Do Bacteria Have Sex

Generally, there are three ways in which bacterial do exchange information. These include transformation, conjugation and transduction. Do these ways constitute sex? Based on these ways of information exchange it can be seen that some bacterial species do have sex owing to the fact that these information exchange mechanisms principally constitute exchange in genes between bacterial. For instance, bacteria can have sex through conjugation which is a process in which two bacteria may combine to reproduce another cell and engage in genetic information exchange (Redfield, 2001).

However, there is tangibly no concrete prove that conjugation is a promoter of cell recombination although through parasexual process which involves a  bacterium not needing a partner to acquire genetic materials, bacterium can too have sex. Some bacterial species do actively engage in sex for reproduction while other does not reproduce through sex. This is because such bacteria have only a single set of genes instead of two thus their cells just divide without ever fusing with each other like sperms and eggs do. Short DNA pieces that make genes at times move from one bacterial cell to another thus they can randomly combine their different genetic versions in case of enough often combinations, as it happens in real sexual reproduction (Redfield, 2001).

Certainly for transduction, conjugation and the enzymes that generally cause physical recombination, it is evident that genetic bacterial exchange generally happens as an unexpected and unselected processes side effect as a result of functions that occur with process immediateness. Generally, bacterial combinations, just like mutation, are often more harmful than they are beneficial and therefore no successful resulting sexual reproduction or recombination.  Principally, it can therefore be deduced that unlike plants and animals, bacteria need a way so less of mixing (Redfield, 2001).

Incidental genetic exchange and mutation gives bacteria all that they need for genetic variation such that eukaryotes evolved sexual reproduction for they get much less accidental exchange as opposed to bacteria. But again, bacterium can have their own sex through parasexual processes in which a bacterium needs no partner for acquiring genetic materials. For instance, in transformation process where a bacterium just but ingests stray DNA from the environment. However the need behind transformation is never to serve recombination but instead the DNA strands serve as food for the bacteria for DNA is rich in phosphates, carbon and nitrogen which helps much in maintaining cell processes. During the ingestion, the strands degrade unlike the information carried by the DNA thus the bacterium further incorporate that generic information  like its  own hence causing accidental changes in their structure genetically thus justifying DNA uptake as moreorless of a sexual process (Redfield, 2001).

There has been much misleading and contradicting conceptions about bacterial sex one of them being terminology. For instance recombination and sex have been used interchangeably to mean the same thing and in other instances to point out different meanings. In a nutshell, bacteria sex is such a hard biological puzzle to study and solve.  Some pieces of research   have had it that bacteria do engage in sex for reproduction while other justify the opposite owing to the fact that bacterium exists in lone and biologically disintegrate for reproduction. Defining bacterial sex therefore needs lots of understanding and research on the terms to define it lest a single piece of understanding give different contradicting versions of the same piece of research (Redfield, 2001).



Rosemary Redfield, (2001), Do Bacteria Have Sex, Macmillan Magazines Limited.


Energy Consumption or production

The United States of America in 2010 stood the second biggest energy consumer posting a Gross total per capita energy consumption of around 316.9 British thermal units (Btu). In comparison to china, the United States was still lagging the Republic of China in per capita energy consumption as China led the world rankings posting approximately 325.3 British thermal units (Btu). This owes to the rise in population in China as compared to the United States over the years comparatively heightening the demand in energy (No Author, 2010).

Comparing the change of power use in the two countries from 1980 through 2010, it can be seen that the United States yes saw some more demand in energy consumption though on a lesser margin as opposed to China in which the demand of energy grew fast and steadily seeing wider growth from 1980 through 2010. This can be related to the industrialization in China that was much realized over the years as opposed to the United States which was much industrialized by the year 1980 as compared to China. In figures the United States in 1980 recorded per capita energy consumption of 343.6 Btu, 321.1 in 1985, 338.5 in 1990 and 316.9 in 2010. Though there was some increase and too decrease, the oscillations were not so significant but of average levels. In China the figures were just going high and high from 1980 as the country was experiencing growth in industrialization and population to (No Author, 2010).



No author, (2010), International Energy Outlook, Government Printing Office.

Outsourced service desks

Outsourced service desks include obtaining an external service provider that is located outside the company premises or location; a service provider who is responsible for the operation and management of the company’s service desk. The outsourced service desk is too responsible for hiring and training the service desk agents, maintenance of service desk software and infrastructure spanning to the management of the daily operations of the service desk (Cleveland & Mayben, 1997).

It is no surprise that one will hear a foreign ascent on the other end when asking for some help or making enquiries. Companies go to this extend for they well understand that the company’s pride greatly rests on the way they relate with customers and thus the first approach of the customer which happens at the service desk must have value and be customer satisfying to achieve that much needed customer loyalty (Butler, 2007).

From experience, most high trading companies have outsourced service desks and take a hands-off approach entrusting the service provider for the best functionality in creating a positive and healthy business link between the customer and the company. Outsourcing much saves the company the hustle and tussle of running a service desk affording the company significant savings. Though at times it sounds unique getting a different ascent, it gives the company more actualization. Outsourcing allows the company easy handling of call volume and too increases business continuity with round the clock service to customers for a lower cost.

However, outsourcing of the service desk have at times brought about that tight grip and control over business functions, and brings about cultural and linguistic barriers which may turn back to hurt the company functions and profits with less customer satisfaction and barred loyalty. Outsourcing the company service desk may to bring privacy and security issues with the service provider aware of some confidential company secrets and function weapons and  can easily constitute to divided agent focus and lack of collaboration and information sharing between departments and agents (Hughes, Ireland & West, 2004).

Selecting the location of a call center is such a crucial step in coining the efficiency and effectiveness of the call center. As the project manager I will consider some factors which include:

  • The global reach and the type of customers for it is very important to understand where the company does business and where the call center will handle calls it in the international realm or just locally? I will therefore seek to first understand the scope of operation of the company. This takes care of the ethnicity, linguistic barrier and the cultural barriers too (Hughes, Ireland & West, 2004).
  • The size of the company too has direct relation with the size of the call center. The chosen location should therefore be able to accommodate the size of call center which should also be a perfect match of the company (Butler, 2007).
  • The location should too be able to accommodate for future expansion should the business grow, and of course expansion is the undeniable goal of every company. The location must be able to accommodate the expected growth of the company (Hughes, Ireland & West, 2004).
  • The relocation cost should not be such that to suffocate the company assets but should be matching otherwise liability relocation is discouraged. Accordingly I will seek to be cost effective and efficient by understanding the company’s investment not compromising the outselling standards of the company (Cleveland & Mayben, 1997).
  • The staff for the call center again should be professional such that they won’t bring a difference in culture or language. If the company operates internationally then the staff must have the international relations skills and be able to handle international customers with ease (Butler, 2007).
  • The hardware and software should be too sophisticated enough to match the expectations of the customers and too offer the company the best service as expected. The IT infrastructure must be one that will not fail the company and break customer loyalty (Hughes, Ireland & West, 2004).

The current state of Buddhism among women in Korea

This article compares the present state of Buddhism in women to the past state of Buddhism. This article reveals the link between authority and gender in Buddhist traditions being a contested one and how women have managed to break through in Buddhist communities. According to this article, Buddhism for women in impossible because of the woman’s inability to reach enlightenment and because she is limited by her gender. The limitation of the female gender is not only evident in Buddhism and female involvement. For instance, women have ever since time immemorial been limited to act as priest of presides over certain church functions. I think women have a great potential that the world has not realized and denying them opportunities to be in the limelight is biasness that should be punishable. Can women be allowed to become leaders in the Buddhist tradition? The most appealing fact in this article is the statistic that shows how women are becoming involved in the Buddhist tradition and this is a sign that women are now ready to occupy leadership positions (Young-Ja 34).

What is won Buddhism?

There cannot be religion without ethics (Bong-Kill 18). This is the main idea of this article. This article seeks to look into the current state of Won Buddhism which can only be appreciated in the presence of ethics. In the light of this article, there is no difference between great and small, humans and non-animals and the true meaning of good and evil is hidden in ethics. Yes, it is true, there cannot be religion without ethics and there should be no difference between ethics and that which is good. Must ethics be essential for every religion to be deemed significant?

Response Paper on Nursing articles

It cannot be doubted how much incorporating health information technology has changed how patient care is addressed in present healthcare systems. The use of health information technology has made it easy for doctors to access patient data instantly making the process of patient care more efficient and personal. However, a major challenge that has been experienced in the use health information technology is the inability for nurses to have health information technology knowledge and how they can ensure patient personal and private information security as discussed in (Dubois, D’Amour, Pomey, Girard & Brault 2013). McGonigle & Mastrain (2015) on the other side bring us to an understanding of the role of nurses in protecting the rights of privacy and confidentiality of patients.

