shift rotation, mandatory overtime and stressful long time shifts which are normally tough to them, friends and families make them engage into drug abuse. Basically, the nurses do go through one physical and emotional stress to another. Therefore, with availability of drugs at the work place and acceptance of the power of drugs in helping a nurse to perform and feel better highly resulted into professional healthcare drug abuse (Cynthia, 2013). Given that the nursing care is the United States healthcare system backbone, the nurses are significant to the quality of care being provided in the healthcare facilities and the patients’ wellbeing. As a matter of fact, addictive and substance abuse nurses in healthcare facilities have high chances of jeopardizing the patients’ safety as a result of slower reaction time, impaired judgments, Patients’ neglect, mistakes and drug diversion from the appropriate patients.

Given the nurses’ familiarity and access to drugs, they always feel comfortable to use them. Most of the nurses in the healthcare facilities erroneously believe that because of their knowledge and skills in drugs they have the ability to medicate themselves without being addictive or resulting into substance abuse (Thomas, 2014). Although the drug abuse and alcoholism among the nurse is equivalent to that of the general public, prescription medical use is believed to be higher among the nurses in comparison to the street drugs abuse such as marijuana and cocaine. According to the Centers for drug control and prevention the impaired nurse in terms of alcoholism leads the list of addiction followed by opiates, amphetamines, tranquilizers, sedatives and inhalants.

The manner in which the aspect of impaired nurse is integrated in the clinical practice

The American Nurses Association suggests that patient safety is vital and essential component when it comes to quality nursing. Nevertheless, the healthcare system in United States is prone to errors which compromise the safety of the patients. Different stakeholders such as the nurses, researchers, general public, legislators and professionals are responsible in ensuring that patients are exposed to no harm and that care to the patients is delivered safely. The impaired nurse practice is associated with errors which occur when planned physical and mental activities fails to achieve the expected outcome (Ann, 2012).  The United States consumer protection and quality healthcare suggested that impaired nursing results into approximately 28% and 42% of adverse reactions and life threatening events respectively among the nurses. In addition, about 20% of the patients in the tertiary medical centers are believed to be affected by the impaired nursing practice. The report went ahead to suggest that 10 to 30 percent of the laboratory tests results in United States are inappropriately classified by the impaired nurses.

Recently, the Institute of Medicine in United States described the healthcare systems as prone to errors, fractured and harmful to the patient safety as a result of the alarming rate of the impaired nurse aspects in the country. Patients’ safety has been described as an action to establish operational processes and systems which minimizes errors and maximizes safety. As a result, the institute suggested that it is the duty of every medical practitioner to ensure: safety, effectiveness, be patient –centered, be timely, efficient and observe equitability in healthcare services provision (Thomas, 2014). Basically, nursing is a professional that is knowledge-based. Therefore, impaired nurse would not be in a better position to critically think and use the acquired knowledge in nursing in delivering the essential healthcare demanded by the patients for their safety and wellbeing. The impaired nurse breach the nursing standards by failing to put the patients in an appropriate condition in which nature may act upon the un-well patient.  The impaired nurse fails to provide the necessary care to the patient in accordance with the nursing facility.

Given the substance abuse and drug addition, the nurses in healthcare centers fails to follow the rules, laws and standards established in ensuring the safety of the patients. Despite the fact that there are organizations and bodies in united states held with the responsibilities of ensuring that the nurses follow the rules, regulations and laws of professional ethics and standards, the aspects of impaired nurse such as alcoholism has drastically risen among most nurses in United States (Thomas, 2014). The nurses are endowed with the responsibility of ensuring that the patients are out of potential harm, they are at stable condition, are in position to handle complex tasks, are innovative, are in position of solving problems, can predict outcomes which seems unpredictable and successfully completes the tasks. Nonetheless, with the aspects of impaired nurse, the nurses are always not in a position to provide appropriate levels of supervision and direction when delivering healthcare services to the patients.

How the information is used in clinical setting

Although changes in service delivery, organizational structures and financing are occurring in most of the healthcare facilities, the aspect of impaired nurse has had a significant impact on the practices healthcare providers and the systems which establishes nursing practice competence. It is the role of the nurses to establish respect for every human dignity during provision of care by ensuring that they respect the customs and beliefs of individuals, communities and families (Storr, 2015). The nurses are necessitated to account for the needs and values of all people in their professional relationship. Recent research indicates that impaired nurse aspects have led the nurses in failing to respect human dignity. Regardless of the patients’ unique differences, the healthcare is believed to be universal. The high rate if impaired nursing practices most nurses especially in united states have failed in their duties of ensuring that the establishes a therapeutic relationships with the patients while administering their nursing care irrespective of the patients’ differences.

