

After taking this course, my interest to music started to grow and I now have the opportunity to express my full dedication, love and devotion to classical music through a research of one of the greatest music composers of the time by the time Ludwig van Beethoven (Kinderman &William, 2015). The research paper in introduction to European Classical Music 200 will basically discuss how Beethoven although deaf became the biggest focus as far as the quality of music was being expressed. The research will focus on Beethoven’s huge transformation and collaborations in the art of music that influence people today with stating the fact of his dramatic changes in orchestrations, phase length and melodic structure.

Topic paragraphs

Beethoven’s romantic music will be the main focus of the discussion in the research. The topic is of great importance to me because it will assist me to learn and understand the art of music and also the culture of different European regions. Therefore, further research would assist me to gain greater intelligence in regard to the musical discoveries of Beethoven. Based on this argument, Beethoven can be seen as an aspiration to the world of music (George, 2010). Although he had already lost his sight, this did not deter him from wring and singing classical music which is still embraced by many artists in the world. He is a good model to many people especially the artists that dreams cannot be achieved without hard work, sacrifices, and passion.

The work of Beethoven is regarded to be a huge transformation in the world of classical music because despite that he had bodily weakness he never lost hope for the future. He therefore came up with strong message of love and passion through music (Drake, 2009).  The coming up with appropriate music that calls for the society to love and to be loved is a great call which is also passed by the modern classical music. Most artists embrace the effort made by Beethoven in ensuring that the voices of the weak in the society were respected and given the right place in the society.

He was a role model in passing the message of love and a showcase that disability is not inability (Peterson, 2011).  The orchestrations, phase length and the melodic structure used by Beethoven were traits in music which past and present musician was interested to embrace and use in their music. Beethoven was so much extra-ordinary because no classical artist who would match his potential.


The research will conclude by showing that Beethoven was a great transformer in the world of classical music. The research will aim at showing that the musicians and the society should be in a position to use their weaknesses as potentials to transform the world.  In the same case, despite Beethoven having lost his sight this did not hinder him from coming up with classical music which was innovative and transformative to the society (Brendan, 2011). My personal opinion in regard to this research is that Beethoven is a great musician of the ancient and the modern times because his music was collaborative and transformative. It was a sign of love to music and the people. He used different styles and rhythms to attract a big audience in the past and even today. Beethoven is a great classical music savior and innovator because his musical invention is still evident in the classical music even today.



Kinderman &William. (2015).Beethoven. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press.

Brendan, G. (2011). The Beethoven Obsession . Melbourne, AUS: New South.

Drake, B.(2009). Beethoven Sonatas and the Creative Experience. Bloomington, IN, USA: Indiana University Press

Peterson, M. (2011). Beethoven transformative and collaborative classical music. Oxford University Press

George, K.(2010). Beethoven aspirations through the word of mouth. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press.

NASA social media platforms

Overview of the organization

Despite the fact the social media has for long been used by organizations to stir online exposure and digital presence in the society, NASA adoption of social media in 2008 aimed at finding a social presence in an attempt to increase the company’s exposure to the world. The company aims at bridging the gap between being presence in the physical world and being online. Since the company started to launch the social media platforms in its administration it is now able to take its online experience offline. The company is now able to advertise certain events through the social media (Qualman, 2013). The social media platforms such as facebook and Twitter in NASA are used to expose the society the issues regarding the world discoveries which have remain behind the scene for many years. NASA believes that by connecting the physical and the digital world it will be in a position to boost its exposure as a company. The use of social media platforms in NASA has enabled it to explore the universe rather than advertising itself. The work will describe how NASA uses different social media platforms as well as analyze the strategies it uses to communicate with its intended key audiences.

Social media platforms used by the company and their history with social media

NASA understands that the space is interesting to millions of people around the world and the aspects within it should not go away without being reported. In 2008, the company decides to go online by launching the common social media platforms such as facebook and Twitter. In 2013, the company decided to adopt another social media platform (instagram) in order to inform the society in regard to the different perspectives of the space (Qualman, 2013). The company understands that it is the first person with the potential to see all the wonders in the world and bring them closer to the people. Astronaut’s posts in the social media have been the biggest part in NASA because it has managed to attract thousands of followers in its social media platforms.

