The Great Depression


The Great Depression in United States occurred between 1929 and 1939. It was the longest and deepest economic downturn to have ever been experienced in the history of the industrialized countries in the world. The Great Depression occurred when the stock markets in the country crashes causing millions of the investors in the country to lose their investments. [1]As a result of low investment, the economy experience high cases of unemployment, reduced consumer spending due to low purchasing power and low economic growth. By the end of 1933, millions of employees had lost their jobs while half of the banks in the country had decided to close while other had failed completely. Despite the economic reform and relief measures which had been put in place by President Franklin Roosevelt to lessen the worse impact of the Great Depression, the economy would not have been repaired until the World War II in 1939. The research will demonstrate the impact of the Great Depression economically, socially and politically.

The economic impact of the Great Depression

During the summer of 1929, the American economy was characterized by the extra- ordinary recession. At this period, the consumer spending dropped drastically causing the unsold goods to pile up in the go-downs hence causing the level of production in the country to decline.[2] In addition, the stock prices in the stock exchange markets continued to increase and by the end of the year it was impossible for the investors to forecast the future earnings. Prior to the end of the year 1929, the country experienced stock market bubble burst, where the investors decided to dump their shares mercilessly and in huge masses. During the Black Thursday, it was estimated that about 12.9 million shares were trade within one day. During the Black Tuesday which occurred five days later, the stock market analyst approximated that more than 16 million shares were traded within one day following another wave of investors panic. Following huge trading of the shares in the stock markets in the country, the shares became worthless and the investors who had acquired the shares through borrowed money were wiped out of the economy completely.

In the wake of the stock market crash in United States, the consumers’ confidence vanished. The low level of consumer spending and investors’ investment led many factors and businesses to reduce their contraction and production activities. As a result, most of the factories and industries were forced to begin firing up the workers which increased the level of unemployment in the country as well as lowering their purchasing power. For the case of the workers who were lucky to remain in the employment industry, continued receiving low wages which could not withstand the fragile economic situation. As a result of the economic instability, most of the Americans were forced to purchase on credit hence increasing their level of debt.[3] The increased cases of debt in the country were followed by increased cases of property repossessions.  Nevertheless, the entrance of the Gold Standard in the economy was a major attempt by the economists and the United States government ensures other countries especially from Europe to join in the process of fixing the currency exchange in the world. The Great Depression made many investors in United States to lose their confidence as a result of the banks solvency and demanded most of their deposits in terms of cash. The move forced most of the banks in existence to liquidate in order to retain the insufficient cash that was in their reserves. President Hoover tried to support the failing banks with the government loans in order for them to support the failing and create employment for the unemployed citizen but the situation was beyond scope and could not be controlled.

The social impact of the Great Depression

As a result of the Great Depression, there was increased mass migration of the citizens in search of better life.[4] Given most of the businesses in the economy had collapsed during the Great Depression, the crime rate increased rapidly. Most people were arrested for engaging in theft cases of food as they were unemployed and their purchasing power had declined hence leaving them with little cash to spend on food. In addition, the cases of malnutrition rose while the cases of citizens committing suicide increased drastically. Given the fact that most married men were unemployed most desperate women in the country started to engage prostitution as a means of settling their bills. The health care sector was not also spared as only the dire unhealthy cases and circumstances were reported in the hospital. [5]The level of alcoholism and cigarette smoking was on rise as most people tried to console themselves due to the economic situations they were undergoing at the time. The marriages were never spared by the Great Depression because most of the male were forced to delay getting married. On the other hand, as the life became harder for the already married people, cases of divorce were experienced in most families. In connection to this, the birth rate in the country sharply dropped as most people more so the women decided to use the various birth control measures to avoid unnecessary births.

The political impact of the Great Depression

The Great Recession and the Great Depression were similar in one way or the other in matters associated with the political arena. [6]The Great Depression started when President Hoover was in power and continued until his term of power came into an end. The Hoover together with his Republicans fueled the existence of the depression in the economy because they continued insisting for a long period of time that it was only going to happen for a short period of time. Following the president’s depression assumption that it was only temporary and was likely to control itself, the situation deteriorated and most American citizens were rendered unemployed.  Despite the fact that President Hoover was the former secretary of commerce in United States continued to emphasis that it was not the role of the government to create jobs for the citizens in order to relieve the economy from the recession. In 1932 when the Great Depression was at the peak, the citizens continued to lose their jobs and remained unemployed. It was at this time that the citizens realized the need for the change of the current Republican government and replace it with a Democratic government. As a result, the citizens brought to power President Franklin Roosevelt. During his inauguration speech in 1933 he ordered all the remaining banks to close down before the fourth banking wave had come into existence. As the current government did not have enough resources to cater for all the government workers, President Roosevelt declared that the only thing that the country would fear is the fear itself rather than the economic depression in the country.

Prior to the government realignment, it was worth to note that the Great Depression had spread from United States to other countries like: Europe, Germany and Latin America hence necessitating these countries government to also be authoritative in order to solve the Great Depression. [7]Under the leadership of President Roosevelt, a series of social programs under the name the New Deal were passed. The New Deal under the guidance of the president included: restructuring the government, building infrastructures, providing rural electrification and reconstructing the country’s social security. [8]The adoption of the New Deal transformed the United States government completely. It made the government more expansive and bigger. As a result, the government was able to reduce the current state of poverty by creating more jobs, improving the salary rate for the citizens and increasing their purchasing power hence improved economy in general. Therefore, it was the change of power  from President Hoover who was a republican to President Roosevelt that enabled the United States to change the Great Depression.


The Great Depression was one of the economic down turn to have been experienced by United States. The depression had economic, social and political impact for the Americans and the globe at large. Economically, the Great Depression impacted the stock markets and the banks.  It also led to the closure of most of the industries which resulted to most people becoming unemployed hence low purchasing power and lose of the consumers’ confidence. The massive sale of the stocks in the stock market results to the stocks losing in value hence lose of investors’ confidence hence low investments in the country. Low investment and lose of the customers confidence and satisfaction resulted into low productivity. As a result of high cases of unemployment most of social life in terms of marriage, divorce, birth rate, and culture and crime rate in the society was influenced negatively. Politically, the Great Depression led to transfer of power from a Republican President Hoover to a Democratic President Roosevelt. The formation of the New Deal transformed the economy as a whole in United States the world at large.

Session 9: Case Study Questions

Information within Enterprise

  1. Why was e-Commerce the best approach to achieve Nick Swinmurn’s vision of the perfect shoe store?
    1. . It established collaborative relationship between the company and the customers.
    2. .The e-commerce enabled Nick Swinmurn to execute his orders accurately.
    3. . It enabled the company to speed up its delivery of the products and services to the consumers.
    4. It enabled the company and Nick Swinmurn to address the customers’ needs and complaints whenever they arised.
    5. It increased the customers’ satisfaction.
    6. The customers were motivated through training and remuneration.
    7. . Nick Swinmurn managed to build his company’s culture.
    8. . The Company was in position to produce mass shoe products which were customized.


  1. How does the overall construction of the…. answers


Content Design Functionality
Free deliveries and returns 365-day return guarantee and 4-day delivery window guarantee  Fulfillment of the center personnel broad latitude through addressing the customers’ needs and complaints.
Customer satisfaction Employees training Company’s customer focus, business strategy and culture
Building the Company’s culture Communications and customer interaction Customer community
Employees turnover Intensive four weeks training program The training program offers the employees with the company’s knowledge in regard to processes, culture and strategies. It leads to workers retention.
Employees living according to the core values Creating of an enjoyable working atmosphere Creation of corporate culture by embracing diversity


  1. answers
    1. steps taken:
      1. . Opened up new fulfillment centers
      2. .Employed more workers to fulfill the customers’ demand
  • . Introduced new clothing and accessories items into the website.
  1. Creation of a web site that would offer huge shoes selection
  2. .Zippos embraced as a valuable tool for building the company’s culture.
  3. Zippos employed live sets of the employee’s core values.
  1. importance:
    1. . Adoption of the Zappos enabled the company to address the customers complaints and needs hence they the customers were satisfied.
    2. . The adoption of Twitter as a valuable Twitter enabled the people to connect at a more personal level.
  • . The adoption of the modern websites by the Zippos increased employees’ retention.
  1. . The employees were in a better position to interact with the customers.
  2. Ensured that the company created a corporate culture that embraced diversity
  3. Established novel management techniques.
  4. What advantages did bring to the merger/acquisition of and what did Zappos bring?


Amazon’s Contributions Zappos Contributions:
Social networking Collaboration and trading
Personalization and customization Event notification
Richness and complexity of content Workflow management
Global reach Mode of payment
Ubiquity Catalog management
Information density in terms of costs and price transparency. Access to security control, profiling and personalization, search and content management.



Alepo, F. (2015). Introduction to e-Commerce and e-Business. New York Publishers

Paget’s Disease

Signs and symptoms of Paget disease

The signs and symptoms of the Paget disease mainly depend on the part of the body that has been affected.  The fact that the disease affects four main parts of the bones in the human body which include: Pelvis, spine and Leg. In general, the Paget disease of the pelvis bone normally causes the hip pain to the patients, the overgrowth of the skull bone may cause headaches and hearing problems and if the spine bone is affected by the disease it may result into the nerves around the spine being compressed hence cause the pain around the spine (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010). As a matter of fact, there are no specific signs and symptoms of Paget disease but the disease I normally detected incidentally through X-ray tests which might be conducted to a patient or patients for other reasons. Nevertheless, the only known signs and symptoms of the Paget disease is complaint of pain from a specific part of the bone in the body.  As the bones weaken and bend, they make the patient to be bowlegged if the legs were affected by the disease.  The misshaped and enlarged bones of the patients’ legs might result into extra stress and pressure upon the nearby joint which might cause hip or knee osteoarthritis.

The fact that the disease causes the body to generate new bone faster than the normal rate, the hasty remodeling and production of weaker and softer bones in the body results into fractures and deformities which causes the patient to experience pain during the process.  In the recent time, there have been increased cases of Paget disease. Therefore, the patients who have been affected by disease are much likely to develop congestive heart failure as a result of the increased heart workload. Whenever a patient experience pain in the joints and the various bone parts in the body, weakness and tingling and bone deformities it is appropriate advice from the doctors and test for the Paget disease because these are the major signs and symptoms of the disease. Most scientists believe that the symptoms and signs of Paget disease are unknown because the disease is suspected to result from genetic and environmental combination factors.  Hence, the scientists have linked several genes to be the cause of the disease hence making it hard for the disease to have specific signs and symptoms (Petit & Adamec, 2005). While determining the symptoms and signs of the Paget disease, it is important for the patients and the society to put into consideration the family history of being affected by the disease. In addition the nationality of a person may influence a person from being infected by the disease. Patients from countries such as Asia, Scandinavia, Scotland, England and Greece are more likely to be affected by the disease than people from other countries. Other factors which might influence the signs and symptoms of the Paget disease may include: sex and age.


Someone with Paget’s disease may go into their primary Doctor complaining of joint or bone pain. The first step the doctor would take is order x-rays for the very section of the body that the patient is complaining about and also retrieves blood. From there a Rheumatologist or practitioner who primarily focuses on bone disorders cans diagnosis the patient with Paget’s disease.  Blood work indicates if there are elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase. X-Ray images show areas of bone reabsorption, enlargement of bone, and deformities (Altman, 2015). Although x-rays are the first images used to diagnose the patient, it is not the considered the best modality to see the extent of the disease. Nuclear medicine injects radioactive material that highlights the areas of the bone that are affected by Paget’s disease. CT demonstrates cross-sectional images of complex structures such as spine and skull to show the extent of calcification. Although MRI might not be a modality used in the first steps of diagnosing this disease, it can be helpful later down the road. MRI shows alterations in bone marrow where it is replaced with fatty deposit.

Rare complications of Paget’s disease include heart failure. Paget’s disease causes increase blood flow to the bones which causes difficulty for the heart to keep up with the demand for increase blood flow.  Bone cancer such as osteogenic sarcoma causes severe bone pain and swelling of tissue around the bone (Hamilton, 2013). Also, people with Paget disease often develop kidney stones and calcium deposits in blood vessels and heart valves. These problems are caused by increase calcium in the body from the breakdown of bone tissue. Hyperparathyroidism is also a rare complication that people may develop with Paget’s disease.

Paget Disease Treatment

The Paget disease treatment is directed towards management and controlling of the disease activity complications. When the blood testing and symptoms of the Paget disease show low level of the serum alkaline phosphate there may be no or minimum treatment of the disease which might be required (Cripe, 2016).  Whenever a patient suffering from Paget disease may experience bone pain, the doctor may be required to offer pain relieving medications and anti-inflammatory drugs. The specialized footwear and heel lifts may be used by the patients suffering from the bone deformity in order to assists in the support of the deformed bones.

