Significance of Marketing Analytics:


A fundamental part of any business plan is a market analysis. A market analysis section is developed purposely to provide the business with an expertise to run a particular arcade and enable the business attract effectiveness in the same arena of operation. This article will look what exactly is meant by market analysis and the significance of market analysis.

Definition of market analysis

A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the market. A market analysis develops a thorough look into the actual market size with reference to value and volume. It also looks at the numerous purchase patterns and various customer segments, competition and the overall economic terms that act as barrier to business success.  Market analysis is a part of industry analysis and therefore would also be understood as environmental investigation. Through this analysis, the strength, opportunities, threats and weakness can also be investigation. With the assistance of a SWOT analysis high level business strategies can also be established. A market analysis is significant especially because of its well-known documentation that acts as a form of investigation to inform a business of its planning strategies.

The different dimensions of market analysis

The outline of a fair market analysis is outlined from specific dimensions.

Key details of success

Key success factors

Channels of distribution

Cost structure of the industry

Market profitability

Market growth rate

The trends in the market

Market size

The main aim of a market analysis is to determine that attractiveness at the existing market place both for the present and the future. Most businesses develop an evaluation of future markets by having an understanding of the evolving nature of the market, the existing market threats and how they relate to the strengths and weaknesses within the organization. Organizations have used these findings to act as a guide for their investment plans and advancing their success in the future (Joshi, Reibstein & Zhang, 2016). The findings gathered in a marketing analysis would act as a motivation to an organization that needs to transform its investment strategies. While conducting a market analysis for a business, the areas that are more likely to be affected would be the laborers, facilities that need expansion, new purchases of capital equipment, inventory levels and other advertising activities within the business.

Elements of a market analysis

The market size and value

Market size in the market place analysis would receive a definition from the aspect of market potential and market volume. The market volume reveals the complete nature of volume of sales for a special market. The volume is wholly dependent on the nature of demand and the quantity of buyers. Market volume can only be measured in quality (value) or quantity (volume). The quantity of goods and the market price are taken into account when the qualitative measurement is used. Other than the market volume, the market potential can be of a similar significance in a market analysis. The market potential provides managers with a definition of the top most limit of demand and considers potential clients (Klaesson, & Therese, 2015). However, the market potential is much fictitious than the market volume because it provides goods and values for market orientation. The relationship between market potential and market volume is responsible for providing data in relation to the possible chances of market growth. Information such as the financial data of major market players, trade association information, government data and customer reviews are presented the market size element (Aaker & McLoughlin 2010).

Potential customer

Defining a potential customer depends on the kind of business. A multinational business like Samsung would want to attract the highest number of potential customers as compared to a small and medium enterprise at the local area. For example, in the market analysis of Samsung, it is evident that the organization acts as the sole manufacturer and the sole distributor of genuine Samsung phones. For this reason, it is expected that the target market also understood in terms of potential customers for Samsung are not only within their area of production. When conducting a market analysis, it is important that the organization looks at the target market or who its potential customers are in order to maximize on its production. However, this element is factored in when evaluating the size of the market. The market needs

This particular section is very significant when developing a market analysis because it is in this section that the business is revealed to a potential investor that might bring you to the knowledge of the market. Basically, the market need knows why consumers buy the product. In this section, business managers are expected to go into necessary details on the exact drivers of market demand for the products and services they intend to offer. A way in which managers can find out about market drivers is looking at the take away concept. Looking at Dorman’s coffee market analysis, a major driver of the market need is consistency. Consumers will always go for a product that seems to be consistent. Dorman’s coffee business has been successful not only because of consistency but also because of buying from a chain of producers as opposed to buying from an independent shop locally.


It is important for businesses to factor in the concept of competition when developing a market analysis. A business must be able to explain the position of its competitors as well as describing their strengths and weaknesses. The idea in this section when constructing a market analysis is to analyze the angle in which the market brings weaknesses to a business. From this view, the company is able to strategize itself perfectly when about to venture in. Fulfilling this section ensures that the business manages to match the benefits that come with the product and consumer wants.

The relationship between business success and market analysis lies in communication and interaction. Understanding the market is necessary in understanding the perspectives of business which would further help in balancing the existing business relationships and concepts. The areas discussed in this article bring us to the significance of conducting market analysis. I believe market analysis would be significant to a business in sales forecasting, marketing strategy and ensure a proper market research is established for the purpose of success. However, in as much as market analysis is significant for every business, I believe not every business manager needs to perform an analysis of existing market. All the same, it would still be relevant for managers to use the date gathered in market analysis in order to know how to get to successful business conclusions and strategies that they need to use to be successful.

Management Discussion Questions

Question 1

Successful merge will require relevant interventions and as a leader one should always find and create discussion around a common organizational vision and around common identities. There are five critical issues to merging; duality, time, communication, identity and top down-bottom up focus (Hill, & Weiner, 2008). A significant lesson to learn in merging is all these pieces in merging process most a times are not handled concisely and collaboratively as they need to be and thus excellence is not reached. To make these elements successful in the new management unit, I will put more emphasis on the culture of management, culture of a shared vision and acceptance of new identity within the organization as major organizational dynamics.

Challenges, opportunities and issues

Building new units, especially from mergers requires a new approach in order to manage the deal and make it successful. This is because most mergers at the beginning are doomed and survey has proven that about 70% of mergers fail. However, this statistic has created a whole different view of integration thereby ensuring that new units maximize opportunities Deutsch, & West, 2010). A major opportunity in merging is born out of diligence where leaders how to create value and capture synergies. However, issues arise from diligence because of flawed systems making it hard for leaders to capture a clear road map to success.

A major reason why Amazon moved online is due to high level of market strategies; as a new of way of meeting new customers as well as expanding their business (Well, 2013). Online delivery comes as a mega competitive advantage that sets a business ahead of other business because in the present world, customers move from place to place and might need goods dropped to them at their own convenience. Thus most customers prefer goods delivered to them at their own convenience since they might not have time to get to the store physically. Trader Joe’s is among the favorites of my grocery stores and this is because they stock all varieties of groceries and because of their consumer satisfaction and staying long in the market, I might prefer Trader Joe’s to other online stores. Trader’s Joe has always gained and managed to retain customer loyalty, for future retention I might drive volumes and drive most of the market share in order to make customers happy.

Movie Review

Brandon and Philip are not accurate in their reading of Nietzsche as they fail to exercise complete belief in their power to be the main masters of reality. Nietzsche develops his discussion of being a master of reality looking at the values of morality; therefore his philosophy does not sanction murder and mistreatment of inferior humans. Evidently Philip and Brandon fail to consider the aspects of morality while defining their power to constrain their behavior and that of others (Hitchcock 1). Nietzsche tried to challenge the traditional and Christianity values and beliefs of morality. His interest was based on enhancing cultural and individual health and therefore he believed in power, creativity and life. In Nietzsche reading, he considers his development a master of reality as he makes us believe that we have the power and will to constrain our own drives as well as the drives of other people with reference to morality. In understanding the development by Nietzsche, Philip and Brandon develop an extreme understanding of being free in their power to be a master of their realities.

Brandon and Philip believe that David is not superior and instead he should have been born a slave or could have been beer or ginger ale. Unlike the understanding gathered by Brandon and Philip, Nietzsche is not trying to say that a master of morality is the aspect of good while slave aspect is evil. He is basically trying to show us how moral ideals and valuations that most times go unquestioned have darker sides. The development by Nietzsche prohibits performing acts of evil. What his philosophy does is question the basis of morality and thinks that if the society cannot explain the foundation of societal values, then these values are unnecessary for living. Nevertheless, Nietzsche does not glorify the murder behavior in his philosophy. He instead encourages us to live a life that is free and safe but still care for others particularly the inferior. The philosophy of Brandon and Philip would only work in their small world that is evident in the film ‘the little room where the murder set up takes place’ but cannot work for the rest of the society that still believes in good.

To him, an inescapable section of human is hidden in us placing so much value on items as that is why he criticizes social values. In criticizing social values, he brings us to an understanding of why social values are unnecessary. The values that we ascribe as good and bad, right and wrong should not be necessary because it questions the foundations of these beliefs and values. This movie is reminds of how bad ideas can turn us into monsters and from this lesson we are able to understand where Nietzsche comes from. The social theory of Nietzsche tries to bring us to an understanding of the distinction of being a master of morality in dividing ideas of good and bad and being a slave of morality that makes it hard to distinguish between evil and good. From this phrase, we are able to recall a scene in which Brandon tells his visitors that ‘right and wrong, evil and good are inventions of an ordinary man because he is need of them’. Following this argument, David’s father identifies a fundamental world view that is in agreement with Nietzsche and his social theory of superman.

Evidently, Philip and Brandon give Nietzsche words a different meaning that he himself does not develop. They try to twist his ideology into performing a cold and ugly murder. There must be something inside them that would act as a drive to make them does that and thus trying to find an excuse from Nietzsche philosophy and challenge of right and wrong. Nietzsche purports that we should be driven by the will and power to do what we can expressing all drives hidden within and having the power to dominate over others. This statement is what Philip and Brandon run with especially in David’s murder case. However, what Nietzsche is trying to communicate is that we should a central force that drives us; to him, this central force should be founded in morality. That is to mean, our behaviors, gaining authority over others should be done in morality. This is clear evidence that Nietzsche philosophy does not at any point endorse murder and mishandling of inferior human beings. strangling life out of an equivalent human being who could have loved and lived as Philip and Brandon could never have is not endorsed by Nietzsche philosophy.

From Nietzsche perspective, the powerless and oppressed see the masters of reality as powerful, terrifying and terrible. They are evil because they cause suffering to innocent people, they possess what they should not be having; they survive, thrive and depend on the pity and compassion of others even though they fail to live up to the standards of the society with respect to right and wrong, good and evil values. Nietzsche philosophy questions the basis of morality and in this manner does not endorse murder. Instead in his philosophy Nietzsche thinks that pity and living a life of guilt and self-sacrifice is against the nature of living. His philosophy dwells on the assumption that we are expected to be more than we alive; living fulfilling and satisfactory lives that do not revolve around values that cannot be explained by nature. however, in as much as Nietzsche questions the foundations of morality, he does not give us a go ahead to engage in crime and performing evil and wrong activities as it is understood by Philip and Brandon.

It is evident at this juncture that Philip and Brandon have an inaccurate understanding of Nietzsche reaching because they fail to spot the aspect of morality. Philip acts as the one who performs the strangling at the beginning of the murder scene and this is a symbol of the power as master of reality discussed by Nietzsche. Brandon on the other hand is a proud murder and his pride escalates right after the murder activity. He says that it is because of pity that the murder was not performed in broad daylight and with curtains open. According to Philip, anyone is good or bad just as their neighbor and thus as he tries to constrain Brandon, he fails because he thinks Brandon is as good as he in. Brandon justifies the power to kill in a nature of similarity as the power to create. Brandon convinces Philip how they are not supposed to act in fear because who knows whether the rest of the people are committing murder and of course they do not know whether they would be the next victims of murder so they should go ahead and perform murder.




Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Rope. Web. 1948.

Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche preface , 15-56


Reflection Essay

The commercial Clause includes article 1, section 8, clause 3 of the United States constitution. It forms a segment of power enumerations of the United States of America congress. The commercial clause is very significant to businesses for it gives the Congress the power and the ability to regulate commerce. The Congress through the commercial clause is able to control the way the federal governments and other foreign states to ensure that businesses are not oppressed and discriminated. It ensures and controls the way business is conducted preserving and protecting all the rights to business (Sidlow & Henschen, 2016).

The Supremacy Clause stipulates that all other laws reference the federal law dictating it as the “Supreme law of the land”. The supremacy Clause significantly establishes that the federal law should take precedence over the state constitution and law. The supremacy clause merges the national government and all the states into a one governmental and constitutional unit, that is, the federal government. This serves businesses with an advantage of equal treatment, a treatment that cuts across all the states. This constitutes to equal grounds of operation and opens a chance for every business equally with any form of discrimination or biased favor (Sidlow & Henschen, 2016).

Based on the Supremacy Clause, the doctrine of preemption, the federal preempts the state law even in occurrences when there occurs a conflict between the state law and the federal law. As the per the provisions of the doctrine of preemption, a federal court exercises the power

to stop the state from any kind of behavior that it identifies as interfering or conflicts the federal law. To businesses, the doctrine of preemption serves them an advantage in that, in case the state law turns oppressive or discriminatory, the federal law can overturn such state law rulings. Under the doctrine of preemption, businesses enjoy the upholds of the state law, but if state law conflicts and does not protect the businesses, the federal law takes effect (Sidlow & Henschen, 2016).



Sidlow, E. & Henschen, B.  (2016). GOVT 9. Cengage Learning.

E-Commerce Limitations

E-commerce is a technology that involves both buying and selling goods and services by manufacturers, or basically sellers, to their buyers aka customers or consumers through electronic technology or medium. It is a preference for many sellers and buyers currently as the world grows to embrace technology in every way possible. Though e-commerce has seen lots of growth owing to its advantages, there are a number of limitations which stand in the way and challenge its growth. This paper aims at discussing the major limitations on the growth of e-commerce and highlighting the potentially toughest limitations to overcome (Manzoor, 2010).

The major limitations on the growth of e-commerce can be put into two main categories. These include: technological limitations and non-technological limitations. Technological limitations are those that are more affiliated to technology while the non-technological limitations are those that have very little or nothing to do with technology (Laudon & Traver, 2016).

There are several technological limitations towards the growth of e-commerce which may include:

  • The fast change in software tools in website development.

In order for e-commerce to grow, the latest software tools must be used. With the fast growth in technology, software tools are being developed every dawn, rendering others obsolete over a night. The requirement to have the latest software tools in e-commerce is making its growth hard to achieve (Laudon & Traver, 2016).



  • Cost for internet access is quite inconvenient and expensive

Internet connectivity and access, which forms the core for e-commerce, is proving inconvenient and very expensive for some customers especially those in third world countries. For instance, in Africa, internet access-speed is still too slow yet very expensive. This means that internet connectivity is barely affordable thus buying and selling products which is the business of e-commerce is also unachievable (Patil & Bhakkad, 2014).


Non-technological limitations towards the growth of e-commerce

  • Lack of confidence and trust

Often and by default, it is hard to have confidence and trust in a person who you have not met or seen physically. Trusting paperless and faceless transactions is quite hard. People will fear to do business and transact over the internet with people they have not seen as they cite fraud may occur for there is no one-one physical communication and agreement. Also customers are afraid that there may compromise in quality of the products they buy online (Laudon & Traver, 2016).

  • Security and privacy

E-commerce privacy and security issues may often discourage trading online. Currently online fraud and cyber crimes are on the rise, and the fear to be a victim of such issues is real. Private information may be compromised and leaked while transacting and doing business online thus customers falling victims of online theft. There might be a slow growth in e-commerce courtesy to the fear to fall victims to fraud owing to lack of security for electronic transactions (Patil & Bhakkad, 2014).

  • Computer Illiteracy

Many people may not be able to buy and sell goods online. This owes to their illiteracy to operate a computer or any technological device that can allow them transact online. The complications of learning complex computer programs and operating processes in order to indulge in e-commerce, are quite are stumble for the growth of e-commerce. The digital shopping experience may never overcome the social and cultural experience as people love to see and even have a touch before buying any product (Laudon & Traver, 2016).

For me, the toughest limitation to beat in e-commerce is the security and privacy issues. There is currently a lot of cyber-insecurity, hacking and online theft/fraud. The legal frameworks are not keen on such issues and customers and sellers are afraid that transacting online will result to them losing their private information hence falling victims of cyber fraud and theft, yet there are no any legal frameworks to help them claim. To overcome security and privacy issues to the ease of e-commerce-ing will be a tough one to overcome (Manzoor, 2010).

Family Nursing


Family nursing includes a continued process whereby a nurse practitioner strives to provide for the health care needs of the family as a unit. The practice does not single out a family member but considers the family as a whole underlining that the whole family is affected in the case of one or more members are affected health-wise. Family nursing proposes that health and unhealthy behaviors are best learned with the context of the family with families playing a central role in the health of members. True to family nursing, the effectiveness and efficiency of health care is best emphasized from the family as unit approach with the maintenance, promotion, and restoration of family health an important aspect for societal survival (Denham et al., 2015).

Family nursing being less patient-oriented but more family-as-a-unit-oriented is an important addition to the nursing practice. The new knowledge of family nursing much helps develop another approach of health care giving that includes the whole family. It is by default true that, one unhealthy member means unhealthiness for the whole family. Approaching health from the family perspective then will help me as a nurse to understand the family lineage and dynamics, understand their culture, their beliefs and order towards establishing the best of healthcare system. For instance, back in the years, cigarette smoking was seeing prestigious. In a family that suffers smoking-oriented health problems, it is good to understand their smoking culture and history well so that one as a nurse can start well to establish a way to deal with the causative behavior towards collective family health (Denham et al., 2015).

With a new knowledge in family nursing, my approach in nursing practice is more enhanced in that understanding the family values, culture and beliefs will give me an extra edge in approaching patients from a family approach. The health issues of a patient will be getting more of a family approach to ensure effectiveness and efficiency, for a family member’s health issue will be seen as a family issue. For instance, treating obese patients will attract a family intervention, looking at the lifestyle of the family and treating the patient through the family-based approach (Denham et al., 2015).


Denham, S., Eggenberger, S., Young, P, & Krumwiede, N. (2015). Family-Focused Nursing

Care, F.A. Davis.

Indecent Report Plan

Pro-activity is always better than re-activity especially when it comes to IT security. Being reactive, (taking action after an incidence happens) is more costly than being pro-active (taking measures before incidences happen), therefore incidence response should attract greater interest during policy making and management strategies. Clearly there are direct advantages of being proactive as well as long-term indirect financial merits. This paper aims at providing a plan, a recommended process and procedures, which can be used while responding to incidences in Information Technology departments. For a successful response to Information Technology incidences including theft of laptops.. (Butterfield, Ngondi & Kerr, 2016).

However, it is practically impossible to prevent all incidences of security. To minimize the occurrence and impact of security incidences administrators should well establish, enforce and reinforce all security processes and procedures.  Also they should ensure support of the management for better handling of security policies and handling of incidents. There must be routine checks on systems for vulnerabilities with well established security training programs for staffs and also for end users. Authentication, back-ups, and restore procedures should be put in place. The creation of Security Incident Response Team, CSIRT, for response on security issues is paramount too (Knowledge, 2015).

The CSIRT is the pivotal point in dealing with systems security. It consists of a team that is responsible for dealing with security incidents. The CSIRT team ensures that there are no system breaches, acts as the centre of communication, catalogues and documents all the security incidents, promotes awareness on security, discovers any new vulnerabilities, offers consulting services on security, analyzes and develops new measures and technologies to curb any security incidences proactively, and carries out research on new security measures. The CSIRT needs lots of preparation through proper training on use of security tools, ensuring that all contact and communication information is available, and placing all emergency information on systems centrally in an offline location accordingly (Butterfield, Ngondi & Kerr, 2016).

The CSIRT team has different roles and key members including the team leader who is in charge of coordinating all the team activities.  The incident leader includes an individual who is responsible for a certain security incident and for the coordination of a response towards that incidence. The CSIRT associate members handle and respond to specific incidents and come from a variety of developments. They may include legal representatives, public relation officers, IT contact professionals, and the management (Knowledge, 2015).

Though the CSIRT team is responsible for the response, the IT fraternity in the company must  be made aware with the end users encouraged to report any type of theft or suspicious incident.


Agency includes a creditable, fiduciary or trustee relationships that exist between two persons or parties whereby one of the parties, the agent, is duly obligated to and controlled by the other party, the principal. The agent is generally under the authority of the principal in the performance of specific tasks, for and on behalf of the principal. However, the agent’s acts that are performed in doing the duties entrusted on them by the principal and with the scope of the authority of the agent, bind the principal. This paper aims to illustrate the concept of agency using two different groups of people during the early Europe colonial in America (Bonyhady, 2003).

Basically, ordinary people change the fundamentals of societal structures in their day to day lives. Drawing from the early Europe colonial in America, the United States of America is significantly a product-blend of two major forces; European people  immigration with their various customs, ideas, and nationalities, and the definitive impact of a very new nation which much modified and changed the distinctive European traits. The varied traits and nationalities inevitably brought about changes with the principal natives embracing g the ways of the immigrants. The result was significant changes in social patterns, which really resembled the European society in some ways, but had some distinct American traits (Bonyhady, 2003).

There ensued an agency kind of relationship between the American immigrants and the European colonials. As immigrants went into America, they carried themselves with their culture and traits, which ended up blending with the European cultures and traits too. The changes were mutual as European adopted some traits of the immigrants and vice versa. Carrying on with life ordinarily, there were gradual changes in the fundamental societal structures with consequent traits blending and changing the European society greatly.  At the end of it all even to present, Europe became more American rather than English (Bonyhady, 2003).


Bonyhady, T.  (2003). The Colonial Earth, Melbourne Univ. Publishing.

Thirty-Eight- Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police.

The article involves Martin narrating Kitty’s murder when a man attacked and stabbed her on her way home. Though she cried for help, the neighbors turned a deaf hear despite hearing her cry for help and didn’t bother to come out to heed to her cry. For the three times she was stabbed, neighbors helped not, but only called the police after her death, a late call that could not save her life. It was way after one and half hours from the first stabbing that neighbors came out to call the police (Gansberg, 1).

Regrettably, had the neighbors responded to Kitty’s alarm for help, she might have survived.  The onlookers were not any ‘respectable, law abiding-citizens’. Out of ignorance that it didn’t concern them and assumption that somebody else would come for help, they left Kitty to be stalked and stabbed to death by her killer. It is inexcusable ignorance to watch her get murdered, something that I cannot allow to happen as I watch. The deliberate abstention of the witnesses is unforgivable. The police line was way at their reach and there was no reason to wait until Kitty’s death to call the police (Gansberg, 2).

In a similar situation, I would not hesitate to call the police first, as I go out to offer the best of help I can give. The guilt that could haunt me cannot ever allow me to see someone perish without the least of my hand of help. The police line being readily accessible, I could call their attention to the scene with a second thought. The horror and disgust that could hang in my heart cannot allow any negligence and assumption that she could get help elsewhere. It is horrifying that such a thing could happen and quite disgusting that it happened at the watch of people and no one did anything to help Kitty. The “little good Samaritan” in me could not have allowed this to happen without a trial to help. Too tired to call the police? Too scared to come out and heed her cry? That for me is no excuse enough (Gansberg, 2, 3).


Gansberg, M. Thirtу-Eight- Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police. New York Times, 1964.

When in Rome

Imitation and adaptation are some of the most traditional and oldest, yet very successful, mechanisms that are used to acclimatize, adopt and cop with new or altered environments. The old adage “When in Rome do as Romans do”, foster internationalization that when in a foreign land, it is advisable that one follows the customs of those that live in it (Frager, 2013).

Adapting one’s behavior to the local customs is quite honorable. It is good for easy synchronization to the systems of a foreign land to imitate and well-adapt to their customs. For instance, when one is studying abroad, it is advisable that they learn the customs of that foreign land. The way the people relate socially and the way they conduct themselves will help one to well-fit in and settle. In situations like when one is doing some research in a foreign land, adapting to the customs of the people in that land will help one get the information they need with more ease. Adapting and imitating the customs of a foreign country much shoe appreciation and respect. Adaptation does not necessarily mean that one gives up the own culture and the values that they believe, it creates much of culture awareness and if one really wants to be a ‘jack’ of international traits, they preferably must adapt their behavior to the local customs of their land (s) of visit (Frager, 2013).

However, there are times when one should maintain the standards of their culture. Disregarding your culture is slavery. Adaptation does not support one disowning their parent culture. At times when the foreign culture grievously clashes your own, then your own culture carries the day. When it comes to a point that the foreign culture abuses your parent culture, your culture becomes the way to go. For instance, if according to your customs you have a certain way to worship, then you have all the freedom of worshiping the way you believe is right for you no matter the foreign worship you meet in the foreign land. The standards of one’s culture must always apply in times when diversity and culture-internationalization is not applicable (Frager, 2013).


Frager, K. (2013). When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do, Etiquette for Everyday. Web, September 11, 2017.