Tunisian Arabs

Background information


Tunisian Arabs are around a population of 10 million people with all of them speaking Modern Standard Arabic language of Tunisia (Central Intelligence Agency 2013). While Tunisian Arabs are well known, there history and culture is relatively unique. Tunisia gained independence in 1956 from France and in a period of 55 years, they have had 2 presidents and lived under fear of the government and repression. Being an Arab speaking nation, the atmosphere in Tunisia is very secular as many of the residents rarely go to and the roots of Christianity have been forgotten.


According to the Joshua project, the native language spoke by Tunisia people is primarily Arabic. This is due to the widespread of Muslim culture which heavily influences Tunisian culture.


Worship at shrines are witchcraft is greatly practiced in the area because of strong spiritual darkness connections. In the past few years, TV programs, websites and radio programs have generated an explicable interest in building Christian foundation.

Economy and family structure

The economic climate of Tunisian Arabs as a whole is oriented towards the business side. Many of the men and women in Tunisia are business people. Looking at the Joshua project, Tunisian Arabs are a group of middle class people who operate their own businesses. Surrounding the focus of community values is a great value for family. For Tunisian Arabs, a family must be balanced contained parents, youths, adults and children. Specific programs have been created to empower children and youths at family level.

History of mission work

Through Christian media stations and technology outreaches, Christ disciplines have managed to build a strong Christian foundation among Tunisian Arabs. Adding to the outreach, there has been a record of countless testimonies where new converts claimed to have seen Jesus in their dreams and visions. Presently in the country, there are a hundred of believers although a significant amount of them live far from Arabic practicing communities and thus no space to discipleship and fellowship (Winters and Hawthorne 2009).

Past and current mission strategies

Because of the fear of losing their places in society, losing their jobs and being persecuted by the government, foreigners have created a Christian revolution for the purpose of spreading the gospel. The current revolution has seen a great combination of efforts from international bodies as well as national workers who have a singular focus of seeking to know more about Jesus and make him known to the rest of the world. There are a few strategies of church planting being put in place in Tunisia as a way to transit people from Islam to Christianity (Moreau, Corwin and Gary 2004).

Strategies for reaching

In reference to the above discussion, an evangelistic strategy to reach Tunisian Arabs would begin by fostering community association and evangelize at marginal best where the spread of the gospel would be done through communication of biblical stories (Steffen 2009). Apart from forming associations with local communities, I would also recommend that missionaries form relationships within themselves as a way to create awareness of a larger missionary group existence. A third strategy would involve creating a network of having churches being sent from east to west to greatly propagate the gospel (International Mission Board 2013). As a plan for the church, we shall conduct regular prayer meetings, encourage sacrifice giving and disintegrating strong prayer teams to inner Tunisian Arabs clans to partner with organizations and churches working in remote areas.



When Jesus Christ came, he came with an objective; to save. Jesus makes it very clear that in His mission to save, He will use people as the instruments to spread the message of salvation and the gospel. For instance, He speaks to his disciples saying ‘The harvest is plenty but the workers are few’. This is an indication that even after He leaves earth physically, there will still be so much work left to be done. Although, part of Jesus’ mission was completed, Christians on earth are still left with a mission to spread the gospel of Christ. Historically, the spread of Christianity began with the witnessing of Jesus Christ accounts of life, death and resurrection.

He later solidifies his work with the great commission. In making the gospel known to the ends of the earth, apostles traveled to areas where people had not heard about the message of Christ. To the Athens did Paul travel where people practiced full worship of idols. In his mission Paul had great understanding of the best ways he could reach the people. The first step for Christians is to step out of the comfort zone just like Paul. For my project, I have decided to focus on Arabs in Tunisia. I believe it is the responsibility of Christians to proclaim the name of Jesus and spread the message of the gospel to all nation and evangelize to the lost with a message of God’s return. Aggressive strategies must be developed to help Christians move beyond the boundary of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth.

Comparison of Articles

President’s Rivlin’s speech can be understood as a blunt voice for the tolerance of the Jews towards Arabs in a time of ugly oratory. In his speech we can confidently tell that the relationship between Arabs and the Jewish people is a moment of genuine crisis and the Jewish government has assumed overt obligation to break the existing violence that threatens the peace of Arabs living in Israel. ‘Innocence rests upon the shoulders of everyone in Israel’, this is the message president Rivlin is preaching. Both president Rivlin and The bill reveal genuine feeling of Arab discrimination particularly for those living within the boundaries of Israel (Smooha 2012). Comparing the two speeches, it is clear that a higher percentage of Arabs believe there is evident discrimination in Israel institution in president Rivlin’s speech than in The bill’s speech.

Adding to institutionalized discrimination, Arab’s living in Israel has also lived under the impression that the Israel society advocates for racism towards them. In the fact of racism, The bills speaks much of how the Israel Jewish society acts with much racism towards Arab citizens and Arab citizens in The bill believe in no moderate racism culture but a highly racist culture in Israeli.

Apart from general racism, in President Rivlin’s article Arab citizens feel they are discriminated on an economic, social, national and cultural level. Israeli governmental policies do no favour Arabs living in Israel in the event of a terror attack and this makes Arabs feel discriminated on a national level. In the same context of discrimination, we can also see that there is an interesting correlation between the tendencies of Arab citizens to blame Israeli government when it comes to higher education matters (Yonay, Yaish & Kraus 2014). The question on education and the one of terror attack has caused growing tensions between Arabs and Israel citizens.

Throughout the many years of research on the attitude of Arabs living in Israel, investigations have clearly painted an image of a tortured society that has a split identity between ‘Arabialization’ and ‘Israelization’. The question that arises after reading the speech from President Rivlin and The bill is ‘what is the government doing about the conflicting nature between Arabs and Israeli citizens’? From President Rivlin’s speech, we can tell the effort of Israeli government in maintaining peace between Israel citizens and Arab dwellers in Israel. In as much as the Israel society seems inaccessible in a form of a centripetal trajectory, President Rivlin and his government insists that Arabs and Jews should not be living in adversaries in a game that sounds zero-sum (The President 2015).

Israeli government attitude towards Arab citizens is one that is geared towards making sure that Israel does not become a ‘Jewish-fascist state’. This means that the Jewish government cares for the Arab minority and is willing to fight for their rights and make their stay in Israel as comfortable as possible. Jewish leaders as it is evident in The bill’s speech have formed a partnership where the prime minister of Israeli can approach Arabs living in Israel with an apology as a way to attain true equality (World Torah News 2017). The show of solidarity from both articles is one example of the approaches designed by Israel government to bring Arab dwellers to a state of equality. The bill is a stronger approach for Israel national state to protect Arabs coupled with state symbols, civil rights law and basic principles of equality.

Statement of Purpose for Sport Science

Why I want to pursue this degree

Generally, physical activities and sports have been a major part of my life and my experience with the various types of activities has helped me realize this discipline as the foundation of my career. I want to study sport science because I have a dream in becoming a coach and at the same time help local people especially those involved in sport. With this dream, I believe this degree will help me achieve my career goals. I am also interested in pursuing sport science because I am aiming at being a significant force in every sport scene attending to individuals in terms of coaching, exercise and health, management and how the body works to perform sport functions.

Experience to bring in this field

My interest in sport science begun when I developed full understanding of how the human body responds to exercise and sports. At this time, I gained exceptional experience on how to increase human body performance, enhance the performance of the body, monitor and analyze the different degrees of performance and incorporate huge health benefits that will enhance physical activity. With this experience I believe I can be of benefit to the institution by being part of the existing sport teams leadership, training them on the effects of prolonged sporting activity and exercise to the human body. For instance, I can train them on how muscles are repaired after an athlete runs a one hour marathon at high altitudes.

Career goals after program

After attaining a degree in sport science, I would want to work as in the US soccer team as a coach. This will definitely help me practice some of the skills I developed during my degree. After being a team coach for some time, I would like to grow my career into being an exercise specialist working with a a corporate wellness company that links experts with fitness trainers.

Business Writing: Internship and thank you letter

Internship Letter


Upon learning about the vacancy of an accounting intern, I rushed to submit my application attached with my resume. With the robust understanding of accounting and business principles I have gained throughout my education, I have confidence in my ability to be beneficial to your company as well as gain the required skills, tools and abilities that will bring me to a longstanding accounting career. From my achievement of extensive academic-based knowledge in economics and general accounting topics that have enabled me gain real world understanding of the financial and accounting world, i am confident that the basic principles and knowledge I have gained will make me exceptional in excelling in the role as an intern.

With other additional strengths in proper time management, team leader, communication and team collaboration, I am well positioned to thrive in the accounting intern position at Colony North Star, INC. I am a Senior graduate with strong interest in working in the real estate private equity industry. I have strong excel, quantitative, interpersonal, superior communication, strong work ethics skills coupled with ability to work independently and effectively.