Once the nurses are under the influence of the substance abuse and drug addiction they fail to put into consideration the beliefs, values and respect for the patient hence resulting into unsafe and risky healthcare services (Ann, 2012). Moreover, the nature of the health problems among the patients should never at one time be used by the nurses in establishing the worth of the patient. The impaired nurse aspect makes the nurses to disrespect the dignity, rights and worth for all the patients seeking nursing comfort, support, health restoration and prevention. Once the nurses are impaired in their roles and standards, they no longer respect the laws, rules and regulations governing their profession.

Based on Impaired nurse research, the nurses have come to realize that standards in nursing practice are benchmarks of achievements based on the expect level of excellence and performance. Therefore, it is of great significance for the nurses to understand that the criteria of performance are pre-determined elements against which the aspects of medical services quality are compared and established. The aspect of impaired nursing continues to call for professional standards in nursing in order to promote quality healthcare (Storr, 2015). As a matter of fact, understanding the impact of impaired nursing greatly influence the nurses in coordination of care, ensuring that the services provided are research and scientifically based for the purpose of minimizing the risks and maximizing the safety of the patients. Therefore, high levels of clinical judgment are of great significant for both the patient and the nurse. Understanding the impact of the impaired nurse has assisted the nursing practitioners in designing administrative, clinical and research nursing standards and practices.

How I would lobby the local government for funds to support the impaired nurse aspect

In the same way the American Nursing Association recognizes the impact of impaired nurse to both the patients and the nurses, I understand that the nurses have the compassionate duty and care to minimize the patients’ risks and maximize their safety. Nevertheless, the increased levels of drug abuse and drug addiction, there is need for the local legislators and government to raise fund and establish an Impaired Nurses Resource Center which would be at the forefront in supporting the addicted nurses to recover. The centre shall also be at the forefront in providing strong peer assistance and supportive programs in nursing which will call for all the stakeholders in the nursing sector such as the administrators, nurses, scientists and researchers in ensuring that they follow the rules, laws and regulations of nursing. By the local government supporting me with the necessary funds and financial resources to establish an impaired nurse center I would be in a better position to ensure that the nurses with the substance abuse and drugs abuse behaviors goes through rehabilitation programs which would ensure that they are professional accountable (Heron, 2016). The sponsored program shall also be in a position to offer comprehensive support and monitoring services for the nurses who would have gone through the reasonable rehabilitation services. The impaired nurse resource center and programs would also ensure that all the nurses and healthcare practitioners observe safety, effectiveness, equitability, efficiency, patient-centered and are timely in their actions and decision making.  In conclusion, once funded, the Impaired Nurse Center would mitigate the processes and systems errors associated with impaired nursing, substance abuse and drug addiction among the American nurses.


Thomas, L. (2014). American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Peer Assistance Program. American Nursing Association Journal. Vol. 3, Pp. 23-29.

Cynthia, M. (2013). The Impaired Nurse. 5th Edition. New York Publishers.
Heron, H. (2016). Signs and Behaviors of Impaired Colleagues. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal. Vol. 7. Pp.47-49.
Storr. O. (2015). Substance use among nurses: differences between specialties. New York publishers.
Ann, K. (2012). Drug addiction among nurses: Confronting a quiet epidemic. Retrieved from:

Torture and Ethics


Torture is a process by which anguish, suffering and pain whether mental or physical is deliberately inflicted on an individual for the purpose of confession, punishment or obtaining vital information from the victim. According to “International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims” there are several debates on whether to classify torture as whether unusual or cruel punishment. Basically, the society believes that capital punishment is inhumane and unacceptable. Nevertheless, in United States torturing an enemy is no longer considered inhumane or cruel especially when it comes to the safety of the nation and the American society (Cynthia, 2015).  The work would analyze whether torturing high-value targets or enemy combatants violates standards of morality in the American free society.  The work will go further to establish whether the act of torture violates the basic human rights and whether it would have global implications and further find out whether torture may be justified under ontological, deontological, natural law, utilitarianism theory.

Torture and the Enemy

In its attempt to fight the act of terrorism, United States as a country has go ahead to violate both international and domestic laws barring torturing of combatants enemies. Torture is considered to be illegal in United States. Nonetheless, according to “The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel,” and “Amnesty International 2013,” the law was violated in order to make some torture practices in United States seem legal to both domestic and international criminals (Lendman, 2008). After the 9/11 attack by the Al Qaeda terrorists which resulted into the death of about 3000 American citizen, torture of the high-value enemy became acceptable in the American constitution as long as the torture would not lead to permanent disability or death of the victim.

