Should there be penalty rates in Australia? Why not? How it influences? Who are affected?

The Sunday pay rate cuts that form a recommendation made by the Productivity Commission is deemed to take effect from the beginning of July and the decision by the Fair Work Commission is deemed to impact businesses and employees. The Sunday pay rate cuts spell some doom and sends hospitality and retail workers to some mourning mood, as small business owners smile and cheer with the slash also posing some confusion to other members or consumers in the general public (Haynes, 2017).

There will be absolute changes courtesy of the slash. In many industries, employees earn some overtime and extra pay for working on public holidays and weekends, but some people, on the difference of opinion, agree not with such a remuneration. Business groups and other retail vendors have been advocating the reduction of the Sunday penalty rates down from doubled figures to one time and a half in relation to Saturday penalty rates. However, the rates have been slashed varyingly across retail, fast-food and hospitality. Also, the slash posts some variable changes to late night and early night employments loading for fast food and restaurant workers (Jager, 2017).

The slash hits hard those workers in the hospitality, retail and fast food businesses. In Australia, those that work and depend much on the penalty rates are those that earn considerably low salaries and wages. The worker unions are therefore arguing against the slash in favor for such workers arguing that the slash will just but bring more doom and lower living standards for them and their families. With unemployment on the high, the slash is seen as one that will spell more misery to many of the families that are on a low wage. The unions argue that the slash changes are just but “a pay cut for the lowest paid workers and people across Australia” (Chung & Burke, 2017).

Those that work for in hospitality places, be it on fulltime or part-time basis, will see Sunday pay rates slashed down from 175% to 150%.  During the public holidays the cut goes down from 250 percent to 225 percent with casuals only retaining the 250 per cent for working on holidays. For fast food workers, level one part-time and full time workers will see a slash from 150mper cent to 125 per cent with the level three workers retaining their 150 per cent. Retail workers on fulltime and retail have their rates reduced from 200 per cent down to 150 per cent with casuals getting a reduction from 200 per cent to 175 per cent (Haynes, 2017).

There are quite divide opinion on the changes, some for, others against. These that re for the change argue that the change will enable employers to have more employees so reducing unemployment. They too say that more hospitality stations will be able to operate on Sundays providing better experience for consumers and meet their growing expectations. It will also allow for more study time for the workers. However, those that are against the change argue that the change will directly and unfairly “steal” money from the pockets of those that work on Sundays. They argue that there is no any guarantee that the change will attract more employment with the change also depriving family time and cutting earnings hence more poverty and lower living standards among other negative impacts (Jager, 2017).

Hiring Dilemma: The Right Hires at the Right Time

Just like other decision making processes, hiring is a process that should and must be carefully and professionally under taken lest there be a loss in the hiring process for getting the wrong people at the right time, the right people at the wrong time, or hiring the wrong people at the wrong time too. The Chief Executive Officers should not only prioritize diagnosing and correction of issues that arise getting the wrong person for a certain job, but should also be right and high in anticipating the timing of hiring decisions. The trends of the current hiring are changing in relation to the market needs and required expertise. This calls for a constant update on the hiring processes for a hiring process that was once considered efficient and effective may run obsolete in a very short span of time (Wasserman, 2012).

The current fast-paced world is characterized by fast changing start-ups. To catch up and adjust according with such fast changes, founders and CEOs must be proactive in the hiring processes. They should be able to see, prepare, and adopt to such changes before they happen in order to stay consistently competitive and productive. The different stages of start-ups evolution camouflage to different hiring needs and is identified by different changes which are vital. This means that the founders must not dwell on generalization but must be diverse and easy to flex/adjust their hiring processes in order to service the start=up evolution stages well with competitive labor and skill (Wasserman, 2012).