With my strong skills and exceptional educational background and experience in accounting functions coupled with the dedication and enthusiasm to achieve success, I believe I will swiftly surpass all your expectations in this role. I am looking forward to have a discussion with you on how I can meet your objectives and needs better while filling an accounting intern position. Till then, I am grateful for your time and consideration.





I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time you have taken to go through my internship letter application and consider me for the internship position available at NorthStar INC. Considering me for this position would be beneficial to NorthStar. I am very excited to apply for this position with so much respect for a dynamic and respected organization like yours.

I am full of confidence that this internship position and the experience gathered will be an excellent fit for my skills and abilities. The exceptional accounting knowledge and computer skills will also permit me to become a productive staff member at North Star quickly.

I am very enthusiastic about the much I am going to learn and acquire at NorthStar INC and I am assuring you of my motivation and commitment in this regard.

Thank you once again for your time and all the efforts made to make me part of your team. I am looking forward to hear your final decision.



Personal Statement to study Nursing in UK


Nursing is a profession, a long life experience and a vocation I would really love to be part of. My long term goal is to become a fully qualified and registered nurse with a master degree from the UK, build on the previous training nurses’ foundation as we as my current nursing health care skills. I believe it is very vital to have a realistic and firm understanding of what it is to be a nurse before going through the trainings. I have confidence in my current and past experiences in the nursing field and I believe I will make a difference in the nursing profession.

Previous experiences from the mental health nursing department have made me confident in the fact that I am more than ready to commit to the nursing profession, go through academic challenges and come out more reliable, trustworthy and motivated to push through to my ambition. I appreciate the rigours academic demands that come with studying nursing and the curriculums tough nature but I believe my previous ability to study coupled with my enthusiasm speaks for itself.

The patience, compassion, intelligence and selflessness of nurses whom I have interacted with have motivated and inspired me to drive on towards my ambition. Drawing from my nursing observations and personal knowledge, I have confidence that the skills and qualities I have acquired so far such as the innate ability to care for people and the desire to help will make me stand out from the crowd. Brilliant communication skills are a requirement plus the ability to work independently but are a team. Nursing is not just a profession but an art that successfully combines the skills acquired from education, scientific knowledge, training and the privilege to be available to people who are in need.

I would like to become a full time nurse since I find my current job at the mental health department satisfying and rewarding although I believe I am capable of great things and I have more to offer and this will be evident as I acquire my nursing degree from the UK.

The emotional ups and downs, the shift work and the late finishing times do not put me off because I feel I have more on the inside that the people outside need to tap from. Many people make positive comments of my disposition and friendly manner which has encouraged me to apply to an institution that is more friendly and diverse. As the head nurse at Al –Amal complex for mental health, I have proven to be flexible, reliable and have a strong thirst for knowledge especially for nursing in general.

As the head nurse, my duties revolve around working with a range of medical professionals with an aim of providing quality patient care even under pressure. As the head nurse, I am responsible for training and hiring staff members who are certified from trusted nursing boards. I am also in charge of managing, supervising all the work and services provided by the nursing staff as well as conduct monthly staff meetings. I love learning new skills, developing old skills and recently I have ranked the best at my organization for having the best support network with an ability to commit wholly. My rationale behind choosing to study in the UK comes with the awareness that gaining a successful place in this world comes with a sacrifice of associating with success. UK is my choice for success especially taking up a course that I am passionate about. Should I be accepted, I am very ready to further my experience and train as a nurse as uphold the professional standards of nursing.

Elementary Secondary School Act

Reauthorization as Every Student Succeeds Act https://www.ed.gov/essa

Section(s): Title, I, II, III, IV, V

Pages: 41

Policy Analyst: Donni Tunner

The new education act signed by President Obama in December 10th 2015 is a representation of good news to the American education system. The aim of this new education law is to provide a longstanding commitment in education and ensure students are provided with equal opportunities. Analyzing the new law, it builds on the major progress areas in the present decade which has made it possible for the community, parents and educators be part of the success of every student. For instance, looking at the present educational statistics in the US, the rates of student graduation are going up with dropouts’ rates being historically low because many students are attending college now more than ever. Apart from just attending college, numerous achievements have provided the American educations system with a strong foundation of working further to not only expand educational opportunities for students but also to improve student outcomes from the ‘Every Student Succeeds Act’.


The NSSE act is more accountable compared to previous education acts. Accountability in this act is seen in the measures that have been placed to expose the achievement gaps between underprivileged students and their peers which has led to a national debate revolving around improving education. It is this focus on accountability that has been critical in making sure that quality is part of our children’s education and at the same time revealed the struggles in the complete implementation of the ultimate goal.


What’s next? Over the next few years, relevant administration should design flexible requirements that are needed by schools to ensure complete closure of achievement gaps, improve on the quality of instruction, and focus on increasing student outcomes and increasing equity.

Triple Bottom Line

Triple bottom line (TBL) is a field that depends on the mixing of three performances which are social, environmental and Economic. Since TBL has environmental and soil sides, that has made it hard to be specific on the means of measurements. For example, the financial side can be measured in dollars but the environmental and the social side cannot be measured by currency. TBL does not have common units for that reason (Slaper & Hall 2011).

Before stating any design process TBL should be considered by project owners or stakeholders. The project stakeholders must check the impact of TBL on their design process from the three performances. Sides. The first side as motioned above is the social side. The impacts of TBL social side are inertia rate, Female Currencies, family’s income, Poverty rate, crime rate and academic Education.

Measuring TBL for the social performances will be by offering new jobs for people who are not employed or who need new jobs. Measurement of TBL will also help in preventing the lack of jobs or unemployment. Moreover, people working and making money do not have to steal so that will be main reason behind reduction of crime rates. Also, offering jobs for academic people will encourage students in school to complete their education to acquire these jobs. Moreover, families will also be able to pay for their children education.

From the environmental side, TBL can be measured by considering multiple things such as carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, hazardous waste management and project location. The main reason of increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is hidden in human activities such as cars smoke, industry trash. Also, the hazardous waste must be kept in place that far away from people and not affect the environment around it. The project location is an important consideration because the noise of the digging machines or building tools account for environmental pollution.

Considering TBL from the economic side will have multiple effectiveness on finances; for example, personal income, job growth and employment distribution by sector. When the personal income increases personal needs will also increase too. This helps to improve the area around the project and attract the people towards the project. Furthermore, raising job growth helps cause employment distribution by their sector and the stakeholders will have the benefits of their knowledge.

For the use of soil carbonated cement kiln dust(CCKD) as soil stabilization amendment. To begin with social, cement manufacturing treat CCKD as waste. On the other hand, the use of CCKD can offer more new job in the manufacturing companies and help eliminate unemployment (Cement Kiln Dust 2015).

Secondly, the impact of CCKD from the economic side is that using CCKD give cement manufacturers the advantage of saving money instead of produce new products (Capital Aggregates 2016). Besides, workers in cement manufacturing companies have an escalated chance of being infected by diseases or health problems. This will decrease the workers at this job and increase the salaries which can affect the product price (Regab 2011).

Thirdly, the impact of CCKD from the environmental side is that it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Cement production produces 5% of entire world carbon dioxide which cause global warming (GreenSpec 2017). The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) count CKD from hazardous waste regulation. CKD can increase the pH of the soils in the agricultural land (Rahman, Rehman & Al-Amoundi 2012).


This semester, the course concentrates on two independent learning skills which are project management and communication skills. Learning how to manage the project tasks will help in organizing and dividing the work between the team members as well as completing the project on the due date. The project management part will help me to respect meetings time with my team and clients and also manage my time while working on the project.

Communication skills are equally important to engineers and very helpful. It is important because as an engineer you must know how to communicate with you team members and your client. Also, it is helpful when searching and asking about new information. This will help me a lot in maintaining close contact with my team and client in my future career.

Workplace stress issues


To a larger extent, workplace stress has to this point led to substantial research attention in the recent years, mainly owing to the concerns it can have on both the employees and the organizations. However, when discussing on stress, it is also vital to recognize that this term stress has largely been used to refer to a multiplicity of meanings, thereby leading to some misperception (Cooper & Dewe, 2004). However, on this paper, the term stress is not used as a label for any specific variable or a set of variables, but it is only used as a universal term that covers a procedure thru which different variables in the workplace setting can lead to poor psychological and bodily health and safety. Also important to note here is that, stressors are features of the work environment that lead to strain, and strains are the reasons for the resultant poor psychological and body safety (Cooper & Dewe, 2004).

Nervousness, and exhaustion are some of the examples of strains that result from undergoing workplace stress. Another factor to note is that, both hindrances and challenges are assumed to be clearly associated to strains. Therefore, based on the two major types of strains namely: psychological and physical which are both assumed to be negatively associated to job performance, it is clear that the teams have learned to deal with the stressors at work and all have devised their own coping strategies to deal with stress. In this particular case, the teams have learnt that, when faced with a stressful situation, you can just take a deep breath and continue with your duties without focusing on the stress itself. This has assisted the team to work in harmony.

