Written Comments

According to Edmundo a Mexican intellectual, America as a country was invented rather than being discovered. The country’s invention was projected by the European who termed it as a New World full of fantasies (Castrol, 2011). America can be regarded as a cosmopolitan because most of the people who live into the country until today came from different parts of the world during the colonization period. Castrol was a revolutionist who marked the new era for the Caribbean and the Latin Americans. The work will provide an analysis of the course, content and teaching.

The revolution that occurred in United States was a great transformation of America as a country and reshaped the lives of both the Caribbean and the Latin America. One would ask how the changes in those early days led to the transformation of America and the live of the Caribbean and the Latin America (Castrol, 2011). It is evident from the readings that the two communities were the most discriminated by the colonizers but with the transformation they managed to occupy some of the best jobs and cities in the country. In the last four decades, Latin America and the Caribbean regions have been in the spotlights as a result of dramatic changes happening from time to time. Therefore, it would be wise to comment that the story of the Latin America and the Caribbean is also the story of the America as a country.

In conclusion, people across the globe have been accustomed to viewing the North America as being superior to the South America but the truth is that it only the fact that the European cartographers came up with maps which exaggerated the size of the North America (Castrol, 2011). Nevertheless, both the south and the North America have the same history. Moreover, the Latin America and the Caribbean are the source of history for America as a whole.


Castrol, J. (2011). Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean. New York Publishers.

Multicultural Teaching


As a matter of fact, there is no one best practice of teaching. Multicultural education is one professional area of skill and knowledge that should allow pre-service education programs for teachers in order to ensure that they nurture the student in appropriate approach of human development. Multicultural practices prepare the teachers on how to deal with the classroom diversity in the future. The schools systems have the potential to promote democratic society as far as the changes among the students within a classroom set up are concerned (Marquez, 2014). One of the greatest problems facing the America classroom setup is how to restructure the classroom setting in order to the needs of the multicultural students in the diverse society. The role of this work is to highlight the procedures which may be adopted in order to prepare the teacher on how to teach in a multicultural society, the skill, attitude and knowledge teachers should possess I order to teach effectively in a culturally diverse schools. Moreover, the work will illustrate the importance of a teacher’s professional development, the professional development the teachers find effective for learning ad the culturally pedagogy and socio-cultural theory important for learning.

The extent to which the teachers are prepared to teach in a multicultural society

The teachers need to understand that minority children in classroom are currently becoming more power and they possess the power to set the rules in the teaching sector. The regional and national demographic changes have led to increased number of students in the classroom. They should possess the right knowledge and skills to take care of the needs of students from all multicultural diversity in classroom. The teachers are trained on how to become cultural brokers and translators in order to be in position to mediate between students of minority and majority cultures (Marquez, 2014). By a teacher being a cultural broker, he or she would be in position to smoothen and ridge cultural mismatch hence empowering the students to succeed both socially ad academically in the society. The teacher should be trained on how to become reflective in terms of being empirical, observational, possess the right analytical skills, evaluator and in position to revise their teaching practices.  The teacher should be able to gain cultural competence. By doing so, the teachers would be in ability to work comfortably in multicultural settings and to interact harmoniously with students from a diverse cultural background.

Knowledge, attitude and skills required by a teacher in order to wok effectively in a multicultural diverse school

The teachers should always be prepared on how to provide quality education for all students from multicultural diversity. The teachers should be in position to facilitate cultural self awareness to all students, improve their cultural competence, cultivate their appreciation for diversity and be prepared to work effectively in multicultural diversity students. The teachers should always be prepared on how to deal with the socio-cultural consciousness. By doing so, they shall be prepared on how to understand the students’ ways of thinking, behavior and how different diversities in terms of language, ethnicity and class may be catered for the sake on all students in a classroom setting (Marquez, 2014). The teachers working in a multicultural school setting must always create a safe classroom environment, create a school environment where issues of cultural diversity are resolved in an effective and efficient manner, manage their emotions and feelings appropriately, provide the students with knowledge  of appreciating  the diversity and respect for the learning environment. They should also come up with long lasting behaviors and attitudes for honoring and resolving conflicts of cultural diversity in a classroom setting.

Benefits of additional professional development for a teacher teaching in a multicultural classroom

Pre-service professional development for teachers teaching in a multicultural setup would be that the teachers would be in position to construct a worldview and apply it to different groups of students. The teachers would possess the traits of effective cross cultural communication in a classroom environment. Teachers who undergo the training on how to develop a curriculum that is tailored towards the needs of all diversity students (Marquez, 2014).  Moreover, the professional development assists the teachers on how to control their attitudes and those of their students by ensuring that the students value the differences between them, celebrate their cultural differences and use cultural sensitive language. They are also able to respect their traditions and those of the students they teach.

Types of professional development a teacher regard effective for learning

A prospective teacher should have the teaching skills and methods which may effectively enable him or her to instruct the students from a multicultural diversity. The teachers should be comprehensive in nature in his or her teaching methods and strategies. The teacher should be informed on how to use the skills and knowledge on a diverse classroom setup (Marquez, 2014). At all times, the teacher should be able to assess the strengths, knowledge and abilities of the students they teacher. Above all, a teacher should be in position to differentiate the learning disabilities of the students in terms of cultural and linguistic differences. The teacher should be comprehensive in his or her teaching techniques for the sake of incorporating individual and cultural preferences in learning and cognitive styles in a classroom instruction. A teacher should therefore be able to assess his or her cultural competence, appropriate field experiences and have the power of multicultural infusion.

The importance of culturally relevant pedagogy and socio-cultural theory

The importance of culturally relevant pedagogy is that it enables the students and the teachers in a classroom setup to recognize the rights of the minority student. All the students in a classroom setup have equal rights to be taught in a comprehensive manner without any division in terms of class, ethnicity, gender and linguistic factors (Marquez, 2014). Social cultural theory is of great importance because it leads to cultural competence, ensures that appropriate field experiences are observed and all the multicultural infusion in a classroom setting is maintained.


Marquez, C. (2014). Preparing teachers for multicultural classrooms. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students. Vol.14 (3), Pp.43-64.

Leadership Reflective Writing

Balancing life is an aspect that is rotating in every individual’s mind in the modern times. I have personally come to realize that happiness is not just an issue of intensity but an order, balance, harmony and rhythm in ones life. I therefore understand that happiness in life can only be achieved when mental, physical, social and spiritual aspects in my life may be balanced. Whenever I wake up in the morning I usually ensure that I engage in regular sufficient exercise in terms of jogging, push ups and sit ups.  After work everyday, I usually ensure that I eat a health meal and get sufficient rest at night. I usually engage in riding which has been my hobby since I was young because I understand that engagement in hobbies break the chain of stress and ensure happiness in my daily life.

Mental preparation one of the greatest achievement that I always make in determining my happiness.  Everyday of my life I usually ensure that I spend each time that comes in my way in a productive way in a way that my goals were set. I always keep off from negative thought by ensuring that I interacts with friends when free and sometime listen to music as part of my recreation. It is impossible to be happy without involving God in my life. Therefore, I usually spare sometime to pray and to communicate with nature. Life can’t be complete without sharing with other so I do visit the weak and the old during my free time. All these activities in my everyday life help me to always be happy and to love others always.

Heterogeneity in household balance sheet 2006-2013


Using a combination of both macro and micro information of approximately 5000 household from the Irish household finance and consumption a balance sheet of 2013 was constructed back to 2006. The HFCS-SIM closely matched the actual balance sheet data from different external surveys such as the money and banking statistics and Central Bank Loan Level Databases statistics. The data gathered provided information on how different Irish households were affected by the shock into their assets and incomes (Horace, 2011). The lecture indicates that the wealth to income ration was the largest among older people aged 65 years and above because they tend to have greater concentration of their wealth in terms of property and have less disposable income on aggregate. According to the finding of this research, the decline of the aggregate debt was an indication that the household were deleveraging their assets and incomes. In contrast to this, between 2006 and 2010, young household age between 18 and 44 years saw their debt to income ratios increased by approximately 75%, as a result of rising debt levels and declining disposable income. The work will present the main strengths of the research, weaknesses and conclusion

