Organizational Learning

Experts in change management have always emphasized on the on the significance of developing organizational readiness in recommendation for change. The article Shipton develops strategies that will lead to organizational change. From his discussion, organizational theories fundamentally provide a look at how to predict, control and provide explanations to the culture, structure and interactions within an organization. I completely agree with the discussion developed by Shifton (2006), especially for the reason complexity in the nature of organization. From this discussion it is evident that the author tries to provide answers to the question that revolves around the nature of organization.

Presently we are aware that there are a variety of factors that influence business environments and outcomes. These factors have the ability to run goal procedures and values of the business while affecting leaders at the same time. Since the nature of organization can be defined by numerous factors, organizational theories discussed by Shifton (2006), provide an overlap of, organizational behavior, economics and ultimately organizational psychology. In response to the strategies developed by the author, I believe that the advice of developing organizational learning to influence organizational change seems reasonable to me because it has been backed up by scientific bases that are unlimited.

To bring out the difference between comparison and confusion, the author in his discussion brings out further the difference between individual and organization change with significant focus on readiness for change (Lahteenmaki, Toivonen, and Mattila, 2001). Just like individual readiness, the readiness for change in an organization has received extensive subjection to theoretical development. Apart from using empirical studies to show how organization learning and change can be developed, the author addresses important functions of the value of organizational change by members and how they manage to favorably address the determinants of change. I completely agree with the four quadrants developed by the author in addressing organizational learning.

The reason for agreeing with this model is because the author focuses on analyzing organizational operations since many approaches to the same analysis have been promising but do not deliver. However, even in the high level analysis, I still think that the author did not effectively break down each quadrant to ways that will ensure effectiveness. This is because of the challenges that are ever present in organizational procedures. A major challenge that the author did not address is in line with the specific measure of organizational that should operationalize changes in both individual and organizational learning.

I believe that organizational learning comprises of lots of activities that should not necessarily revolve around individual operations of becoming better in particular operations. For this reason therefore, these theories can be advanced to highlight specific measures that mitigate organizational learning (Lahteenmaki, Toivonen, and Mattila, 2001). Strategies such as the use of competency traps can be used to provide conditions under which organizational learning can be made effective. Further empirical studies should also focus on environmental aspects that make environmental learning efficient. Since all learning begin by internal processes, I believe that the same learning should be developed around individual concepts of learning in order for the whole process of organizational learning to be complete.

Further, future empirical studies might break down individual process in which organizational learning should be implemented while at the same time investigate on measures that are designed to increased efficiency of learning and effectiveness within organizations. Fundamentally, as discussed by Gherardi et al., it is essential to differentiate between individual needs as a separate entity and organizational needs as a separate entity.


The first option to finding a solution to this problem is by assuming the issue on doctors being added up to three with an assumption that the same requirement will not occur again. Even though the circumstance presented may make this approach feasible. Similarly, another approach can be creating a different table that tracks the existing relationship between doctors and patient which would match up the numerous perspective tables.

Since the system only supports two doctors but with the government initiative, now there are three doctors. The system can be created in such a way one column is adjusted to handle three doctors (Department for Work and Pensions 2015). With this system the hospital is enabled to retain only the amount of required doctors. However, this solution does not seem to provide an original response to the dilemma since in the future if the number of doctors should increase, the number of columns will keep increasing which may be tedious to find retrieve doctor-patient information.

The hospital might need to create a different table in the system that aims at keeping track of relationships that are unique between doctor and patients and these kind of relationship should not be duplicable. Once the relationship is established and the table created, a different group can be created to enable physicians find out who exactly will provide care to the patients, who will conduct the diagnosis process and which doctor will conduct research. A last approach can be an actual fix to the problem by implementing systems of proof for future use. Since we cannot have information stored on relational databases, there is a higher call to creativity in how to add columns and tables to support the system

Dissertation Abstract

The current financial, banking and currency crisis that has existed over the past few decades have caused substantial social, economic, political and organizational damage for countries which have experienced the same. In this proposal, I evaluate the efficiency of early warning signs for economic disasters. In this work, I will search for the early warning signs that could be an indication of significant risks in economies still developing. At the same time, I will provide high level analysis of both traditional and modern literature on the discussion on financial crisis in attempt to develop and extraction of potential warning signs that come early suggested by Kaminsky, (1997).

In addition to the theories developed by other researchers, a test of the candidate indicators will be performed in a different empirical research that shall be reviewed in this development. The outcomes of this research will be mixed while at the same time encouraging future researchers to perform further research along the same lines. The analysis developed in this research will receive an extension to a system of criticism to the early warning signs basing on international institutions. In order to define my dependent variable, I will put together a crisis incidence measure that is non-ending with a perfect combination of employment loss and outcome combining them with a hidden crisis occurrence data base.

Not in similarity to modern researches, I will develop and explicit account of an uncertainty model in a dual-king of step.  First and foremost, for a single indicator, I determine significant prediction horizon with the use of a vector auto regression. Secondly, I will perform an identification of indicators that are most useful with the help of the Bayesian model averaging. The outcomes of this study provide suggestions that private credit, housing prices, credit growth and other global variables are worth monitoring as significant risk indicators which is in line with the study presented by Chui (2002).

Upgraded 4th Grade Math Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan

Decimal addition and subtraction– Students will be presented with numbers to allow them add and subtract figures with place values from tenths to hundredths to thousandths

Integer’s addition– Here, learners will be allowed to use the heterogeneous groups of cereals to make additions and subtraction of both negative and positive integers and should help them visualize how numerical cancel out each other.

Constructing nets of 3 dimensional objects– In this section, students must be able make concrete constructions that should assist in understanding net concepts. Also, being able to pick objects that can easily be spread out flat will be much easier to understand constructions in concrete terms rather than abstract.

Drawing graphs; this lesson will basically introduce students to the concept of graphing. The instructor will provide necessary guidance to students during graph developments while at the same time working with them to develop significant graph questions. A worksheet that is created by the teacher can be used to reinforce the concept of graphing at the end of the activity

Estimating– Students will make estimation of mathematical concepts that are related to cost of purchase and time needed to develop such costs.

More or less– this form of activity will enable students work in pairs to increase understanding of the concept. The teacher will develop a game that further introduces the more or less concept.

Finding diameter, radius and circumference– this particular activity demands that students measure the radius, diameter and circumference of circles. Students will be empowered with the idea of stretching out the circle so that the idea of circumference may be concrete. Learners will make use of classroom desks, chairs and even themselves to understand this concept.

Plotting points on graph– With provision of graph papers, learners will use familiar instruments to make points on graph developments. As they develop graphical points, learners will also practice the concept of making other students understand coordinate points.

Reflective analysis

The fundamental approaches of teaching and learning of mathematical procedures receive development from three major psychological perspectives that focus on human learning. Social constructivist perspective makes emphasizes on mathematical learning process to both not only an individual process but a process of social construction. It is evident that in the plan mentioned above, instructors not only ensure that individuals pick up concepts by themselves but equally tries to ensure that students work is group to enhance social learning skills as well. The approach of cognitive science in understanding mathematical aspects has also been developed to emphasize on representation of the basic nature of knowledge (Wood, Cobb & Yackel 1993). Mathematics involves the use of numbers, objects and structures that should enhance mathematical representation and therefore instructors can use different forms of cognitive representation to give account of mathematical procedures. To bring a change to the plan, I will include field activities that can also aim in increasing transfer of mathematical concepts.

For example, in the above plan it is evident that instructors have managed to develop numerous forms of structures to represent mathematical concepts and enhance understanding. The use of classroom desks, students’ themselves, classroom chairs shows signs of exceptional cognitive representation. The aspect of sociocultural approach can be used to enhance mathematical learning as well. This approach majors on the emphasis of effort to present mathematical concepts within activities that are organized by culture (English & Harford 1995). Since education is a socialization process on its own, it is critical for students to involve themselves in social interaction with other students to be able to increase their knowledge. From the plan developed, students have been enabled to work in pairs during certain mathematical lectures and this allows them to share different levels of understanding (Vygotsky 1978).

Nursing Discussion Questions

Older adults are most times reported to be found in special care units and primary care units and this has become increasingly true with the age wave of the present. There is also increased differentiation with the increase in age; that is the older individuals grow, the more differentiated they become in relation to biological functions (Touhy, 2012). A particular group of older adults report proper cognitive function and therefore do not require physical examination compared to a different group of older adults who have increased likelihood of accumulating chronic conditions. Therefore, knowledge of the complexities brought about by old age is relevant to distinguish acute and insidious changes. Fundamental to the care of older adults, knowledge on physiologic aging is the ability to differentiate between aging that is normal and one that is abnormal.

Topic one

During examination, physical investigation of the patient’s physiology is important. A profession will first look at the outside organs of the patient and determine whether the process of aging is normal or abnormal. Obtain general information such as change in eye color, conditions of the patient’s clothing, interaction with the doctor and ultimately reaction to the environment (Touhy, 2012). In normal aging, the skin forms several layers of wrinkles, patients are usually uncomfortable with their environments, the pupils normally get smaller, the skin color tends to be pale, and the ear drum becomes impaired as the patient can only listen to non-disturbing sounds.  To perform further examinations on the patient to distinguish between normal and abnormal aging can be done from special considerations such as looking at the medical history of older adults and the probability of developing diseases during old age, investigating the tone in which the adult uses, observing their patterns of nutrition and above all conduct functional screening to prove whether older patients develop abnormal diseases that hide behind aging. When performing observation, clinicians should be able to involve family and friends during care for older adults in order to sample all other resourceful information from third parties (Touhy, 2012). The most critical issue in older adults is the ability to maintain function and therefore as a clinician physiological functions and activities should be noted even before information is gotten from third party. Sudden changes during investigation should increase clinicians’ worry and call for prompt investigation.

Topic Two

A new patient brought to the primary care unit is a 80 year old man who has exhibited a lot of physical changes though from the physical outlooks is considered to have aged normally. The skin has become thinner, looser and less elastic which almost pale looking nails, the distribution of hair on the scalp is irregular, changes on the body and face can be notices. The patient reports teary eyes and also reports not to have any problems with vision though cannot see very far objects. The hearing I suppose is affected by gradual loss of the hearing sense which is normal, shortness of breath is reported, evident weight loss and shrinking of the body is also seen and third party information complains about loss of appetite. The process of care planning should further include more diagnosis of psychological and motor function and analysis of other translated problems. The process of further investigation is necessary in order to determine other hidden complexities in the patient (Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing 2012). However, treatment plans should include improved focus on nutritional status of the patient because nutrition and feeding the body is the core of every treatment plan. Bodily functions become interfered with if nutritional plans are interfered with.

Financial world today

Global finances have always rotated from and within banking institutions with are the major avenues in which money can be brewed. Around the world stock in relation to present economic and banking statistics, markets around banking institution have fallen. Banking institutions have seen a global melt down and this has been reflected in the universal financial meltdown. Basing from the publication developed by Dezember Ryan for The Wall Street journal in a discussion to show how Blackstone Gains from Banks, the author reveals the financial crisis and its pain of the present.

This article discusses how both private and public banks have succumbed to a meltdown brought by previous freedom of regulation. In the present, it is evident how it is cumbersome to own a banking institution because of the unstable trends in the banking system. Banks have shifted focus from entities that are less regulated to firms that offer equitable services and most customers doubt how the same banks are able to manage risks. A common problem experienced in the present is the global financial crisis that could only be avoided by banking institutions yet present economic models has become inconsiderate, non-influential and not vocal.

The global financial situation has become even more problematic because of the concerns and viewpoints developed by economists. This article basically provides an overview of how Blackstone-a private company has managed to squeeze profits from both public and private banks and how the situation is leading to a global financial crisis. It is evident in the present that the world is going through severe forms of financial crisis and the banking systems plus the developed policies might not be able to solve the problems. Developing countries are experiencing inflation as exchange rates, stock market prices increase thus reducing their financial performance.

Response to American History Questions

Abraham Lincoln Philosophy on slavery

Before Civil war, Lincoln aired most of his thoughts against slavery. He said before the civil war that slavery was unjust but he was not very sure of what to do to end slavery. He first supported the notion that slaves should be first released and freed and later encouraged to leave outside the United States. In a nutshell, Lincoln was naturally anti-slavery.

Robert Lee’s feelings on slavery

Lee saw slavery as property that he himself owned as well as the labor provided by slaves. In his views, we cannot say that Lee was not worse than any executive who lived at that time; he was basically reflecting the values of the community in which he was living in. His view on slavery was not better than anyone else. Lee felt he owned the slaves and thought slaves should be captive to work for them in their estates making the profitable.

Mississippi impact on slavery

The Delta was popularly referred to the poorest area and state in Ancient day America. Very many slaves were transported to work in the cotton industry which made the industry extremely profitable and the Mississippi region begun to gain popularity (Ferris 2009). In a nutshell, Delta cotton industry had major economic and financial impact in the area with the help of slaves.

Jefferson and Alexander feelings on slavery

Alexander Stevens vehemently supported slavery and vowed to stay committed to preserving the union of slaves. Stephens redoubled his efforts against anyone who was not in support of slavery and pronounced his stand in supporting the institution of slavery encouraging others to meet and discuss how to preserve slave unions (Morgan 2017). While Stevens was a great supporter of slavery and had the personality to sustain slavery, Jefferson Davis also believed in the importance of the institution of slavery but unfortunately did not have the personality to sustain slave unions and slavery at large. Because of the lack of personality to sustain slavery, Jefferson opposed Davis decision to sustain slavery with an aim of asking unions to meet and agree on independence of slaves.

PLUMBING: WATER TREATMENT for tiny house for homeless

To begin with, the project will design a system of collecting rain water as a fundamental process in water collection used in general hygiene processes. A gravity fed gutter pump system is installed in order to move water faster into storage tanks in the house. A smaller pump is the designed and installed to push water through a four stage processed filtration into a pressurized pump at the top of the roof. The tank at the roof feeds from a hot and heated tank that is solar enabled while pipes from both hot and water tanks meet at the mixer and connects to the sink, toilet and bathroom. As a fundamental process in water treatment, the filtration process purifies rain water by removing organic contaminants, impurities and later disinfects the water.

Additionally, the filtration system will be enabled with the process of chlorination which improves scents while at the same time reducing Pathogens. This project will use a bucket composing toilet so that there is no evidence of black water or sewage water. This project will cover grey water. For water treatment purposes, this project will be able to drain grey water into conventional septic systems. For treatment, this process relieves residents from the hassle of developing a separate system for treatment. Additionally, for treatment of grey water, there is a possibility of using a fish pond or a reed bed to create a high multi-stage filtration process that removes all impurities from the grey water that exits the house.

Since the sane water after treatment should be returned into where it is needed, the project tiny house will be designed for a permanent parking spot. To add onto the above mentioned processes of filtration, a greater water treatment process of grey water is in the use of buckets that are filled with gravels and placed facing down a slope. This method does not need any permanent changes to the environment because of its flexibility. The French drain system is equally effective. This system shall be enabled to help disperse water into a wider area in order to supply water to a larger area within the environment that may probably need extra water. This method will be accompanied by a disintegrated system of perforated seeps that permit slow drainage of water over a defined period of time. Typically, this project will dig a single ditch; lay out a holed drained pipe similar to the length of the ditch then fills with lots of gravels depending on the depth.

As water travels through the gravels, the French drain will perform high level filtering of grey water through many of its branches. Since the project takes place in an urban environment, the tiny house system will equally be fitted with a water tank that collects grey water in it then the collected water is later transported to a different location for dumping if it cannot be purified. In this case, the tank is built in as the best bet for a specific purpose of dumping grey water. To avoid frequent dumping, this project will be fitted with the largest tank of all tanks but fitted in a way that the weight can be easily handled when full. For high level treatment procedures, the project comes with an advice of using only biodegradable cleaning products so that it becomes easy for the water to be channeled back to the landscape and not harm environmental creatures.

Statement of purpose for Master in Software Engineering

With each year that passes, I develop increasing passion in finding solutions to problems. This passion led me into finding the field of computer science and extremely rewarding. With high level of interest, I have always strived to increase my understanding on the knowledge of things around me which would enable me develop bigger and better ideas. My desire to pursue software engineering was developed from my fascination of understanding how different software works on different sets of platforms. I also found it interesting to learn the different languages used in programming and how software engineering comes in. I have always had keen interest in working with a large company as a software developer.

My main aim is to pursue a master in software engineering particularly in computer science and learn a programming language that would suit me. I have just completed my bachelor degree in software engineering and I believe that the skills I gained during this course are vital to move to a master in the same. While studying for the degree, I had the privilege of volunteering a local Bureau which allowed me to train children. I also participated in a number of events especially in sports as I engaged children in physical activity. A greater reward that I got from volunteering was the coaching qualifications that I think I needed to take my degree to a higher level and to boost my CV as well. Volunteering enabled me develop high communication and interpersonal skills as I enjoyed learning and teaching at the same time. Volunteering brought me into a world of hobby that I never knew I would find passion in. recently, I have been making good progress in creating programs that are Java enabled and this has confirmed my dream of being a software developer.

The success in completion of this project is what inspires me to go on and learn more complex coding languages to add to my knowledge on program and this is the reason why I have chosen to pursue a master in computer science. I really enjoy the numerous challenges that opportunities in this field as well as the knowledge brings and most of my friends wonder how I manage to stay focused. Most people always asked me how I managed to stay organized in the presence of numerous activities. The skills I developed in software engineering propelled me into the system of staying organized as we were expected to work in teams. I have also participated in a wide range of national campaigns where we were expected to raise a certain amount of money to meet health needs of marginalized communities. We walked through jungles over the night, crossed national boundaries and rivers just to make the campaigns a success.

This whole experience confirmed my determination and adaptation to any environment which are the basic qualities looked for in successful individuals. I have a feeling that my level of commitment and motivation to computer science course has been demonstrated by my decision to finish up a complete degree program on software engineering. Overall, I have shown high sense of willingness to achieve not only educational goals but equally life goals. With high level punctuality and organizational tendencies, I have developed a good reputation from everyone around me especially from the organizations I volunteered for. I believe that all these activities are needed for me accomplish a master in software engineering because when working as a programmer in a company I will need to develop organizational and punctuality, good communication skills within a team while at the same time developing high quality software programs.

Leadership in educational institutions

In as much as leadership is about leading, it is also about implementing change as the author realized. While most people make a joke that the only constant thing in business is change, transformation has an intriguing way in which it can affect people and most times often results in resistance and this is well illustrated in the article by Evans. This resistance ranges from fair such as passive aggressive behavior or avoidance to hostility, sabotage and defiance that are outright which might jeopardize the performance of the business. This book in a nutshell seeks to uncover the potential reasons prior to resistance to change and finding the best ways to avoid resistance to transformation in an organization.

Prior to implementing organizational change that will affect others within the organization, it is of high significance that managers have careful thoughts through who the transformation will impact, what are the specific changes to include, how these changes will impact the organization as well as how the staff will react to the suggested change. The last thought of managers learning how their employees might react to change is summarized as understanding the reasons why people could resist change. Having knowledge of this information would make it easier for managers to make a plan for action that will bring the organization to a smooth implementation of the needed transformation. This book develops realistic focus on the expectations that employees have with regard to reform pace and how leaders perform. In this book authentic leadership is pointed as the means of administering organizations from five main strategies of clarity and focus, being, participating without paralysis, confrontation and recognition.