However the CEOs must also be able to achieve a balance between the hires and the continuity and profitability lest they run at a loss in the name of hiring the right people. There should be no creation of new roles unnecessarily when the already hired labor is not exhausted and maximized. Again, founders should discourage from their hiring processes, hiring friends and family members. This is because in most cases they hardly perform maximum and end up


being a disadvantage to the company, as they proclaim themselves “self-made-co-founders” owing to the family or friendship ties that they have (Wasserman, 2012).


Wasserman N. (2012). The Founder’s Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup, Princeton University Press.

Do You Think Gender Matching Will Play A Role In Your Decision About Thesis Supervisor?


The quality of a relationship between the researcher and the supervisor much determines the success and the quality of the research work. The better the relationship, the better the chances of achieving a successful end of the research work, and vice versa. Such relationships are influenced and determined by a variety of factors, gender matching being one. This paper aims at disc using the role of gender matching in making a decision about a thesis supervisor (Bernard & Goodyear, 2004).

Definitely gender cannot be overlooked in the process of identifying or getting a thesis supervisor. The supervisor’s chemistry is very important and so gender matching has a big influence while making a choice. By default, there has been seen that men who get female supervisors for their thesis end up doing well than when having men supervisors while female students who engage with male students end up performing better than men students who match male supervisors for their thesis. However, the female students matching male supervisors end up with lesser content generally which reflects dismal work hence less of success. There exists, in many cases, a premium for male students writing their thesis under the supervision of female supervisors and a penalty for female students who choose male supervisors (Duan & Roehlke, 2001).

In conclusion, the productivity of a thesis is generally dependent on the supervisor. More so the success of the thesis is more about the supervisor’s willingness to help the researcher and the chemistry or relationship between the two. Naturally, there is a higher possibility that a male student will perform well under the supervision of a female supervisor while a female student may find success hard under a male supervisor. It is therefore very important for one to consider

gender matching in choosing their thesis supervisor, for gender affects the relationship between the two, and so the productivity of the thesis (Gatmon et al. 2001).

Reading Response: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

There was an idea, even within the indigenous people, that racial and identities around ethnicity were not anything to go by as evidenced in many intellectual thoughts in the United States of America. However, in the Latin American countries, there persisted an identity and discrimination along race and ethnicity as Indians and blacks were associated with the past evolution of mankind and strongly with primitivism, traditionalism, slavery, lack of any leadership skills, crudeness in production techniques among other discriminating isolations. Consequently, the center of interest in this reading shows how race is argued, and in many times provoke the conclusive answer ethnicity (Wade 45).

There exists quite a distinguished view of elective affinity and discrimination, with race and ethnicity being the reasons. The argument is, “you are black because you are of African ethnicity”. Any primitive or stupid act is all associated with African ethnicity. For the natives it will be an abuse if you refereed them as black, for this will mean to them that they are primitive. Simply because of race and ethnicity, one would be deemed inferior and unequal and not worth the very same treatment as the natives. There were unequal terms of trade and resource allocation which were unfavorable to Latin Americans yet very favorable to the natives (Wade 51).

Owing to such a mentality, it can be deduced that, the reason behind white supremacy and black oppression in the United States of America can be well pegged on race and ethnicity. The Latin Americans and Indians are taken to be inferior owing to their race which shows their black ethnicity. Race and ethnicity, in conclusion, since time immemorial up to present, has been used as a gauge to measure and qualify people for certain premiums in the country (Wade 53-57).

The question of interest for discussion: should inequality be graded according to situations and the living/economic standards of certain groups of people?

Response Essay

On a lay man’s perspective, the woman is referred and discriminately categorized just as a subordinate to the community and family. The subordination of women in the is identified to result from sociological relations and the perception that men have the distinct efforts to get their needs and demands to control a woman in their labor, sexual needs and faculties, but not much according to their disposition biologically. Men are believed to be strong, leaders by default and worth every supremacy against women regardless of a woman’s intellectual, sociological, intellectual, or emotional ability. Ultimately there exists a phenomena inclined with sexual morality of women which advocates for women second place in the family, punishment, and a must-submissiveness to men. This piece of work aims at describing the subordinate status of women under capitalism as described by Vogel and other Feminist Theorists in Smith (Vogel, 2013).

Women are oppressed and taken as subordinates in many occasions. Vogel and other Feminist Theorists argue that if in any case value is produced out of labor power, then the labor power must have some distinct origin. They underline that, labor power is the key to any system, capitalist or not,  and is in the real sense produced and reproduced some way far outside the capitalist production from a “kin-oriented” unit and somewhat reproduction site referred to as the family. As much as women are taken to be just good enough for reproduction and taking kin of the fruits of their womb as capitalists (men) reap fat from their labor, they are the core of the system for workers don’t just spring off the ground ready and fresh for the capitalist system (Vogel, 2013).

According to Vogel, there by default exists some relationship between class struggle and the oppression of women. Class struggle over production conditions stands for the core social development dynamic in populations and societies that exploit women. In such communities, the surplus labor is gauged by the dominating capitalist class with the most essential production condition being the renewal of a subordinated class which is the direct engine to the labor needed for the system. For there to be some much needed continuity and consistency of that labor, Vogel argues that it is the undermined reproductive role of the woman that is called to action to replenish the labor with new workers thus women must be respected and recognized for their pivotal and critical role (Vogel, 2013).

Vogel with other Feminist Theories argue that women are socially very productive and vital for the maintenance of that capitalist system. According to them, women are the core to the production and reproduction in the economic systems. Women take part in both domestic and social labor to keep the economy consistent and in continuity. They therefore strongly argue that housewives and workers at home must be considered as vital parts of the economic labor force and drivers, producing some integral value for capital, and consequently worth every accolade, recognition possible and salary/wages for their social and house work (Vogel, 2013).

In conclusion, Vogel among other Feminist Theorists identify the woman as a vital part of the labor force. They highlight women as responsible for the production and reproduction of the much needed labor for the economic system to run successfully. They therefore argue that women must be recognized and duly paid for their ‘oppressed’ social and house labor input to the overall economic system which turns out to be the engine and core for house/domestic and social labor/reproduction is the vibrant heart to refreshed ad replenished labor power for capitalist production. According to Vogel, child birth and lactation is not just a social reproduction role or a family form but a provision of labor force, something that should be paid for (Vogel, 2013).



Vogel L. (2013). Marxism and the Oppression of Women: Toward a Unitary Theory, BRILL.

Feminist Therapy

The feminist therapy has its core focus on the empowerment of women and giving them the help on how to discover a way of breaking the molds and stereotypes of the indigenous and traditional roles women play which are a block to their growth and development. The therapist theory is much focused on making women more strong in assertiveness, self-esteem and actualization, relationships, and communication. Among the many goals, the therapist theory aims at developing equality in mutual relationships of support and caring (Marianne, Gerald, & Cindy, 2016).

As per the feminist therapy, the therapist draws a unique believe that their client is the only “responsible expert” in his/her very own issues and is able to help them grow and develop the relevant tools that are needed to attain their full potential uniquely and as an individual of own value.  At the core of feminist theory therapeutic process, is gender and power for it is much built on the ground that it is vital to put into consideration the cultural and social context which greatly contributes to any person’s issues and problems for a better understanding of that person. The feminist therapy central concept includes the women’s psychological oppression and the consequential constraints therefore implied by the socio-political status that relegate women (Marianne, Gerald, & Cindy, 2016).

Feminist therapy is a choice owing to its eye-opening approach to the client. It raises awareness and conscience concerning their own gender-role in the process of socialization. One may choose the feminist therapy for its ability to identify the internalized gender-role messages and consequently and according replenish and replace them well with practical, unoppressive and functional beliefs. The therapy helps one to become personally empowered and have a free choice towards acquiring the needed skills for change in one’s environment. Self-esteem is all that builds a person. Feminist therapy that revolves around empowering and upholding the self-esteem and making the client aware of their own self and potential may be a preference (Marianne, Gerald, & Cindy, 2016).


Corey M., Corey G., & Corey C., (2016). Groups: Process and Practice, Cengage Learning.

Recommendations for the Sabin Center

The Sabin Center is responsible for developing legal strategies and techniques to help fight climate change, for training students and lawyers in their use, and for providing latest updated resources on the very key topics and issues affecting climate change law and regulation. The president of America and so many congress members have suggested changing and undoing most or considerably all of the climate change efforts made by the previous Obama administration. This has necessitated the Sabin Center to put in place the Climate Deregulation Tracker that  is responsible for monitoring the efforts undertaken by the Donald Trump government in scaling back or completely eliminating federal climate adaptation and mitigation measures. The tracker too can monitor efforts by the congress to annul and revoke statutory, regulations, provisions, and guides concerned with climate change and those that are being enacted to undermine climate change (Leibach, 2017).

With the current new government which has already shown and begun expansive efforts to repeal and chip away the environmental policy, it is time for the Sabin Center more and more news agencies and sources to help them promote their agenda and policies. By default, many of the sources may be shunned away by the power in the new administration regime. Consequently, in reaction to that, is the very right timing that the Sabin Center and other affiliate Climate Agencies spanned wide their stake and awareness through engaging other promotional sources to stage a bigger campaign for them and their agenda than ever before. Though not an outright abolishment, the Trump administration is actively trying to deflate the climate agencies, Sabin Center included, by making a thousand cuts into their systems and cutting their budgets. For instance, the EPA’s budget is in for a budget cut of up to 30 percent (Leibach, 2017).

The deregulation tracker which can show side by side what is already in the  legislations and books pertaining climate change and what the Trump administration is doing to repeal and dismantle such climate change  policies is not enough alone. Basically, many people can access the tracker but again not everybody. The Sabin Center must take the awareness a notch higher by engaging other climate change agencies and bodies, global media stations and even local stations in the fight to avoid such malicious and power hungry climatic degradations. For instance, what repeal would one advocate for in the clean power plan and stream protection rule? It sounds rather absurd and naïve for one to reverse such a rule instead of promoting it further (Leibach, 2017).

Regrettably, the sources that are currently and have been talking about climate policy, many of them are inclining to the Trump Administration climate repeals and changes. There is uncommon bias and double standards as many can only see one side of the coin, Trump’s side, and the destructive side for that case. If something is good, it is just good no matter who does it. The Trump administration should not hate on Obama to the extent of dismantling his climate change regulations and provisions which are god and have proved effective. The hate and bias should and must be avoided for it only encourages more climatic loss and loss of funds to rebrand the policies in favor of the Trump administration. The sources are not reporting and making awareness of the wasteful and meaningless climate policy changes that the Trump administration is making but only identifying the few strengths of such bad changes. I strongly recommend that they should be avoided and the Sabin Center among other climate agencies look for more sources of awareness and promotion (Leibach, 2017).


Leibach J. (2017). What to Expect from Trump’s Environmental Policy: Two Environmental Law Experts Discuss Threats to the EPA and Other Agencies, Science Friday. Web:, April 27, 2017.

American History II – World War II

The early American year’s show the country as one in which most of all the political leaders and so governments were very reluctant and of less or no concern in involving the federal government too much and heavily in the societal economic issues, with very little federal government involvement witnessed in the private sector. The country accepted ad ran on the laissez-faire doctrine which advocates for less autocratism and opposes any government involvement and interference in the social and economic issues except only in maintaining laws and order. However, the World War II saw a lot of increase in the involvement and roles of the government in the American society and the economy of the nation at large Matson & Gillon, 2012).

The American nation greatly feared that the end World War II end and subsequently the drop in the government expenditure in military could take the nation back to the bad times of Great Depression. However, it was the opposite of it as pent-up demand by consumers exceptional fueled a very strong growth in the economy after the World War II.  As the World War II curtain descended, the United States of America got engaged in cold war with the Soviet Union thus making the government want maintain a substantial capacity of military and fighting hence investing in the production of fabrication and manufacture of sophisticated weapons (Dautrich & Yalof, 2011).

The need to stage a strong war and military capacity made the government get more involved with the economy of the nation and the general societal affairs at large. The government flowed lots of economic help to European-war-affected areas and greatly helped in maintaining markets for most United States products. The government had well recognized its pivotal role in societal and economic affairs and came up with an Employment Act of 1946 to “promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power”. Courtesy of the World War II, the United States of America  made a discovery that there was a need to “restructure international monetary arrangements, spearheading the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank” which are institutions solely meant to make sure an open, capitalist international economy” (Matson & Gillon, 2012).

After the World War II, Business too had entered the consolidation period as firms and companies merged in order to create more diversified and huge conglomerates. This called for some government hand and involvement to help control and govern the operation of such consolidated businesses. Significantly, the World War II and too the Great Depression resulted and contributed to the vital economic event ever in the 20th century. The federal government emerged from the war with great economic concern and as a major potent actor of economy, gaining the ability to control and regulate the economy through policies, consumption and spending (Dautrich & Yalof, 2011).

The entry into World War II was a quick end to the Great Depression unlike the many years of New Deal Programs. For one, the Great Depression was the main cause of the World War II. Therefore, ending the World War II would significant and decisively end the cause, the Great Depression. The American industry, for instance the auto-craft industry, and production was greatly revitalized by the war. The war too led to the private sector getting involved with the government. In addition, the war led to organized labor movements, which gained more strength during the war and ensured a counterbalance between the private sector and the government. This meant high production and sophistication and thus a quicker means to ending the great depression (Matson & Gillon, 2012).

The World War II was characterized by great innovation and very rapid technological and scientific discoveries thus creation permanent innovative trends which quickly contributed to the end of the Great Depression. With growth in innovation and creativity, there was substantial increase in employment, personal income and the quality and standards of living went high for many citizens could afford a run of their life smoothly. The United States almost went and survived the war unscathed, and thus enjoyed economic and political power unprecedented, thus growth in economy and trade, and consequently a faster means to the Great depression courtesy of the World War II owing to its monopoly since the other nations were destroyed by the war. Private capital, which is the secret of economic growth and development, had a place to be invested for profits thus an economic boom spelling end to the Great Depression (Dautrich & Yalof, 2011).

Bitcoin – A personal take on the relevance of virtual currency”

Relatively, Bitcoin is a new type of currency that has presently hit the mainstream, less to the understanding of many people and why they should make every effort to make use of it. It is time that every person seeks to know candidly what Bitcoin and virtual money is all about and why it matters most, and why it the real deal and way to go in the present world that has lots of technology as a prerequisite to many operations. This paper aims at identifying the reasons as to why Bitcoin is a better choice to make and adopt against the many criticisms and negative allegations that many make (Finch, 2017).

Who does not like speed especially when it comes to money transfers and transactions? Generally, when one goes to their bank to deposit a cheque most probably from another bank, the bank will definitely hold the cheque-cash for some days for it less trusts that the funds are surely available. Comparatively, international wire-money transfers can take much time and delay important and urgent transactions. However, with Bitcoin, transactions are fast and struggles with transactional and money-transfer speeds are made history for Bitcoin can allow instantaneous transactions for zero-confirmation transactions or transaction may take less than ten minutes if they are to be confirmed, which highly faster than any bank-bank transfer or transaction (Antonopoulos, 2014).

Cost-effectiveness and quality is an aspect that every person will look for specifically when it comes to many matters. As much as many may argue out that even the credit card transactions can be instantaneous and fast too, some merchants basically charge some fee for such transactions and one has to pay for such a privilege or service or swiping. Bitcoin offers a cut above the rest with minimal or at times no fees (Stevenson, 2013).

With the Bitcoin, risks like the  one observed in march 2013 in Cyprus in which the central bank had intended to take back all uninsured deposits exceeding one hundred thousand dollars to aid recapitalizing itself thus causing goose bumps and unrest are well taken a boot. With Bitcoin in place, central governments can’t dare take away any customer deposits that eat directly into family savings for the currency is much decentralized and the customer owns it with no control whatsoever from the central government authority, and the bank can’t take it away from the customers. Bitcoin is the real solution to the unravelling trust on tradition banking systems (Finch, 2017).

With Bitcoin, there are hardly any chargebacks for once the bitcoins are sent, they are just gone for once and for good. Once a bitcoins sender makes the transaction, they can’t pull back any malice or mischief without the recipient knowing to make some authorization of any retrieval or pull back. This potentially corners out any manner of fraud that is often witnessed with credit cards in which people make transactions and then immediately contact the credit card company for a chargeback, ending up fraudently reversing the transaction (Antonopoulos, 2014).

In most purchases that are made online through credit cards presently, the online forms need one to feed their private credit card information. This makes it available for theft for one possessing the credit card details is like possessing the credit card. With the Bitcoin, it is hard for fraudsters and online hackers to steal one’s payment and transaction private and confidential information from the merchants. Think of virtual and online business security, think of the bitcoins. Bitcoin transactions need not disclosure of private and confidential information but just use the public and private keys for transactions. Transaction a signed by a combination of the two keys but not by giving up secret information which has seen credit cards vulnerable to theft. As much as one does not disclose the private key, Bitcoin transaction are the safest (Stevenson, 2013).

Bitcoin unlike regularly and normal fiat currency which the authorities can print as much as they like, is free from inflation. With the national debt growing and economic sputter, the government prints and tales new money leading to inflation courtesy of quantitative easing hence causing a decrease in currency value. This is hardly witnessed with bitcoins. In the real sense, deflation is very possible in a Bitcoin nation. In addition, Bitcoin is as private as one would want it to be.  With it being the best of a private currency, it is also very transparent courtesy of the blockchain for transaction can easily be traced to their origin and their destination (Finch, 2017).

The headache of putting your trust on anyone else is history with Bitcoin currency unlike conventional banking where you have to risk putting your trust on some people to safely handle your money all along the transactional ways. Since the Bitcoin currency is entirely decentralized, there is no need to risk your trust on someone else unlike the convectional banking merchants who ask for sensitive private information to handle your money. Bitcoin merchants don’t need any private and sensitive information about you for them to carry out any transaction or handle your money and/or transaction.  Bitcoin transactions are digitally signed and so very secure (Antonopoulos, 2014).

Bitcoin accounts are fully solely owned. They are not shared just like other convectional accounts which can be frozen easily by the parent companies that run them. An owner of a Bitcoin account owns it all and boasts full mandate and control of the account, without whose permission nobody else can temper with the account. The Bitcoin owner who owns the private key to the account is the only person who can initiate and permit any transaction related to that account. Making your own money with the bitcoins is easy, permitted and encouraged. One can certainly purchase bitcoins in any open market and one can also mine their own money if they have sufficient computer and technological ,power. It is therefore easy to make your own money after making the initial mines and then leaving the machine running to mine more bitcoins through the software (Stevenson, 2013).

In a nutshell, bitcoins is the better option to take and the way to go especially in a world that has become a global village. With many of the transactions which are being made online e presently, bitcoins form a formidable secure currency that is very efficient yet very effective. Bitcoins help one create their own currency mine with ease and are nearly uncompromisable for one solely owns them fully without any other external hand. They are not as risky, yet very cheap, as the convectional accounts for one has nobody else to trust but themselves only.  As much as they may be purported to affect economy, the advantages there in bitcoins cannot be assumed and outweighs any demerits that may ever come up against bit (Finch, 2017).

History essay

Things and even human beings historically evolved from some form to their present form, and who knows that in some years to come that the present form will not turn to some history after evolving to some other form! The Metropolitan Heilbrunn timeline of art history pairs chronological works of art and essay with an aim to tell the story of global culture and story and/or history of art through the collection of the museum. This paper aims at evaluating the form of digital media works in terms of public history showing how the relevant subject is presented and the use of objects in illustrating the historical subject with the help of a choice of three short essays from the essays from the Metropolitan Museum’s of Art’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History (No Author, 2017).

With a close assessment and evaluation of the ‘Fabricating Sixteenth-Century Netherlands Boxwood Miniatures” essay, it is evident that the artists responsible for the creation of the boxwood prayer  beads, triptychs, diptychs, sarcophagi and letters were comparatively very conversant with the time iconography though they condensed and concentrated their scale of work towards creating a very intimate religious experience for devotees, be they wealth patrons or royalty, who might have made mountings of the beads to act as the end of their prayer sessions at the culmination of a rosary. The boxwood prayer beads stand as a perfect blue print of the ancient times and evolution of the rosary beads that we have seen evolve through without losing the original ‘bead-touch’ and methodology as a way of culmination of prayer during rosaries (No Author, 2017).

The fabricators and artists of the boxwood prayer beads and other co-related works may not have been in a schooling environment for their creativity and innovation but their works are well a presentation of public history. This short essay work shows the way the beads are made and categorically used to show part of the evolution of the way people conducted their rosaries and prayer processes in the ancient times, which is ore of public history for it forms a reference and affiliation of the way people conduct rosary and prayer in the current world. The works may not have been coordinated and as a result of national research libraries, but it forms great parts of public history courtesy of the somewhat layman innovation and creativity. The beads were historically used to mean some end of a prayer session during a rosary. The objects, boxwood prayer beads, well illustrate the historical subject, that is followed up to date though maybe is a different way, that one at seeing the beads during the prayer session they will understand it marks the end of that session. The boxwood has been used persistently as an ideal medium for intricate carvings which may exhibit different properties, developments, and variations, but the reference medium remains the boxwood prayer beads, an item of public history (No Author, 2017).

The short essay “the Rise of Paper Photography in Italy, 1839-55” is another categorical piece that shows the rise and evolution is digital media in photography. The essay shows a blend of ideas from different destinations flavoring the evolution of photography in Italy which culminated to the negative which used to print many positive copies. The negative stands as the underpin for the even current digital photography. It is a reference for photography works and all of the developments of photography someway relate and originate from the paper photography in Italy. The negatives illustrate well the historical photography, showing the potential to develop and print various number of positive copies from them. They are presented as the underline of photography work and new development are ‘positive-d’ out of it (No Author, 2017).

Comparatively, the essay ‘Medusa in Ancient Greek Art’ shows the use of evil to scare evil through imagery. The striking frontality in medusa as showed in the essay has been  used by many artists to show different parts and warnings that should not be frequently touched. When one sees and relates to the medusa story there is that feeling of fear to commit any evil for it may come back to them haunting flamboyantly (No Author, 2017).

In a nutshell, the three essays are well a depiction and a representation of some originality and identity in public history. The current things and forms of life that we see and use around have some originality and belong to some forms of public history and they might have been even developed out of classwork by the innovation and creativity of some dummies. However, the history might be collaborative, or a development from one person as they exploit they growing touch in innovativeness and creativity. This is a very effective way to use effectively the Metropolitan Museum’s resources to show the beginning of some concepts and cultures that we may not easily understand,. The metropolitan are therefore depicted as very rich sources of public history and may be used to understand and unearth some of the ‘round corner’ concepts and norms in life that are very fundamental for knowledge and general life (No Author, 2017).


No Author, The Met’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History pairs essays and works of art with chronologies, telling the story of art and global culture through the Museum’s collection, the MET, 2017. Web: