ROOMS MANAGEMENT – Distribution channel for Kempinski Hotel Chain

Our topic is Distribution Channel for the chain « kempinski » hotel.

We need to research and present the operations of a hospitality organization and discuss how the company is reacting to a trend within the industry.
We need to understand of the latest hospitality trends using real hospitality organizations as case studies.
To be able to identify the key processes behind the services analyzed. How are Kempinski really operating to follow certain trends?
To summarize and present findings in a group work, providing evidence of research and understanding of the topic covered.

First of all we need to speak about :
-number of rooms
-number of employees
-our company overview – using PEST & SWOT analysis
-presentation of the trend in general in the hospitality industry
-the strategy of our company relating to Distribution channel
-overview of the current challenges
-evolution of distribution channel and how it will develop
-customer satisfaction
-about the stakeholders
-return on Investment
-how it became more reliable With the Cost efficient
-explicatives graphs
-choose one of the five forces
-Entrance, suppliers, descriptors —> We need to take one of the three out of the direct competitors.

All the key points I wrote just before are the things we really NEED to have

We also need to say how the distribution channel can increase guest satisfaction and brand image.

Moreover we need to discussion about. The influence of distribution channel in Kempinski .

Not only self check-in and reservation, focus more in House not clients.

Furthermore we need to Speak about seasonality. (You could use Financial reports and graphs to help to explain the importance of distribution channel in the improvement of the hotel company chain.)

We. really need Graphs and tables.

It must be in APA style

Please find attach our project outline.

Business Information Systems & Technologies

– APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources- APA Format
– 5 pages
– Work cited
– At least 5 sources

federal government discussion board

Reminder: Always identify your sources with both in the body of the text and with a formal citation at the end of your posting. The minimum writing requirement must be met and exceeded using your own words (do not include cited information in your word count). Your initial post must be no less than 250 words.

Can democracy be sustained when so few people are involved in the political system? Voter turnout in a local election can run less than 10 percent, yet local governments are the ones that
affect people more closely on a daily basis. Why do more people not vote in America? Explain.

Internally consistent Job Structures

Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures
Section 1 introduces you to the specification of internally consistent job structures. Through writing job descriptions, the development of job structures, and
both the development and implementation of a point evaluation method to quantify job differences objectively, you build the framework for internal equity.
In Section 1, you will focus on building an internally consistent compensation system. An internally consistent compensation system design will clearly define the
relative value of each e-sonic sample job, creating a job hierarchy and an objective rationale for pay differences.
As an e-sonic consultant, you are offered a sample of e-sonic jobs in Section 1. Currently, e-sonic employs 100 people and will be hiring many more. However, for
the purpose of this simulation, you are asked to work with the sample of four jobs offered (see Appendix 2 for sample jobs, located in the MyManagementLab
project tab). Limiting the number of jobs removes one level of complexity from the simulation and allows you to focus on learning the functions of compensation
system design. The framework you develop classifying sample jobs can easily be adapted in the future to include all e-sonic positions.
Section 1 Outline:
1. Create Job Descriptions
2. Create Job Structures
3. Build Point Evaluation Method
a) Select benchmark jobs.
b) Choose compensable factors based upon benchmark jobs.
c) Define factor degree statements.
d) Determine weights for each compensable factor.
4. Calculate Point Values for e-Sonic Jobs
a) Determine point value for each compensable factor.
b) Use the job evaluation worksheet to calculate point values for each position.
c) Distribute points for each compensable factor across degree statements.
d) Rate jobs using point method.
e) Individually rate jobs to ensure reliability.
f) Resolve any discrepancies in point totals.
g) Rank jobs in each job structure according to results of your point evaluation.
The Internally Consistent Job Structures section is fully described in the MyManagementLab Building Strategic Compensation Systems casebook for faculty and
students, linked in the MyLab course menu. Follow the explanations and outline to complete this milestone. Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures is
due at the end of Module Five.
Requirements of submission: Each section of the final project must follow these formatting guidelines: 5–7 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman
font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.

