What level of impact does economic development play in democratic progress

What makes democracies fall, endure and rise? Does economic development rise as an outcome of democracies? Do democracies also rise as an outcome of economic development? What happens to democracies when there is a rapid increase in economic development? Are there theories that can explain some level of development and extents to which democracies are bound to fail? The purpose of this development is to attempt to provide answers to the above questions and set aside theories that can explain the dynamics between economic development and political regimes.

A significant population of the present global economy has believed that democracy and economic development have a reciprocal impact on each other. For instance, most communists have believed that economic development is as a result of more democratic political structures that reinforce the rights of citizens. Economic conditions might have beneficial or adverse impacts on democracy. To begin with, economic hardships can change democratic regimes. Democratic societies are more vulnerable to ugly economic condition and at the same time democracy is equally vulnerable to bad economic conditions. Przeworski (1991) in explanation of the relationship between economic development and democracy declares that for development to occur there must be a favorable environment. Therefore, for the democracy is preferred for the reason of economic development.

It can also be argued that when the right to own property is protected among other citizen rights as opposed to an authoritarian democracy, the economic development occurs. The main point behind this argument is that if there are a few rich people, the property rights of these few existing rich people could be threatened because a majority of the country’s population is struggling with poverty. In a nutshell, economic development can be achieved only when political democracy is granted so that economic rights can take its course. Assurance in individual economic freedom brings an assurance of a stable political regime (Nathan 2013).

In attempts to explain significant theories that are behind the causal relationship between political regimes and economic development, Bipartisan Statement of Principles by Center for American Progress and CSIS (2003), explains the endogenous modernization theory. Behind modernization theory, there is an assumption that because modernization is a gradual process of specialization and differentiation of social constructions, it leads to the segregation of political structures from the rest of societal structures making democracy possible. There are also specific causal chains that hold together societal structures; education, political incorporation, mobilization, communication, urbanization, industrialization among other factors. Progressive accumulation of these factors when it comes to social transformation is what leads the society to a state of democratization. Modernization could be one of the reasons for the relationship between economic development and democracy.

If underdeveloped countries would become as rich as advanced nations, there is a higher probability that they would end up being political democracies; the higher the chance of a nation becoming ‘a well to do nation’ the higher their possibility of becoming a democratic nation. Even if the rise of democracy is independent from the level of economic development, there is a chance that the developed regime will survive if it established in an affluent country; that is a country that combines all the factors of modernization. We would therefore expect democracies to randomly appear with reference to the level of economic development but survive in wealthier countries and die in poorer ones.

Personal Statement for IT Management

Constancy to purpose is the only secret to success. These words do not only encourage me to continue making determined efforts in having an exceptional academic excellence but equally create in me the conviction that I need to make maximum impact to the larger society from a high level exercise of one’s willpower and mental capacities. Now, just after completing my undergraduate program, once again I ask myself two questions; what exactly is my life’s purpose and how can I constantly engage myself to fulfill my purpose in life. In an interpersonal communication with self, these questions seem hard to comprehend. I have to chosen to acquire a master in database technology. With an earlier degree in management, I feel it is natural to continue tapping into the field of management even though from a different field of information technology. This desire is so natural that I aim to continue to tap my highest potential in the field of database technology and build myself into a prominent specialist on the subject of database management in the future.

To prepare myself for a successful master program, I began my experience as a volunteer and later was accepted as an intern in the same organization. Because of my hard work, devotion and diligence, after 3 months of working as an intern, I was employed fully in the organization. I consider myself so hardworking because it is rare to find such an opportunity right after graduation. The company I work for is an international company and very popular in China and therefore to ensure this popularity is maintained, I hard to work smart. My roles revolved around drafting letters, reference letters and other company templates, setting up schedules for daily meetings, helping in project delivery and event planning. As human resource administrator which is equally my position currently, I aid in preliminary screening of recruits resumes, conducting phone interviews and giving feedback that supports hiring considerations. Because I worked directly with customers, getting compliments from customers directly was the order of the day for me and my organization was so happy with my performance. I receive most reviews from direct reviews from other companies’ directors, the vice president and other influential people in the society.