According to the American constitution amendments, the attacks by the terrorists against the American society would basically amount to torture of the victim as constituted in the American act of war. The act or torture was declared during the Bush administration as using procedures and laws to the victim which are no longer applied during times of peace. Torture in the American society was adopted was deemed necessary in attempt to obtain vital information from the enemy in rescue of the American society from terrorism attack (Fieser, 2010).  Since 2002, the “Center for Constitution Rights,” President Bush administration justified torture of enemy combatants as their rights are no longer guaranteed in the Geneva Convection. Nevertheless, there are mixed reactions and views from American and international society in regard to the torture of the enemy combatant.

Whether the act of torture violate basic human rights and global implication

Basically, the act of torture to the victims does not guarantee that the society and individuals would be better in the future. Torture violates the basic human rights of the victims under which the sovereign laws and rights are founded. The law of the land as constituted provides of any little authority to infringe the right of an individual liberty for the good of the general public. The little liberty of infringement of the victims right should therefore not go beyond death as no one has the right to kill the other. There is no right under any domestic or international laws which guarantee the right to kill. Capital punishment as per say should be guarantee if it is useful for the general public. Despite the belief that capital punishment of torture combat future attack or violence, individuals judgment is usually adopted through their minds rather than through their habits. Torture is harmful to the society due to the cruelty it presents. The law is supposed to taught the society how to protect and respect life of other individuals however the war on terror through the law and torture goes ahead to teach the society how to shed blood or torture other members of the society. According to The religious point of view, life is considered to be holy and no one has the power to take another person’s life apart from God. Therefore, despite the fact that the victim might have infringed the rights of the society, the law should not go ahead and infringe to him or her capital punishment through torture. The society should understand that torturing an individual is violation of human rights as it is regarded to be an act of retaliation (Holzinger, 2013). The process infringes the principle of equality which calls for observation of the scale of justice which every individual would like to be exposed upon. Hence, based upon the fundamental principles of jurisprudence of the land, capital punishment or torture should only be allowed if the action of the victim violated the rights of the whole society. Nevertheless, torture violates basic human rights and could have global implications of retaliation. Once citizens from a different countries are exposed to capital punishment their home country may end up revenging and as a result continued retaliation might be experienced.

Whether torture might be justified under ethical theories

Ontology principle is the study of reality, existence, becoming, nature of being and the basic categories of relations and being. The principle is against capital punishment or torture because it goes beyond infringing individual’s liberty and freedom (Cynthia, 2015). It is the role of the law to protect liberty and human rights of every citizen. Hence, according to the theory nobody in the society should go ahead to torture the other as is against human rights and religion. The law should therefore establish all in the society rather than others.

Deontological theory is an ethical principle which focuses on the wrongness or rightness of the actions. It is concerned with the actions of individuals instead of the actions consequences. Therefore, the theory do support torture because given the victim do engage into torture of the society, the society on the other hand should go ahead to infringe torture against these individuals in order for them to act as role model for other in the society in shunning away from evil deeds (Fieser, 2010). The act of torture calls for obedience to the moral laws by the society and those who disobey the established laws should be punished according to the existing laws.

Utilitarianism theory is a doctrine which suggests that actions are right if they promote happiness or are beneficial to the majority in the society. Based on this principle, torture is therefore justified to an individual in order to ensure that the society is free from harmful individuals and that the society should learn from the few engaging in criminal activities (Cynthia, 2015). As long as torture is inflicted to an individuals in order to protect and safe others from destruction and harm, the law should be allowed to take it cause by infringing torture to the victim of terror or terrorism.

In conclusion, according to natural law it is unnatural to infringe torture to the society of individuals since it violates the natural and human rights (Fieser, 2010). The natural claims that the torture only defies the natural human dignity of the victims. Whenever the victims are infringed into torture so that they offer vital information in regard to their crimes, the law breaches their private right and liberty as they are supposed to do so through natural situation and freedom. According to the theory, only God who has the right to torture human being but no human has the right to torture the other as it is ungodly.


Fieser, J. (2010). Classic Philosophers on the Death Penalty. 4th Edition. New York Publishers.

Lendman, S. (2008)  Torture as Official United States Policy: Crimes against Humanity, Law and Justice. Cambridge university press.

Holzinger, A. (2013). Can the Use of Torture in the War on Terror be Justified.? Retrieved from:
Cynthia, H. (2015). Natural law theory: Justification of torture in the society. Harvard university publishers.