Cyber Security and legislative powers

The issue of cyber security is costing universal economy close to $500 billion every year and yet international cooperation and company defenses have continued to remain dangerously inadequate in combatting cybercrime. To assist in the issue, legislative powers have been erected to help in the prevention and persecution of cyber security criminals. However, Akin (2011, 750) points to the fact that prosecution of cyber criminals can be could be a difficult process due to jurisdictional boundaries. At the same time, prosecution of cyber criminals could also be difficult because different states have different legislations and international prosecution therefore would be difficult. This leads to the fact of lack of international procedures, universal statutes and mutual interest in cyber criminals’ prosecution universally.

The subject of international cooperation is an absolute necessity but the question is whether it would be efficient in fighting cybercrime asks Ballin & Ballin (2012). In an attempt to make an adequate legislation step to combatting cybercrime in 2001, the European Union produced a universal treaty that all EU members in their legislative powers must comply to. The panel in the EU legislation identified that big problem not in the lack of technological solutions but in the lack of one legal structure. Numerous countries were seen signing the treaty with inclusion of the United States.

The main purpose of this treaty was to lay out legislative powers with a statement that every country within the EU must have a law aimed at prosecuting all offenses that revolve around fraud, forgery, illegal access, data interception as well as illegal pornography (Gill & Phythian 2012). It is evident that complying to this legislation and treaty is a significant step forwards in combatting cybercrime and hopefully will provide the world with a more accessible approach to prosecuting and preventing activities that are yet to be performed through cyberspace.

Personal Statement for Japanese Studies

Finding your own career path in life is not an easy task. Taking a look back, I can say I consciously found my own at some point in the 6th grade. Seeming uncharacteristic, I found attraction in Asian studies particularly in the Japanese world. This happened when I came across an interesting episode of the ‘anime Inuyasha’ that I considered intriguing and motivating to grown into an unknown category. A new perspective into a world that fascinated me so much was not unlocked. Even though I am a citizen from China, my passion for the Japanese Orient infiltrated itself daily into my activities. With so, my interest in their literature, I begun by reading James Clavell’s ‘Asian saga’ and my later interaction with literature brought me to a discovery of other Japanese writers like Eiji Yoshikawa, Haruki Murakami and Yasunari Kawabata as I slowly learnt new Japanese notions.

In my new interest, school work benefitted my new career because I developed the ability to produce more complex compositions through a higher integration of Romanian writings and eastern motifs. At this point, no matter the part of society I am looking at, history, arts and language are aspects that draw me to have remarkable knowledge of these cultures. I have chosen to study Japanese degree as I believe it will provide me with an opportunity to involve in a study that I am increasingly becoming a devotee. To prepare myself to pursue Japanese studies, I am teaching myself both the script and language and at this point I can say am at a point where I wish to take my self-motivated interest to the next level. Having to learn the Japanese language in an academic environment I believe would make me gain a higher in-depth in understanding Japanese society as a whole thus presenting me with the foundation required to work in Japan.

After completing my studies, I hope to be part of the JET scheme to pursue a profession career in Japanese studies. While studying in the United States, I enjoyed all A level subjects and it was during this time that I developed wealth of authentic skills needed in my graduate studies. As an intellectual subject, I enjoyed studying chemistry to acquire the rigorous analytical approach that demands constant core knowledge application in interpreting information and data. Contrastingly, critical thinking has also given me the chance to construct reasonable arguments both in verbal and written forms. Apart from studying literature, most of my time is spent on reading, playing combat spots and social work.

I volunteer at a local hospice one day a week and this experience has provided me with rich and new demanding experiences of empathy and clear decision making. At the hospice, clear communication is of much significance. Having these exceptional life skills, I have no doubt that I will increase the richness of learning and language in a new environment.  My decision to study Japanese will enable me fulfill my dream of living and studying in Japan and at the same time allow me sink in a culture rich in love and learning culture. I fully recognize the demanding nature of the course but as a conscientious, hardworking and determined student, I find fun in academic challenges. I am fully committed to reach my full potential in my future career aspirations and look forward making the most the opportunities University life provides.

Counseling Psychology

Question 1

Counseling is a field that values professional relationship through empowering many individuals, groups and families in accomplishing career goals, wellness, education and mental health. Just like any other profession that operates within codes of values and professional conduct, counseling psychology operational values are significant to ethical commitment in the profession (Gelso, Williams & Fretz 2014). While offering counseling services, it is unethical for a substance abuse counselor to attend the same AA meeting with former client because there could be presence of discriminatory behaviors. When clients have the same AA meetings with substance abuse professional and the meeting is addressed by professionals who are familiar with the substance abuse professional, there is a chance that the addicted professional might not heal from substance abuse like the rest of the clients because of he could be given special treatment. The professional code of counseling ethics demands discriminatory behaviors to be avoided at all costs.

Question 2

Having dual relationships with clients is a delicate concept in psychology. Ethically, having a romantic relationship with former client has been proven to be less healthy profession (Gelso, Williams & Fretz 2014). At the same time, an intimate with former client is discouraged because even after treatment, counseling psychology researchers reveal that the client is still in need of protection and not exploitation. Intimate relationships are discouraged because overlapping roles that may form between the former client and the professional counselor. When issues are not resolved in the relationship and the counselor has his partner as a client, this might hinder the professional from giving exceptional performance according to counseling psychology guidelines.

Question 3

An intimate relationship cannot be avoided between the counselor and former client when it is two years past post-termination and when the relationship does not evidently place a burden on the counselor to be exploitative. The time standards 10.08 also illustrate how counseling ethics cannot prohibit close relationships without looking at the nature of relationship between the counselor and client. For instance, if the former client is the counselor’s fiancée, counseling ethics does not prohibit such a relationship.

Health and Well being

Yes Benita and Freya will be successfully prosecuted basing on the common core principles that act as guidance in the support of health and general wellbeing of the public in social settings. Prosecution can only be successful when the Constable considers these principles before deciding on Benita and Freya punishment. In law, the main aim of the core principles that support good health are to build confidence for the public in pinpointing good health practices that are underpinned by certain indicative actions. For instance, in the scenario above, the group of anti-abortion advocates is out to try every means to persuade women and ensure all women refrain from going through procedural abortion. The act performed by Benita and Freya to some extent could be supported by law because of their efforts to try and see that children are saved. However, with their act of failing to protect the privacy of Xena, they are liable and punishable by the court of law.

The common principles that would support Freya and Benita prosecution are;

Knowing the signs of distress that might lead to abortion and act in appropriate response

Understand the relevance of good health and well-being as well as have good knowledge on how one can promote these among people who need support and care

Promoting respect and dignity through maintaining confidentiality, integrity and value of an individual’s experience and knowledge

Ensure that legal and equality rights are upheld according to the law particularly in relation the Act of equality 2010

Maintaining safety and safeguarding individual responsibilities by assessing risks and support where necessary

In this scenario, Freya should be prosecuted because she did not act in a manner that is sensitive to the feelings of Xena. On the other hand, Benita who is a child cannot be charged because all she wishes to see is the saving of all children who she sees are a blessing. According to the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment Act 2015, communicating in a way that can be seen or heard to one particular person is liable to an institute of proceedings. In the scenario above, Benita the child acted as though she had received complete training on how to address those she thinks want to procure an abortion. Because she is a minor, what the Constable would do is charge the mother Freya as it could be assumed that much of the training was gotten from the mother. Freya could be charged not only for her daughter’s mistakes but for her mistake as well. Sensitivity to the feelings ofthose being addressed should be key in finding out whether Freya and Benita should be prosecuted. And because both parties did not consider Xena’s feelings, the court should charge them for being insensitive in their abortion campaign.

As Xena walked into the termination center and walked past the protest group, Freya evidently performed a mime that was directed to Xena and later on pointed her hand at her expansive stomach accusatorily wagging her finger and Xena. Freya’s performance made the crowd shout to her response as Benita also shouted in rehearsal as many times as she might have been taught by her mother making them guilty for hurting Xena’s feelings. Apart from the behavior of Fray and Benita, the constable could also charge Freya and her group for setting up advocates 145 meters from the surrounding center yet the distance should have been at 150 meters away from the fence. Having the meeting closer to the fence was a sign of interfering or impeding without any reasonable excuse. Having the meeting close to the abortion site was intentional in causing ridicule to all those who visited the clinic which is not necessary and makes the group liable. The public health and wellbeing amendment act of 2015demands that every service carried out within and outside the abortion facility should protect the safety and privacy of those seeking services and this is well known to social workers as well. In as much as the social workers were aimed at ensuring that the rights of unborn children are met, there are certain behaviors that are considered prohibited even under non prohibited terms and are punishable by the court of law.

Just because the abortion bill prohibits women from seeking abortion services, it does not mean that the community is not free to express their views and demands in whatever form they like. It is evident that the behavior by Freya and Benita did not respect the privacy of Xena and both are liable to court in failing to provide an environment free from abuse, fear and harassment to Xena. In my view, the constable should charge them for intimidating patients in an manner that is disrespectful and intentional according to the charter.

Long Term financing

Risk management is an essential discussion in every industry and so therefore, every management should strive to design techniques that will prevent the institution from losses that arise from risk. In most healthcare organizations, the top management is responsible for developing and implementing risk management techniques for the purpose of preventing and mitigating financial losses. However, risk management in financial institutions is not similar to risk management techniques developed by other organizations. This is because risk management in healthcare must go along with the concept of patient safety (Barr & Dowding 2012). Patient safety then brings in the aspect of developing a plan to secure risk management not in short term but long term operations thus the idea of long term financing.

All the above can be done from developing a business plan that sets out long term and short goals of the institution. A primary benefit of having a business plan is that a well written plan ensures a business stays on track while engaging in its operations (Niemand 2013).  A business plan states out the mission, vision, objectives and long term procedures of a business thus making it is easy for the management to stay on track. A business whether profit or nonprofit needs investors. A business plan makes it easy to provide investors with the information they need to know about the business before investing in it. A well written plan for business makes it easy for the top management of every health institution and its investors to help in ensuring that the plan is successful.

A perfect example of a health institution business plan would be one that aims at introducing a new service unit. In other areas, the PET scan machine is not available and we feel the need to bring new services on that line. This service is not particular in conducting body scanning but to also provide consultation, education and testing services after treatment. Healthcare leaders can make use of this information as a major prediction of the performance and financial needs of the future through designing a business plan.

Response to Political Science Discussion

As evident in the implementation of many governments around the globe, e-Governments are set to benefit both poor and rich countries. E-Governments could also be successful and significant tool in developing cities all around the world. Cities face numerous challenges like unemployment, poor health, poor education crime and violence as well as poor public services. Among the greatest contribution that e-governments have on cities lies in confronting these challenges and ensuring overall governance using ICT. I have confidence that when citizens of a country are presented with lesser of these problems, there is adequate cooperation between the government and citizen. For example, when the government opens up new opportunities at local governments for citizens to engage in, democracy at local level is improved through easy access to information in local governments. This reduces lack of trust that many citizens in developing countries have in their governments. I believe that the biggest disadvantage of e-governments happen when the administration does not incorporate its citizens in the decision making process causing numerous complaints.

Citizens need to be free to participate in any decision that pertains to their wellbeing. The government should set aside specific structures where citizens can visit and give their opinion about government. This structures can be physical or in the form of social media structures where citizens interact and respond to governmental suggestions of administration. This act bridges the gap between the administration and its citizens and widens the gap of having more developments because of citizen involvement. ICTs with reference to social media websites are significant as enabler of reforms where public administrations work in improving internal systems of the country. The use of ICT could also support more effective consequences in welfare services, education, health and security.

Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini also goes by the name Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini is Italian born. Benito was born in July 29th 1883 and died in April 28th 1945 close to Dongo. Apart from leading Italy, Benito Mussolini was also the prime minister of Italy around 1922-1943 and was considered among the first of 20th century dictators in Europe.

His early life

Mussolini was born as the first child of a local Italian blacksmith which was expressed in the later years of his life where he expressively took pride of his humbler background, speaking of himself as being a people person. His family was so humble that he claimed because his father was a well-known blacksmith and a part time social journalist who was brought forth a lieutenant man in the National Guard. Mussolini’s mother was a school teacher and generally their family was considered poor. As a family, the found shelter in two crowded rooms on the second floor of a dilapidated house and since Mussolini’s father loved spending most of his time discussing politics; he had little money which he spent on his mistress (Hibbert 1). Having less money to spend on his family made his three children eat very small meals which were scarce too. Being a restless child ever since his birth, Mussolini was unruly, aggressive and disobedient: he was a bully both at school and home though most times when at home he was more moody. In school, teachers could not control him and therefore he was sent to the board school with the aggressive Salesian order at Faenza and here he proved more troublesome compared to the past. He was expelled and joined another school where he was also expelled after using his penknife to assault another student.

However, being a difficult boy, he was very intelligent and this was evident in his final examinations. He headed a school after acquiring his diploma but realized he was not fit for this position. At 19 years, he left for Switzerland and from his account, he had empty pockets and so at Switzerland he lived from job to job and day to day. He was gaining remarkable popularity because of his exceptional talents and interests into theorists and philosophers. He later joined trade unions and led in union strikes and went back to Italy.

It was in Italy that he decided to be part of the Italian Fascist party. During this time, it was the goal of Mussolini together with party members to control each aspect of the daily lives of Italians. Eat, worship, play, rest, leisure was influenced by Mussolini and his government during the time of Fascist regime (Hibbert 1). As stated in the 1927 Labor Charter ‘The Italian nation operates as an organism that possesses life, instruments of action and purpose in power and the time to those who possess it and those composing it. Being a dictator, Mussolini and his government attacked all cultural norms through replacing them with usual handshakes with the fascist rules. Their main aim was to seek control of individual movement, gain the correct review and cancel passports, firing on persons who want to leave the country illegally. Mussolini and his team tried also to deprive Italian citizens living abroad of their right to property and citizenship particularly for those who criticized his leadership.

Labor and land

In 1925, the relative stable labor and land of Italy begun to decline. This was not in any way related to the conditions in Italy but was highly related to universal speculation against its currency which was pegged to the gold standard (Myers 1). A higher monetary crisis hit the country during the Fascist labor movement even though they had made sincere efforts to improve on working conditions and salaries. During the great depression, Fascists worsened economic crisis conditions as violence and strikes increased with people wishing the regime had fallen.


The world of leisure was changed wholly by the Fascists. The new regime broke won the class affiliation of leisure into more parts that would promote recreational buildings, consumer patterns and mass communications. The regime increased production and technology within the area of leisure making the radio the most special item and a significant source in entertainment (Myers 1). Two other leisure activities were also promoted during this time; the cinema and the theatre which were not very common in the past. However, the introduction of new leisure aspects did not make them less susceptible to Fascist influence. The radio, theatres and cinemas were privately controlled by the Fascist regime as the decided how much profit they would create, how they distribute leisure activities to the public and they largely affected the public.


The Fascist regime was determined to control every aspect of Italians daily life including the sport culture. The government decided on who became the Olympic committee, how much money from funding organizations reached the committee and who represented the country. In the end, the success of the Fascist party was in developing competent trainers, providing training facilities and ensured all teams were financially supported.


Not even the church could stop Mussolini’s influence on Italians day to day life. The relationship between the church and the regime grew sour as most children of religious men were expelled from all state schools and activities as ordered by Mussolini (Ebner 1).

It is evident that just like the Government, the Fascist party was unsuccessful. They did so much to paralyze every activity of the Italians and this led to an ultimate failure and collapse of the regime.

Response to Ethics article

Most people have developed the thinking that ethics is only necessary in professional practice. Ethics is equally an important factor in education, particularly accounting programs because learners should be taught how to encourage and maintain ethical behavior as they interact with business leaders in the future. The study of ethics is accounting I believe is relevant in class teaching because of the nature of business ethics in the present which should be emphasized in every field. There should be no segregation on how males and females should be taught ethics. Ethics should be taught to both genders because when one group fails to keep up with trending ethical platforms, success is lost.

Reading the article ‘An exploratory Investigation of Effective Accounting Ethics CPE’, it is evident that ethics is not only the foundation of business success but a requirement of licensing. This means that accounting business licensing might not occur when the compliance team realizes lack of ethical competency. However, this strategy of focusing on licensing or rather compliance might not be effective because I think much focus should not be on compliance but the effectiveness of these ethics. I think effectiveness should come first before compliance as discussed in ‘An Exploratory Investigation of Effective Accounting Ethics CPE’ article.

The concept of good and bad is one that is very easy to understand and the society has since time immemorial set a standardized culture of what is wrong and right. However, in as much as there is a universal acceptance of that which is right and wrong, Africa may have a different understanding of both perspectives compared to America. Presently, it is evident in companies, relationships, our day to day interactions that people place more value on money than on people’s lives which is unethical not only in the world of business but also in the world of morality. It is of much importance that we all remember that life is more vital than money and respecting the lives of others is what makes us special as opposed to monetary wealth.

Leadership Personal Statement

In all the six MBA students, all of them narrate how their backgrounds to data have been the major platform in which they were prepared to be leaders. The background does not only include family history but they also narrate past experiences in finances, education, and social life among other aspects of life.


To date, my background has been centered on preparing myself into becoming the best of leadership consultant I can become in life. I will specify how I have prepared myself. Having studied an undergraduate in Business at the University, my past academic experiences have been in the field of business and higher education. Both factors have caused me to prepare well for this leadership career.

Specific goals related to leadership occupation that have established your life

Having a desire to work in an excellent company that revolves around consultancy is my driving force. I have a place of contribution to my interpersonal, leadership and technical skills. Long term goals also apply when wanting to get to the highest potential in life. Most MBA students wanting to pursue leadership records their long term career goal to be the best leadership consultant for the company they will be working for.

What about college experience?

For a business career that is intertwined with leadership, preparation to transition successfully from college into the workforce of real life experience. As most career professionals advice, fresh students from the University must be willing to intern with organizations to find recommendation letters. For most MBA graduates, they interned at organizations to find real world experience, developed effective marketing plans for the organizations they work with to promote their services. In other occasion, they had to research other indigenous cultures comparing then to the organization they work for.

Description of an ideal job

For you to become exactly what you want in life, there is need to have a picture of what you consider ideal for you. Leadership is both educational and practical work to be the best you can be (Howell 2012). Most MBA graduates have recorded ideal jobs being one that they are able to incorporate practical and educational work at the same time.

The point of choosing a career

Most MBA students have revealed how they enjoy encountering and overcoming challenges in order to make a sale in business. It is evident that once you have dealt with the challenges among other business objections, you feel very confident to approach and advise other leaders.

The point of choosing a career

I had known that all I would want is to pursue business and leadership at a particular college. It was in college that I also realized I could combine it with consultant which would take least of my time. My favorite courses were management and business and I enjoyed taking other leadership opportunities for free.

Measures to take to attain goals

Every leadership career needs preparation (Howell 2012). Most MBA students have narrated that they performed extra research on the career they wanted to pursue before pursuing it. Every learning institution encourages people to engage in acquiring more extensive knowledge about the courses they want to pursue before enrolling.

Personal characteristics

I have a strong belief in the combination of certain leadership qualities in order to be successful in the career. Basic ingredients for a leadership career include having well rounded interests in leadership, strong communication skills, determination to excel, problem solving skills backed up with love and hard work.

Data Analytics Personal Statement

Statistics and mathematics have always intrigued me all my life and the first one particularly is a representation of a big part of my life and decision making. I believe statistics is the most intriguing and engaging subject because of its amazing series of simplified numeric characters that come in the form of representation of world problems. My love for statistics and mathematics begun at a tender age after I selected a right formula, performed simple computations and arrived at the right answer. My interest in data analysis grew further when I was in school. It was in high school that I realized my uncontrollable interest in science. To me science courses are very intriguing and so I spent more of my time practicing the same with a belief that science was closer to the real world. I am really addicted to mathematics and statistics and that is why I am interested in pursuing data analytics and masters level.

I love mathematical challenges because I believe I can use mathematics to devise solutions to a number of difficult problems through dividing the problem into smaller units, solving them one by one in a logical manner and arrive at the final solution. I have faith that this method of mathematical thinking is necessary in real life because of the ability to provide solutions to challenging problems. As a subject, statistics is needed in order to organize, analyze and interpret research findings. With this understanding I can use the power of statistics to analyze and work out and analyze whether a proposal will turn out to be successful or not. Mathematics and statistics as well as their relation to science is the reason why I would want to pursue data analytics at masters level; if pure mathematics in the abstract to life then statistics must be closer to our lives. Data is used to make the analysis of different views with a higher likelihood to lead us into informed decisions.

Therefore, I believe significant decisions in life can be made from statistical research. For instance; a nurse would want to use a new drug compared to the old one, setting up an alternative and null hypothesis as well as testing the sample might enable the nurse to make informed decisions basing on whatever statistical analysis involved. Using statistics makes it easy to arrive at a decision in a more logical manner. I love exploring football matches statistics to analyze the different performance of players; for instance, how many targets and shots in a single match can Messy manage to score. My undergraduate major was accounting because I thought accounting also had a closer relation to science and was more logical. Accounting is also my favorite because it blends abstract theory (mathematics) with real world applications (statistics).

During my free time, I love to research about the historical roots of data analysis, mathematics and accounting and find out how all these fields are related. During my work experience at a local accounting firm last summer, I developed exceptional communication skills when asked to collect money from organization donors. During this time, I managed to obtain fair work-life balance by regularly going to work and continuing with my research. The physical and social challenges helped me improve on my communication skills. I am applying to this university because I hope to continue developing my statistics and mathematical skills as I would want to use them in the future.