NASA social media campaign

NASA has a world wide social media brand strategy that is ambitious and carefully planned just like those of Hollywood. The company has become a public agency in the space and using the social media platforms to post pictures and the wonders happening in the world. Given the barriers of exploring the space, NASA realized that the use of social media was a reliable source of information for further discoveries (Qualman, 2013). The social media strategy for the company came to force in 2008 when it launch the Twitter and facebook social media to the space. Since then, the company has opened more than 500 social media accounts over its agencies such as rovers, laboratories and astronauts.

Given the company success in the social media it has managed to become a number one advertisement brand for other organizations. Since Instragram is a good social media platform that aims at informing the people about their surrounding using pictures, the company decided to adopt it in 2013 because most of its messages are concerned with the picture. The mission of NASA since 1958 has been to reach as many people as possible (Qualman, 2013). The adoption of the social media strategy has become the greatest move that the company has taken in order to attract thousands of people. In order to avoid breaching the social media platforms intellectural property rights, NASA have ensures it acquire the right legal procedures from the companies. Nevertheless, the company has ensured it is in the three famous social media platforms which are facebook, twitter and instagram. NASA understands that there are millions of people across the globe in these social media platforms. Hence, by posting its discoveries in these platforms it would be in a good position to learn its strengths and weakness.

NASA SWOT analysis

The use of social media platforms in NASA has been of great importance to the company because it has been able to reach its target population as its charter had stated during its launch. The company has been able to learn some of its weakness in its discovery. Through this is has been able to do more discoveries into the space. The company has also been able to inform the people about what happens in their surrounding something that have remained behind the scene for years (Qualman, 2013). The weakness of adopting the social media platform by NASA is that it has to ensure that it balances its post in all social media platforms. Posting of pictures in the instagram might bring legal problems with other social media companies such as Twitter. The threat associated with NASA use of social media platforms is that it may face competition from other space exploration companies. The opportunities for use of social media platforms by NASA are that it would be able to conduct more discoveries in the space and attract more followers.

Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the social media strategy

The use of instragram as a social media strategy has been a great achievement for NASA in its space discoveries. The feedback from the social media platform has enabled the company to understand its strengths and weakness in its attempts to discover the happenings in the space (Qualman, 2013). The adoption of the social media platform has been effective for the company because it has managed to capture millions of followers across the globe.

Recommendations to the company

The company should go ahead in adopting as many as possible social media platforms in order to ensure that there are many followers into its account. NASA has the responsibility of balancing its posts to these social media platforms in order not to interfere with their intellectual property rights.


Qualman, E. (2013). Socialnomics: how social media transforms the way we live and do business (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John, Wiley & Sons.

The origin of the Alligator – horse


The real origins of the horse-alligator in 1812 were the conflicts between the Great Britain and United States. Given that Canada was a colony of Great Britain it was swept into the war and in most cases it was attacked by the Americans.  The war was as a result of the conflicts which raged Europe after the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Napoleonic conflicts forced the Great Britain to adopt strategies which aggravated the United States administration. For more than two decades, the Americans had remained neutral to the Great Britain wars (Daniel, Pp.12). Tensions rose when the Great Britain blocked the American trade with the European countries. When the Great Britain declared the American trade to be illegal, the Americans had to reciprocate through war. It should be understood that, the conflicts in regard to the maritime rights could have been resolved through diplomatic means but America had other interests associated with the war. During this war, the Kentuckians were the largest number of people who died that any other state which participated in the war. It is believed that the war played a vital role as far as the American Independence was concerned. The role of this research is to describe the origin of the alligator-horse and why it was important to the American culture.

Importance of the alligator-horse to the American culture

The 1812 was between the United States and the Great Britain was seen as a second liberation of the Americans. The war marked the boundaries freedom of the early nations and the states periods. The war had great impact to the American culture because it determined the trade processes in America and other countries around the globe. Given the war served a great turning point for the United States independence in terms of political space and the economy (Patricia, Pp.18). Although the United States was committed to war in order to liberate it from the yokes of Great Britain, the United States congress had no unanimous declaration of war. There were those in support of the war and there are those who objected the war.

The causes of the 1812 war for the liberation of America was considered to be complex as there was no main reason as to why the Americans engaged into war with the great Britain. Most people associated the war onto the marine issues which were the Order in the Council which restricted the United States from trading from the American continents (Donald, Pp.19). Therefore, the war can be associated to the sailors’ rights and free trade in America.  The ability to win in this alligator-horse war gave the Americans the confidence to win other wars which followed later. The war was of great importance to the American culture because the Americans were motivated to fight for their rights and extension of their land.

During the war United States was an immature and young nation. Its government was inexperienced and too feeble to engage with the war efficiently. Therefore, the war was significant to the United States as a state because it was able to understand that team work leads to success and that unity is power. Despite the fact that there was vigorous opposition to conflict from some members in America, the country managed to emerge the winners (Patricia, Pp.4). The confident based on those in support of the conflict build a culture of patriotism in America. Despite facing several objections from some parties in United States the supporters of the war did not lose hope of being into the war.

Moreover, the alligator-horse war was a boost to the American’s military and political field. The Americans came to understand that politics is the greatest hindrance in the liberation of a nation. The act of unacceptable politics was evident during this war (Donald, Pp.9). The poor politics would have hindered the success of the Americans in the fight for the rights of the sailors and the trade to European nations. Therefore, the Americans came to understand that there is need for those in leadership position has the responsibility to work together if a country is to go forward as one nation. The 1812 war against Great Britain echoed the American Revolution issues and ideology. It was the last time the American was an underdog in the war. It was an end to the political stalemate between United States and other nations in the world.

The vagueness of this war should not blind the Americans in seeing it importance to the nature and its culture. The war can be seen as a turning point and a greater watershed in the history of America which was a young nation. The war concluded the troubled partisan politics and diplomacy and welcomed a new era of togetherness (Patricia, Pp.14). The war marked the end of the vindication of the Federal policies and vindication many of which were being adopted after the war. In addition, the war destroyed the power of the Americans Indians and brought to power the Anglophobia which had been established during the war.



The Alligator-horse war in 1812 promoted self confidence among the Americans. It also encouraged expansion of the American foreign policy for the rest of the century around the world. The war gave America which was considered to be a young nation power of rule and a definition of where it was headed in the future. Therefore, the 1812 war was fought for consequences of the future of the Americans and United States as a nation.

Work cited

Daniel, Z. “Half Horse – Half Alligator”: Kentuckians in the War of 1812. 2008.Cambridge University Press.
Donald, H. An American Perspective on the War of 1812. 2012. Retrieved from:
Patricia, M. Claiming Victory from Defeat. 2014. Oxford university press.

Wonnarua Winery Loan Application

Wonnarua marketing activity

Wonnarua Company was born with authentic desired to establish a well grown Australian wine. The company aims at establishing a product that is well crafted and which is environmentally friendly. In order to achieve this, the company’s management ensured that it employed a team of expert employees. Over the last three years, the organic wine market has risen to more than 6.9% of the Australian organic market. Grape production in the country has increased by more that 120%, so it’s possible to produce the Wonnarua organic wine (Frank, 2013). Given the high wine products produced by the company, it will be easier to establish marketing strategies such as promotional strategies which would assist it to capture a larger market in Australia.  The companies pricing strategies are based on affordability. All the wine products produced by the company target the middle income classes of people. Since the middle income classes of people are the best consumers of the wines the company has seen the need to target them.

The company maintains the highest quality of its products by ensuring that it employees the local employees to pick the best grapes which are to be used in the production process of the wine. The company’s suppliers are experts in the field and they are regarded to be sharing the Wonnarua vision. Having the right suppliers makes its easier for the company to market the produced products to the targeted customers (Frank, 2013). The company is located approximately 170 kilometres north of Sydney in the Hunter region which is known for its potential to blend wines.  For this reason, the company is in a position to market its wine products just like its competitors. The company’s potential to produce a 100% Australia products, Wonnarua Winery would be in a position to market its products to the local consumers. The management of the company does not only aim at producing new types of the wines but at aims at creating classic wines with full, rich bodied flavours caused by the unique Australian climate.

Wonnarua marketing strategy

The company aims at adopting promotional marketing strategy. Despite the fact that the company might be known in the Australian wine market, the company aim to inform the new entrants in the market about the existence of high quality wines from the company. In addition, the company will use the promotional strategy to protect its already capture customers from being attracted by the competitors. The promotional strategy will assist the company to inform its customers the main features and contents of the Wonnarua wines.  The use of the strategy would be the greatest attempt in ensuring that the customers in Australia are aware about the company’s brand (Frank, 2013). Winning the hearts of the customers through the use of the promotional strategy would enable the company to remain in the market for years. The promotional strategy would require funds for the employees and advertisement experts in order to be able to convince the customers to be willing to use the wine products from Wannarua wine company.  It should be understood that no company in the market can be able to succeed not unless it advertise itself to the customers.

The marketing strategy of the company would be based upon the marketing mix which will mainly include: product, place, promotion and price.


The Wonnarua wine products would be of high quality as the company target middles class income consumers in Australian market. Given the fact that the middle class income consumers in the market are less price sensitive, the company will be in a position to charge high prices for the high quality and 100% wine manufactured from grapes grown and manufactured in Australia.


Wonnarua wine company would be located at Hunter Valley Region where the middle class income wine consumers. The location is also appropriate for the wine company because other wine competitors are also located in this area. Therefore, the Wonnarua Company would be able to market and differentiate its wine brands from those of the competitors.


The company would use bloggers in the social media to advertise the wine products to the customers. Given that the wine products are new in the Australia market the use of the bloggers would be a great achievement as far as the company’s promotional strategies are concerned. The middle income wine consumers have a higher possibility to access the internet and it is possible for them to come across the Wonnarua wines being advertised through the internet.



Wines from Wonnarua Wines Company consider premium pricing strategy for its products because it target middle class consumers. The middle class income consumers are less flexible to the changes of the price of the products hence targeting them would enable the company to have a stable cash flow that would enable its to service its loan.

Marketing budget for the wine business

The marketing budget is estimated to be $10,000 an amount which will be used to cater for bloggers, promotional strategies such as branding and blending. As compared to the last years company budget which was $5,000, this year’s budget is expected to be high as a result of the need for the company to reach more customers and to expand to other market which it was not supplying its wines previously (Frank, 2013). Despite the fact that the marketing budget might seem high, the advantages associated with these costs are too high. Therefore, the company should go ahead and implement the budget.


Frank, K. (2013). Business marketing strategy. 6th Edition. Oxford University Press.

True Fellowship in Community


God created human beings in a way that they will live in a community. He created both males and females who reflected his own personal image (Donne, 2008). Just in the same way the God existed as a trinity as the God the father, the son and the spirit, he intended human beings to embrace his fellowship. The work will basically discuss the human community in our society ad the benefits of human beings fellowshipping together in a community.

How fellowship in a community is different from the true fellowship

Fellowship commonly experienced during the coffee hour and church potluck suppers is different from what is required to be experienced in the genuine community. During these fellowships people usually share whatever they possess according to social class and family ties (Lucado, 2012). Nevertheless, the fellowship do not have a true reflection of togetherness in the community because the less privileged in the society are usually isolated.

Small groups are effective means for experiencing fellowship in the community

Small groups in the community are effective means of experiencing God grace because the members within these units will be in a position to share their life experience and encourage each other. They will be more attached to each others problems than a large group (Donne, 2008). Through a small group God manages to interject divine power within the group and the members reflects Godly traits to each other. For the small group to be effective, a number of dynamics such as love for one another, peace, humility, unity and honesty must be in existence.


How my participation in a small group in a community enriched my life

Participating is a small group in the community has enriched my growth in grace because I have come to understand the importance of sharing with one another. Given that we are created differently and with different potentials by God, I have realized that we all need each other in order to survive. My grace has grown through small groups’ fellowship because I have learnt that giving or sharing with one another is not that one must possess a lot but it is from the heart (Lucado, 2012). The small groups have transformed my life as I am able to practice the true virtues of fellowship such as being honest, trustworthy, humble and faithful in whatever I participate.

The difference between being friendly but surface encounters and genuine fellowship

Genuine fellowship means sharing with one another during the good times and during the hard times. It is all about mourning with one another when one mourns and laughing with one another during the laughter times (Lucado, 2012). On the other hand, friendly but friendly encounters is only being in friendship during good times but escaping each other during hard times in life.

The value of participating in a life on life

The value of participating in a life on life experience is that people will be in a position to lift the lives of the less privileged groups of people in the society. The experience will be a good experience of exercising God’s virtues to one another such as love, humility, trustworthiness and being faithful with one another (William, 2013). It is an occasion of true reflection of who God is and what people ought to do in order to follow the true fellowship as God intended human being to be during His creation.


How my participation in small group has been of great importance to my spiritual growth

Through my participation in the small groups in the society I have managed to be socially active. I have been able to deepen by life in Christ as I have realized that I have to be a mediator in God’s creation. I have come to understand that sharing is an important virtue towards ones spiritual growth. Moreover, it is hard for me to attain spiritual growth without living with one another in the community.


Donne, J. (2008).”In Devotions upon Emergent Occasions.” Oxford University Press.

William, J. (2013).The Centrality of the Will or Heart Christian Spiritual Formation. New York publishers.

Lucado, A.(2012). Fearless: Imagine your life without Fear. Ashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Critical Analysis of VIVID


In the story the VIVID, we are introduced into a family life where Nate Grayson is a man who don’t believes about love. The man no longer believes in the power of lover because he married Cecilia who ended up becoming unfaithful woman. She never gave birth to a child with Nate Grayson (Beverly, Pp.9).  The unfaithfulness of his wife makes Nate Grayson not to trust the services provided by female doctors. The work of this research is to demonstrate how Vivid character traits are acceptable as a familiar stereotype woman in the society.

Reasons why Vivid traits are acceptable as a stereotype woman

Despite the fact that Nate Grayson had been bored for being with love with any woman, his interaction with Vivid was a period of transformation because Vivid made him to have a positive believe about women. Nevertheless, his interaction with Vivid drastically changed him as he realized that not all women who are unfaithful (Beverly, Pp.10).  Vivid is quit understanding because when he met Nate Grayson and heard how he was criticizing any work that was done by a female, she was not annoyed but went ahead to listen and analyze why the Mayor was in support of such an idea. Despite the fact that Nate Grayson kept on criticizing all the duties done by women, Vivid tried to show him that women can have the same potential with those of men. Nate was so much disappointed when he was welcoming the anticipated physician for the Grayson Grove and realizes that she was a woman.  After the first encounter, Nate Grayson frankly informs Vivid that he does not believe female doctors.

Although Vivid was beautiful and had the right education to qualify for a job in Grayson Grove, Nate continued to use hateful words to describe female doctors. Nonetheless, Vivid was not astonished by Nate ignorance but she promised herself to succeed in her mission. She is so much determined to achieve her goals and mission no matter what might happen to hinder her progress (Beverly, Pp.14).  Vivid is friendly and jovial when she was accepted in the Grayson Grove she end up establishing friendship with Nate’s daughter Magic. The friendship enables her to find a better means of survival within the company’s compound. During her stay within the Nate’s family background she managed to learn that the family was the founder of the Grayson Grove. On the other hand, Nate learnt that the black heritage of Vivid and how her family participated in the discovery of the Los Angeles.

On her second day in town, Vivid was approached by numerous men who wanted to be in love with her because of her beauty. Vivid sincerely inform the men that she is not interested to be in love but she is determined to pursue her medical career.  Unlike Cecilia who was unfaithful to her husband Nate Grayson, Vivid is faithful not only to the husband but also to her medical career (Beverly, Pp.27). The work of Vivid in the Grayson Grove is extra ordinary and despite the Mayor’s bad motive about women he has come to realize that Vivid is quit different from what he had gone through with his ex-wife. He has realized that Vivid has the potential to transform the company into greater height despite the fact that she was a female.

Vivid is dedicated to her work because when the men were approaching her in order to become their lovers; she informed that she gives her career the first priority. Despite being criticized by Nate for being a female doctor and that he does not trust female doctors, she does not lose hope but go ahead and accept the career (Beverly, Pp.11). The hard working environment within Grayson Grove did not discourage her from achieving her mission but she was dedicated to her career rather than the situations at hand. She quickly established friendship with the people she encountered in order to ensure that nothing would hinder her from achieving her mission. She was a quick learner and she understood the motive of Nate Grayson and the various men in the street that were approaching her for the sake of love.

Moreover, Vivid is a hardworking woman who can be emulated by other women in the society. Just like the males in the society, Vivid has been successful in her education and end up to qualify to become a doctor (Beverly, Pp.21).  After being invited for a job in a different city far from her home country she does not reject the offer but end up turning for the job. She works hard in improving the status of the Grayson Grove as a physician to an extent he efforts are recognized by Nate Grayson who have negative motive about women.


Vivid is such a woman who should be emulated in the society because she is dedicated to her medical career, she is hard working, sincere and friendly. Unlike other women in the society who are unfaithful to their husbands, she is faithful to her and her career. She is hard working as she ends up becoming a doctor. Finally, she is dedicated in life because despite facing numerous rejections in the company she ends up to be accepted by Nate Grayson to continue with the work.

Work cited

Beverly, J. Vivid and the Nate Grayson family. 6th Edition, 2013. Oxford University Press.

Asia Study

The aim of this work is to discuss how the principle of Confucianism, Daoism and legalism had an impact to the way of life in China. Confucianism is a religion way of life which has a colossal impact to the political philosophy and social structure of China. It was often characterized by a system of ethical and social philosophy instead of the religion. The idea is believed to be the foundation of the institutions and the social values of the Chinese society’s tradition. During the ancient times in China, the idea was regarded as a way of life for everybody in the country whether one believed on the religion or not. Master Kong was the founder of the idea of Confucianism (Judith, 2013). He never wished to introduce a new religion but he intended to revive and interpret the unnamed religion of the Chou dynasty. The idea was only accepted during the reign of the Han emperor as it was regarded to be a state of orthodoxy and ideology. The emperor promoted the   Confucianism ideas and used it to maintain law, status quo and order in China.

Moreover,    Confucianism in China was used to stress humaneness and social rituals. The idea supported that kindness and love is no longer one virtue but a collection of all other virtues.  Basically, the idea could be described as spiritual, reformist and idealistic in China. The idea is believed to encourage family interaction and the consideration of the needs of all people in the society. According to the idea, the ruler was regarded as the father of the society and was to provide for their needs. Confucius was the father of the Confucianism (Judith, 2013). He wanted the Chinese to accept the truth of the ancient because by adopting it he believed that the society would be in harmony and peace. Following the disharmony that existed in China, different school of thoughts had to be established.   Confucianism was the first school of though which was the most influential in healing the Chinese society. It encouraged them to embrace the Zhou Dynasty traditions.

Daoism was also referred to Taoism. It was an ancient religion tradition that shapes the life of the Chinese for more than 2000 years ago. The ideology was characterized by active and positive attitude towards the theories of nature to the reality. The definition of the ideology is full of complex twists despite the fact that it played a key role as far as the history of China was concerned. It is believed that under the leadership of Qin, Daoism had the potential to bring to an end the institutions which were believed to bring chaos in China (Judith, 2013). During the Daoism era, the religious groups adopted the institutions which belonged to the Buddhism and linked them to the martial arts and movements. Daoism is a theory that is believed to be impenetrable given its central concept. Daoism principle and school of though was mainly used in the ancient states of rules of the Jin and the Sui. It believed that the people in power have a moral duty to ensure that the society is free from conflict and lives in harmony.

Legalism is a political philosophy which never addressed the questions of nature and the reason for existence.   The idea in China was concerned with the most efficient and effective manner of governing the society. Legalism was one of the philosophical schools in the Chinese history. It was regarded as a political philosophy that upheld the rule of law in China. The principle believed that a ruler has the responsibility of governing his people through the law, method, art, and tactic and through the use of charismatic and legitimate power (Judith, 2013). In the Qin Dynasty, legalism was the pivot governing idea. The principle terminated with the unification of the first emperor in China. Many political thinkers and philosophers in China have had negative views in regard to the principle because it encouraged a totalitarian society. Many Chinese believed that the principle was reacting against the legal procedures in the Chinese political emperor. It supported moralistic politics instead of supporting the rule of law. Later, after other Dynasties in China took power it was no longer regarded as a free school of thought.

Nevertheless, some ancient Chinese politicians believed that legalism was merging the ideas of Confucianism and it had a huge role that it played in the government. Legalism is a school of Though in China which advocated for the rulers to use the law. The principle offered a set of methods and theories which would uphold the rules of law. It was the foundation of the power centralization in the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 207 BC. The idea provided a significant contribution towards finding the origin of the problems in China and the relationship between the society and the law. Legalism in China aimed at putting the society at the right path after being under confusion for many years (Judith, 2013). According to the principle, the nature of human being is in a manner that tries to pursue interests and fame. Therefore, it is the role of the government and the people in power to ensure that they use the power within them to guide the people in the right path.

In conclusion, Confucianism, Daoism and legalism are the three vital schools of thoughts which were used to bring harmony back in China. Despite the fact that each principle had its own believes and understanding, they all aimed at ensuring a united Chinese society. Nevertheless, they all had an impact as far as peace in China was concerned.


Judith, A.(2013). Confucianism, Daoism and legalism principles in China. Oxford University Press.

Interviewing Others about the Healthcare System

Overview of the interview

The objective of this interview is to describe the delivery methods and the functions of the health care systems from the perspective of the multiple participants in the health care system (Ridic, Pp.17). The interview will examine the forces affecting the health care delivery in United States and the effects of these trends of the health care stakeholders’ representatives.

The interview

Researcher: what do you think are the greatest strengths and weakness of health care in America?

Health care professional:  I think America is among the countries in the world with the strongest and the most efficient health care systems in the private sector. The health systems in the can have in most cases embraced the use of rapid advanced medical technology for the past few decades. The weakness of these healthy systems is that they are likely to be interfered with by the political policies.

Researcher: can use briefly explain your experiences with the healthcare system?

Health care professional:   My experience with the health care systems in American is that it is effective and efficient. Given that healthy systems advance with the advancement of the medical technology the patients are able to receive the best health care services than any other country in the world.

Researcher:  what has been beneficial in your dealing with the health care system?

Health care professional:   In my dealing with the health care system, I have been able to advance my medical career. Since technology keeps on changing I have been necessitated to learn how to operate different medical equipments in order to ensure that I deliver quality and expected treatment services to the patients.

Researcher: Do you think the quality of health care is getting better or worse?

Health care professional:  The quality of health care in America is getting better as new discoveries and policies have continued to be discovered and adopted as the medical problems arises. Medical technology and efficient medical expertise have taken health care in America into new levels.

Researcher: Do you see national health care reforms as affecting you?

Health care professional:   The health care reforms are affecting me because I am necessitated to keep on renewing my skills and to be flexible in my medical career.  Medical affordability through national insurance by the government has increased my responsibility as I am necessitated to work for more patients than ever before.

Researcher: Do you believe that it is a good idea?

Health care professional:   I believe it is a good idea because those in needs of medical services would be in a position to receive the quality and affordable medical services.

Salient features of the interview

Based on the above interview I have come to realize that the health care system in America is advance and of high quality. According to the responses by the health care professional, both the public and those people in the health care systems are all satisfied with the way in which the health care sector is managed and monitored by the government (Capretta, Pp.14). Health care professional from a professional perspective understand the importance of having an efficient and effective health care system. The health care professional who has work for more than a decade is satisfied with the current situation of the health care system.

As I conducted the interview, I was surprised to learn that the health professional career can be interrupted by the medical technology advancement and changes in the medical policies. The emotional condition of the health care professional in expressing his satisfaction with the health care systems in America would be a non-verbal language that a written transcript would miss (Ridic, Pp.17). The health care professional experience in the field of health care systems in American would have impacted the response of this interview because he understands the sequence changes which have occurred in the sector. As a health care professional the lessons I can take from the interview is that time is changing and it is important to change as it changes.

Work cited

Capretta, J. Healthcare in the United States: Strengths, Weaknesses & the Way Forward. 2011. The center of bioethics and human dignity.

Ridic, G. Comparisons of Health Care Systems in the United States, Germany and Canada. 2014. United States national library of medicine.

Renaissance and Baroque

The history of mankind is based on legends and myths. The representative themes and development in humanity are based upon the rules, habitat, essence, dimension and setting.  The representative tears, artists, works and figures in philosophy, performing and visual arts and literature have a deeper meaning.  The works in philosophy refers to the deeds of humankind and how he has continued to evolve (Jon, Pp.23). The artists and the figures are the various discoveries that humankind has continued to discover with time. The representative terms of works, figures, artists in literature, visual and performance art has a diversified meaning in philosophy as they represent a diversified meaning as far as the life of humankind is concerned.

Renaissance began in Florence because it was one of the richest regions in Italy during the Renaissance.  In addition, it geographical location and it was a very active commerce centre (Jean, Pp.14). These factors together with the rise of the Roman Catholicism in the region built a strong political climate which flourished. The Feudal system which had begun to come to an end with end of the Renaissance gave the people more independence and freedom which enabled them to focus wealth building and patronize work of arts.

Art and culture may flourish in an area that is a cross road to travel because it is easily accessible. The non- religious art may create opportunities for the classical ideas because they present high creativity and innovation in other kinds of arts. After the classical models, the merchant princes supported the arts and encouraged the arties in their paints because they were creating personal wealth and that of the nation (Peterson, Pp.17). The work of art and artists were the economic circumstances which assisted Italy to develop. The Medici family in Florence played a big role in ensuring that people developed their own wealth and that of their countries.

The patrons of arts are important because they provide the necessary resources which assist other people to accomplish the work of art. The birth of renaissance aimed at bringing freedom and independence to the people of Italy (Jean, Pp.14). The Medici Family had a banking background and this enabled them to provide the necessary resources which influenced the work of art and architecture in Florence, Italy.  The action created an advent of Renaissance in Florence because the people were empowered economically and the Gold Rules motivated them to work even harder.

International Business

According to New York Times dated October, the oil sand booms in Alberta Canada is reported to have dried up leaving thousands jobless. An oil spring which hosted more than 2000 workers cannot continue to sustain them.  The issue is related to international business because the price of oil in the global market is currently declining (Ian, 2015). Given the capital intensive projects Oil sands Boom in Alberta has invested in, the company continues to lose more. The impact has therefore forced the company to fire the workers as it cannot continue with the process of oil mining. The work aims at illustrating how the drying up of the oil springs in Alberta Canada is related to international business and globalization.
The drying up of the oil springs in Alberta Canada is an international and globalization issue because oil is a commodity used across the globe (Daniels & Sullivan. (2013). The price of oil in the global market is controlled by a global body rather than a single country like Canada. Since the prices of oil over the last one year have been declining, it has become difficult for most oil mining to continue with the mining process as the cost of operation is more that the companies are getting from the sales. The issue of Oil Sands Boom Drying Up in Alberta relates to chapter one “Globalization and international business” in the DRS text book.
In conclusion, given the severe economic times being experienced in Canada, the growth of most industries seems to be declining. Most oil companies which had invested heavily in oil sands especially in Alberta are shutting down (Ian, 2015). The business owners are now forced to close the oil business until the time the price of oil will be sustainable. The extra-ordinary boom in the last fifteen years had attracted the largest oil companies into the industry forcing them to invest heavily but they are currently suffering from the oil price volatility being experienced across the globe.
Daniels & Sullivan. (2013). International business.(15thed). New York publishers.