Legislation for Change in U.K. Policing


The election of Police Crime Officers, PCC, can yes indeed be a very exceptional way of developing a more efficient community-police relationship. The introduction of Police Crime Commissioners much allows the public to have a hand in deciding on how their area is policed and there is indeed no doubt about its effectiveness for it ensures that the policing needs of the community and the area are possibly and effectively met, seeing to it that crime is well tackled in the area. The PCC is hugely reliable for it holds accountable the police force in the delivery of the community wanted policing services. The PCC is surely effective in ensuring that the police force reaches the required service demands by bringing in the voice of the public through: setting polices crime plans through an engagement with the public and crime victims, seeing to it that the police force budget is well spent in priority, and police bosses work to the optimally required levels, which shows that public demands are well hierarchically met under PCC. PCC is therefore not any waste of tax payer’s money and they are actually the way to go in making efficient and effective police reforms (Wilson & Penning, 2015).


Despite the number of complaints about the IPCC, I will point out that it is still the way to go to ensure good service delivery to the community. Many may argue against it but you don’t expect something new to miss the teething stages to its full growth. It is just a matter of time to put the IPCC in a good shape and order that we will see and enjoy a good functionality in policing and a worthwhile investment of tax payer’s money. The arrangements under the IPCC are promising and the policing will be well regulated in a short time to the advantage of the community (Secretary of State for the Home Department, 2013).


Rob Wilson & Mike Penning, (2015), Police Crime Commissioners and Civil Society, Cabinet Office.

The application of Air Power in Domestic and Global Operations

One binding and common belief that we share with our friends, and surprisingly enemies, is the need to be stable, peaceful and orderly as it pertains the security of our national interests.  We all look at staging a ground towards achieving all these vital interests. This speech candidly addresses the application of Air Power in domestic and global security operations in relation to Australian’s involvement. Not only does curiosity arise in the Middle East and the events that took place during the Arab Spring, but also because the rampantly expeditionary Australian Defense Force had no direct involvement in the operations and even in the way to articulate a clear link between the group aspirations of Libyan rebel militants and the strategic priorities of the Australian national security.

Within the coordinated total military response that has ever been available to governments, Air power, as many of you would concur with me, is quite a highly flexible and useful form of force. Generally in the Australian context, land, maritime, and air forces are together considered as an integrated joint package. However, in some circumstances the military forces nature with in the same coordinated strategy are highly constrained by diplomatic, economic and political factors. It is therefore clear that despite the Australian strategic circumstances and priorities, conflicts that require special military responses do arise, citing the reason for the importance of Air power.

Air power is deemed a ‘weapon of first choice’ for it is just becoming a victim of its own success with the ability to generate highly responsive and agile force options in the case that ground forces are explicitly off the mark. Air power is a huge advantage in the generation of quick response and primarily become a weapon of first choice for it is at times a viable and easily palatable option to many governments, Australian government being one. Air power is also proven to be successful for the delivery of effective and lethal force with an outstanding quality with a very limited risk of friendly quality with irresistible attractiveness.

Air power is very vital and important for governments, Australian government being one for it is useful in counter air operations are the prime means for accomplishing control of the air and utilize the hostile counter air part to pulverize adversary air control on the ground and the protective counter air part to assault meddling foe air control noticeable all around. Secondly, it is vital in free strike operations speak to the prime means for arraigning the air barrage battle. These operations utilize the parts of vital land strike and key sea strike against targets not in contact but rather representing a danger. The third part that of ban, is utilized against adversary lines of correspondences outside the surface fight region.

Air power is vital for ethereal observation, reconnaissance, and electronic fighting operations search out insight, which is key to all operations. In addition, airdrop operations utilize the two parts of vital and strategic air transport. They rely on upon a mix of common and military air resources, and related framework which air power offers greatly. The air bolster for battle strengths crusade includes battle air bolster operations, which give help to maritime power through the prime parts of antisubmarine fighting and against surface-transportation fighting. They give help to armed force compels in contact through the parts of close air support and war zone air prohibition. At long last, they give help to other air control resources through the TOIOS of aerial refueling, airborne early cautioning and control, and concealment of foe air barriers.

Thank you


Juvenile Diversion Programs

Explain how society in America values Juvenile Diversion Programs

A diversion program is a kind is sentence within the criminal justice system that sends the criminal offender to a rehabilitation program in the aiming of helping the criminal offender to remediate their behaviour leading to an original arrest thus avoiding them getting convicted and having a criminal record. Juvenile diversion programs are intervention strategies which redirect the people and youths within the juvenile age bracket as defined by law from the juvenile justice system’s formal criminal processing whilst holding them responsible and accountable for their criminal actions (Brown et. al. 2015). In America, juvenile diversion programs are well accepted, embraced and valued by the society owing to two major arguments and generalizations which include:

  • Redirecting youth who have conferred minor offenses far from the framework and towards group based treatment and bolster choices is a more suitable reaction than constrainment, and a more beneficial method for tending to and avoiding future delinquency, and
  • Formally preparing youth through the adolescent equity framework accomplishes more damage than great by sustaining misconduct through identifying, presenting and exposing youth to conditions inside adolescent/juvenile and grown-up restorative organizations that may really expand wrongdoing and delinquency (Akers, 2013).


The American society value juvenile diversion programs as better means to addressing delinquent behaviour informally within and in the society with an eye not to propagate crime tolerance but to prevent subsequent offending. The American society embraces and highly values juvenile diversion programs for their ability to reduce premature juvenile involvement in the very ‘deep ends’ of the juvenile delinquency justice system ‘pool’. In addition, juvenile diversion programs are instrumental in the reduction of placements out of home for juveniles and help in the maintenance of youth inter-connectedness and profitable engagement in the society for they keep youths and juveniles within and around their community. Juvenile intervention programs are a huge save of the society’s funds too. This is because they are a humongous cost-reduction and cost effective yet effective techniques as compared to court processes and/or secure placements (Berman, 2015).


Explain how the state of Virginia diversion programs can be improved

With efficient and effective juvenile diversion and intervention programs, the society and the nation as a whole benefit. It is therefore highly advisable to improve such programs which the state of Virginia can achieve by:

  • Establishing and building a forward-focused juvenile judicial system model that is well-organized around management of risks and one which is in support of a developed individualized disposition plan guided by a disposition matrix. This should be encouraged by the juvenile justice system administrators to ensure well-structured decision making tools with the program continuum getting populated with a framework of graduated sanctions thus increased system capacity (Lipsey et. al., 2010).
  • The legislators in Virginia should also help improve the juvenile diversion programs through legislating mandatory juvenile and youth service programming which is evidence-based and also based on research but not uninformed generalizations (No Author, 2012
  • Juvenile judges should act as a driving force to bring together the diversified individuals and agencies who variously compromise the juvenile service systems within and in the State in order to provide, develop and implement meaningful and updated reforms. Judges, in company with treatment providers, should foster a positive influence to establish very clear expectations through the application of evidence-based juvenile justice services with their jurisdiction (Blanco, Miller, & Peck, 2007).
  • Also to improve the state of Virginia diversion programs, measure should be put in place such that diversion programs can be initiated at earlier ages and in schools for many of the juvenile cases and charges originate from schools. Also, there should be a line drawn between juveniles whose needs are metal affiliated and the truly criminal juveniles to ensure some pure and dedicate measures on juvenile crime without a confusion with mental health cases (No Author, 2012).

Vandercook Case

Vandercook Chain Stores, Inc. was a proof presses manufacturer that was founded by Robert Vandercook in 1909. The company dominated the proof press industry in the 20th century through its developing of the proof presses that were most widely used and that which for them to impress, they did not rely on gravity. This made the geared presses for Vandercook to be easier and more precise to be used by an operator (Rose, 2003).

In Sterne (2003), upon the sudden retirement of the company’s previous president who succumbed to heart attack, the chain stores’ directors had to bring in John Thorp who took over the company’s presidency. Most of the ‘Old-timers’ who held important positions in the company in the company usually referred to Thorp as an ‘outsider.’ To bring about the desired changes, he brought in Mr. Ernest Underwood to be in control. Just like Mr.Thorp, Ernest was also referred to as an ‘outsider’ as well by those who had stayed in the company for quite some time. Strategic management plans had to be made for the company to maintain its stature and reputation that it held to its customers before the new management was effected. To make this successful, Underwood had to take full charge of the company’s operations under Thorp’s instructions on the department of real estate. Francis Vincent was in charge of the real head of department as he held the vice-president title for the past decade before the demise occurred. Under this transition, for effective management to be achieved, a task force team was created to deal with the study of operation of the department that dealt with real estate (Sterne, 2003). This was in a bid to focus on the largest and most sensitive department in the company, which for large profit margins to be realized had to be done some reforms. So as to bring on board a variety of ideas on how to manage the company, a blend of members from both the real estate department and the controller’s department had to make up the task force team. Representatives from each team were selected. This definitely brought about success in the team’s new laid down strategies as it enhanced team work and spirit which would later on contribute tremendously either to the company’s success or failure. So as to still borrow from various management techniques used earlier on in the company, Thorp had to be keen on selecting Wilson among the representatives who, despite being a younger man. Majority of the people thought of him as an ‘old-timer’ which did not bother the new boss at all as he was keen on blending techniques that brought about success in the past together with new tactics for the company to continue with its success and thrive in the industry  despite the sudden change of events( Sterne,2003).

According to Rose (2003), another management tactic applied was delegation of duties, under which upon himself being given the responsibility to manage and take care of most of the large and most sensitive departments in the company, he went ahead and delegated various responsibilities of direct leadership to the ‘task force team’ a clear indication that he advocated and believed in team work for the firm’s success. In charge of the task force team was James Aldrich, one of underwood’s key subordinates. Both Thorp and Underwood believed in the man’s ability, thus he was best suited to take care of the new duties and responsibilities given to him. This clearly shows that, not only Vandercook, but for any other firms to succeed in its management endeavours, especially after a sudden change in the top management team, there is need of a reshuffle of departmental leaders and the senior most management team has to give responsibilities to staff members that have the required credentials, skills and attributes to ensure that the company does not suffer any losses or reduced production just as a result of an unforeseen calamity or event that occurred, thus threatening the company’s failure. In Moxon (2003), by selecting Kendrick, who was a fresh graduate from Harvard Business School to be in charge of the task force team, leaving out Reed who had been in the company for a while clearly shows how Thorp was determined to transform the company for the better  despite the many hurdles that had come its way. This was also a clear indication that the new management team was keen on doing away with old management techniques that had already contributed to the company’s failure to some extent and bring on board new strategies that would take the firm back to its usual position. The working together of Wilson and Kendrick closely and effectively clearly showed how cooperation and obtaining of facts from the department of real estate which the people belonging to the controller did not know showed that a new staff with new ideas had to have a common vision for any company to realize its goals both in the short and long run (Gerald, 2004).

The compromising situation that Kendrick, Phillips and Wilson found them in after Phillips picked up the call clearly showed that failure to store, record and keep confidential data for a company can lead to management wrangles especially during a moment of transition, in which some senior officials had a feeling that they were not given the leadership posts that the deserved. Through wisely and professionally dealing with the Reed and Phillips cases on their compromising reputations, this showed that Thorp had done the right choice of organizational management team and that the company was bound to get back to its stature with John Thorp as the President despite the various leadership challenges that it experienced during its transition period to give it a competitive edge (Moxon, 2003).

The Reconstruction

Reconstruction is the historical term used to refer to the period between 1862 and 1877 in the history of America. During the reconstruction, the United States of America much endeavored in bringing some much needed order from the towering political, social, physical, economic and constitutional changes that were brought by the civil war and secession. Reconstruction included the efforts to the restoration of southern states to the union and redefining of the place and stake of African Americans in the American society. Though not put much and re-known in the history of the United States of America, the reconstruction is really the ‘real war’ to American redemption (Zuczek, 2006).

The war of reconstruction resulted from the decision of the eleven southern states to have secession and reject the national government especially the decision made by the then president, Abraham Lincoln, and the federal government to dent the secession attempt and impose the federal law agitated the southern states and marked the start of the reconstruction era. The reconstruction was more of a war for independence and freedom in which the British wanted to make as much money as they could from the southern colonies. This made the colonists protest against the British rule which made ‘one-way street’ laws and used power to benefit themselves while infringing the rights of the southern states, who were more of black Americans. The colonies were never afforded equality and freedom by the British government neither did they ever have any representation in the British parliament hence their protests against racial isolation, inequality and violence, which is the reconstruction war (Zuczek, 2006).

The southern states protested in demand for political and social equality through the end of slavery and slave trade, the expansion of the British government to include their representation and constitutional jurisdiction, social dynamism that supports social groups equally, northern industry and market explosion among other issues. However, though the reconstruction may have defined America’s history greatly, it is least studied and mentioned in the history of America. The civil war drama overshadows the reconstruction period which came right at its end. Reconstruction is not seen as important in comparison to the great, glorious, straightforward, and tangible years of civil war. Again, no one really expected or anticipated the intensity and viciousness of reconstruction. It caught the nation by surprise hence many assumed the war was just a short thing and reconciliation would come fast so no one was ready and responsible for its consequences. It is therefore not termed as much important and that’s why it is much assumed in the American history (Zuczek, 2006).


Richard Zuczek, (2006), Encyclopedia of the Reconstruction Era, Greenwood Press.

Peer Review essay

Specialty does not come by birth or on a single day. Having a dream and a plan is all what takes one to that specialty that they have always wished to attain. The desire to attain the certification as a Certified Emergency Nurse is real having some practice in it for two years and despite the bad stories from friends and co-workers, the desire should not die for everybody is unique in their own way depending on their reason to pursue the specialty. However, Certified Emergency Nurse specialty got some challenges include cost, the course content within a short time and the fear of failure (Harrison, 2014).

The presence of challenges doesn’t mean that one should not go for the specialty in CEN. There are still provisions for success. For instance the No Pass, No Pay by the Pediatric Nursing Certification allows for applicants to register for the exam without upfront costs. Majority of nurses have done it with confidence and succeeded in the exam therefore it is achievable with determination, otherwise there is considerably nothing good in life that comes without determination. The benefits of becoming certified are worth every hard tussle in the process and your love for healthcare and the demand for the many management position which require a BSN should just steer your love the more (Harrison, 2014).



Harrison, M. (2014). Reducing Barriers to Nursing Certification: An Analysis of Perceptions and Impact of PNCB’s No Pass, No Pay Program. Journal of Pediatric Nursing,

Provincializing the First Industrial Revolution

England’s innovative dominion was, and still appears to be, proximately European and truly Eurasian in starting point restricted to materials, metallurgy and building, and bound to pass away through the customary and well known workings of dispersion, adjustment and merging processes. Keeping in mind the end goal to help researchers, publics, lawmakers and the broad communications to fathom The First Industrial Revolution and the somewhat quick joining of Western Europe into a between related and at last coordinated arrangement of profoundly fruitful mechanical market economies, it is presently important to put the British move inside any longer time ranges furthermore, more extensive geological edges that incorporate Africa, the Americas and East Asia, and additionally the mainland. In Hodgson’s long stream of time and a as of late uncovered pre-cutting edge “universe of astonishing similarities”, the Modern Revolution can be re-contextualized as a gifted however not that wonderful conjuncture in humankind’s escape from unavoidable losses endemic to natural economies.

For answers for that issue there is no English model, no unmistakably British edification and no requirement for devoted histories of a First Industrial Revolution, declaring Britain, Holland or whatever other broadly developed area or culture as the locus or source, and unquestionably not as the worldview for cutting edge monetary development all things considered, our associates in craftsmanship history let us know that the Florentines are no more drawn out the pleased holders of the Renaissance, while present day Chinese and Japanese researchers now effectively watch neither English (nor European) history can be spoken to worldwide destiny. And, to rehash, Marshal Hodgson let us know four decades prior that “without the aggregate history of the entire Afro-Eurasian Oikoumene of which the occident has been an indispensable part, the Western transmutation would be practically unthinkable. The British Industrial Revolution is not distinct from worldwide history.


Patrick O’Brien, (2006), Provincializing the First Industrial Revolution, London School of Economics.

Korean Cultural Belief essay

In the Korean culture, age is respected and appreciated. Not only do Koreans hold big respect for the elderly, they also celebrate them greatly. For instance, in the Korean culture, the 60th and 70th birthdays are very prominent events in life and are commemorated hugely with large-scale feasts and family celebrations. For Koreans, aging is not just a biological process, but also cultural. There is a direct proportion between age and respect in Korea. For instance greeting people and bowing technique differs with age. Bowing degree and style varies based on the degree of respect and closeness. When drinking in the company of an older person, it is customary in the Korean culture to turn your head away to take a drink. In a bus, it is against the customs to seat while an elder person is standing or starting to take your meal in the presence of an elder person (De Mente, 99).

Seniority in the Korean culture is much attached and related to age and position in the family. In the Korean culture, roles reverse in concern to the elderly. It is an honorable and a universal expectation that one takes good care of their elderly parents and the elderly in the family. It is a duty of the child to take good care and keep their elderly parents well against which there is social and cultural stigmatization (De Mente, 393).

Making a decision to take an elderly family member to a long term care facility is never easy in the Korean culture. It is seen as a very irresponsible and rude decision that may attract social stigmatization and isolation in the society. It may even arise to a conflict in the family and the community as a whole, for age is respected and the elderly treated and embraced with a lot of respect. However good and top the facility is, however frequent one visits their members in the care facility, it remains a taboo not to have and give maximum respect through intimate and direct care to your aging parents and to the elderly as a whole (De Mente, 412).



Boye Lafayette De Mente, The Korean Mind: Understanding Contemporary Korean Culture, Tuttle Publishing, 2012.

Gate Control Theory

Just from the walking style, people are different and so pain perception across individuals. Greatly, pain perception is different in different individuals and much depends on their mood, their condition emotionally and also prior pain-experience. Pain perception maybe very variant even when the pain is triggered by the same physical or emotional stimuli and probably results in some similar magnitude of damage. The Gate Control Theory seeks to explain much about the psychological influence on pain perception and show the complexity of pain perception away from the initial understanding that pain perception is just associated with the pain stimulus’ intensity and the extend of injury to the tissue affected (Mogil, 2015).

Though the gate control theory may not necessarily give the whole picture of the system that centrally underlines pain and pain perception, it has by large visualized the pain perception mechanism in a new and closer perspective and has also give rise to various ways and strategies of managing pain (Wlassoff, 2014). For instance, the Gate Control Theory explains the science behind someone experiencing pain will get some relief from massaging or gently rubbing the painful or injured area. The Gate control theory much provides a psychological basis for the complex pain phenomenon through investigating the nervous system complex structure which is majorly comprised of the central nervous system, which includes the brain and the spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which include the nerves outside the spinal cord and the brain including the nerves in the lumbar spine region and the branching nerves in the torso and the extremities (Health Psychology Service, 2012).

The gate control theory underlines that pain experience is much dependent on the interplay of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system which are collaboratively responsible for processing pain signals. At any instance of pain or injury, pain signals originated first from the nerves in associate with the pained or damaged tissue, and then the messages flow through the peripheral nerves to the spinal cord then to the brain (Deardorff, 2003).The gate control theory boldly insists that pain signals don’t just reach the brain freely just as soon as they get generated at the injury sites or tissues. They go through a biological pipeline where they come across some neurological gates sited in the spinal code; gates which are pivotal in determining whether the pain signals are permitted to reach the brain or not. This is to mean that the pain from the injury site is perceived in the brain when the neurological gate grants the pain signals some passage and also that pain is less or not at all perceived in the brain if the neurological gates closes and prohibits passage for the pain signals to go through (Michael, Labbé, & Kuczmierczyk, 2013).

In a nutshell, the Gate Control Theory argues that, pain and pain perception is more of a psychological process than the physical damage of tissues that we see. Before reaching the brain, pain signals from the injury point or area encounter neurological nerve gates at the spinal cord level where they get some clearance whether they will reach the brain or not (Knight & Draper, 2008). Whether the pain signals will get clearance to reach the brain or not from the nerve gates is determined by various factors which may include: the pain signals’ intensity, other sensory signals’ intensity, for instance touch, pressure or temperature, at the site of injury, and the message from the brain itself whether to send the pain signals or not. According to the theory, emotions and thoughts highly determine pain perception. Through descending fibers, the brain sends messages that reduce, amplify or stop pain signals transmission through the gate, in reference to thoughts and emotions of the injured person (Brannon, Feist, & Updegraff, 2013).


Critical Analysis

Accidents may be inevitable. However, they don’t just come by default as there must be some factors behind them happening. The united airlines flight was a well scheduled, and all tests well passed, cargo flight to Chicago, with an intermediate stop in Salt Lake City, Utah from San Francisco, California on December 17, 1977. However the flight did not reach its destination owing to an accident crash into a mountain in the Wasatch Range near Kaysville Utah killing the three crew members who were the only occupants. Air crashes are not just another ‘playground’ accidents but very serious incidents that are hardly expected. For this reason, according to the NTSB report, the United Airlines accident might be attributed to factors which may include:

  • The malfunctioning of the aircraft’s No.1 electrical system as the flight descended for the approach to Salt Lake City airport. The No.1 electrical bus malfunctioned and was not in operation thus all of its affiliated electrical components were not in operation too. Also the No.1 communications radio was powered through the No.1 electrical bus which is contrary to the United’s DC-8 stipulations thus causing the radio to be inoperative since the No.1 bus had failed. Due to the breakdown of the No.1 bus, the flight crew could not well verify the landing gear extension too for it is powered by the No.1 electrical bus (No Author, 1978).
  • The accident may also be attributed to the failure of the flight crew to inform the ATC concerning the loss of communications radio impairing the capability of the flight to operate the IFR in the ATC system and breaking down an assistance from the ATC (No Author, 1978).
  • Third, the holding clearance that was issued by the approach controller was not complete with any attempts to clarify the clearance hitting a dead end thus ambiguity. The approach controller wanted the flight to hold north west on 331 degrees radial of the Salt Lake City VOR, but he never specified the radial causing the captain to head north without requesting a complete holding clearance, inclusive of a holding radial hence the first officer assuming the 360 degrees radial to be the holding radial which was very wrong and constituted to the accident happening (No Author, 1978).
  • Also the ‘little minute’ leave request by the captain to the approach controller was quite misleading making the flight to disappear from the frequency for considerably seven and half minutes, had a hand to the accident. The flight was not also monitoring the Salt Lake City VOR for voice transmissions and the first officer never flew the holding pattern according to the established procedures consequently making the flight to fly into hazardous terrains (No Author, 1978).


However much we cite accidents as inevitable, they can be prevented too. Had there been price and good communication, and experience on radar communication from the captain and the approach controller, then the flight would have not crashed. To avoid such accidents, the flight crews and controllers must ensure conscious efforts towards precision in communication and strictly adhere to the stipulated procedures. The accident was quite preventable for so many factors, which could have been avoided, led to its happening. If there was an exchange of communication between the controller and the flight crew after the flight had gone back to the approach control frequency the situation would have been managed to safety. In addition, the failure of the electrical part alone will not have contributed to the accident. Also the electrical failure should have had a prior remedy or back up such that there is an alternative supply of power since before the flight clearance, it was already seen to be faulty (No Author, 1978).