This program I believe is an ideal platform that makes it easier for me to conduct further research in database management and become a highly competitive individual. Within the two year study, I will work with the research department particularly from management to help in conducting integrated research programs to enhance individual student academic performance. I will also help other students with adequate preparation of their career paths particularly students who have not had real life experience before. As a student, I will work professional with faculty members to provide other students with professional knowledge and teach them how to apply this knowledge in real business cases. As alumni, my presence will still be strongly felt within the faculty and the larger institution because I intend to continue participating in school programs that will bring the performance of the institution to the top. As alumni, I also plan to represent my school and use positive recommendations to refer those trying to reach out for competitive schools. I plan to be successful as an alumnus such that my success will speak for itself as I recommend other students to the same institution.

Philosophy Personal Reflection

This answer the question on what I have learnt throughout my philosophical study, I will begin by defining philosophy. To begin with philosophy is the science that deals with the general principles and causes of things. Now with a clear understanding of philosophy, I will break down what I have learnt looking at philosophical principles of Plato’s Dialogues, Augustine confessions and Plato’s Allegory of the cave. We live in an age and time where every human being is focusing of scientific investigations, data and numerical procedures and most times we overlook the basic principles of life or rather called the philosophies of life. The impacts of philosophy as a result of decision making and the various directions we get from professional careers and life associations is equally neglected. I believe that the concepts within philosophy and philosophy itself impact numerous avenues in life such like my education, my professional career and life. St. Augustine and Plato have love for wisdom and they reveal to us how philosophy goes beyond scientific investigation, measurements and facts and how philosophy fully depends on intuition, judgment and reflection.

St. Augustine confession

With reference to the direction of my professional career, philosophy has played a significant role in determining what I want to do in my career. With philosophy, I have learnt that one has the ability to use many different philosophies and that philosophy should not be prejudged. I have also learnt that most times in people’s minds, they are right. In St. Augustine’s confession, it is very easy for one to understand confession from the aspect of admitting one’s sins. The understanding of admitting one’s sins is discussed by St. Augustine but through his works, I have also been able to learn how confession has several senses. Through the works of St. Augustine, I have learnt that confession can also mean a statement of belief and this is evident in St. Augustine’s detailed account of how he managed to arrive at the knowledge of God and other Christian beliefs. In St. Augustine’s development, confession I have learnt could also mean a statement of praise. In the process of confessing, Augustine continuously gives praises to God for mercifully directing his path and bringing him out of error and misery. Focusing on the reality of life, philosophy particularly the study of confession has helped me focus on the nature of mankind and how we owe our lives to God and therefore confession should be part of our day to day life.

Plato’s Dialogues

The relationship between mind and body is a significant lesson gained through the study of philosophy and understanding the overall quality of life. Plato is his dialogue provides us with the actual essence the connection between the mind and the body that places the soul at a better place. Throughout his dialogues, he brings us to an understanding of what he means through the meaning of words and the use of words. The purpose of these dialogues is to reveal consistent, productive and thoughtful beliefs, characteristics and behaviors that humans establish when they become aware of how the body and mind work together. In his dialogues, Plato manages to philosophize where other people have indoctrinated, he manages to life his audience’s spirit to a sense of purity especially where they have degraded and confined themselves to the negative life experiences. In the mind and body development by Plato, I have learnt that there are lots of activities that one can engage in to place the mind at stability. I have also learnt that the body becomes stable once the mind is fed with positive things. For instance, obese people will fail to lose weight because they have failed to condition their mind to think they are in a position to shed off the weight. As a philosopher, I have realized that exceptional performance requires us to find the link between body and mind so that we can have the best benefits and overall performance.

Plato Allegory of the cave

Analyzing the Allegory of the cave by Plato, I was able to have an explanation of how education is necessary for enlightenment of the soul. Plato maintains his discussion from the view of how one can be educated to the state of being a philosopher. He contends that the chains that bind those in prison lie in their senses and the allegory is some form of attack that occurs to people who depend on their sense or are slaves to their sense. In simple terms, the cave of our world is our senses, our world of sight, how we recognize images and finally how we form ideas of all things. Education according to Plato enables us to have an unbounded view of the general view of reality and have our own realization of a mirrored world tied to our level of thinking. With this knowledge, I have learnt that everything and anything we do has an impact on the decisions we make later in life. As an undergraduate student, I would really want to have a higher level of connection between different subjects. For instance, in the past I thought that mathematics was all about number and music was all about singing but when I understood Plato’s discussion on the Allegory of the cave, everyday decision become complex and away from music being full time singing and mathematics being numbers.

How stable is DPRK

Among the Asian countries that have seemed to attain stability internally since 2015 is North Korea. Her economy is not anywhere close to faltering and the president of North Korea has affirmed and consolidated his power base. In understanding the development by McEachern (2010), institutional politics in North Korea have been developed with some form of disobedience to political frameworks making the actions of the country seem confusing and surprising especially when citizens are forced to conform to the logic of their own regime. Looking at recent commentaries, new articles, materials, speeches from North Korean officials, it is evident that the country’s political institutions information and policy discussion have been executed from a higher level strategic decision making. The decision of Kim Jong-un’s towards strengthening monolithic leadership and military politics introduced a new brand of leadership that could be relied on by North Korean citizens. This decision shows a form of growing confidence of other nations with reference to power consolidation and economic performance.

North Korea went through significant economic difficulties back in 2015, but the new government under Kim had strived to bring back the economic position of the country under stability. While most people defined Kim Jong’s politics as ‘one man dictatorship’ the discussion presented by McEachern (2010) brings us to a state of stability with the mention of three major institutions that have helped stability the country. Looking at the active sectors in North Korea presently, there is evidence that the informal sector in the country is presently large than the formal sector to an extent that North Korean economy is now being compared to the economy of China. This simply means that the logic behind market economy continues to be widespread as North Korea’s state economy continues to increase in flexibility thus we can trust the stability of the country and its sectors. Looking at the citizens in North Korea, they are increasingly becoming entrepreneurial, adaptive and are always out to search for survival from whatever means possible as reported in Baek (2016) interviews. Ironically, having North Korea citizens be adaptive has reduced the effectiveness of universal sanctions.

Unlike McEachern who studies political structures to bring us to an understanding of North Korea’s stability, Baek (2016) takes us through an in-depth cultural analysis to reveal how North Korea is under stability. Power structures in North Korea presently have seen a shift from traditional rather old models of structure to the cabinet and party structure. This has made North Korea gain stability that is rooted in controlling overall economic activities with an inclusion of foreign exchange earnings as well as foreign direct investments. The generational transformation in political structures is also another defining characteristic of the successful leadership of Kim Jong that can be trusted internationally. Young and vibrant party members have received recruitment positions in the cabinet and party structures. What can compare to the growth and stability brought by younger generations?

The nature of activities of younger generations cannot be compared to what is brought to the table by old generations. Internal landscapes as observed in Baek (2016) cultural interviews looks relatively perfect although major threats might be external. The internal landscape is well protected with the new launch of undertake nuclear testing of 2016 and missiles. So what should the international community do in this scenario of growth? No matter how North Korea has been judged in the past, United States and other countries I believe should not judge her but foster openings for North Korea to grow further.

Music Summaries

Article 1

Sorenson, Czech, Gonzales, Klein & Lachowetz (2008) performed an investigation on how music played an essential role in the lives of individuals particularly athletes. The purpose of their study was to fully investigate the effect of music in Division 1 athletes. These researchers manage to break through from the ordinary understanding of the effects of music in general life and look at music and its consequences on athletes and at the same time examine the relationship between music and sport from an existential phenomenological viewpoint. The study was made effective from 7 participants; 3 female and four male from NCAA Division 1 College sport persons. Analysis of the effect of music on individuals’ way thoroughly performed in this study through analysis of existing research and present research methods that examine music experience and its relationship in sports. Participants in this study were made to listen to music at least three times every week while they exercised. Triangulation methods were used on each participant to uncover the effect on music on athlete experiences while results were recorded. The findings of the study managed to discuss what is lacking in the field of sport in relation to music motivation. It was revealed at the end of the study that music arouses the perceptions of athletes, reduces anxiety during exercise and increase mood and motivation to exercise more.

Article 2

Agrawal, Makhijani & Valentini (2012) also focus on music, its effects and consequences on an individual but this group of researchers looks at the consequences of music on heart rate. What is the relationship between music and the heart? Does music have an effect on the heart? With so many studies on music and its effect on the brain and cognitive patterns, this group of researchers looks at the effect of music on the heart with specific reference to heart rate. To make it easier for the public to understand the effect of music on the heart rate, these authors dissected the research into the effect of music from two different kinds of music. Focusing on high school students, these researchers randomly selected their participants who were later required to listen into both sets of songs; slow versions and fast and upbeat versions for 25 minutes. This study concluded that fast music increased heart beat while slow music slowed down the pace at which the heart would beat. Thus the study concluded that indeed there is a positive relationship between music and heart rate; slow music reduces the pace at which the heart beats while fast music increased heart beat rate.

Article 3

Are there medical effects from listening to music? Is there something about music that can be used to transform the health and medical profession? Novotney (2013) investigated on music as a form of therapy. In simple terms, this research investigated on how music can be used to improve the health outcomes of a variety of medical client population. In studying the effect of music on health outcomes, a fundamental area of study for the researcher was in premature infant populations and client populations that suffered from Parkinson’s disease and depression. This research reveals the power of music in organizing disoriented patients. In Bartel’s case study, disorientation was conquered through the sound effects of music particularly the mode of vibration that was played behind every music. Unlike previous researchers that were only aimed at addressing the forms of relationship between music and the brain, music and heart rate as well as the effect of music on athletes, this researcher developed not only an investigation but equally a prescriptive and dosable therapy of music that could be incorporated in medicine protocols to cure certain neurological based conditions.

Dealing with the Grapevine

If nurse administrators fail to attend to the communication needs of their employees, then a larger vacuum of information is created. Instead of effective communication at the work place and informal avenue of rumor develops and frequent puts a destructive slant on the activities of the workplace when employees are tentative. Most people in the nursing profession have revealed that about 80 percent of information that gets to employees travel through grapevine. Information that is as a result of grapevine travels very fast than formal communication channels. However, numerous ways have been developed to manage grapevine particularly in the nursing profession.

A key thing to remember when dealing with grapevine in the nursing profession is that grapevine exists. Reading the American Nurses Association (2010), nurse administrators are well reminded that grapevine exists, it has always existed and will always exist and there is no way it can be stopped. For this reason, nurse administrators should first accept this fact and make a decision on how to use grapevine for the benefit of the organization and the nursing profession at large. Managing grapevine for positivity should involve revealing to the management those issues that are problematic to nurses from the grassroots. This enabled managers to deal with issues immediately without waiting for the information to turn into rumor (Roussel 2013). An appropriate nurse administrator can ensure that preventive measures are taken to prevent rumors. Such preventive measures include keeping nurses honestly, fully and daily informed of the changes and plans within the organization through formal communication channels such as face to face meetings and emails at every level of operation. Plans can also be developed to actively reduce and prevent rumors from occurring. Such a plan fully revolves around maintain fair communication flow using numerous alternative sources to convey a particular message.

Sociology Debate project

A parent does not need to stay full time at home. Cohn & Caumont (2014), stay home mums are less educated, poorer than those who go to work. Having parents stay at home full time increases the rate of poverty which has doubled since 1970. Heidt (2016) reveals how staying at home parents struggle to make ends meet compared to working parents. How will parents manage to provide to their children when they stay at home full time? Staying at home make the parent miss their jobs because of these parents have jobs that are very rewarding that staying at home. The parents staying at home to take of the child would feel like she is doing everything and does not receive help; preparing meals, looking after the baby, going shopping, taking children to school which might develop into some form of tension and resentment between her and the spouse.

Staying at home means having less chance to reinvent self because of having to adjust to the new rhythm of life that is boring (Lamb n.d). There are no effective tasks to be completed, no goal set up, stay at home mothers miss the cooperative nature of them and colleagues and no one recognizes their industrial efforts. The demands of stay at home never change, are constant and this makes stay at home parents less productive than their counterparts who go to work each day. Stay at home mothers according to Valleskey (2015) are angrier, depressed and dissatisfied which could be because of the factor of isolation. Stay at home mothers are sad because there is no one to appreciate them, there are no changing and engaging goals like the ones at the work place and above all they develop a bad feeling about staying at home that make them more sad.

Legitimate and politicized religions

Although the Americans claim to highly religious society with ninety two percent of the people professing to believe in universal spirit or God, the belief does not translate into the knowledge of others or our own faith. The knowledge gap is necessary in differentiating between the politicized and legitimate religion (Brubaker, 2011).  According to the study, “Why religious education matters” and “Reactive Politicization and Religious Dissidence: The Political Mutations of the Religious,” the knowledge gap politicized and legitimate religion has real world impacts. The knowledge gap between the two religions have hindered the ability to evaluate religious from religious groups or political candidates, shallow world events and criticism claims of religious leaders preaching hatred and intolerance in the world (Fader, 2009). As a matter of fact, the work will illustrate how understanding the Abrahamic religions knowledge gap shall be of great importance in distinguishing the politicized religion and legitimate religious claims.

Religion is thriving in most of the contemporary democracies. In United States, the religion is characterized by low institutions confidence despite the fact that the Catholic Church is among the most trusted religion. According to Smith, nationalism is a new religion of the people binding repetitively, ritually and collectively. The religion on the other hand is a system of practices and beliefs which distinguishes the sacred from the wicked and unites its followers in a single moral community of the faithful (Bloomfield, 2005). The new religion competes parallel with the national heroes. It is the religious quality of politics that explain the emotional and durability of the depth, scope and intensity of the loyalties and feelings. Therefore, closing the religious knowledge gap would be a significant step towards lessening the problems associated with both legitimate and politicized religion in the world.

As a matter of fact, both the agnostics and atheists are the most known religious group that knows much about the religion in the public life. The Christians are ranked the highest in dealing with the aspects of Christianity and the bible. On the other hand, the Jews are ranked the highest in matters relating to the world religions (Geertz, 2000). The American agnostics are the people who grew up in rich religious tradition but consequently gave it up after study and great deal of reflection. As a result, the Americans have to learn much about the world religions in order to close the gap that exists between the politicized and legitimate religion.  According to the recent study, only twenty seven of the Americans understand that Indonesia is a Muslim nation.  Hence, by closing the Knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religion one would be a better position to understand the religion background and traditions.

Understanding the religion knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religion will assists in understanding the religious traditions of other believers. It would enable us to realize that we are a nation founded on a separate state and church.  The separation of the state and church according to the constitution was done in order to protect the religious liberty rather than forbidding religious practice. The move has encouraged religious practice and belief flourishing over the centuries (Haferkamp & Smelser, 2010). The beliefs are usually expressed either in private of personal ways. Nonetheless, the religious community also participates in public life aspects especially in political field. Most of the religious institutions will advocate for social justice and fight for the rights of their communities. Some people of faith are involved in making decisions in regard to poverty eradication, environment and immigrations. The religious leaders are also involved in politics, legislation reforms and same-sex marriage. The American religious groups have the role of shaping or influencing the social issues and views. The different religious groups normally agree and disagree with each in matters social and religious matters.

It is therefore significant for the public to be informed about religion democracy and the various teaching of diverse faith in order to be at a better position to relate politics and religion in aspects such as global warming (Haferkamp & Smelser, 2010). It is also important to differentiate theology from politics in order to be at a better position of expressing one’s faith based on doctrine intrusion on the citizenry diversity. The significance of understanding the diverse religious traditions and teaching are important in determining the legitimacy of the religious claims.

Closing the knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religions would be an important move in understanding the cultures and religions of different nations around the world. Basically, we live within a globalized community where borders no longer exist and where the religion has become a powerful for social cohesion, division and violence (Lewis & Rogers, 2008). Since time immemorial, human beings have been encouraged to act economically, politically and militarily by their priests, scriptures and gods. Hence, without the society understanding of the different gods existence it is hard to differentiate the different religions. It therefore means that it is fundamental to understand a nation’s religion as a means of expressing its culture, type of governance and the nation’s geography.

It is important to understand lack of religious teachings and education has significant consequences. The fact that the Christian groups knows little about Islamic there has always been conflict between the two religions groups (Malinowski & Redfield, 2015). According to a research survey conducted recently, only fifty five percent of the Americans know about the Islamic teaching and they therefore believes that there is high chance for the Muslims in the world to encourage violence. Nonetheless, closing the knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religions would enable the Christian groups to understand and believe that the Muslims are compatible to the western democracy and values and that the religion teaches peace rather than violence.

The importance of religious education and literacy would enable the society to close the knowledge gap between politicized and legitimate religion because the different religious groups would be in position to understand that the Quran and bible teaching may be taught in classrooms as a kind of literature. The religious education would enable the society with appropriate understanding on both world religions and Christianity hence eliminating the conflicts which currently exists (Gross, 2013).  The religious study in most of the learning institutions would enable the society to understand the religion interdisciplinary of the religious practices and beliefs and how they affect the world economies, politics, culture and history. Furthermore, closing the religious knowledge gap would eliminate the existing religious conflict across the world. Therefore, the Americans have believes that instead of banning Islamic or the Qur’an they should be willing to learn from it.

Religious diversity is therefore a fundamental aspect of cultural diversity which educators should take seriously in the different pedagogies.  All religions in the world normally produce a certain religious chauvinism as a result of universal human weaknesses. Nevertheless, it is the monotheisms religion group which has raised the hostility diversity in a theological principle. It is difficult for all believers to accept the belief that one universal deity controls and created the world and continue believing that the deity necessitates the world to abide by one religion be exercised and practiced by all the human beings (Fader, 2009). There has been monotheism condemnation by other religions as they consider the religion to be oppressive in nature.

Therefore, it has been important to understand that the world religion can be divided into two based on the believers attitudes toward other religious groups. The universalized religious groups have set of practices and messages which are universally important regardless of time and culture. The universal religious group tends to create ideology which might convert other members from other religious groups towards their beliefs (Rita, 2009). The universal religion is more common to people from the western cultures rather than in their counterparts. As a matter of fact, it is important to understand that there is no religion that is superior to the other because will all comes from different cultures. There is also an acceptable system of myth, belief and ritual that members of a certain religion shall not be judge by their level of participation is a certain culture or religion but by their convention of the belief.

The earlier Judaism is among the religions which were characterized with ethno-religion. During the early period only the ancient Israelites were expected to observe the Israelites practices and beliefs. There was no need to spread the beliefs to non-Israelite communities. The question of universal deity has continued to divide the different faiths according to their scriptures supremacy (Thorn, 2010). It is important to know that by closing the knowledge gap between the world religion legitimacy and politicization we would be in a better position to understand why some religions claim to be uniquely and universally relevant. The understanding of the truth in regard to the various religions will make unusual difficulties in the modern pluralistic world.

In conclusion, the religious pluralism philosophy needed in the modern society is more daring because it goes beyond the tolerance of differences. Christianity is a religion that genuinely understands the differences within the world’s religions. Nevertheless, in closing the knowledge gap between legitimate and politicized religion would provide clarity that there is no single religion that is superior to the other and they should never cause psychological distress and stress to the believers.


Bloomfield, D. (2005). Reconciliation after violent conflict: A handbook. Stockholm: Int. IDEA.

Brubaker, R. (2011). Religion and Nationalism: Four Approach. New York; New York Publishers.

Geertz, C. (2000). The interpretation of cultures: Selected essays. New York, NY: BasicBooks.

Gross, R.(2013). Religious Diversity: Some Implications for Monotheism.  Cross Currents Journal. Vol. 4(1), Pp. 23-34.

Haferkamp & Smelser,  (2010). Social change and modernity. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Lewis & Rogers, (2008).  Spotswood Collection. Islam and the West. Oxford University Press.

Malinowski & Redfield, (2015). Magic, science and religion. Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing.

Rita,G.(2009).Reactive Politicization  and Religious Dissidence: The Political Mutations of the Religious. Religious politicization Journal. Vol.1(2), Pp.34-49.

Thorn, B. (2010).Why Religious Education Matters: Center for American Progress. Retrieved from: https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2010/10/25/8564/why-religious-education-matters/

Fader, A. (2009). Mitzvah girls: Bringing up the next generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Obesity and Overweight

Obesity and overweight is excessive and abnormal accumulation of fat that impairs individuals’ health. The study of obesity and overweight in public health is of great significance because it establishes the reasons for increased health risks such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The body mass index is a specific tool that compares both the weight and height of an individual to establish whether an individual is overweight or not (Ashok, 2015). The study shall demonstrate the data that needs to be collected and what need to be considered in choosing the study design for the overweight or obesity study.

Obesity and overweight is an epidemic and public health issue in both developing and developing countries.  The issue is believed to have great impact on psychological and physical health of the society. The fact that cultural, environmental and lifestyle preferences plays a vital role in rising cases of obesity in the world there is need for researchers to use qualitative research design to establish the causes and consequences of overweight in the society.  As a matter of fact, obesity and overweight is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure health issues among the adults and children. it may lead into physiological and physical consequences in the society. Hence, the use of qualitative research design in the form of interviews and focused group would be of great importance because it will evaluate the causes and the consequences of being overweight (Ashok, 2015).  In conclusion, I would choose qualitative research design because I shall be dealing with a focused group of individuals suffering from obesity and overweight physically and psychologically with whom I shall conduct the interviews.  From the information collected using the qualitative research design I would be in position to understand the recent causes and consequences of obesity and overweight in the society.


Ashok, L. (2015). Childhood obesity: causes and consequences. Family Medicine and Primary Care Journal. Vol.4(2), Pp.187-192.



Circumcision is a cultural or a religious ritual. It can also be a matter of personal hygiene, medical purpose, family tradition or preventive health care aspect. Male circumcision is one of the highly debated sexual health issues in the modern society and medical community. It is normally discussed everyday by both women and men (Stopes, 2015). Most people argue that the male who are circumcised are medically better than the uncircumcised especially when it comes to prevention of the sexually transmitted diseases. The work will support circumcision that it is crucial to ensure that the boyfriend is circumcised.

It is crucial to ensure the boyfriend is circumcised

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the benefits of circumcision among men overweigh the risks. First and foremost, male circumcision normally decreases sexually transmitted infections such as HIV as it ensures safe sexual practices among couples (Stern, 2012). Secondly, circumcision should be emphasized in the relationship because is a crucial cultural and religious rites. Therefore, in order to ensure that your boyfriend abide with the traditions and religious aspects of the community it is important for him to be circumcised (Whybray, 2013). Thirdly, there are other benefits of circumcision for a boyfriend which may include: easier hygiene since it makes bathing easier among the circumcised, decreases risk of urinary tract infections, prevent penile problems and reduces risks of penile cancer problems. Therefore, based on these benefits of circumcision, it is vital for the female in relation to ensure that their boyfriends are circumcised as they shall be at a safe side especially when it comes to prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.


Circumcision among men and female in relationship should not be an option but must be compulsory as its benefits are more than the risks. Circumcision is a medical, tradition and religious rite which every male should undergo as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.