The City as a Growth Machine is a Good Model for Explaining Patterns of Urban Development

Show me the residence city or the locality of a person, and I will show you the kind of life and social strata that person leads and belongs to. The City as a Growth Machine is a good model for explaining patterns of urban development for it arguably bases its focus on the political economic status of a city or a locality and how that economy culminates in dictating and steering the economic, social and political growth and development of that   city or locality (Pacione, 2009). The economic development of a city or locality expands in proportion to the economic activity that goes on in that city. The growth and development of a city is not only one dimensional in population growth only too but how the population growth can match a constant growth too in economic activity (Leicht & Jenkins, 2009)

The growth of city which is directly related to the economic activity in that city, determines whether the city will be abandoned and more so determines the social, political and economic status of that city. A city with much economic activity translates to a city that is economically dynamic with growing social, commercial, and political activity and so improved living standards and developments. The development margins and patterns of a city are explained by the way that city involves itself in economic activities (pradoto, 2012). The politics and political environment in a city or a locality are the principal bedrock of growth and progressive development of that city. A harsh political environment means an unsettled economic environment barring economic activity which is what dictates the growth and development of a city or a a nutshell, the growth of a city is a social phenomenon for it is much driven by the coming together of different interest people or groups that all merit from sustained

Human Resource Chapter 9

The best in a person can only be gotten out by only building a fire or drive within them but not by lighting a fire beneath them just like the art of excellence which  is much won by training  and habit. Training and development is one of the most successful strategies that organizations employ to ensure that their workforce, both skilled and unskilled, have the required for the present and the future too.  Organizations have adopted learning and development with recognizable processes in place for and how they can achieve the best. Training, learning and development become more useful for the organization as employees, units and their superiors gain new skills and knowledge towards maximum productivity (Berman et al, 2012).

However, with the increased responsibilities in their work places thus less time, employees are finding it hard to engage in training, learning and development. Generally, training and learning in organization is coined around principle for instance motivation, management support, relevance and transference, repetition and active participation, feedback and positive  reinforcement in practice among others. Training strategies and methodologies include on-the-job training, mentoring, in-house seminar and clinics, innovation and new-skills development labs and centers, attending professional conferences, stimulation and role playing, formal education among others. Organizations use different learning strategies which may include idea development, brainstorming and thinking by leaders, and through change management (Berman et al, 2012).

As organization ensure a powerful workforce through skilled training, it is too vital that the workforce attain good ethics and morals. It is therefore important for the organization to make sure that the workforce attains the required ethics, practices, important laws, and values for a modern desirable workplace. In a nutshell, the workplace has had significant changes with training and development taking broader perspectives that focus on making an all-round employee that include not  only building the employees’ skills, knowledge and abilities but also ways in which the organization and workforce may learn and develop (Berman et al, 2012).

Part two

Experience might be seen to be the best teacher to help in learning while working. However, as much as experience is the purported as the best teacher, alone it cannot produce the best of results. Take for instance a person being given a machine that they have not ever worked with and let to use experience to learn it and produce the expected results. This may work to the disadvantage of that worker or to the disadvantage of the organization too.  This is why job training mentoring and house seminars form some of the best tools of learning and career growth helping gain that experience.

The theory that one learns in class are just but the basics which may not be adequate for the practical hands on experience in the workplace. This is why mentorship which involves an older person, not necessarily by age but knowledge and experience, with vast experience in the job comes in to train the fresh-from-school employees on how and well to apply the gained theoretical knowledge. Schools just but teach the basics but the real thing comes in in the field when one is called to task to successfully apply those skills gained in school. It is from such skills in the workplace that one builds upon their experience to achieve competency and simulation. With more practice and conversancy with the workplace, the newbie is able to learn practically and develop in experience and become a mentor too.




Evan BermanJames BowmanJonathan West, & Montgomery Van Wart, (2012), Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems, SAGE Publications.


Cultural Artifact

Who hates beautiful things? Even without a response, I guess right that everyone will want the best-looking and decorated things around them. Approximately five years ago now, my dad and I thought of making some redecorations. This served us a surprise reality check considering that it costs moreorless a fortune to get such work done by contractors in your homestead. Accepting the rude awakening, we discovered that we could cut the cost and instead of hiring contractors for the whole work, we sectioned what we needed to be done: what we could do by ourselves and what we had to involve the services of the contractors for which our budget could comfortably swallow. Surprise to my prior expectations, I really loved everything about what I learned to do: wallpapering which is so enjoyable and fun, rewarding and easy.  To begin with, I would to point out some important reasons to consider learning wallpapering, then I will wall-hang the wallpapering process for all to see, and then we will together extenuate the steps to arrive at the results.

Like I pointed out, Hanging wallpaper is such an easy, fun-filled rewarding experience that anyone can learn and do comfortably. It is important to learn how to hang wallpaper because:

  • Contractors do it at a very high price yet it’s something you can do by yourself,
  • It is very easy to learn, easier than you have ever thought before.

At this point, I am optimistic that you have my philosophy and motivation with you for this project, so we can now enter into the process discussion.

There are considerably five steps involved to achieve some pleasant work.

  • The first step, you got to assemble the tools. First you need a bucket of paste, a paint roller, razor blades, a tape measure and a four-inch level. Then you will also require a 4-inch broad knife, a smoothing brush, a piece of sponge and a seam roller.
  • The second step involves measuring and cutting the paper. In this you first measure your wall then cut your paper accordingly to the length of the wall.
  • The third step is to paste your paper which involves pasting and rolling your paper and letting your paper expand.
  • The fourth step is to hang the expanded paper sheet on the wall which involves unfolding and positioning the top and bottom of the paper on the wall.
  • Then the fifth and last step includes finishing up by trimming the top and the bottom of the paper and rolling the paper edges well on the wall.

Does that not sound easy and fun than anticipated before? We are almost through but before we wind up lets now discuss the final touches.

Finish three panels and analyze them well. This involves smoothing the wall surface and removing any excess paste, analyzing the installed panels to ensure that they are uniform in color and create harmony around the room, and doing some additional selvage trimming of the geometric and other matching patterns.

In conclusion, you now share the basic knowledge of the reasons as to why hanging paper in worth some investigation as well as the process of wallpapering. It is quite an enjoyable and a rewarding experience; something I am so proud of achieving for I know anytime I need best looks in and around my house, I can make them comfortably without much ado. Just envision how much of your money you can save by having this experience and the creativity and beauty you can achieve. You will realize that you have an artist in you oh…….

Thank you.

Female Circumcision

Female circumcision aka female genital mutilation involves all processes and procedures comprising of the total removal or else partially of the female external genitalia or any other type of injury to the female genital parts for reasons, for instance ritual or for some ethnic reasons, other than non-medical purposes. Generally, the FGM has no any recognizable health merits for women and girls whatsoever so far. Mostly, it turns very risky for the procedure can incur severe bleeding and other genital complications involving infections and childbirth complications. People who support the practice in most cases take in some funny misconceptions to go on with the risky and harmful procedure (Abusharaf, 2013).

Some of the misconceptions involve: FGM can be done in a way that it does not cause harm to girls. Female genital mutilation is a serious risk and violation to human rights and cause lots of harms to girls and women. A second misconception is that a woman chooses to undergo FGM. Barely girls who undergo FGM are infants and under the age of fifteen and can typically make a sound decision on their own. They only understand the consequences of the risky practice later at older age. Another misconception involves the belief that FGM doesn’t happen in the United States when the practice is being done in secret (Abusharaf, 2013).

Another misconception is that since FGM is not done in my community, it is not my obligation to stop and condemn it in other vulnerable communities. To surprise, many misconceive that FGM has been banned and criminalized across all states in the US when it is evident that about twenty six states have no laws against FGM. It is true that western countries engage in various types of body medication that other might consider unnatural, unnecessary, modifications that promote gender inequalities, leading the line is FGM, plastic surgeries, gene transplant and editing among others (Abusharaf, 2013).

Outlawing female circumcision does not in any way contradict multiculturalism and cultural relativism. At the expense of somebody’s life and rights, there is nothing like contradicting it is time we seized from taking culture as a hide around to promote FGM. The human rights should come first and a clear line must be drawn such practices which violate human rights and the advocacy of human rights at this age of civilization. The cultural beliefs that FGM, for instance will contain a gal from sexual arousal and engagements, are long passed by time and should be forever banned for they compromise and violate human rights (Abusharaf, 2013).


Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf, (2013), Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives, University of Pennsylvania Press.


Can We Have It All

Gender equality all way been since time immemorial a vital goal that the United States of America and the world at large has really fought to achieve. Anne-Marie Slaughter in the ‘Can We All Have It All’ argues that the United States of America got a lot of unfinished business to attend to towards achieving equality between the genders. She partially appreciates the efforts towards achieving equality but however questions the correctness of the equality-judgment platform that the United States of America is using and the context and perspective in which to understand and see equality. Slaughter seeks to explain the reason as to why the workplace equality is publicly perceived to be outmoded (Slaughter, 1,2).

Second, she endeavors to outline the areas in and within the society that need to be changed in order to advocate and embrace the long-time-sought-for equality order. Third, the public policy maker is keen to candidly point out the importance of transitioning to a humanist movement from a feminist movement having turned down a high profile job in favor of her family. In her view, the measure of women-men equality still lags in the number of women who hold high strata positions. To her this perception is not any enough to substantiate equality. In fact she deems such a public perception as “only half the real equality”. She goes on to underline that equality is nothing to do with measuring a woman on a man’s terms, Ah! Not all. Slaughter cites that equality has a bigger meaning than that. To her it means much greater institutional changes (Slaughter, 2, 4).

The work place is a pivotal place of interest for Slaughter as she seeks to explain equality. She observes that the best companies highly hold caregiving. According to her, saying that family comes first is nowhere close too meaning that work comes second. She argues that workers who purpose to be home are arguably more productive, with breadwinners who happen to be caregivers too are much flexible and got quite a vast diversity of experience. Of interest too in her view is the public policy. Slaughter underscores the need for governments and authorities to put in place policies that consider and recognize the balance and equal value between caregiving and breadwinning, giving both an equal chance and importance. For instance, she upholds the need to support family health and not just women only. The law should be there to provide universal care and attention cutting across with equality for both males and females (Slaughter, 3).

Third, Slaughter has a word for equality based on culture. She cites the importance for the society to much re-socialize men. A man who chooses to be a caregiver hangs his manhood on the balance against a woman who is respected as a caregiver, a breadwinner or both, for such women are often open to more choices in many societies. Slaughter encourages that men value their female counterparts and seize the culture perception that by default encourages a fight and scramble for the professional ladder. On the other hand she cites that women should completely seize to judge and gauge the success of their male counterparts by the professional post they hold in the workplace. For her it is just okay and cool to encourage boys to take either of breadwinning or caregiving (Slaughter, 4).

In a nutshell, Anne-Marie Slaughter is keen to show the reason behind the outmoded workplace equality public perception. Second, she shows the vital areas in the society that need to change in order for equality to be embrace, and lastly she shows why it is important to change from the feminist movement to the humanist movement. She sees all this as a family issue but not a women’s thing, supporting equality for all (Slaughter, 4).


Macro Economics on Gulf Cooperation Council


This paper will in depth offer some extensive insight and comprehensively analyze the Gulf Cooperation Council common market whose member states in common all share analogous traditions and customs underpinned  on Islamic belief combined to form an economically cohesive body that shares same administrative and legislative processes. The Gulf Cooperation Council which was at first intended for a regional block to help combat the potential threat posed by the Islamic Revolution  in the war between Iran and Iraq, the Gulf Cooperation Council expanded its banks to allowing for free  movement of labor, goods and services, and capital among the member states. The geographical proximity of the member states in conjunction with the facilitation of use of resources accelerated for the harmonization of trade policies and prosperous economic growth for the member states (Ramazani & Kechichian, 1988).


Generally, the Gulf Cooperation Council is presently considered as one of the best beneficial union and provides for gains that considerably outdo the losses. With some anticipated decline in the consumption of oil, the need for expansion of the industrial margin is of paramount importance. The Gulf Cooperation Council harbors a very huge potential for the economies of the member states if particular measures are implemented. This paper is divided into subsections including: the abstract, introduction, hypothesis, theoretical part, practical part and conclusion (Ramazani & Kechichian, 1988).


The Gulf cooperation Council is primarily one of those unions that have made accolades for its member states. Though at first found for a different purpose, the Gulf Cooperation Council has established a rebirth towards lifting the economic status of the member states that are of close proximity coined together by the Islamic belief of expanding the region economically through free labor movement, cheap availability of goods and services and availing of capital (Ramazani & Kechichian, 1988).

Theoretical part

The immediate dynamic that encourages the Gulf Cooperation Council between the six member states was aimed at confronting security challenges. The other primary elements that resulted to the formation of the Gulf Cooperation Council were the close proximity geographically of the countries. In addition, their sharing of close and identical customs and traditions under the Islamic belief, led to the production of similar legislative and administrative processes (Ramazani & Kechichian, 1988).

The GCC embodies the economic integration arrangements of a common market which goes to an extra mile of free movement of labor and capital among member states. In specific, the principal objective of the member states is the formation of an effective economic bloc through the Gulf Cooperation Council (Ramazani & Kechichian, 1988).

Practical Part

Primarily, the GCC is concerned with free trade and establishing trade customs and tariffs for goods and services. Secondly the GCC establishes a custom union with a common policy on international trade tariffs with a joint market where goods and services, labor and capital market are free flowing across the boundaries of the member states and within them. The agreement between the member states enjoys common tariffs under a customs union which enables flat rates in trade across the borders. The GCC cooperation facilitates broad cooperation towards achieving unity among its members with cohesion from the similarities and the common beliefs (Ramazani & Kechichian, 1988).


In a nut shell, the GCC forms one of the most successful unions in the Islamic Nations. It affords its members a remarkable growth in economy and trade. the GCC has helped the member states collaboratively engage in economy-boosting exchanges as good, services, capital market, and revenue are easily shared cross-border. The cooperation since its formation has therefore changed economic status and thus the supremacy of its member’s status over the world (Ramazani & Kechichian, 1988).


How regulation effect food industry today

The FDA Food Regulation seeks to positively effect the food industry by availing cross-cutting uniform and widespread food code and standards which must be adhered to by food suppliers and players in the food industry. FDA Regulations seek to promote uniform national standards which enhance retail food security by ensuring better compliance and minimal complexity. The FDA regulations closely see to it that the food safety regulations allow it for the current and latest science technologies to be incorporated in the production of food closely regarding the federal laws. The regulation provides a comprehensive detailed approach to food safety management whilst extensively providing training and supporting documents. The regulations bring in a common ground of understanding ad operation between regulators and the industry which leads to mutual growth through better understanding. With such knowledge, the consumers too better understand the expectations of food safety and the ways to achieve it as standardized by the regulations.

How they test the food to approve FDA regulations

The FDA oversees the quality of all substances that are meant to be used as food and closely monitors the labeling claims about the beneficial health values of that food as well as the composition of that food substance. Food substances and drugs that are manufactured must be approved and must pass the check of the FDA Regulations for them to be deemed right for consumption. Any manufacturer must have a certificate from the FDA to ascertain their legitimacy of substance production. Though FDA doesn’t necessarily develop or test drugs, they approve the substances through reviewing the laboratory and clinical results for tests conducted by manufacturers. For approval, the product benefits should substantially outdo the intended use risks.

Key factors of the food industry and how safety is important

The key factors of food industry include: preventive controls, compliance and inspection, safety especially of imported foods stuffs, enhanced and facilitated well informed food partnerships which may include training and sensitization on how to improve food security, and response and recalls among other factors. Food safety is very important for curbing the increase occurrences of food borne diseases and deaths. Food can easily be contaminated of manufactured in ways that turn it harmful for human consumption therefore proper handling and manufacture can help reduce the fatalities and illnesses associated with food poisoning and contamination (Mantus & Pisano, 2014).



David Mantus & Douglas Pisano, (2014), FDA Regulatory Affairs, CRC Press


The Inheritance of Tools

a trace of the past will  surely be seen in the present and too in the principle, nothing is new it is  only that things in the present get done in a different way that they were done in the past; yet that way was the originality of the new way of doing things. As a matter of fact, inheritance and development of heritage is all that happens as grandchildren inherit through their fathers what their grandparents used to do. for instance, at some point our fore fathers used stones for hammers. This is to mean that the original ideology of the hammer all owes from the stones. This is to show that it is from these developments and ancient ideologies that we presently get what we have (Nazario, Borchers, & Lewis, 2009, 737).

The skills that we have of late are those that we acquired from our parents. Even though we might be sharper than them, we only develop from their originality. From this we identify a common trend of learning and development that we inherit from our father and grandfathers.  A good example is how Sanders inherited carpentry from his grandfather through his father. The way the hammer that was once used by his grandfather was passed to him by his father shows how we inherit much of our skills and heritages from our parents (Nazario, Borchers, & Lewis, 2009, 737).

Throughout this entire essay, Sanders creates an impression on how he completes the pass-on of skills from his father to his children. How he lets his children learn under his careful and caring eye sets the impression that parents are responsible for the growth of their dear children. For instance, the way he addresses his daughter’s wall with care and close eye shows how parents should take care on the way they pass anything to their children scheming every step before unleashing it (Nazario, Borchers, & Lewis, 2009, 737).

The Act of Killing

The Act of Killing is ideally a reality journey deep down into the imaginations and memories of the peace perpetuators. The Act of Killing documentary offers great insight to the perpetuators of the actual harm and pain that they caused and portrays the real picture of their mass killing actions deep into their minds. The film is an actual eye opener to the mass killers who after watching it begin to understand the density of their human abusive actions. The documentary is a nightmarish vision of the oppressive and frightening banal culture full of impunity in which serial killers can just joke around with crimes of genocide and suicidal killings against human rights and humanity, celebrate moral disaster practices with utter ease and walk Scott free just like they have done humanity a favor form starvation and menacing calamities (Kermode, 2013).

The Act of Killing is well organized showing a rhetorical view of the current world where oppressors are free to kill and do every type of injustice to the poor and the less privileged and still walk away without being questioned of any assault despite the law being candidly in place against such actions. The documentary is organized to show how powerful government leaders misuse power to engage in impunity to silence the rule of law which they comically play above. Government leaders and ministers who should be enforcing the law and advocating for the rule of law and standing against oppressing the poor and the less privileged are the ones violating the law with  less concern  and are very excited and  happy to boast about impunity ranging from acts of genocide, corruption and election rigging (Kermode, 2013).

The Act of Killing openly exposes the way impunity has been tolerated and the way the people who should be standing against it are for it for their selfish ambitions. The documentary exposes the way a regime that was ideally established on a criminal basis against human rights and humanity has never achieved accountability and uses crude suicidal means to make and keep history. Though the integral idea of being in the film was not to provide testimony, the film which is challenge to Anwar and his friends, in true fiction, the film is an ample space to challenge and show them the meaning of their actual actions and one to allow it sink into their filthy immoral minds the intensity and true picture of their impunity. Pictorially, the film makes them realize the pain they caused civilians in Indonesia and that the killings were not any right (Kermode, 2013).

The film however ethically potrys Indonesia as a no go country, one that iss full of impunity and stands for the abuse of human rights instead of protecting and standing against the violation  of hu man rights. From the film, it is very worrying to imagine yourself in such a country where those that are in power, the people who should be advocating the rule of law, are the ones who carelessly violate it and break it  not to be questioned by anyone even when they do it in the open. The Act of Killing shows how the people in power will do anything to retain their prowess and power regardless of the consequences, including massacres and mass killings. For instance, chines had to bribe for their lives in Indonesia. If any Chinese wanted to be spared they had to pay some money of which some were killed even after paying the money (Kermode, 2013).


Effects of DDT on Animal and Bird populations

Background and History of the Project

The case study Effects of DDT on animal and bird population: Silent Spring by Rachel Carson sought to unearth the reality of how the environment, in specific birds across the United States suffered owing to the rampant application of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, DDT, a synthetic pesticide which was meant for insects and mosquito control. In the case study, Carson found that birds were laying thin-shelled eggs and consequently premature hatching which in turn too resulted to high decline in bird population after ingestion of DDT. Carson cited that the continued use of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane was only but a swift means to the extinction of birds, some of which were national symbols of the country, for instance the bald eagles (Carson, 20).

Carson argued and with proof felt that the continued use of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane was putting the bird population at risk and to a brink of extinction. In reaction to this, Carson therefore proposed that the use of DDT was harmful to the bird population and the only remedy was banning it. The case study Silent Spring successfully hit the eyes of many and carries the accolades even to date of the modern environmental movement with the resurgence and recovery of the bald eagle being a perfect example of how the environmental laws have restored what was once a diminishing national symbol (Carson, 61).

Ethical questions or problems that came up

The Silent Spring highlighted the hostility of chemical companies and the harmful selfish use of pesticides, DDT for this case, causing a major shift in the way the public perceived them and too brought about some needed consciousness concerning the environment (Hustad, 33).  It was therefore for the country to choose between continuing to extinguish the bird population or to find an alternative remedy for the use of DDT.As much as the pesticide was helping control mosquitoes and other insects, was it going to risk the bird population in the country? It was therefore considered selfish and unethical to continue using DDT at the expense of the bird population. But again the banning of DDT was coming as a conflict in the sense that the bird population was yes going to be saved, but what happens to mosquitoes which were too harmful to human health? (Hustad, 51; Carson 93).

What was actually done in the project?

The project ideally sensitized the general public and brought them to consciousness about what DDT was doing to the bird population in the country. The project acted as an eye opener showing the damages that the bird population was incurring courtesy of the use of DDT and other pesticides (Carson, 79).

How would you address the ethical questions and problems?

Though the DDT mosquito control is of great importance to human health, it will be selfish to continue using it at the expense of bird population. Therefore, I would advocate that it is banned and a remedy to mosquitoes which I know is achievable sought. DDT is not the only remedy to mosquitoes and since there can be an alternative to it which is not harmful to the bird population, then the alternative should be adopted to ensure a win-win situation for both the bird population and the human health (Hustad, 40).



The ASCE Canons stipulate that engineers in their profession “shall hold paramount the safety, health general welfare of the public” with professional competence acting objectively and in truth in issuing public statements. In addition, engineers should be faithful and have high fidelity in their profession maintaining good reputation without unfair competition enhancing honor, integrity and professional dignity and acting with zero-tolerance to corruption, fraud and bribery. The NSPE code of ethics too upholds the safety, health and welfare of general public from engineers whose competence should not be compromised by any form of infidelity, corruption, fraud or bribery or any act of deception (Whitbeck, 24-44).

The ASCE Canons and NSPE Code of Ethics are of great help in answering the ethical questions for they show the operational professional grounds of engineers. For instance, engineers should not assume the general health and fate of the environment, in this case the birds, as they make the pesticides but should be careful not to hurt any part of the ecosystem at the expense of another to profit themselves. The DDT pesticide was violating the ASCE Canons and NSPE Code of Ethics for it selfishly profited the human health not caring about the lethality of the pesticide, DDT, to the bird population (Whitbeck, 36-50).