investigate, design and develop new virtual community

Word Limit: 3000 words excluding bibliography.

• Identify the focus area
• Carry out preliminary market analysis (e.g. research similar products or lack of them)
• Design the community (you may use any design tool you wish). Explain how it works.
• Descriptions of the community designs shall be illustrated using a good number of images.
• Your community may be accessible via a PC or mobile interface.
• Create a business model to fund your new community, i.e. how do you make money, are
you not for profit etc. and model it using a Business Model Canvas.
• Describe the new community using SWOT and PESTLG analysis.

more information:
In doing so your group must achieve the following to get good marks:

Identify the focus area
Carry out some preliminary market analysis (e.g. research similar products or lack of them)
Design the community (you may use any design tool you wish).
Explain how it works.
Create a business model to fund your new community, i.e. how do you make money, are you not for profit etc.
Assess your business model using SWOT and PESTLG analysis
You MUST then plot your business model on a Business Model Canvas
Descriptions of the above items must accompany your designs.

Business Communication

One original four- to five-page research paper is required to assess each student’s written communication skills. The paper must be based on a business communication topic, with an example from the student’s own experience. At least three secondary sources are required, with a total of six sources required, following APA or similar guidelines. Grading will be based on scope of the material, use of design elements, proper use of grammar and spelling, and how students apply the three-step writing process and the three parts of a report and the three parts of a message.

One original four- to five-page research paper is required to assess each student’s written communication skills. The paper must be based on a business communication topic, with an example from the student’s own experience. At least three secondary sources are required, with a total of six sources required, following APA or similar guidelines. Grading will be based on scope of the material, use of design elements, proper use of grammar and spelling, and how students apply the three-step writing process and the three parts of a report and the three parts of a message.

Propose a solution capable of running on the specified hardware platform. Your analysis should include the advantages and disadvantages of Ubuntu vs. Windows Server.

You have been hired as a consultant to RBC, Inc.RBC has indicated they are interested in deploying a solution for providing a variety of network services.The services include file-sharing, printer sharing, web hosting, and database access. You have agreed to provide a solution using an existing PC workstation class hardware platform.This hardware will be configured and operated at RBC’s facility. RBC has 30 employees.

Propose a solution capable of running on the specified hardware platform. Your analysis should include the advantages and disadvantages of Ubuntu vs. Windows Server. Your report must include comparisons of speed, easy of use, features, reliability, and any other factors you think may be relevant. You also need to include your recommendations and why.

The report should be written for a non-technical executive audience, but should include all relevant details.

Must Include: Executive Summary, Background (no history of operating systems) Comparison/Analysis, Recommendations, Conclusion
Compare the two operating systems
▪Discuss relevant features
▪Must include a table that rates file-sharing, printer sharing, web hosting, and database access, price and ease of use
▪Perform a return on investment analysis

Return on investment measures the gain or loss generated on an investment relative to the amount of money invested.
▪Include cost of software
▪Include cost of maintenance = average personal cost/hour * hours/year
▪Ease of use is a factor
▪Company productivity

Choose one OS and explain why
▪Refer to table rating and ROI

Lastly, Summarize the paper

related to the order # 9441392729 ( just placed so I don’t have the paper available yet) ask to your support team with the case number I just provide.

Unit 4 just been place as an order so contact your sale support team to give your the paper right cause it has to be the same. NB It has to be related again to order just placed like this one from #9441392729. ( This not a topic

From the project you chose for the Unit 4 assignment, support for this project and the projects standing in the strategy of the business. Elaborate on how you will develop and implement the process to convince management of its promising benefits and operational effectiveness.

Answer the following discussions:

Now that you have identified critical information over the previous weeks do you see any risks in selling this project to your management team? Explain
You have indicated whether this project fits the strategic plan for the business.
IF this project fits the strategic plan, explain how you plan to present this project to your management?
IF this project does NOT fit the strategic plan, explain how you plan to present this project to your management
Complete a 5-7 APA formatted paper with 7-10 peer-reviewed sources.

Chap. 10: Families in Palliative and End-of-Life Care

Respond 1n 100-150 words
After watching the You Tube video, respond to the following:
Share your impression of the information deliberated about by the physician, Dr. Diane Meier. Select one of the ten steps to discuss based on Dr. Meier’s explanations. Relate how the ten steps might be applicable for nursing. (Ten Steps)
Watch video:


Respond 1n 100-150 words
See Box 10-1: Palliative Care Principles. Select one to discuss in relation to one of the critical concepts identified at the beginning of the chapter (pg. 277). Discus whethers there is application for the nurse. (Palliative Care Principles)
Question 3
Respond 1n 100-150 words
1. Discuss when palliative care began for Emma. Specify when the change occurred to end-of-life care. (#1_Emma’s care)
2. Discuss one of the six qualities of palliative care and how the assigned team met that particular quality. (#2_Garcia’s palliative care)
3. Discuss how the ICU staff and care team helped the Garcia family through Emma’s dying and death. Relate whether there anything else that could have been done to assist this family with their grieving process. (#3_Emma’s dying & death)
4. Choose a theoretical model that fits the Garcia family situation. Describe how this case study would unfold or change if viewed through this theoretical perspective. (#4_Garcia’s theoretical model)
Respond 1n 100-150 words
Jones Family (Linda)—–Respond to one of the following:
1. Discuss one of the six qualities of palliative care and how the assigned team met that particular quality. (#1_Linda’s care)
2. Discuss how the nurse helped this family through the terminal stage of Linda’s care. (#2_Linda’s terminal stage)
3. Discuss a barrier the Jones family faced and how they overcame the barrier to improve the dying process. (#3_Jones Family Barrier)
4. Choose a theoretical model that fits the family situation. How would this case study unfold or change if viewed through this theoretical perspective? (#4_Jones’ theoretical model).


Family Health Care Nursing

Joanna Rowe Kaakinen; Deborah Padgett Coehlo; Rose Steele; Aaron Tabacco; Shirley May Harmon Hanson

Assignment: Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project—Conducting the Interviews

Assignment: Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project—Conducting the Interviews
This week you will complete your interviews and transcription for your small-scale qualitative research project.
To prepare for this Assignment, you will take into consideration feedback from your Instructor on the Interview Guide submitted in Week 2 when conducting your interviews. Each interview should last 15–20 minutes and must be audio-recorded, because this is the standard for good practice in qualitative research interviews. Be sure to consider the different options for recording the audio of your interviews, including programs like Audacity, Sony Acid Xpress, and others. Don’t forget to save each interview audio recording as an MP3 file in case your Instructor asks to review it. Once you have completed your interviews and captured them as audio files, you will need to transcribe the interviews.
By Day 7
Submit your completed interview transcriptions.
• If either of your interviews lasts longer than 20 minutes, transcribe only a maximum of 20 minutes for each interview.

equired Readings
Saunders, M. N. K., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2015). Research methods for business students (7th ed.). Essex, England: Pearson Education Unlimited.

Chapter 10, Section 10.6, “Conducting Semi-Structured or In-Depth Interviews“ (pp. 404–414)
Chenail, R. (2011). Interviewing the investigator: Strategies for addressing instrumentation and researcher bias concerns in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 16(1), 255–262. Retrieved from

Elmir, R., Schmied, V., Jackson, D., & Wilkes, L. (2011). Interviewing people about potentially sensitive topics. Nurse Researcher, 19(1), 12–16. Retrieved from

Walt Disney Company

It requires to: Identify, justify and explain one issue from the case study as it relates to External/Internal Environment and Corporate Culture by:

Providing an issue statement of 1-2 sentences (see Ivey Case Guide Note 4, 3.0-3.3, page23)
Providing an overview of the relevant case facts as they relate to that issue you have identified.
Providing an analysis of your issue using the course content for External/Internal Environment and Corporate Culture
Provide a conclusion of your analysis.

There is no expectation to engage with any sources (e.g. journal articles) outside of the case study and the course content (EdX platform) for the Part A assessment.This assessment takes the form of a report – please ensure you refer to the Ivey Case Guide.

Important note: Pages 1-13 are “examinable”.
The appendices (paged 14-35) are for interest only.

Bob Iger and the Walt Disney Company

Word Count: 1000 words (+ or – 10%)

Identify, justify and explain one issue from the case study as it relates to External/Internal Environment and Corporate Culture by:
Providing an issue statement of 1-2 sentences (see Ivey Case Guide Note 4, 3.0-3.3)
Providing an overview of the relevant case facts as they relate to that issue you have identified.
Providing an analysis of your issue using the course content for External/Internal Environment and Corporate Culture
Provide a conclusion of your analysis.Word Count: 1000 words (+ or – 10%)

Identify, justify and explain one issue from the case study as it relates to External/Internal Environment and Corporate Culture by:
Providing an issue statement of 1-2 sentences (see Ivey Case Guide Note 4, 3.0-3.3)
Providing an overview of the relevant case facts as they relate to that issue you have identified.
Providing an analysis of your issue using the course content for External/Internal Environment and Corporate Culture
Provide a conclusion of your analysis.

How Hip-Hop and Rap are affecting global geopolitics

I. Defining Hip-hop and rap – Why is it important?
a. History – Where did it originate?
b. Influence on culture in the United States
i. 1970s
ii. 1980s
iii. 1990s
iv. Early 2000s
v. Going global
c. Social Impact of Rap
II. Rap impacting the geopolitics of foreign countries
a. Thailand
i. Rap as the force behind a movement
ii. Importance of freedom of speech for rappers
b. Spanish rappers being censored
c. Chinese government co-opting rap after ban fails
d. Russian government attempts to co-opt rap
III. Signif​icance of Rap as the Anthem of international resistance to oppressive powers
a. Similarities to Rock and Roll in the 1960s
b. Modern “protest rapping” in the United States

Also​, some of the youtube songs must be quoted in the paper as literary sources.

IPA qualitative data analysis

1) This is IPA qualitative research report so please make sure you take a good time in creating the super-ordinate themes and themes first.
2) Check the downloaded file- ‘super-ordinate themes.doc’
3) The file IPA coursework data is attached below, so do analys all the 5 transcripts.1) This is IPA qualitative research report so please make sure you take a good time in creating the super-ordinate themes and themes first.
2) Check the downloaded file- ‘super-ordinate themes.doc’
3) The file IPA coursework data is attached below, so do analys all the 5 transcripts.1) This is IPA qualitative research report so please make sure you take a good time in creating the super-ordinate themes and themes first.
2) Check the downloaded file- ‘super-ordinate themes.doc’
3) The file IPA coursework data is attached below, so do analys all the 5 transcripts.