Motivational drivers

In terms of the motivational drivers, there is a similarity in the sense that, all the interviewees are motivated by money as a prime factor. Another motivating factor that is similar to all is the drive to keep performing better and better at their occupation. It is also clear that meeting people from other different backgrounds also contributed as a motivational factor.


There was a similarity in some of the reasons that led to stress at the work place. Pressures to call customers and ensure the line run well so that the clients and do not wait for long in lines for their food seemed to be a stressing factor for most of the interviewees. Additionally, there is also the challenge of handing back the right change after a transaction or giving back the customers their credit or debit cards. However, there is a difference in the way each individual handles stress. Though a majority prefer to take deep breaths, some interviewees preferred to venture into other activities as a way of managing stress.

Necessary personality traits

On the question on personality traits, there is a general consensus that individuals who do not work well in group settings or individuals who cannot cooperate with a team are not the best people to take such a position. Additionally, there is also a similar agreement that the job occupation requires someone who can work under pressure.

Necessary abilities

A general consensus and a similarity that cannot be over looked while on this position is the capacity to be organized while maintaining a professional and welcoming mentality when dealing with clients, including having simple math skills.

Personal Mission Statement for Social work

The only one thing I have always wanted to do with my life is to help underprivileged people. I am interesting in doing so because I believe this is the only essential difference I can make in the lives of people and to me it is the most important aspect of a successful career to me than any other. Before describing my personal mission, I would first like to describe myself. I am a mother of four children, a wife and a trusted teacher of young children. For the future, I see myself mindful, empathetic, caring, sympathetic and compassionate. The best description for me comes from Dalai Lama’s quote of ‘it is not enough to be compassionate. You have to act’. In respect to this quote, I practiced as a teacher to young children and I am have confidence that I will carry on with the same determination as I pursue my social work career.

My mission is to create a growing movement of leaders in organizations who will work together to ensure that children brought up in poverty acquire the best education. With this mission statement, I can say that my first priority in this life is my children. It is from treating my own children right that I can be able to make children of other people a priority as well. At personal level, my goals are to keep my children safe, support them and act as an encouragement to them as they keep growing into mature, trustworthy and mindful individuals in the society. At a personal level, I would like to support, grow and encourage my children to the extent that they have only positive impacts to all matters of life. My eldest son got married a year ago and therefore I am looking forward to be a grandmother in a few years from now. As I grow old, I plan to explore and travel the universe as my children continue to grow and acquire autonomy.

Professionally, I have not set a clear goal for my social work career but I am still driven by the desire to work with seniors in the next five years. With previous experience in working with children, I have great desire to work with senior citizens because I can use the knowledge gained while working with children and apply it to when dealing with older adults. Among all these life components I want, I would want to create a balance between studying, traveling, parenting and engaging senior adults.

Being an immigrant, I moved to Canada like three years ago and for my long term goal I would want to eventually get back to Saudi Arabia and be a strong force in the social justice movement. The social justice movement is starting to be recognized in Saudi Arabia and that I why I want to go back and be considered one of the pioneers and pillars of the same movement. With doing this, I would also love to share my experience and knowledge that I will have gained during my study with other social work fellows, the human rights department with emphasis on women.

My experience in writing this assignment

In as much as I have identified what I want to study and who I want to become, I have not set clear goals yet but I am very positive that I will end up where I want to be upon my graduation. As at now, I am still searching for an identity in social work. For me social work is truly an eye opener to me and the many processes in social work will help me find out my exact goals at the end of the program. To some extent, writing my personal mission statement was challenging because I thought we are needed to have clear goals before you could write a successful one. Before making a decision on which group to work with I will still need to work on myself morally and ethically, as well as learn how to communicate with others and building sustainable relationships as I climb up my success ladder.

The most challenging

It is challenging to deal with children because they have different opinions on who to respect and who not. Understanding ageism and the reason why adults are discriminated upon was challenging as well. Understanding how sustainability can be created from the self-care model with respect to values within social work and ethical responsibilities also proved to be challenging. As I try to achieve life balance, it was not easy to be a social worker, a wife, a teacher and a mother at the same time. While working with diverse people, understanding their beliefs separate from my own while helping them to know their self worth was equally challenging. At the same time it could be very easy to lose yourself while trying to help others. This was challenging because I had to ensure self awareness and self-discipline as we brought people to light of social work practice.

How can my mission be of benefit to social work leaders?

While working in a profession with people from diverse courses, with diverse experiences, beliefs and values, my personal mission can help bring people together and foster working together in a team. My mission that runs with empathy and compassion will help people bond together in difficult situations, gain tolerance and an open minded attitude for people with limited capabilities.