Moreover, specialized surgical operations might be administered by the doctor to the Paget disease patient suffering from severe bone deformation, fractures, damaged joints and pinched nerves. Prior to the patient suffering from the Paget disease undergoing the surgical operation it is important to try other forms of treatment using Bisphosphonates in order to reduce the surgical complications and risks such as over bleeding.

The medical treatment of the Paget bone disease may involve either injectable calcitonin or Bisphosphonates medication. The specific drugs are used in treatment of the patients suffering from Osteoporosis. The Bisphosphonates such as the Skelid, Didronel, Actonel and Fasamax are mainly administered through the mouth. They are supposed to be take early in the morning before the patient takes his or her breakfast with eight ounces of water. The Bisphosphonates are believed to cause the esophagus and stomach irritation. Nevertheless, the Intravenous Bisphosphonates are believed to cause joint and temporary muscle pain bust are not characterized by esophagus and stomach irritation (Lescher, 2011). As a matter of fact, the mode of treatment of a patient suffering from a Paget bone disease may depend on the severity and the condition of the patient.  It is believed that, there are patients who are allergic to some medicine and it is the role of the doctor or physician offering Paget disease treatment to make decision in regard to the best treatment mode which best suits the patient.  Depending of the patient’s nationality, age, gender and family history, the physician may be advised on the best treatment mode which might lead to the patient’s healing.



Question One

Question One (a)

AMP can be classified among the crop of Australian companies in terms of promoting design and having design awareness within the company. Internal client expectations are established periodically in AMP and this is made a priority in coming up with designs for the company; which must be according to the needs of the clients (Gemser, 2013). This is a great show of design consciousness with the company. Clients are also allowed by the company to make requests to the company so that the company can deliver as per their requests.

In keeping design consciousness, AMP sets standards and guidelines that must be adhered to in delivering requests for designs. All these are in accordance with the objectives that AMP has set for itself as a business (Kumar, 2008). This ensures that the business is forever design conscious and explains when it is ahead of other Australian companies and companies of the world when it comes to design.

There is stress on the various markets that AMP is trying to reach. These are both markets within the Australian borders and those outside the borders of Australia (Kumar, 2008). The designs for AMP are thus carried out based on what is acceptable to respective markets and thus they are readily acceptable. Making design dependent on the market is a show of design consciousness as the market is a fast evolving world and keeping track of the evolution is being conscious with designs.

The number of campaigns and events sponsored by AMP in promotion of designs and getting to the market shows just how design conscious AMP is. These campaigns and events helps convince the market of what AMP is trying to do and thus the company has been more acceptable to its consumer base, both nationally and internationally (Kumar, 2008).

Question 1(b)

A design strategy plan to boost on the design consciousness already existent in AMP can be provided to cover over a five year period. The first step in this is setting strategic objectives for the strategic plan over the proposed design strategy over the five year period of time (Walsh & Potter, 2012). This helps connecting what is envisioned in the design strategy with the company’s mission. The objectives should always be for the long term and in this case run over five years just as the design strategy to be adopted should be.

As already established, design consciousness of AMP is largely dependent on the market. For the strategy, the available market opportunities should be assed based on the strength within the organization. This will guide the organizations step by step until the ultimate results of the strategy are realised after the five year period (Walsh & Potter, 2012). With this, the strategy can be modelled according to customers’ responses to the strategy, whether they rate is as adding value to them or not and also as to whether such a strategy builds on the reputation of AMP as a company.

In as much as an effective design strategy in this case is planned for a five year, period, eventual results for the strategy must be realised according to the short term benefits realised in the course of rolling out the project. To ascertain this, short term goals can be set. This can then be used to determine the courses of action for the planned strategy (Kumar, 2008). This can also allow for the re-evaluation of the strategy incase everything with it may have to be destined for failure.

Lastly, there needs to be a scorecard for the strategy to be adopted. This should last over the five period of time that the strategy is intended to last and thus adjustments can be made to ensure the strategy is a success.

Question Two

Question Two (a)

There are various criteria that can be used to determine whether a design approach adopted by a company is effective or can prove to be effective. Possible criteria can involve finding out whether a synthesis of data relevant and of meaning to the strategy were considered beforehand. If this is ascertained, then there is need to establish whether prioritization took place after synthesis. Prioritization is made according to the goals a company sets out to achieve (Flynn, 2015). This criterion helps establishing whether at any stage in the execution of the strategy conflict may arise among the measures adopted for the strategy. The next stage in the criteria would then involve establishing the type of consciousness that exists as between personnel working on the strategy and the strategy. This helps in establishing sync and in case the same lacks, the same can be put into the strategy to ensure that sync as between every stakeholder in with regards to the strategy exists.


Question Two 2(b)

A best suited criteria for evaluating Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation is quite similar to the one already discussed in part (a) of the question as above. The best criteria can commence from the synthesis of data leading to the conceptualization of a strategy. This helps in establishing the root cause of the need for design driven innovation in such form of a strategy. From this point, the criteria moves into evaluating the goals set for such a strategy, aiming at establishing the drive for the adoption of such a thought leading to the incorporation of the strategy (Kumar, 2008). Just like previously, the involvement of stakeholders especially the employees of a company has to be established as part of a criterion of evaluating Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation. Following such as criteria establishes credibility in a method used for designing new products and services in line of Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation.

On the principles applicable to Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation suppose it was adopted by AMP, the principle of collaboration between stakeholders should be considered for this case. All stakeholders need be involved in the project to ensure that it achieves desired objectives and thus there is the need for an all-inclusive approach; especially as regards to the employees. There should also be considered variations in general processes in every undertaking and this should be a principle that such variations are all events that should all be treated in the same way (Kumar, 2008). In this manner, all events will be accommodated and mitigation will be made of all uncommon occurrences in the implementations of new designs for upcoming products and services for companies.Following the outlined criteria and adherence to the discussed principles would ensure that what is outlined by Roberto Verganti is perfectly put into practice.

Question 3

Question 3

According to Herbert, every organization tries to come up with products and services which changes the current situations into the ones preferred. In order for AMP Company to come up with the products and services which serves the preferred human conditions in the market, it must embrace the design principles which include: culture, competencies, connected systems and control. It is the responsibility of the AMP Company to train its workforce so that it can design products and services with emotional connections and which establishes keen interests on the customers’ insecurities, pressures and struggles.

Relevant artists and contemporary issues that influence and substantiate my jewelry projects

Photography and jewelry are forms of museum exhibition which are used in the modern days to examine how the modern jewelry artists are using the power of photography to explore the aspects at the focal point of the contemporary experience in terms of the changing views of the beauty of the human body, political, cultural, social, memory desires and the relationship between personal identity and jewelry being used in the society.  [1]The multiple exposures no longer inform us the relationship between photography and jewelry but provide a deep exploration of the two aspects in the contemporary world. The role of the work is to present the relevant and contemporary issues that influence and substantiate the jewelry project.

Basically, image creation, revolution, transmission and manipulation serve as a catalyst for the artists and the jewelry manufacturers in regard to multiple exposures and taking the items within our vicinity serious. [2]Through photography and pictures we have been able to look seriously on the digital images streamlined by the smart phones, computers and cameras.

As a matter of fact, while dealing with the relevant artists and contemporary issues that influence and substantiate the jewelry project, the project has revealed that through image creation, revolution, transmission and manipulation using the digital images the jewelry manufacturers and designers together with the artists, they might be able to come up with unexpected or unpredicted ideas which might transform the way we view the beauty or the world around us. The color, shape and pattern of the different jewelry have been the important fields while focusing on the ideas of the artists and how they influences and create a different path as far as jewelry revolution in the contemporary world is concerned. The manners in which the color changes, the shapes are inter-twinned and the patterns are formed using the different jewelries have resulted into revolution in the world of art in the contemporary world.[3] unlike in the past where the artists views the art in only a few angles, the modern art has been influenced by the different theories of shape, color and pattern as revealed by the different contemporary artists. In addition, the modern artists do not only come up with different concepts but they ensure that they bring them into reality in different fields of art more so in the world of beauty.

Jiro Kamata who used the blue and open sky to explain the sensorial experience to explain how photography and jewelry are associated with mortality, spirit and time, Gijs Bakker who used a nude male athletic pouring water on his back using the bucket to illustrate how shape, color and pattern influences artwork and Otto Kunzli who influenced the contemporary jewelry revolution path are the important artists for my jewelry project.

Jiro Kamata is an artist who visited Mexico in 2010 to exhibit his Momentopia series he had been working for since 2007. The blue and open sky in Mexico exposed Kamata to sensorial experience that motivated him to explore Mexican color and establish visual relationship with the country. The idea proved to be a great inspiration for him in understanding the Mexican color beyond it’s conceptual. Arabesque was a form of artistic architecture and decoration that was based on rhythmic linear patterns of interlacing and scrolling which originated from the Islamic art but which was later adopted by the Spanish and Mexican. [4] The enticing combination of the unexpected color and unpredictable shapes of the iron arabesques made the Momentopia series by Kamata to take a colorful and fresh path. The Arboresque using in the Momentopia seris created a mysterious and sinuous patters which remind us of the unfinished calligraphic language and art will no longer recognize. The is a great relationship between the mysterious patterns, shapes and colors which have been used by the Arboresque in the Momentopia series  with the different jewelry which have been present for the project because they also have different colors, shapes and patterns.

Gijs Bakker is a contemporary artist who is famously known for transforming theBruce Weber photograph of nude male athletic pouring water on his back using a bucket into luxurious and sensuous Water brooch where he endeavored to the water drops falling from the bucket with diamonds. [5]By replacing the water droplets with the diamond he wanted to show the realism in life that it is possible to construct an image which may be similar to the one constructed by the machine as long as the idea remains the same. The diamonds have been used in the Jewelry project to indicate that they have the potential to bring different ideas and thoughts into the reality of life especially as far as beauty and authenticity is concerned. The jewelry and the use of diamond to replace the water droplets reveal that it is possible to connect ideas and jewelries for mass production.

Otto Künzli is one of the most contemporary, respected and renowned jewelers working today. His meticulous artistic work has enabled him to reference the cultural aspects using the metaphor and iconography to present products full of sophistication and wit. [6]He is an influential jewelry artist with the ability to bring the different qualities of the jewelry. In the Automatenfotos document he tried to bring together every imagination in order to combine the wires, laces, wooden rods, tapes and torso. The black and white photo strips that he used in bringing the ideas together set a revolutionary path to the contemporary jewelry.  The work of Otto Künzli

The images 05AF34A, A34E7C4C and A50075B2 illustrates that the different shapes, color and pattern of the jewelry have different impact on the jewelry revolution path and creation of beauty. Despite the jewelry might be of the same color and shape, the manner in which they are arranged might change the theme or the purpose for which they were intended. [7] In addition, the purpose for which the color, shape and pattern might be used might interfere with the intention, expectation, timing, spirit and mortality of the art work by the artist. The image 0262, 0265, 0269, 0270 and 0274 indicates that there is need for the artists to be serious in looking on the different ways in which the work might be represented and come up with the different views and ideas in which the artistic work may be represented in the jewelry project to create meaning and understanding of the modern contemporary jewelry project. In conclusion, the jewelry


Gref, L. G. (2010). The Rise and Fall of American Technology. New York: Algora Pub.

Kalman, m. (2011). First Museum Exhibition To Examine Rich Interplay Of Jewelry And Photography Opens. New York Publishers.

Kamata, G. (2010). Multiple Exposures: Jewelry and Photography at Museum of Arts and Design. Australian university press.

Pascu, Q. (2014). Otto Künzli jewellery. Retrieved from:

Reinert & Reinert.(2013). An introduction to international economics: New perspectives on the world economy.2012. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Vincent, S.(2016). Old couples know the ways of love: artistic statement communication. New York Publishers.   



The research will endeavour to establish the factors which contribute to the workplace conflict in Australia using both millennials and non-millennials. The criteri for choosing the sample population to be used for the research shall be based on the researcher’s objectives and the research design to be used for the research. In addition, the sample to be used in analysing this research shall be based upon the research measurement, design and analysis (Patton& Appelbaum, 2003). The sample should be measurable and efficiently and effective useful while analysing the research in regard to both millennials and non-millennials factors contributing to conflict within the organization. The sample measurement, design and analysis in regard to millennials and non-millennials workplace factors leading to conflict shall be of great help in determining the criteria to be used in the selection, exclusion and description of the sample selected.

The research in regard to the factors that contribute to workplace conflict between millennials and non-millennials workplaces in Australia will use the exploratory, descriptive and experimental research designs.  In order to get a clear pictures how the different millennial and non-millenial factors influences the workplace in Australia the researcher shall use different case studies, focus groups, surveys and interviews to describe how the two groups were influences by the workers working environment (Cowton, 2008). Both the surveys and interviews shall be important in the research because they assist the researcher to establish the different relationship and variables which influences the two work related factors in Australian workplace. The experimental research design shall be used by the researcher to demonstrate how both the millennials and non-millennials demonstrate a process of real time and the causal relationship between the two factors.

In addition, the use of the exploratory research design shall be justified for the research because the design shall be used to clarify the ambiguous circumstances surrounding millennials and non-millennials workplace environment in Australia which might influence the potential business opportunities. The descriptive research design would be appropriate in addressing the how, why, when, where and who questions of how the millennials and non-millennials workplace facts influence the working environment in Australia. The research design would basically illustrate how the millennials and non-millennials workplace environment tries to understand the nature of the problems which existed in the Australian Working situations (Rigon & Adkins, 2016).  The correlation research design would be appropriate for the research in establishing how the high-ability and educated employees in both millennials and non-millennials are likely to take advantage of advantage of the training opportunities in comparison to low ability and less educated. The fact that the research is concerned with the issues of conflicts within the organizations and the Australian working environment, the use of the experiemental, exploratory and descriptive research design shall be appropriate in establishing how effective and efficiently conflict might be avoided in both millennials and non-millennials workplace factors.

The recruitment material in both the millennials and non-millennials workplace environment shall be based on the data that shall be collected through the use of the different research designs, sampling and the criteria to be followed while recruiting the employees in the organization. The fact that the millennials are believed to be flexible, different from the non-millennials in terms of use of the technology and positive towards work, it would be appropriate to use them in providing solution to the conflict issues found in the Australian workplace.  The survey that shall be conducted in establishing how effective the managerial strategies in Australian work place shall significantly provide effective data in establishing kind of employees to employ in the Australian working sector. Conflict management strategies are appropriate in addressing the workplace conflict in both millennials and non-millennials working environment in Australia (Pfau, 2014). Therefore, before recruitment of the workers takes place in Australian workplace it is important for the managers to understand both millennials and non-millennials working environment in order to establish the appropriate workers for the job and to avoid the risks and the costs associated with employment of unqualified workers in the organizations.

The appropriate data collection tool in establishment of how both the millennials and non-millennials factors contributes to workplace conflicts in Australia would be Survey method. Survey would be significant for the research because it shall support the organizational strategy in measuring the consumers’ attitudes, back up the positions of the research with the facts, monitor the progress and its effects and identify the characteristics of the targeted market. Through the use of survey in the research, the research shall be at a better position to establish how age, gender and level of education may result in discrimination in the Australian workplace in both the millennials and non-millennials periods (Gilbert, 2011). Moreover, survey shall investigate whether the qualified women are suitable for executive roles in the organization, whether gender bias exists within the organization and the viability of both genders in the executive positions. The research methods assists the researcher in determining what he or she is willing to change, what might be fixed and recognizes the survey limitations. Survey is linked to the millennials and non-millennials conflict factors research in that it tries to establish the reasons for conflict in the Australia workforce.

Analyzes of how an institutional household will differ from a different school of household


Over the last three decades, economic models have been established in order to recognize the potential conflicting interests which may shape the resource sharing and household decision making within the families. Decision making and resource sharing within families have been modeled by the different tools of rational choice theory (Himmelweit, et al. 2013). According to Rational choice theory, it is normal for the individuals in the society to behave according to the preference consistence. Nonetheless, the interests of collective individuals may differ in terms of consistency based on the logical grounds of group preferences. In addition, given the multi-person households normally consists of both men and women with the intra-households functions and relationships which are structured by gender.  The work will demonstrate how institutional household will differ from a different school of household economics.

How institutional household will differ from a different school of household economics

According to Becker “Treatise on the Family,” there is need for economic models in understanding how different people in the society might have different preferences despite living in multi-person households (Azevedo, 2014). In the same way rational choice theory was used in understanding individual decision making, the tool was also used in understanding how decision making might differ in different multi-person households. The different economic models have rarely contributed to the economic modeling of the gender issues because they are believed to influence all the decisions made by all the household members. The decision making approaches may not only be used to analyze the fundamental aspects of gender but also the division of the unpaid and paid labor within the households.

As applied economics continue to evolve in the modern era, different categories of models have been established in order to recognize the effects of more than individual preferences on the household decisions making. The Unitary Models is the first economic model which assumes the family to be making decisions as a single unit while paying close attention to the specific conditions under which the assumptions are held (Sarkar, 2007). The Bargaining model is the second applied economics model that uses both non-cooperative and cooperative strategy theory to model individuals bargaining whose preferences may differ. The Bargaining model is based on the assumptions of the intra-household bargaining processes and how they may influence the outcomes. The collective models are the most recent economic models which generalize the cooperative bargaining strategies which assume the cooperative outcome but fails to make assumptions on the process hence it becomes more open to empirical applications.

In practice, the collective and bargaining household models are no longer interfered with the limitations policy of the unitary models. The unitary model usually assumes that only the family’s total income will influence what is to be bought in that family (Vieira, 2015). Nevertheless, based on the collective and bargaining models it has been revealed that the mothers and fathers income reallocation tends to increase the children’s nutrition, consumption and well-being.  In most of the developing countries, the intra-household resource distribution effects have been fundamental in directing the transfers to the mothers rather than the fathers and the family benefits as a whole (Costa, 2003). Such kind of impacts necessitates the policy makers to recognize the complex model in determining the family members’ contributions and their varying power influence as far as the household resources spending are concerned.

Despite the fact that the rational choice models are not generally meant to determine how the groups of people make their decisions, the unitary models support the assumption that although the household might consist of different members, they tend to make their decisions as an individual decision marker might do (Matt, 2015). Therefore, according to the unitary models, the households normally make their decision in regard to how they spend their income by maximizing a single utility function for the sake of the whole family disregard of the single budget constraint and the family income in general. The unitary models are based on the income pooling notion.  It assumes that it does not matter who contribute the income to the household budget as long as it the income results to the total effect expected by the household. The unitary models therefore connect the relationship between the expenditures and the incomes rather than the processes which connects them.  The income pooling characteristic is an assumption of the unitary models which was criticized by many economists hence necessitating them to come up with more complex households’ models.

In support of the unitary models, Samuelson suggested that in order for the household to pool their income together for a single group’s preference and utility function, the family members must be willing and ready to be caring for each other to an extent that they end up having identical preferences.  Hence, through such mutual family concern, the household members would eventually act according to the unitary model (Hunt, 2013). The fact that identical preference in the household is inconsistent with the rational choice theory, it is always hard in practice for the family to be guided by a single utility function. Moreover, despite the fact that the family members might agree to pool their income and resources for a single budget, it does not imply that they may receive equal treatment according to their prior agreement and level of their resource contribution (Kreitz, 2014). The unitary model believes that apart from the family head, the other members of the family do not have the power to alter the household decision making outcome and in case they behave differently, they would end up hurting themselves rather than changing the situation at hand. As a matter of fact, based on the unitary model earning a huge portion the household’s income does not give the family member an opportunity for him to determine how the income pooled together shall be spent by the other members of the family.

The Unitary model was criticizes based on its severe limitation of applicability in the practical sense and its restrictiveness.  The theory is based on specific assumptions on the individual preferences which do not apply in general sense. Moreover, the unitary model based its arguments and believes on the patriarchal family. The model assumed that the family must be personified, be directed by an altruistic dictator, implicitly and explicitly (Zhu, 2016). As a matter of fact, it is wrong for the model to assume that the head of the household must be altruistic and powerful enough to ensure that all the members of the household interests might be satisfied by his wishes. The income pooling assumption of the unitary has been criticized on the bases that it tends to assume that despite the size of the income contributed by any member of the family in the household budget, the member does not have the power to determine how the amount should be spent (Hamzawy, 2011). Nevertheless, in real life situation, the level on income contribution in the family budget gives the member the power to determine how the fund contributed shall be spent.  For instance, an increased of the income received by a man in the household results into an increase in alcohol and tobacco use in comparison to additional income being received by a woman.

Nonetheless, despite the limitations associated with the unitary model, the model continues to play a fundamental role in the model applied economics. The modern economists continue to use the model in analyzing the micro-economic policies by analyzing the household’s utility function, labor supply decisions and the consumption models in the economy (Alan, 2014). The model is also used in analyzing how an increased in the general household income may necessary benefits all members in the economy. Therefore the model is of great importance in testing the households’ benefits, the standard measure of poverty rates, income inequality, households’ equivalence scales and the households’ standard of living.

The household bargaining models uses the game theory tools to analyze and demonstrate the bargaining process with the households. The game theory usually analyze how people within the society make their decisions using the rational choice theory based on the assumptions that the total outcome of the action depends on each member’s contribution in the family. The model embraces the idea that the family can be a place of both cooperation and conflict (Swedberg, 2011). In the cooperative bargaining models, the household members own their utility function and must negotiate with other members of the family in order for them to achieve a Pareto efficient outcome (Kreitz, 2014).  The model goes ahead to suggest that one member of the household cannot manage to achieve a greater utility without generally reducing the utility of the other members. Just in case a single member tries to gain his or her individual utility he will basically destroy the long term relationship of the members and at the same time reduce his or her short term game playing in the household. The model therefore suggests that in order for an efficient cooperative outcome to be reach all the members must cooperate effectively and efficiently.

According to the bargaining model there are many possible Pareto-efficient outcomes.  The actual outcomes usually depend of the relative bargaining power between the males and females in the household. In this case, the bargaining power of the individuals in the household are determined by their utility at the point of threat and the utility level each person would receive the cooperation between the members was broken down (Kai, 2012).  As a result, there are two cooperative bargaining models which correspond to the two different notions of the cooperation breakdown and the two different kinds of point’s threat. Based on the divorce threat models in the sociological exchange theory, the threat point is estimated to be the household dissolution point. The alternative threat point may also occur in situations whether the couple decided to stay together but goes ahead to cooperate between the break downs (Woo, 2010). The situation in the model is represented by the sociological dependency theory whether the dissolution option is no longer considered. The internal threat point is basically attained when each individual in the household tries to fulfill their individually recognized gender roles to produce the specific household public goods.

The cooperative household bargaining model is the advancement of the unitary model. The theory stand firmly in corresponding to the sociological insights on how the intra-household power may directly or indirectly interfere with the individuals interest applications (Ferreira & Azevedo, 2009). Despite the fact that the bargaining models have not been empirical just like the unitary models, the empirical application might be difficult in the model due to the cooperation breakdown and threat point identity. According to Lundberg, the choice of the threat points demonstrates that the change in policy results into state payment transfers and resource allocation in the gender separate spheres. The results in the model would not divert from what would be predicted by the unitary model but also by the divorce threat model.

The collective models were developed in order to overcome the limitations of the bargaining and unitary models. Just like the unitary and cooperative bargaining models, the collective models also assume that the household decision making outcome must be Pareto-efficient (Catalão-Lopes, 2006). The collective rationality is justified as the minimum expression of the desire to live in a couple. The collective models do not specify any kind of the outcome which might be achieved. Therefore, among the household models which assume the Pareto efficiency, the collective models are believed to be the most general. As a result, the collective models become easier to apply empirically as they bring together the unitary and bargaining models in a special way.

The collective models are believed to be flexible as they accommodate two decision makers and individuals caring for each other. The models include household taxes, spending and production of both public and private goods. In addition, the collective models are concerned with both partners’ labor supply hours and they also investigate the choice of whether to participate in the labor market or not (Coelho, 2011). Just in case the collective rationality assumptions stands, any kind of the household’s decision making process might be represented by maximizing the result of a function that is measured on sum of all the member’s utility functions as subjected to the total budget constraint of the household. The Pareto weights are normally used to bring together the individual utility function as a means of representing the power of each member over the households’ decisions outcomes. Based on the couple’s household utility frontier, the set of Pareto weights which gives the same level of household utility normally lies of the straight line where the curve’s slope is determined by the Pareto weights which is the relative power of the woman and man (Branco, 2008). The collective models allow accepts any factor which might affect the individual preferences but may fail to influence the Pareto weights. Therefore the model usually accepts the family budget constraint that may shift the possible household outcomes such as the household non-labor incomes, price of the purchased goods and the individual wage rates.

The Pareto weights might also depend on the distribution factors which might affect the variables affecting the household budget constraints and their preferences. Whenever the distribution factors do change, the Pareto-efficient outcomes remain unchanged (Bragge, 2006). Nevertheless, a change in the distribution factor would definitely change the relative power of the household members hence altering the relative weight of the utility function of the individual which definitely change the household choices of the Pareto-efficient. The sharing rule under the collective model is used to demonstrate how the household income might be shared between the members of the household (Garcia, 2012). Later each member of the household might independently decide to use their share to maximize their utility. In order for the sharing rule to result into Pareto efficient decisions the income being sub-divided must be exogenous.


As a matter of fact, the work has reviewed the household decision making models which use the rational choice theory to demonstrate the economic thinking mainstream. The work has focused on the household decision making models since they are directly associated with the fundamental aspects associated with the households’ resources distribution. The rationale, limitations and assumptions of the Unitary, bargaining and collective models have been used to how an institutional household will differ from a different school of household economics. Unlike the Unitary and bargaining models, the collective models have fundamentally contributed towards understanding of the intra-household distributional aspects and may be used for further study of the household decision making approaches in the future.

Asian Development Bank


Executive Summary

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a group banks that was conceived in the early 1960s as financial hub institution that would foster economic growth, cooperation and development in the Asian region that was considered to be the poorest in the world. The bank initially intended to foster economic growth and to ensure that the member states cooperate in the process of alleviating poverty as a whole. The bank brought together both the public and private investment for the purpose of development coordination, promotes intra-regional trace, contribute to harmonious economic growth and coordinate development plans in the region. It started with 31 members but of now the membership has expanded to 61 members. The voting power of the member states depends on the amount of capital subscribed to the bank. The Asian Development Bank is governed by the Board of Governors, President, 4 Vice Presidents and head of the departments. At intervals of less than five years, the board of governors of the Asian Development Bank shall review the bank’s capital stock. Just in case of authorized capital stock increment, each member to the bank shall have an opportunity to subscribe under the terms and conditions which shall be determined by the Board of Governors. The Asian Development Bank operation principles shall be to provide principle for financing specific projects for the member states, selecting suitable projects, member states shall be required t submit loan proposals, ability of the loan repayment shall be considered, the bank shall review the suitable risk compensation of the loan and the special funds shall be used to procure goods and services produced in the member states. The success of the Asian Development Bank in the Asian region has been associated with good governance in terms of being transparent, predictable, participation and accountable.


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a group banks that was conceived in the early 1960s as financial hub institution that would foster economic growth, cooperation and development in the Asian region that was considered to be the poorest in the world. In a ministerial Conference that was held by the United Nations Economic Commission in 1963 in regard to the Asian Economic Cooperation, a resolution was passed that set resolution was passed on how the Asian region economic development was be brought into reality through the establishment of the Asian Development Bank. After 31 agricultural regions had agreed to come together to form a single cooperation, the Asian Development Bank was established and Philippines Capital of Manila was chosen to host it (Guttal, 2005). During the initial stages of the bank, it focused on rural development and food production. The research shall focus on establishing the importance of the Asian development bank, its operations, memberships, challenges and opportunities it faces during its operation.

Importance of the Asian Development Bank research

The research in regard to the Asian Development Bank is intended to establish how the initiation of the bank led to the reduction of poverty in the Pacific and Asian region.  The establishment of the Asian Development Bank provided technical assistance for execution and planning development through advisory services to its members facilitated and promoted investment of private and public capital for development, coordinated the development plans and polices and extended loans and equity investments to its developing member countries. Following the need to establish an economic cooperation that would achieve efficient utilization of the available resources in the Asian region, the Asian Development Bank was necessitated to be established for the sake of accelerating economic development in Far East and Asian Region (Groff, 2013). The reason for choosing Asian Development Bank for the research is to illustrate how the establishment of the bank led to the idle resources and funds mobilization in and out of the Asian region for the sake of establishing and fostering greater flow of development funds in the region. In addition, the establishment of the Asian Development Bank recognized the aspiration of promoting harmonious economic growth and development in the region and expansion of the internal trade from the Asian region member states to the external market in the international market.  The bank was established with the objective of creating a financial institution in the Asian region that would have the basic character that would serve the financial and social needs of the Asian people at the time of the bank initiation.

In order to promote its purpose the bank promoted investment in the region in both private and public capital for development purpose. The bank was focused on giving priority to the regional, sub-regional, national programs and projects which would contribute to the most effective and….(Amadi, 2011). The bank met its members requests in the region of assisting them to coordinate their their foreign trade and to be specific intra-regional trade. The bank was established with the aim of formulating specific project proposals and to ensure that its members cooperate in such a manner deemed appropriate in accordance with the members’ agreement terms.

Brief historical background

The Asian Development Bank was established with the aim of facilitating development in both Asian and Pacific region. The bank initially intended to foster economic growth and to ensure that the member states cooperate in the process of alleviating poverty as a whole. The bank brought together both the public and private investment for the purpose of development coordination, promotes intra-regional trace, contribute to harmonious economic growth and coordinate development plans in the region. It started with 31 members but of now the membership has expanded to 61 members (Daft & Samson, 2014). The voting power of the member states depends on the amount of capital subscribed to the bank. The Asian Development Bank is governed by the Board of Governors, President, 4 Vice Presidents and head of the departments.

Main activities and operations

The subscription payment shall be made in five installments of 20 percent each. The initial installment to be paid by each member shall be required to be within thirty days after the agreement came to force. The second installment shall become due one year after the first force agreement while the other installments shall be made successful after one successive year. The bank shall basically accept the depository and promissory notes of the payable amount in the appropriate currency as agreed upon.

Based on the condition stipulated in the Asian Development Bank agreement the bank shall provide financial facilities to any agency or member concerned with economic development in the region. The bank shall succeed in its operations by making direct loans with the unimpaired paid-in capital, participating in the capital market using borrowed funds, investing the funds referred and guaranteeing economic development (Radika, 2013).  The Asian Development Bank operation principles shall be to provide principle for financing specific projects for the member states, selecting suitable projects, member states shall be required t submit loan proposals, ability of the loan repayment shall be considered, the bank shall review the suitable risk compensation of the loan and the special funds shall be used to procure goods and services produced in the member states.  The bank agreed to be guided by sound banking standards in its operations.

Membership and findings

Membership in the Asian Development Bank was agreed to be open to the associate members of the United Nations Economic commission for Far East, Asia, non-regional developed and regional undeveloped countries members to the United Nations (Daft & Samson, 2014). The eligible countries for membership shall be admitted under the terms and conditions which the Asian Development Bank might find reasonable upon the affirmative two-third vote of the bank’s governors. The research found that the countries would not become the members of the bank if they were not members of the United Nations Economic Commission and the total voting power to be represented by three fourth of the members. In case of the associate member states not responsible for the international relations conduct, the membership application in the bank shall be accompanied by responsibility where the members shall be responsible for all obligation of benefiting the membership.

Challenges and opportunities of the Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank shall not accept assistance or loans which may limit, prejudice or deflect its functions and purpose in the Asian region. The bank’s President, staff, officers and Vice-President shall not interfere with the political affairs of its member states. It shall not interfere or influence the political characters of the leaders leading the member states. Therefore, the banks mandate shall only be confined to only economic considerations relevant to its decisions (Radika, 2013). The considerations shall be impartially weighed in order to carry and achieve the functions and the purpose of the bank. All the banks staffs shall be required to discharge their role and duty to the bank rather than any other authority. The bank members shall be required to respect international character of the specific duty rather than attempting to influence the discharge of other duties. The total amount of the outstanding equity and loans investments and guarantees which shall be made through the ordinary operations of the bank shall not be required to go beyond the unimpaired subscribed surplus, reserves and capital of the ordinary capital subscription.  The special reserve provided under article seventeen of the agreement shall not be included in the ordinary operations of the bank. The loans made with the borrowed funds shall not exceed the total outstanding principal borrowed by the bank payable in similar currency (Godek, 2009). For the case of the funds invested in the equity capital from the ordinary capital resources of the Asian Development Bank, the total amount of the investment shall be required not to exceed 10% of the total amount of the unimpaired paid-in capital stock and including the ordinary capital resources but excluding the special reserves which are provided in the agreement. In addition, the equity investment amount shall be required not to exceed the equity capital percentage specified and determined by the board of directors. The bank shall not be required to control the interest of any entity except where investment safeguard is necessary for the member state and the bank.

As a matter of fact, the Asian Development Bank is a public sector institution sponsored by the tax payers in all the member states in form of direct financing or debt repayment. The bank is necessitated to raise its capital from the members’ contributions or through issuing of bonds on the capital markets in the world. As a result, the bank has been unable to match with the sustainable urban areas growth. The bank has been experiencing the challenges of managing the rapid rate of urbanization in order to ensure sustainable social and economic development (Daft & Samson, 2014). In addition, despite the fact that the bank has been bridging the demand and supply gap on infrastructures services it has not yet reach the necessary capacity required meet the urban development in the region. The forces of globalization have necessitates the cities to be globally competitive and because the Asian Development Bank has restricted the fund sourcing strategies it have been had for the member states to compete globally.

The opportunities for the Asian Development Bank has lead to stakeholder partnerships where the both the private and the public sector has been necessitates to work together to build capacities for enhancing revenues, expanding the resources and implementing improvement in all areas of growth and development. The Asian Development Bank has enabled several cities in the Asian region to formulate the development approaches which are based on long term visions (Blowfield and Frynas, 2005). The cities development has been an appropriate strategy necessary to complement both national and local development. The establishment of the Asian Development Bank became the engine for economic growth for the region. The fact that the region was being characterized with poverty, the bank ended up becoming the center of excellence for culture, health care, technological innovation, social services, communications and government administration. As a result, the establishment of the bank created great job opportunities for the both locally and international hence improving the living standards of the locals and more so alleviate poverty in the region.

The Asian Development Bank is the 2nd largest source of finance for development in the Asia Pacific region after World Bank Group. The bank provides loans to its member states, partial risk guarantees, and technical assistance to the government and private sector and equity investments for both sustainable development goals and millennium development goals for the region. The bank is based on the ideology that rapid economic growth is the appropriate path for development, efficient resource allocation while the private sector is the best avenue for goods and services deliverance (Mohammed, 2010). The only role of the government is to establish an enabling environment for the private organizations such as Asian Development Bank would participate in the economic activities areas. The success of the Asian Development Bank in the Asian region has been associated with good governance in terms of being transparent, predictable, participation and accountable. In conclusion, the four elements of good governance in Asian Development Bank have been as a result of giving priority to private sector needs rather than public interest priorities.


Amadi, R. (2011). Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank. London; Cambridge University Press.

Daft & Samson, (2014). Fundamentals of Management: Asia Pacific Edition PDF.

Godek, K. (2009). Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank (ADB Charter). New York Publishers.

Groff, P. (2013). Challenges facing Asia and Pacific in terms of sustainable development. Retrieved from:

Mohammed, B. (2010). Asian Development Bank on issues facing Asia economies. Oxford University Publishers.

Radika, G. (2013). Acquisition Of Private power For A ‘Public Purpose’ By The State – Should Due Process Requirements Be Met?. New York Publishers.


The global market for bcarotene is projected to reach a market value of close to 280$ in the year 2013, that projects a growth at a CGR of 3.5 % from 2014 through 2019. Cosmeceuticals and personal care give a lucrative potential market for bcarotene. The supplements and anti-aging cosmetics are greatly demanded by consumers worldwide. Ingredients for beta carotenes are therefore in continuous demand as nutritional additives that are natural in cosmetics products as well as supplements for diets.         The Latin American and Asia Pacific markets are the new destinations for ingredient manufacturers for beta carotene. The market for beta carotene is segmented as; by source; algae, fungi, synthetic, palm oil and others; by application; animal feed, food and beverage, dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals and others. By Geography there is North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the rest of the world (Vásquez-Caicedo, 2007).

Rhodotorula minuta is fungi that synthesize a various range of pigment such as the bcarotene to prevent light caused damage. It is an emerging yeast pathogen that causes infection, particularly in patients that are immunocompromised. It has a distinctive color as a result of pigment that the yeast creation blocks out various lights’ wavelengths that would otherwise damage the cell (May & Cotton, 2015).


May, P. W., & Cotton, S. A. (2015). Molecules that amaze us. Print

Vásquez-Caicedo, L. R. A. L. (2007). Fundamentals of tropical fruit processing with special reference to b-carotene [beta-carotene] retention in fluid mango products. Aachen: Shaker. Print.

Educational Theories

No, there would be no complications when a researcher uses two units of analysis. Evidently, even when using two units of analysis, the researcher would make one unit the center of focus in his research. According to Abbasi (2017) there can be no complications when using two units of research as long as the researcher makes careful planning and designing. In my study, I meant the unit of design will be learners’ satisfaction though in the context of classroom learning and not literally learners and their satisfaction. In the discussion about population definition and sample size, ‘the reason why the samples are going to be drawn from an accessible population is because the researcher will have narrowed down the aspects of the research’ is used to refer to my own research though with reference to what researchers in this field have done before. So I would say that this statement points to my own research but also looks into what previous researchers have done in the past.

When it comes to sampling, it is necessary that a researcher makes a perfect choice of the right population he wishes to use and definitely random sampling would not deliver to the researcher the best audience. Sampling and choice of research participants should be very specific with particular information to be used in searching for the right participants. It is this kind of sampling according to Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2011) that will bring the researcher to a successful attainment of the results needed in the research. Purposive sampling would be best for this kind of research.