Mental Health

Mental Health research paper. I selected the topic of Mass Shootings. The topics I am looking to cover are the statistics of these shootings, the role genetic mental health disorders play (depression for example) as well as outside sources such as enviornment, video games/tv/movies/music, and the effects bullying may have on it. Must be APA format

Mental Health research paper. I selected the topic of Mass Shootings. The topics I am looking to cover are the statistics of these shootings, the role genetic mental health disorders play (depression for example) as well as outside sources such as enviornment, video games/tv/movies/music, and the effects bullying may have on it. Must be APA format

Internally consistent Job Structures

Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures
Section 1 introduces you to the specification of internally consistent job structures. Through writing job descriptions, the development of job structures, and
both the development and implementation of a point evaluation method to quantify job differences objectively, you build the framework for internal equity.
In Section 1, you will focus on building an internally consistent compensation system. An internally consistent compensation system design will clearly define the
relative value of each e-sonic sample job, creating a job hierarchy and an objective rationale for pay differences.
As an e-sonic consultant, you are offered a sample of e-sonic jobs in Section 1. Currently, e-sonic employs 100 people and will be hiring many more. However, for
the purpose of this simulation, you are asked to work with the sample of four jobs offered (see Appendix 2 for sample jobs, located in the MyManagementLab
project tab). Limiting the number of jobs removes one level of complexity from the simulation and allows you to focus on learning the functions of compensation
system design. The framework you develop classifying sample jobs can easily be adapted in the future to include all e-sonic positions.
Section 1 Outline:
1. Create Job Descriptions
2. Create Job Structures
3. Build Point Evaluation Method
a) Select benchmark jobs.
b) Choose compensable factors based upon benchmark jobs.
c) Define factor degree statements.
d) Determine weights for each compensable factor.
4. Calculate Point Values for e-Sonic Jobs
a) Determine point value for each compensable factor.
b) Use the job evaluation worksheet to calculate point values for each position.
c) Distribute points for each compensable factor across degree statements.
d) Rate jobs using point method.
e) Individually rate jobs to ensure reliability.
f) Resolve any discrepancies in point totals.
g) Rank jobs in each job structure according to results of your point evaluation.
The Internally Consistent Job Structures section is fully described in the MyManagementLab Building Strategic Compensation Systems casebook for faculty and
students, linked in the MyLab course menu. Follow the explanations and outline to complete this milestone. Section 1: Internally Consistent Job Structures is
due at the end of Module Five.
Requirements of submission: Each section of the final project must follow these formatting guidelines: 5–7 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman
font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.

definition monster

do not use the dictionary– and to either expand the definition of (a) monster. (Pick one monster and look at what it means–like in your “Why Vampires Never Die” and “Mermaids: Behaviors, Attributes, and Environs.”) or to handle the definition of “extreme perpetrator” as discussed in “Ethical Aliens: The Challenge of Extreme Perpetrators to Humanism.”

do not use the dictionary– and to either expand the definition of (a) monster. (Pick one monster and look at what it means–like in your “Why Vampires Never Die” and “Mermaids: Behaviors, Attributes, and Environs.”) or to handle the definition of “extreme perpetrator” as discussed in “Ethical Aliens: The Challenge of Extreme Perpetrators to Humanism.”

heros journey

Objective: Now it’s your turn – apply the hero’s cycle to your own life.


1. According to Joseph Campbell, many events in our lives follow the mythological hero’s cycle. We experience the three major stages of departure, initiation and return many times throughout our lives. After familiarizing yourself with the hero’s cycle as explained in our course module, please think about a time in your life that you went through the hero’s cycle.

2. Start with an introductory paragraph that provides a summary of what will be explored in the paper. In the subsequent 5 paragraphs, identify and explain how the following aspects of the hero’s cycle apply to your story. You’ll need to clearly indicate which part of your story is which part of the cycle…don’t assume I know. Provide a conclusion in your last paragraph. YOU SHOULD HAVE 7 PARAGRAPHS TOTAL.