Main strengths of the research

The research pointed out the causes of the financial crisis and the reasons as to why the households in Irish were left with the burden of debt repayment. According to the research the Irish people and more specifically the old age were left with the burden of mortgage repayment because of the easily acquired loans and the household rush for the ever increasing home prices (Michael, 2014). The necessary financial information in regard to the survey of the HFCS was used to gather and analyze the necessary intensive exercise.  The research enables use roll forward and backward using the Irish HFCS and understands how the household have changed with time. In order to express how the household spending behavior might affect their debt repayment, the research cross-checked the simulated distributed between the old and the young. The finding of the research indicates that in order to understand the trend of mortgage payment among different households in Irish it would be important to understand the household disposable incomes.

Over the years, tax policy has been used by many researchers to understand the economic impact. Nevertheless, this research is extra- ordinary because it has used the micro simulation techniques of the household wealth to understand house it have impact on the macro-economic phenomenon. According to the finding of the research, understanding of the households holding of assets and debts usually affects the economic policies. Based on the Irish findings, the failure of the households to repay their debts can have a major impact on the general economy of a country (Horace, 2011).  According to the research, it is true that lowering the rate of interest for the loan borrowed would eventually reduce the burden for the households. It is true that the mortgage debt usually account for the huge of debt for the older people that the youths.  In addition, the old people are the major holder of the residential and business property and both of these invest account for most of their debt share.

Just like other financial rules, the research categorized the assets into three broad categorizes such as the financial, real and property and the way in which they influence the household decisions on investment and debt payment. The financial assets included in the finding of the impact of the household consumption to the economic impact of debt payment of the households include: the equities, bold holding, savings and deposits. In order to understand the net wealth of the household it is important for the financial analyst to understand the debt level of the households (Michael, 2014). In order to understand the household mortgage debt it is important for the financial analyst to understand the households outstanding debt, pay back period, the current interest rate level, the form of interest rate, and the term remaining for loan repayment. These factors would be of great importance in understanding the loan conditions in a given economy, modifications and negotiations.  As a matter of fact, having an accurate measure of the household income is significant factor in understanding the debt to income ratio in over a shift of time as a factor that cause macro-economic shocks.

Weakness of the research

Despite the fact that the Quarterly Financial Account from the Central Bank in Irish provide appropriate aggregate trend of the household it never provided the heterogeneity of the household behavior in the recovery phase and during the crisis. The research failed to put to light why some households especially the young generation failed to repay their mortgage, the households who changed their spending behavior and the outlook of the household spending (Amos, 2010). The use of households’ consumption behavior was only significant in certain applications such as the problems of mortgage repayments.  The comparison of the household finance and consumption survey from European and United States financial account might not reveal an actual picture of how micro factors might affect the macro economic factors of any given economy. The research used a large population to conduct the research, the research used about 5, 419 households which was a large population for the data to be collected. The research used a variety of information such as debts, assets, inheritances, consumption, non-labor income employment characteristics, pension information and work history to illustrate how they affects the macro economic factors in the Irish economy. The use of all these factors would be difficult as the researcher would fact difficulties of establishing which factors contributed to the greatest impact to the macro-economic factors.

Despite the fact that the research had suggested the use of the gross, debt, assets and incomes of the Irish households in finding their impact on the backward and forward financial economic crisis in Irish it later failed to follow the assumption in establishment of the stress testing of the households.  In addition although the research ended up with a positive result indicating how household factors such as income, pension, employment level and asset ownership determines their level of debt payment, it never put into consideration that different households have different ownership levels (Francis, 2013). The research was based on the Irish economy whose households are more likely to own a home, have few assets to repay back the loans are more heavily indebted and have very similar wealth and income. Therefore, basing the finding on the Irish economy could not give the actual picture of how households’ incomes and assets might impact the general economy.


The findings of the research were evident that households’ factors such as income and assets might have great impact on the behavior of the household loan repayment. As for the case of the United States where most households failed to pay for their mortgage hence the cause of the financial crisis, the Irish case is not extra ordinary as the households especially those above 65 years old failed to pay their mortgages based on their incomes and assets (Horace, 2011). The research was based on a large population for the research and could not reveal the actual information and impacts of the households. The research aimed at showing the backward and forward impact of the household behavior a factor that was complex for the research to reveal.


Horace, M. (2011). Holistic Project and Supply Chain Management. American business review. Oxford university press.

Francis, G. (2013). Rethinking of foreign policies: economic polices and management. Cambridge University Press.

Amos, B. (2010).Accounting heterogeneity of Irish Households: Business review report. New York publishers.

 Michael, H. (2014). Micro and Macro: The Economic Divide. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/basics/bigsmall.htm


The name of this project is the “DUSTBIN BABY” because it depicts a person throwing his or her child in a dustbin (Cordner, Pp.23). The action shows lack of human dignity and rights for other people. As a golden rule, every human being should always respect and honor the right and value of the other human being.

As a street artist, the goals and intention of this art is to illustrate how people have lost value for life. The people are full of animosity as they value others like rubbish such that they can be dumped on the dustbins. Lack of meaning for life has resulted to war and fight as the weak try to fight for their rights from the superiors who oppress them (Cordner, Pp.23). In addition, the art illustrates that there are two people I life who includes: the oppressors and the oppressed. The oppressors do not recognize the rights and the value of the oppressed.

The work of art contains the issues of oppression for the weak in the society. The work demonstrates lack of respect for human value and rights. In life the superiors usually mistreat and oppress the poor as they do not have the powers to fight for their rights (Cordner, Pp.23). Hence, the powers bestowed to the superiors enable them to see other human beings as rubbish which can be dumped in the dustbins when they think and believe.

The street art needs to be place on the front page of the national newspaper so that everybody can see it. The front page of the national newspaper attracts many people and passes the information very quickly as possible (Cordner, Pp.23). Therefore, by placing it on the front page the newspaper it would achieve the intended goals and intentions.

The newspaper would be the best medium for this street art because it serves all people in the society.  Both oppressors and the oppressed would be in position to understand the message passed by the street art (Cordner, Pp.23. The size of the street art on the first page of the newspaper would be 5’’ and 8’’ in order to be clear and deliver the intended message to the people.

Work cited

Cordner, L.  Life and death matter: losing value for human rights. 2013. American psychological print.

In Defense for Food

Pathos, Ethos and Logos are persuasive tools which assists the writers to make their work become appealing to the readers (Pollan, Pp. 9). It is the basic reason they are known the argumentative appeals. In each easy it is important for the writer use a combination of the ethos, pathos and logos. The paper will consider the audience to address and clarify kinds of appeal which would be effective to every audience.

The ethos convinces the audience being address by the paper that the writer can be trusted because he or she is intelligent. The paper will demonstrate the ethos through the facts presented in the argument.  The ethos in the paper will be demonstrated through personal experience, expert support, writing style and how the writer treats his or her audience (Pollan, Pp. 7). The paper will appeals to logic when it relies on the audience’s intelligence and when he or she supports the argument with credible evidence. The argument must be supported with examples, facts, precedents and authority.  The fact that the audience has emotions and is intellectual, it is important for the writer to engage the audience emotions in the argument.  Nevertheless, using emotional pathos alone in an argument might not be appealing until they are used in conjunction with the ethos and the logos. The paper will incorporate the pathos in the best way through the use of the appropriate connotations

In the Pollan’s easy, the logical and dilemma fallacy has been used to capture the audience. In his essay, “In defense for food,” Pollan believes that people should always take food instead of the nutrients got from food itself. He believes by people consuming nutrients got from the fruits and other foods they shall be promoting the nutrition organizations which aim at making profits.  In addition, Pollan presents dilemma fallacy in his support for food because he believes that the nutritionist usually extract the nutrients from the fruits which can be consumed directly by the consumers and obtain the nutrients directly (Pollan, Pp. 10). I will use the logical fallacy in my argument by using examples, facts, precedents and authority gain from the past experience. The logical fallacy in the paper would aim to give clarity to the audience in regard to my arguments. The dilemma fallacy would be used in the paper to bring to light some of the issues which might be confusing the audiences as far as the arguments are concerned.

Part 2

Writing an introduction to an argumentative essay necessitates the writer to write the introduction starting with a sentence that enables the reader of the topic to be interested with it. The sentence should be followed with a background that makers the reader to better understand the topic and the issues to be presented in the discussion. The writer should conclude the introduction of his or her topic with a thesis statement. The thesis statement will present what will be discussed through out the argumentative easy in a collective and collaborative manner (Pollan, Pp. 9). Narrowing and Choosing research topics for MLA and APA essays necessitate the writer to understand the audience he or she will be addressing in the argument. By doing so, the writer would be in a better position to know what to talk about in either MLA or APA writing techniques. I will prepare my research by understanding how to write an introduction and how to choose my audience for the research.

Work cited

 Pollan, M. The Fallacies of Nutritionism and Food Nutrition. 2013. Nutritional review: Oxford university press.   

Multicultural communication

Question 1

According to the article “How innovative is your company’s culture,” many organization managers want the companies they lead to be more creative and innovative. Many of them read various books and articles, attend seminars and further their education in order to ensure that the organization culture within their leadership regime is attained and maintained (Mark, 2014). Most managers recognize the strong culture of both Google and Facebook companies which remain successful in the current volatile market. The article suggests that in order for an organization culture to be recognized to be innovative it must be built on efficient processes, resources, behavior, success, values and success.

According to the article, essential skills for leadership effective in diverse work place development,” leadership skills of the managers are important component for the organization culture. The success of these organizations currently depends on the capacity and the functions of these managers in ensuring a diverse working environment. The organization managers must also recognize that the workforce management in these organizations is complex and require the basic management skills and competence (Joel, 2008). In addition, the article, “leadership style, organizational culture and performance: empirical evidence from UK companies,” both leadership style of the managers and the culture of the organizations are related. According to the study leadership styles determines the performance of the organization both in the internal and external market on the globe. It is important for the managers to get insight into the culture of the workplace in order to understand the goals of the organization and the leadership skills required by that organization (Emmanuel, 2010).

Question 2

Enron Corporation was one of the world leading energy producing company in both electricity and natural gas. The company used to make billions of dollars from the services it provided to its customers around United States and the world. Nevertheless, the board of directors of the company started to engage with malpractices in their accounting process. The profit obtained from the company’s sales and distribution of energy was misappropriated and others were not accounted for during the preparation of the books of accounts of the company.  Managers from various departments of the organization were engaging into corrupt practices (Emmanuel, 2010). As a result of the managers being corrupt, mistrust and non-accountable to the vision of their organization the Enron Corporation ended up failing.  The core principles of ethical management which were violated by the accountants and the board of directors of the Enron Corporation included: misrepresentation, dishonesty and lack of accountability. The bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation could have been avoided if the managers had the vision of the company at heart, if the right leadership skills were adopted and if the workers of the organization had a strong positive culture.  Nonetheless, the culture of the Enron Corporation was poor directly from the top managers to the human resources workforce as everybody was corrupt in one way or the other.


Question 3

In the 21st century, the workforce in most organization across the globe is characterized with increased number of minorities, women, intergenerational workers and staffs with different lifestyles. Multicultural ethnicity has become a reality in most of these organizations. Therefore, there has been the need for the managers to communicate to the workers in a heterogeneity manner by ensuring that they recognize the differences of their workers in terms of their race, gender, religion, cultural and ethnicity background. Crises within organizations present serious threats to the strategic goals of the stakeholders and the organizations themselves (Chuang, 2013).  The reason for these is because they are unpredicted or unexpected. Despite the size of the organization, crisis communication might disrupt the normal operation, organizational future growth, reputation, survival and more so the organization potential to make profit in the market. Crisis communication normally jeopardizes all the interests of the managers, employees, community members and the stakeholders. As a result, crisis communication usually has an impact on individual’s security, sense of reality and normality. Given the fact that communication regularly takes place in an organization, a single communication crisis might significantly destroy or damage the performance of the organization.

As a manager in order to avoid crisis communication in an organization, it is important to understand the current state of the workforce and the society. It is important to understand that the society is characterized by virtual forms of interrelations, vast cultural exchange and highly depend of technology. Therefore, as a manager it is of great significance to ensure that before making any communication in the workplace, the information being communicated meet the benchmark of intercultural, intercultural, cultural identify, culture diversity and multiculturalism communication for each and every workers in that organization. By doing so, the manager would be in position to respect the cultural values of the workforce and the organization in general (Oliveira, 2013).  The appropriate steps that a manager needs to take in order to ensure that the organization is prepared for crisis communications plan in a multicultural workplace is to ensure that all the workers understand the culture of the organization. In addition, it is important for the manager to come up with proper communication channels which takes in place the multicultural diversity of the workers in an organization. The manager should also establish tactics and strategies which balances the goals of the organizations while at the same time putting into consideration the goals and objectives of the workers in a multicultural diversity workplace.


Emmanuel, O. (2010). Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: Empherical evidence from UK companies. Human resource management journal. Vo.6(2), Pp. 766-788.

Chuang, S. (2013). Essential skills for leadership effectiveness in diverse workplace development.  Vol. 6(1), Pp. 223-244.

Mark, M.(2014). Recognizing organizational culture in managing change. Oxford University Press.

Joel, Y.(2008). Critical Success Factors for effective risk management. New York Publishers.

Oliveira, M. (2013). Multicultural Environments and Their Challenges to Crisis Communication. Journal of Business Communication, 50(3), 253-277.

Smart Textile shirt

Over the years, the textile industry has undergone major changes, as new technologies are employed in the manufacturing of various garment. Smart technology is has been around for about 1000years but in the recent times, it has taken a new turn as sophisticated garments are made for the various purpose. The smart textile embraces the digital and electronic components such as sensors, color detectors, temperature detectors among others, to be used in the manufacturing of these garments like vests, jackets and pants. Therefore, this essay will focus on smart textile shirt as a product of smart textile technologies.

Manufacturing and function of smart textile product shirt

(Cityzen Sciences 2013)

To manufacture wearable computer in from smart textile product shirt, physics, chemistry, material science, computer science and technology has been combined with the manufacturing their garments such as the smart shirts. The sensors embedded in the jackets, the sensors, therefore, able to transform one type of signal into another type depending on the nature of the signal in question. There is a different type of sensors mused such as thermal sensors will be able to detect the thermal changes in the body hence an appropriate corrective mechanism is employed. When a stimuli-responsive hydrogels are embedded into the smart shirts, they will swell in response to a change in thermal conditions of the body. On the other hand, humidity sensors in the shirts will measure the relative or absolute humidity as the pressure sensors will convert the pressure to electrical signals that can be interpreted by various machines.

When actuator materials are embedded in these shirts, they will respond to signals from the surrounding hence make things change color, change shape and release substance. The chromic materials upon reception of stimuli will change the optical properties of these materials. The stimuli like temperature, chemical stress, and light will change optical properties of the smart shirts hence change color. In response to stimuli such as the temperature changes, electric field and pH will cause the stimuli-responsive hydrogel will swell.  Other materials embedded into the jackets are the conductive materials. They act to transfer data information and help in the creation of actuators and sensors.  Carbon has a good conductivity and enhances the performance of materials such as silicon

The reason as to why the product shirts as a product were selected

It was selected to elaborate the incorporation of smart textile technologies in the medical industry, in the medical field, electromyography sensors are also used hence embedded into the shirts with the primary aim of assessing the health of the muscles. In assessing the muscles health, of importance is the nerve cells that motions of the muscles. An EMG sensor will be embedded into the shirt and the skin and will measure the strength and speed of the signals travelling between two points. In monitoring the nerves and muscles, EMG will reveal dysfunctions and the various problems connected with those organs, with the nerve to muscles signal transmission. The EMG sensors are as shown below.


Fig 2 (geertlangereis,2007)

Figure 2 shows a folded substrate having a first embroidery layer; the capacity disk is connected to conductive yarn to transmit signals from the body via the device to the sensor and for interpretation

Fig 3, (geertlangereis,2007)

Figure 3 shows the second, third and fourth layers to be non-conducting hence isolate the sensor disk from the guard cap.

Fig 4 (geertlangereis,2007)

Figure 4 shows the Fifth layer with conductive yarn for the guard cap from which the signals from the nerves cells and muscles travels for interpretation.


Importance to human beings

The use of smart technology in textile industry and to be very specific in the medical field, benefits the clinicians and doctors in diagnosing of certain dysfunction on muscles and nerves, not only used by doctors but also individuals who wish to monitor various changes that take place in their body system, especially functioning of the muscles. When these sensors embedded in the shirts, the corrective measure can be taken in record dysfunctions time hence save the lives of individuals in time. This gas brought big improvements in the medical industry and textile industry as a whole. This technology also benefits the manufacturers since it is a source of capital and finances


Hypertension is also referred to as high blood pressure. The work will describe the group of Americans that is at greater risk of acquiring hypertension, five ways of controlling the conditions and the most outstanding issue that one can learn while interacting with the issue of hypertension.

According to the journal “New England Journal of Medicine” which was published in 2009, the African-Americans are at higher chance of getting hypertension as compared with the other races (McGraw, Pp.8). The hypertension among the African-Americans develops at younger ages. The African-Americans below 50 years of age are 20 times more likely to be affected by hypertension as compared to the white at that age (Josephine, Pp.26). The reasons for African-Americans below 50 years being at a higher risk of being affected by hypertension is because they are less likely to go for regular and routine check up as it always happens to the white.  The whites usually visit the health care and the doctors for routing screening.

The factors which are out of control when it comes to hypertension include: the age, ethnicity and the family’s history. The prevention of the hypertension demands the focus on the risk factors which can be changed. In order for an individual to control hypertension, it is important to maintain a healthy weight. People should try and maintain a normal weight while those with overweight should make sure that they reduce their weight (Josephine, Pp.17). It is necessary to eat a balanced diet because eating healthy food keeps the blood pressure of an individual under control. One should reduce the amount of salt intake because the high the salt the high the blood pressure and vice versa. Finally, one should exercise regularly as physical activities are important.

In conclusion, despite the fact that hypertension can be regarded to be dangerous and deadly in the society, I have learnt that it is possible for us to prevent ourselves from the risks associated with hypertension by exercising regularly, taking little salt, eating balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight and ensuring regular and routine hypertension check ups (Katherine, Pp.23).

Work Cited

Hitner, & Nagle Pharmacology: An Introduction, 6th Edition. 2012. Cambridge University press.
Krisha, M. Ways to Prevent Hypertension. 2014. Oxford University Press

McGraw, H. Calculation of Drug Dosage.s: A Work Text.10th Edition. 2010. Elsevier

Migrants & Refugees Argument/ Counterargument


Watching the video, John Oliver’s main argument lies in the belief that opening doors for refugees would bring a country to a variety of positive factors, those that are carried by those refugees. His argument is also found in the belief that the media is only playing a role of revealing the 1 percent negativity of having refugees accepted in the country and that people from world class countries should not open their arms wide in accepting refugees. Because the world is in the fear of accepting refuges due to terrorism, he believes that no normal refugee would accept to go through the process of acquiring the visa yet he has no benefits to the new host.


He begins his story from a high level perspective of examination where he studies the more outrageous developments that have been undertaken in the migrant sector in Europe. He performs his investigation with minute help from most of the ‘days of our lives’ television show characters whom the audience did not think they would ever show on television again. The use of these characters and the use of a variety of clips to reveal how immigrants are treated in Europe catch the eyes of the audience.


As the video begins, his very first topic is the status of immigrants in Europe. He addresses the question on the status of immigrants and here he blows his audience away by how awesome his investigation into the lives of refugees is. Oliver is seen to be very funny when one agrees with him and becomes hard to watch when there is no agreement. He begins his show by not showing much respect to the opposition especially the media because of his raise of well-researched and solid points that provide a robust support to his position.


His second and most appealing point is hidden in how the public fear refugees. He says that ‘there was only one genuine time in American history where the fear of refugees wiping everyone out came true and we all had been sitting around the table celebrating’. He believes that with the new developments in the immigration sector, refugees would no longer pose a threat to the security of Europe because no one in his right state of mind will go through the process of visa when he has less efforts for the country. His second point lies in the fact that refugees should not be feared.


To crown his story, Oliver finds basis of the poor state of refugees on news coverage. He criticizes the media for leading the nation into refugee oppression instead of seeking to find salvation for refugees. He digs into the status of refugees from media criticism and manages to find a stronger mass support. Apart from the media, Oliver also points out government officials who intimidate refugees instead of fighting for their welfare. In his third argument, his topic sounds real and brings his audience into a real understanding of mistreatment faced by refugees.


In his argument, he applies ethos through playing clips of European politicians presenting a counter argument while refutes them. In using logos, he presents his audience with populations’ statistics as well as real life interviews that act as back up to his argument. In using pathos, he shows to his audience interviews of a Syrian young girl who is disabled. At this time, he makes jokes that go along with his argument making his audience laugh while also realizing that he is making a good and relevant point as opposed to his opponents.


Oliver succeeds in making everyone his audience. At some point in his video, he addressed the administration while pointing to the status of refugees in Europe. At other points, he looks at media houses, particularly with the reference of affecting the attitudes of the public pointing to the poor status of refugees. His video also addresses the refugees themselves and sounds a message to them with reference to their status. Lastly, the general public is also pointed at with the larger address to those living close to refugees and refugee camps. Everyone is addressed on how to ensure refugees live a well life in a host country and not to be feared.


The overall tone for his presentation is information, satirical and sarcastic as well. Oliver creates analogies with statistics and pop culture. Because of his profession as an English comedian, a television host for refugee crisis and a political commentator, he finds a wider audience and manages to sport his own position with lots of evidence. His tone is organized by himself and evident at first when he states his topic and later uses video shows and making sarcastic comments about the videos. Later when he uses counters to his argument, he manages to make a point from it and gets across to his audience.


He ends his shows with some kind of live studio audience and universal politician. He shows why his argument is the most logical compared to that of his opponents. He ends his show with proving to use why the world should aid refugees. He ends his show not with any particular reference to Europe because he handles Europe, but rather addresses the whole world encouraging them to aid refugees and not to fear them. Just like he gives examples to support his opinion on aiding refugees, he gives us examples and other life instances that would be appealing if only the world decides to give aid to refugees and not fear them.


I completely agree with the discussion of Oliver because he maintains a humane argument. He presents his arguments to his audience in a way that makes us feel like outsiders and draws us closer to what he means by giving aid to refugees. He narrates the status of refugees in a way that leaves us wanting to acquire the desire to help not only refugees but other helpless people who are out to seek for our assistance. He makes us also hate the selfish and cynical administrators who are out to prove a point because of religion.


He provides a counter argument that the administrators are just trying to make the situation less shitty by looking and treating refugees in a bad way. However, he still thinks that no one should live in a situation of fear for their family and yourself. In as much as he provides a counter argument for his discussion, he still manages to convince the public that it is also our duty to assist people who are in helpless positions and not making their situations worse than it was. In a nutshell, we should be moving the problems away from us and this means that we should protect the society we have struggled to build.

Works Cited

LastWeekTonight. YouTube. YouTube, 28 Sept. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2017. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umqvYhb3wf4>.