Where I am working as a nurse, the management has insisted on the culture of promoting patient information security. In order to design exceptional platforms of security, the management team has created passwords on every desktop and computers to resist access of unauthorized persons. As a nurse within the organization, we have been perfectly trained on how to access patient data from a general hospital website from out computers using one particular password that can be used by the rest of nurses as well. However, this is equally risky because of the exchanging nature of data resources which can lead to a security breach. This habit could also pose a risk to available patient data because of using devices that are not encrypted.

I think apart from securing desktops and computers, hospitals should use authentic encrypted systems that could be more helpful in securing private and personal data (Ozair, Jamshed, Sharma & Aggarwal 2015). I think this is the area where hospital that has incorporated HIT should improve on. Because computers could be easily found to be in operation even when the user is not logged in, hospitals should also develop a culture to always remind nurses to sign out once they are done on their computers so that when somebody else logs in, they use a different account. This would help in achieving safety in patient data.

Business History


Just after Iacocca joined the new business, the corporation just made public its worst deficit in the history of the company. He did not know that the company had just suffered 160 million dollar loss in the last quarter of its financial year. He later discovered that the business had a poor employee morale overall and bad security leaks. Other companies that produced automotive products were doing so well while Chrysler’s products were viewed as boring, with quality issues that was harming the company’s reputation in a terrible manner (174).


Iacocca made a decision to permanently eliminate every program that failed to make the company profitable and decided that no car will be manufactured away from Chrysler dealership. He also found means to replace all employees who had no idea about their jobs and hired fast movers. His primary priority was creating a system that will control its finances but unfortunately things got worse. Because he hired exceptional experience and skills and other general introductions that increased the overall spending of the company, Iacocca exhausted all financial options and began asking for loan guarantees which escalated the company into further debt.


Apart from borrowing loans from the federal government, he deducted his own remuneration to a dollar a saying terming it as ‘equality of sacrifice’. He closed other plants and did away with the stock incentive plan (175). He approached lenders of all types which saw him go further into debt that all banks wanted the business to be declared bankrupt.


Looking at his first plans when he became part of the organization, Iacocca can be viewed as a capable dictator but one who provided a sense of direction to his employees. In his direction, he was interested with the idea of what his subordinates thought about his plans. He was aggressive and an executive leader but to me I think he was impatient and so it did not end well for him.

ICT Professional

Question 1

The word professional can be both a verb and a noun. With being referred to as a noun, a professional could be anyone who collects his living from a specific activity he has chosen to specialize in. As a verb, professional becomes a description of the standards of training and education that are used in a particular field to prepare its members for the professional with very specific skills and knowledge necessary to engage in specific professional roles in the organization (Romme 2016). Most professionals like in the field of ICT have mastered the strict codes of conduct by nourishing their fields with high level moral and ethical obligations. For instance, in ICT there is how an IT professional is trained by IEEE to acquire certain talents and skills that are for professional as well as public interest and the larger good of the society. In certain cultures like the teaching profession, teachers are allowed to use certain shorthand words to ensure the profession has well educated workers who value autonomy.

Question 2

Basically, a reflective journal is a form of personal recording of the learning experiences of students. A reflective journal provides a space where the student records and reflects upon their learning experiences and observations and these reflections are later used to explore their individual ways of thinking. The personal reflective journal can be a useful reflective model which helps students to look at the wider nature of learning events from very many angles. Because the reflective journal is useful in the development of insights and ideas, the reflective journal is also useful in increasing learner’s understanding to different life situations. With the common questions like what happened, why it happened and what can be learned from what happened students are allowed to analyze their self-development for future learning process. For instance, in certain professions like nursing, midwives are trained to always record their personal professional experience in every interaction for autonomy in the practice (Macdonald 2011).


Nurse Manager Roles in the Safety and Risk Management

The new models of care delivery which have been introduced in the present have impacted the safety plan in the nursing profession by creating a sustainable future. Risk management is a critical concept in the field of nursing and the new policies in compensation and Triple aim have assisted care givers reduce the risks that might occur to patients. Regardless of how strong and skilled your workforce is, if there is no proper design of safety measures nurses and caregivers alone are not well able to protect patients against risk. The introduction of new healthcare technology has decreased the opportunities for errors but the new policies however require organizational commitment and workforce vigilance to the potential errors and plan to address them before they occur. Very many organizations have made a commitment to help in the achievement of low rates of errors in their engagement with patients but I believe there are several elements that must be considered at the mention of patient safety.

a). Identifying potential safety issues

In this determinant for safety, the role of the manager is to stay committed to the leadership of providing safety precautions (Hoffman and Rohe 2010). Words alone cannot bring the healthcare profession to safety but actions expressed through leadership should be an observable factor to employees.

b).   Supporting current policies

High reliability organizations that are committed to ensuring a safe culture must have their employees, organizational planners and designers at the fore front of supporting safety measures policies.

c). assuring staff compliance with safety initiatives and are empowered to find and report safety issues

All employees must be empowered to be part of the ongoing program of vigilance (Hoffman & Rowe 2010). However, in this element of employee empowerment, the top management should recognize that smooth flow in the empowerment should begin at the management.

d). staying current with laws and regulations

In this role, communication is a necessary element to ensure the whole team of nurse-patient safety stays current with the regulations and rules of the profession.

e). if the manager’s role varies depending on the context

Nonhierarchical decision making is essential in any organization that supports strong safety culture. The culture of safety should be made at the lowest appropriate level. Non-hierarchical decision making is an elements in creating and sustaining safety culture because it gives power to subordinates to be part of the safety process fully.


I recommend that in every organizations that has strong safety cultures, there should be permission given to is employees to encourage them engage in a contrained improvisation where any of them can work without necessarily getting orders from leadership.

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular risk factors

There are very many risk factors that are associated with CVD. Most of these factors cannot be changed; age, ethnicity and family history. Other risk factors such as tobacco exposure, high cholesterol, unhealthy diets, increased alcohol intake, lack of physical activity and hypertension can be treated. A primary factor that makes treatment and management of CVD difficult in developing countries is hidden in the fact that these countries are still struggling with escalating rates of CVD because of the scourges of infectious diseases and poor nutrition. It is concluded that one cannot generally develop CVD if they have a risk factor but there is a greater likelihood that you can acquire CVD when you have more risk factors (Unal, Sözmen, Arık et al. 2013). The more the risk factors the higher the likelihood that an individual should modify their risk factors and work towards preventing them from compromising on their heart health.

Risk factors

Hypertension is the biggest risk factor for CVD as it plays a significant role in all CVD diseases. Hypertension can be successfully prevented or treated when the patient if well diagnosed and sticks to the management plan recommended. In reducing an individual risk to CVD from hypertension, adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity is recommended (Borodulin, Vartiainen & Peltonen et al. 2015). At the same time, taking drugs as prescribed by the doctor is a factor that reduces the compromise of CVD on patients. In changing to a healthy diet, patients with high risks to CVD are advised to develop a diet low in saturated fat. Other times, cardiologists’ advice patients to engage in frequent consumption of fish. Individuals who consume fish regularly would have lower instances of CVD compared to non-consumers because the intervention trials of fish oils have proven to be convincing. Therefore, a primary intervention in preventing CVD could be justified by simply recommending fish consumption as part of healthy feeding habits without clients having to use fish oil supplements.

Physical inactivity is also a major risk factor for CVD. Obesity and diabetes are a result of physical inactivity. Obesity is a condition that requires patients to lose weight as an important priority to minimizing the effect of CVD. Having one of these factors or both makes one twice likely to have CVD. When addressing patients with CVD, care givers always advice on maintaining not only a healthy diet but stay active by engaging in physical activities like running, cycling, jogging or walking. Apart from physical activities, educational programs on weight loss surgery are given to patients to help them lose significant weight needed for treatment.

Smoking and heavy alcohol intake is significant modifiable factors that lead to CKD. The use of tobacco whether chewing or smoking escalates your chances of cardiovascular disease. This risk is particularly very high when the patient is a woman, of a young age and a heavy smoker. In smoking, passive smokers are not exempted from CVD acquiring. No matter how long you have smoked tobacco, professional care givers advice that the risk of CVD would decrease significantly when you stop. Health professionals advice on being taken through smoking cessation procedure to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and reduce mortality. Patients who are exposed to high level smoking are also placed on a nicotine replacement medication and therapy which make smoking cessation effective.

Social Psychology and Multicultural Psychology Paper

Psychology is an intriguing field that dwells on studying the interactions between people within a group or community. In this paper, we shall look at the definition of social psychology, the research strategies applied in social psychology as well as the breakdown of similarities and differences between social psychology and multicultural psychology.

In life, people receive influence from a lot of things, events and situations. These events and situations later have an impact on how individuals manage to interact on a social platform. The consequences on social interaction are again influenced by how an individual feels thinks and behave. Having an understanding of how people form attachment and enter into relationships with each other is vital in understanding how social psychology and multicultural psychology work. Although many cultures promote behavioral norms, other multicultural factors like racial identity, ethnic identity, context, religious beliefs, parental factors and attitudes exhibited by students must be considered when interacting with people from different populations.

Definition of Social Psychology

According to Aronson, Wilson and Akert (2010), social psychology can be defined as a scientific effort that aims at explaining how feelings, thoughts and behaviors of people are impacted by imaged, actual or indirect presence of other people in their surroundings. In other words, social psychology is the discipline that analyzes human interaction in social contexts. It is in the field of social psychology that people are studied and analyzed in groups. Social Psychology considers how people think and why they act as they do, how they feel and why they deserve certain consequences for their action (Myers 2010). To some extent, we can comfortable point out how social psychology is similar to sociology because of their focus on social groups. However, sociology is different in the sense that it focuses specifically on factors like socioeconomic status and race while on the other side social psychology deals primarily with individual behaviors in particular circumstances.

Research Strategies

In a field or lab controlled event of social psychology, the primary research methods are utilized in a controlled area, place and time. In social psychology, the research determines his subjects. One example of a controlled experiment would be one where the researcher investigates whether video games are the cause of violent reactions. In this experiment, the researcher divides his subjects into two groups, one group playing very violent video games and the other group presented with video games that are not violent. After playing, the research can assume a fight between both groups to reveal which group is more violent. This could be a real life experiment though like a pretense. In such an experiment, the investigator uses the method of direct observation.

Hidden In-depth Investigations

Another research method used in social psychology is hidden in in-depth investigations where the researcher gets deeper into the community to gather qualitative data from all ecological validity levels. In Sigmund Freud’s research, he applied in-depth investigations to study his patients private lives in order to acquire a higher level of understanding to assist them in overcoming their illnesses.


Interviews are also another way researchers can investigate a community. Most researchers used unstructured or informal casual conversations that have no set questions to investigate on their participants. Other times, researchers can also use formal or structured set of questions that are written to gather qualitative data.

Qualitative and qualitative data collection methods

In his study, BF Skinner investigated in the concept of operant conditioning by observing his animals. In his study, he pretended to be a formal members but secretly observing his subjects. He recorded behavior in controlled, natural, non-participatory and participatory settings.

Similarities and differences

Multicultural psychology can be defined by as a designed investigation of all human behavior factors as they occur in locations where there is association of people from different cultural backgrounds. Very many times multicultural psychology is defined as cross cultural psychology (Smith, Fischer, Vignoles & Bond 2013). A primary aim of multicultural psychologists is to develop an in-depth look into unique and universal actions to point out the manner in which we are influenced by culture. Multicultural psychology is a scientific study that investigates on people within minority setting which is similar and somehow different from social psychology.

While multicultural psychology investigates in cultural experiences, social psychology finds its base on individual or group connections. Social psychology brings together other factors like biological, social, cognitive and environmental factors through high level socio-emotional associations in groups and individuals. On the other hand, multiculturalism only identifies individual or groups social identification which allows one to transfer into another culture. Multiculturalism unlike social psychology takes into account cultural membership regardless of physical characteristics, one’s place of birth and previous group association. As Shiraev & Levy (2013) note in their article, in multiculturalism many cultures are permitted to co-exist. Multicultural psychology reveals to us how culture impacts the discipline while social psychology narrates how people affect human behavior.


There is not group that is not affected by societal forces. Multicultural psychology as well a social psychology is scientific fields that take us through the consequences of these cultures on environments and individuals. The above discussion presents us with an in-depth understanding of our personal behaviors and attitudes and how they are related to social groups.