Call to Adventure
Crossing the First Threshold
Road of Trials
Any variables experienced along the way
Ultimate boon

Even though this is an informal essay, it still requires good organization and academic writing. Remember that in a Gordon Rule class one of the objectives is to communicate effectively.

Writing Directions:

Your paper should be organized and written according to academic standards.
Your paper should be approximately one to two pages in length, typed, double-spaced.
Your paper needs to be formatted according to MLA style. Some of this includes using a 12pt. font and setting 1” margins all the way around. There are many good online resources for formatting papers according to MLA (see Start Here Buttonmodule for the some good writing resources).
Be sure to submit the paper before the deadline (see syllabus policy). The system will only allow you to submit your paper once, so be sure you select the correct file before submitting it.

( for this paper i will attach the files to what you should read to help you write this paper better, please use the “more detailed view” file to indicate which part of your story is which part of the cycle, make sure to not use outside sources, this is your story use your life experiences, so after reading the heros journey use the cycles and apply it to your life and describe which cycle is what part of your story/life. if you do not understand how to write this paper please let me know , its important!)

Biological and psychological theories of juvenile delinquency

This can describe a wide variety of issues dealing with biological and psychological theories of juvenile delinquency.

This can describe a wide variety of issues dealing with biological and psychological theories of juvenile delinquency.

This can describe a wide variety of issues dealing with biological and psychological theories of juvenile delinquency.

This can describe a wide variety of issues dealing with biological and psychological theories of juvenile delinquency.

This can describe a wide variety of issues dealing with biological and psychological theories of juvenile delinquency.

This can describe a wide variety of issues dealing with biological and psychological theories of juvenile delinquency.

Wole Soyinka, Death and the King’s Horseman

This final reading response assignment expands the investigation begun in your individual readings and class discussions into a cohesive paper that argues, with passion and precision, for a unique and well-supported reading of a play. It is vital that you choose a text that continues to inspire, intrigue, and instruct you—that it “works on you” as you work on it. A helpful entry point to an essay might be to revisit a discussion question/thematic query established in class, but, of course, your essay will delve much deeper than these blanket themes: it will make an original argument supported by an engaged, lively, and accurate close reading of the text.

The response must also incorporate TWO secondary sources, including books/articles by literary critics that discuss the text; books/articles that discuss a theory related to your topic; and/or books/articles that discuss the social or historical context of the play.



Give your paper an appropriate and compelling title

Transition between paragraphs

Support your argument with specific examples from the play, i.e.: (Act.Scene-page).

Use proper MLA format everywhere

Use genre-specific terminology (characterization, protagonist, antagonist, plot, exposition, setting, style, tone, imagery, theme, metaphor, etc)


Include a long, uninteresting, overly-general introduction

Spend more than a few sentences summarizing the poem

Offer unnecessary biography of the author

Confuse a poem’s speaker with a poem’s author


THESIS and CONTENT (Development)

The essay has a thesis—a single, central point that is interesting, original, striking and substantial. The central idea is developed in the essay through well-chosen, appropriate, concrete details that show originality and freshness. Author shows rather than merely tells. Generalizations and assertions are defended. Arguments are logical.


The essay is organized and well structured (there is a beginning, a body, and a conclusion). The essay exhibits a clear strategy for persuasion and development. The organization works with the thesis so that the thesis and the organization serve the purpose of the essay. Essay does not digress from central point. Transitions help the paper flow smoothly. Introductory paragraph(s) is (are) interesting and appropriate. Concluding paragraph is clear and convincing.


Paragraphs are organized, unified and coherent. Each supporting paragraph has a controlling idea. In supporting paragraphs, topic idea helps further the thesis.


Sentences are well constructed. Writer avoids modifier problems. Sentences show variety of pattern and are rhetorically effective. The essay is written in a style and tone appropriate to the audience, topic and purpose. Words are appropriate and well chosen. Writer avoids jargon and sexist language.


Writer avoids errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics