Summary of Virtual currencies

New forms of technologies are coming up in support of the advances in network computing and encryption and these technologies have impacted not only how we do things but the global economy as well with inclusion of the exchange of goods and services. A significant development in the field of technology has been evident in the emergence of a virtual currency. A virtual currency is a scheme owned by the private sector system in most cases and is designed to enable peer to peer exchange and bypassing traditional clearing houses (Ali, Barrdear, Clews and Southgate 2014a).

The technology used in virtual currencies is evolving rapidly and the future of their evolution is a landscape that could be difficult to tell. Virtual currencies provide us with numerous potential benefits which include increased efficiency and greater speed in making transfers and payment both locally and internationally and would ultimately bring the work to a promotion of financial inclusion in currency transfers. However, everything that has a benefit could possibly have a risk. The risk in using a virtual currency lies in the use of vehicles for money laundering, fraud, task evasion and terrorist financing (Moore and Christin 2013). While these risks seem less likely to occur, it is clear that the use of a Virtual currency has numerous potential benefits that outweigh its risks. This essay is set to provide a personal take on the relevance of virtual currencies maintaining the beneficial side of a Virtual currency with reference to the new Bitcoin currency.

Bitcoin Currency

Bitcoin is described as a cryptocurrency. In simple terms a cryptocurrency means an electronic system of payments. The Bitcoin system of payment was invested by a group of unidentified programmers using the name Satoshi Nakamoto. They introduced the Bitcoin currency in 2008 October as open source software. The Bitcoin system of payment was set as a peer to peer system that enables transfer of currency between users in a direct manner but without an intermediary. Unlike other forms of currencies, the Bitcoin system is under the control of no one but electronic functioning that makes it easy to send and receive payments directly. Bitcoins are not in a printed form unlike euros and dollars. This currency is developed by people and businessmen who operate computers and technology systems universally using software able to solve mathematical challenges.

What makes this currency different from the normal currencies?

Bitcoin is an interesting development and I think what makes it useful and interesting lies in its ability to make payments electronically. That is, using Bitcoin currency makes it easy to purchase goods and services electronically. In this sense, the Bitcoin currency is like a conventional euro or dollar which is traded using digital platforms. The most significant characteristic and the most outstanding factor that makes it different from normal currencies is the lack of decentralization. There is no institution that controls virtual currencies network. The lack of decentralization and the absence of a controlling institution put people at ease since there is no need to queue up in a bank to get money.

How is using the Bitcoin currency beneficial?

The Bitcoin currency is printed by no one. This means therefore that there is no physical printing for Bitcoin like it is done in central banks. The system of Bitcoin currency makes its own rules, prints unaccountable money to its population but unlike central banks the more Virtual currencies produced the less the national debt and devaluation of currency (Meiklejohn, Pomarole, Jordan, Levchenko, McCoy, Voelker, and Savage 2013). By a community of people, the Bitcoin currency is created in a way that everyone can be part of its mining and distribution network. This network is responsible for creating transaction processes and other modes of payment while using the currency.

With the lack of a decentralized system, lack of a control system and the lack of accountability within the system, what are the benefits of using a virtual currency/ Bitcoin currency?

  1. Fast

When making payment using normal banking systems and using a paycheck, it is common to fin the bank holding on to that money for days because of the lack of trust that the funds are really available. This is similar to other international wire transfers that take relatively longer time before maturing. Who would not prefer a system that is faster than usual banking systems? I think a majority of the public would opt for a virtual system because it is faster than usual. Transactions in a virtual system are instant and do not need confirmation details to have your money (Ali, Barrdear, Clews and Southgate 2014b). In the Bitcoin system, confirmation and the whole process of transfer would take about 10 minutes which is super-fast that any faster banking transaction.

  1. It is cheap

When dealing directly from a community, your transactions would be cheap apart from being instant. However, I just like any other conventional systems that are characterized by middle men take longer time, I think a middle man would take longer to make your transaction a success and in the event there is an added amount for transaction, the middle man will take care of it making the fee minimal every time. For this reason I believe the virtual network system is relevant because of the need to save on extra costs used in depositing and withdrawing finances.

  1. The system makes your financial information private as you want it

Very many times, I have found myself not wanting people to know what I have purchased and I believe there are so many people like me outside there. Bitcoin gives the relevance of privacy as it keeps every of your transaction private. On one side of the transaction, Bitcoin is transparent but this is one sided because third parties know where the money comes from and not where it is sent. On the other side, unlike it is done in conventional banks, the Bitcoin system makes everything within your account private.

Compared to traditional banking systems, the virtual currency systems are of much relevance because you own it. Taking for instance Paypal, if the management of the company views that your account is being misused, they have all the power to freeze your account and all your assets without any consultation. As an individual you are left with the decision to find whatever means you can to have the case cleared and get your funds back. However, with Bitcoin and any other virtual currency, you have every private and public detail on your Bitcoin address and not institution can take that away unless you personally lose it.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Response to project Questions

The principles:

Principle of institutional legitimacy

Yes, the cloud storage technology will be well received by the company because of the ability to store more documents at ease and ensure fast retrieval in the future.

Principle of public responsibility

Losing significant business documents and information is a huge risk. With the new cloud storage technology, the organization will save itself from the risks of losing essential documents making the benefit of this technology greater than its risk.

Principle of managerial discretion

Is my work and behaviour ethical and socially responsible?

My behavior is evidently socially and ethically responsible because the new cloud storage technology would benefit not only the business but employees as well. Although this project will cost higher amounts of resources, I am sure there will be full accountability of where resources have been channeled.

The processes:

Environmental assessment

Because every project presently should meet sustainability standards, I believe I have the right questions that needed to be addressed. Our team ensured that before implementation, we designed effective management techniques that will make energy use low and reducing the number of dangerous emissions into the atmosphere.

Stakeholder management

Have I asked the right questions of the right people?

In every business, before introducing a new concept or technology, the whole procedure must first be approved by the right stakeholders. In every implementation process, I made sure that every step was approved before getting to a final decision. Together with the stakeholders with the help of questions, we have managed to discuss the project in detail and included each employee’s concern to the new changes.

Issues management

Every project manager or team leader must identify projects drawbacks before implementation. In identifying the drawbacks in a project, it is advisable to design a risk management plan which enables you to create a framework that would help you deal with the risks. For me, I had created a high level risk management plan that would not only help me in mitigating project drawbacks but also present me with the chance to correct and overcome the risks (Klassen & Vereecke 2012)

The outcomes:

Social Impacts

Many companies are adopting the new cloud storage technique for the purpose of safe storage and easy future retrieval. This software means no further storage of documents in hard copies but soft copied which are not easy to lose and can be stored for longer terms without forging, getting lost, or getting burnt in the event of fire. Therefore, this software has proven to be highly beneficial to the business.

Social programs

Before implementing the new software, our team has done its best to ensure the new technology meets all the required legislation and law compliances to avoid problems with the law.

Social policies

Knowledge is not best when it helps you alone. Knowledge is beneficial when it creates a difference in your life and the life of others. With this belief, I have always developed a culture of using my knowledge to an extent where it can benefit those around me. For this reason, I always help people to have an increased understanding of we do and who we are in order to have a positive repute as indicated by Parmigiani et al (2011)

the role of strategic human resource management in creating a sustainable competitive advantage


In the present, many organizations have come to an increasing awareness of the significance of developing strategic human resource functions for performance of the firm and competitive strategies. This kind of aware in a firm is a critical dimension in increasing performance in an organization. Borrowing from real life experiences, there is a difference between becoming modern and sophisticated in a business and the ability to sustain the organization’s effectiveness and growth if the company has no other strategies that will increase its competitive advantage. The theme on business competitiveness has been recurring and therefore researchers have investigated the role of strategic human resource management in sustaining a firm’s competitive advantage especially in adoption of generic strategies. this paper will also look at the role of human resource management in developing a sustainable competitive advantage.

Borrowing from the research performed by Armstrong and Baron (1), individuals and their collective abilities, skills and experiences together with deploying their interests in the employing organizations have been recognized to make important contribution in the success of an organization while constitution a major resource in competitive advantage. This brings us to the main role of strategic human resource management which is bringing strategic value of individuals’ into the organization while at the same time making them contribute to the business competitive advantage. This role stems from relying on human resource as the fundamental employee by the organization.

Strategic human resource management in its effectiveness conducts a systematic organization of individuals in order to directly measure their influence on the organization, affect employee attitude in a positive way thus leading to a competitive strategy. Werbel and DeMarie (250), strategic human resource management has a role of creating procedures that directly affects the building of skills, abilities and knowledge of employees in the organization in order to develop a unique and valued organizational competency. Since strategic human resource management has become the new paradigm in modern human resource practices, it is critical to define high level responsibilities for coordination that will influence other production factors and spur business performance.

Similarly, a different role of strategic human resource in the enhancement of organizational performance from employees added value and increase in competitive advantage. For increased business performance, strategic human resource management plays a critical role in aligning the company’s external context to the internal context wand this function directly increased on the company’s economic value and the value of shareholders. Strategic human resource management has invested in development of generic strategies which Porter has defined as the overall cost leadership, a focused approach in business competition and differentiation.            The generic strategies defined help a particular business to strategically position itself amidst high industrial competition and gain an utmost competitive advantage over the rest of the business. Strategic human resource management while using generic strategies must critically decide how the firm will be competitively positioned in the market (Porter 1). Quality enhancement, cost reduction and innovations are the generic strategies that human resource management uses strategically to create business competitive advantage. Strategic human resource management makes use of employee skill, knowledge and abilities to develop high level innovations have employees design products and services on quality while at the same time aiding in cost reduction.


The conditions of competition are on the increase and it is important for human resource management department to develop and sustain a competitive advantage in order to increase it’s exponentially. It is evident that an effective human resource strategy must know how to structure organizational resources and match the same resources with the ever rising industrial competition. It is basic for the human resource department to understand the complementary processes both internally and externally to support its pursuit for success in the chosen strategy.

Reflective Learning Journal

Both authors look at the concept of human security in their literatures with suggestions quantifying the lack of authentic human security through a negative indicator of human insecurity. The problem in both articles has been identified in relation to the basic human survival difficulties that both refuges and those living in foreign lands have to face when in search for security. While seeking for security and basic survival, these authors point to the fact that foreigners seek survival on foreign hand-outs for basic survival but these hand-outs are non-dignifying and unsustainable. I think, if the basic needs of a community are dependent on international agencies for aid then they would be going against human security principles just as noted in Chimni’s and Loescher articles. Such communities do not lay grounds for long term developments and so they compromise on the psycho-social criteria of community participation and identity.

There is also a significant relationship between the two articles with a discussion on governance. I also think that refugees and asylums are as a result of bad governance. Bad governance is the cause of all domestic problems and it is bad governance that places heavy burdens on the international society to safeguard asylums and refugees. But when these refugees flee to a different country, whose responsibility is it to provide for the added population into the host country? This is a similar question addressed by both authors which I believe is essential in making us understand where provisions for refugees and asylums come from. There is no continent that is immune to the problem of asylums and refugees with more international organizations such as UNHCR feeling the strain of providing to refugees, who will now stand up to support refugees and immigrants? This is equally another significant question addressed by these authors.

In Loescher’s view visionary and immigration policies could help curb and reduce the movement of immigrants or result in easing of asylums or even result in a balance of the current pressure in asylums. I think their view on visionary policing and immigration could be a positive switch to look into areas where there are human trafficking, linkages and human smuggling and not only immigration and asylum pressures. I think what we should be working at or working towards at this time is the revitalization of the obsolete convention administration that would preserve its centrality but reinforces it with more staunch policies. Refugee and immigration law is dynamic and not static and therefore it should contain a body of principles that can be adjusted in the event of international challenges.

The international organizations such as UNHCR strategies to promoting such a development should first rest on the understanding that refugee protection is the most significant while meeting the needs of threatened and vulnerable communities comes second. Meeting the needs of refugees and immigrants should be addressed within an approach that competing interests of third parties will not affect directly the status quo of refugees. Ultimately, the refugee protection agencies and all international agencies in charge of protecting immigrants and refugees as well as those living in asylums should design a regime that balances appropriately all the interests, rights and expectations of host communities with the guest communities. UNHCR regards these approaches are legal, moral and a mandatory responsibility that foster independence in communities.

Environmental Fog in China

Presently, pollution is becoming a common term for the tuning of our ears. In the news we hear about the many forms of pollution reading about the dangers of pollution all over mass media as well. Air pollution is one such stronger form that identifies with the contamination of water bodies, air and other outdoor and indoor activities irrespective of its effects. The result of this pollution is a biological, chemical and physical alteration of atmospheric changes. China has been recently referred to the home of smog and haze after the country and its citizens have suffered episodes of the same in the past 5 years. In the smog and haze of China the lack of cold air coupled with slow moving air masses that carry with them industrial emission collect airborne pollutants forming a thick layer of haze and smog all over China region. One of the worst effects of the bouts of pollution in China is cutting clear visibility and causing a major disruption in daily activities and transportation (AQICN 2016). Because of too much smog and haze, schools were closer as well as highways and airports. This development will take an in depth look at what caused previous smog and haze in China and the negative effects of the same on Chinese people and the country at large.

What caused haze and smog in China

  1. Burning fossil fuels- In China presently and in the past, there are many activities that revolve around burning fossil fuels like petroleum, coal among other fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels coupled with combustion from factories were the major causes of the smog and haze in China. The pollution coming from burning fossil fuels, gas emissions from cars, jeeps, airplanes and trucks caused immense amount of smog and haze in the atmosphere (International Business Times 2016). In China, most residents rely on them in fulfillment of their basic needs and transportation but what is killing the Chinese people has been the overuse of these necessities that cause dangerous gas emissions into the atmosphere. The Carbon monoxide which is a cause of incomplete or improper combustion is what propelled dangerous gases into the air causing disruption of day to day activities.
  2. Agricultural activities- China is a big country full of agriculturalists who survive on in-house farming to meet their basic life needs. However, the use of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides became quite a lot in China’s farming activities which contributed also to emission of harmful chemicals into the air.
  3. Exhaust from industries and factories- In China, there were specific areas that were much affected because of the over representation of industries and factories in these areas. In Eastern China where Smog and haze were the order of the day during winter, this area was evidently filled with industries and factories. These factories released large amounts of hydrocarbons, organic compounds, carbon monoxide and dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere thus depleting the quality of air. During winter, lower temperatures increased the amount of smog in the air as a result of temperature inversions. Warm air would settle on top causing denser, cooler, smog-ridden air to trap temperatures at the bottom.

What were the effects of smog and haze?

The air in all over China was reported to have a strange taste of smoky, astringent and with a taste of earthy bitterness. China citizens could possibly feel dust like particles on the tongues. With the increasing amount of air pollution, China residents began complaining of health symptoms like headache and coughing. The effects of smog and haze were alarming because of the increasing reports of heart related conditions and respiratory problems that caused threat to the body (Shaghai Daily 2016). Millions of China citizens died as a result of direct or indirect consequences of smog and haze.

Movement was impossible because of the conditions on the road. For this reason, schools were closed as children were unable to find clear access to schools (Hansen et al., 2013). The government later ordered children to stay indoors and the country at large to reduce outdoor activities as much as they could. Children hospital outpatient sites increased their operations with up to 33 percent with parents having their children die from pneumonia, bronchitis and other significant infections that result from air pollution.

Environmentally, haze and smog increased the dangers of the country having acid rain because of the harmful presence of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides that were released in the atmosphere during the process of burning fossil fuels (Lu et al 2010). When it would rain, the water droplets combined with the air pollutants causing the rain to become acidic and when it falls on the ground it caused greater damage to animals, crops and humans living within the boundaries of China.

China has evidently had its share in the effects of air pollution and could probably be one of the major contributors to global warming because of the many instances of air pollution in the country. With this analysis, it seems that the future of China with reference to air pollution will not be an appealing one.

A study on construction waste


This developed is developed primarily for two reasons; increasing diversion of surplus from landfill and providing consistent guidance on the concept of waste management in the construction industry. The objectives of this study will be developed after a thorough investigation on the concept of waste management in the construction industry.


The construction industry has continued to grow and its growth is evident in modern building constructions, road constructions and other social constructions that provide essential and efficient infrastructure to the public. With its nature of growth, the construction industry is responsible for one of the largest though single waste streams in the state. The construction industry is also one of the leading contributors towards development universally because of the physical activities of utilities, service and commerce it revolves around. The industry in itself generates high level employment opportunities thus injection large sums of money into the universal economy (Agung 2009).

Despite the large and beautiful contributions made by construction industry, the activities within the industry have been associated with the dangerous effects of global warming, environmental degradation and pollution (Jones & Greenwood 2009). Unsustainable use and construction waste generation in the depletion of natural resources used for construction have been linked to the adverse effects on the environment. This proposal shall explore worldwide contractors’ perspective with regard to waste management and sustainable resource in the application of a specific and well-structured framework of management. For this reason, this proposal shall look at the ‘Site Waste Management Plan’ as a framework that has been successfully adopted by Europe in the reduction of onsite waste generation during construction. In conclusion, this proposal will make future recommendation for the exact strategy of ‘Site Waste Management Plan’ in reduction of adverse effects on the environment.

Sustainable development and waste management

During the latter half of the twentieth century, increasing calls for action on civil, political, scientific and society association were on the rise particularly to raise concern on the negative outcomes of human activities on the environment. Looking at Malaysia’s construction industry, the country has developed concern for solid waste management in construction because of the poor handling practices and management within the construction industry that in turn affects the public as well as the surrounding environment (United Nations Development Program 2008; National Economic Advisory Council 2010). With the numerous efforts aimed at clearing environmental concerns of construction wastes and its dangerous effects on the environment, governments particularly the Malaysian government has developed efforts and strategies that will protect the larger environment. However, it seems that the existing strategies and techniques being used presently by the Malaysian government are not strong enough to change the current status of construction and waste management.

The Status of Waste management

In a study conducted by Nasir et al., (1998), he revealed that about 28% of public solid waste comes from construction and industrial wastes. Begun et al., (2009) later revealed that building materials are the most responsible for the negative kind of destruction on the environment. The same research by Begun comes in support and the raise of awareness that the rates of construction waste mismanagement will continue to rise in future generations putting a new form of pressure on the already existing overstretch of waste management infrastructure worldwide.

The Site Waste Management Plans

The site management waste plan is a kind of framework that enabled project managers and contractors to record and forecast on a particular type of waste management technique that is set to assist in reducing the amount of waste that should be sent to a landfill (WRAP 2007). This technique according to Defra (2009) is exceptional because it improves on material resource efficiency through implementation of effective use, recycling and recovery of building materials. This technique has gained popularity in a number of developed countries such as the UK, Australia and the USA because of its functioning as a proper tool that minimizes adverse outcomes not only within the construction industry but in the general economy as well. In a research conducted by BRE (2009), most countries use this framework as voluntary. Typically, this technique requires a project manager to provide the rest of the employees with fundamental information on the value, scale and type of project in order to identify an individual who is in charge with particular stages of waste management.


The SWMP does not have to necessarily wait for project managers to keep an eye on who is performing what activity.  All employees in the construction industry can play an observation role with concerns of reducing negative surplus impacts of construction materials. Contractors should also support a legislation that makes SWMP compulsory to ensure success of projects allowing them to perfectly deal with waste management more responsibility.


The construction industry without doubt contributes a significant percentage of benefits to national and universal economies. However, the numerous benefits that come with modern construction, waste management remains a poor implementation in the industry. SWMP framework of effective waste management has proven to be a useful framework for determining waste management and sustainable resource in construction thus bringing the public to a vast financial, environment and social benefits.

User Experience

User experience in IT management can be defined as the extent to which a product, service or system can be used by particular users to accomplish specific goals with efficiency, satisfaction and effectiveness in a particular context (Arhippainen 2009).

One of the challenges faced by users when using a large non-disretory artifact is in the scheduling. The concept that underlies this is simple because the person scheduling the time for show manages to identify the participants and the time they are able to make it to the meeting. When conducting system checks, it is hard to find a time convenient to every viewer and so some viewers may come late and thus because of the enormous crowd they could be unable to view information from a far (Arhippainen 2009). A direct beneficiary in this is the convener and therefore the rest of the group must have to run with convener’s calendar.

Secondly, consider the voice annotation during viewing which at times has to be adjusted many times before the larger audience gets to listen to the information being communicated. For digitized speaker, there can be a technical hitch causing low or very high volumes for the audience. When the volume is low the audience is unable to get what is being communicated and if the artifact contains pictures that are followed by information, the audience will leave the meeting having seen pictures alone with not information to support what they have seen. Unfortunately, uncontrolled digitized speakers could cause problems for listeners because at times they burden listeners.

When viewing large artifacts, developers need to take into consideration the central human needs and values. The designed artifact should be created in a way to support emotional aspects of its audience as well as product use. When viewing large artifacts, it is very common to find the audience complaining of not having the display of information fulfilling their emotional needs. For instance, when wishing to display information about a recent terror activity from a large artifact, it is necessary that the design team investigate on what will be emotionally accepted by the audience and what will not be in support of its audience emotions. For recent product developments, managers and developers ensure a particular user experience is a set target for the whole process to make viewing of the large artifact easier and less complicated. The focus of the design should be on the object yes but to some extent, designers should also focus on the emotions of the audiences.

A higher challenge in viewing a large artifact is hidden in moral responsibility. As audiences interact with these artifacts, our decision making is affected because of the moral lessons and morality gathered from these portraits. These artifacts are designed in a way to make persuasion easier and to stimulate the cognitive processes; attitudes and actions of human and at the end discourage, encourage or inhibit morality. For instance, most large artifacts prioritize immoral information and this could interfere with the user experience. Portraits and designs that promote nudity, pornographic materials may make a certain percentage of the crowd uncomfortable and might not be able to satisfy their experiences.

Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the kind of skills in which one acquires and later transfers them into future employments. After having a close look at the topic on transferable skills, I conducted a self-assessment to enable me identify the kind of transferable skills that I might possess (Pulliam 2001). From the great list, I have been able to spot out organizational, communication and interpersonal skills. I have been aware of my exceptions relationship skills, ability to cultivate helping behavior, ability to resolve conflicts and be a perfect team player.

Organizational abilities within me revolve around being able to meet deadlines, carrying out multiple assignment, planning, and proper management of time while at the same time being able to set and attain SMART goals. I believe in honesty being the perfect policy that has to be earned. I believe in maintenance of a healthy balance between work and life with a strict belief in family being of fundamental importance. A basic core valued that I have always developed is the belief in one God and belonging to a religious institution as well as being a good steward of properties and practicing prudence.

Conducting a self-assessment is geared towards developing a formal but structured way of getting knows what an individual really wants. Conducting an inventory on an individual skills and abilities is helpful especially when one is trying to find and ideal working environment (Pulliam 2005). Choosing a career I belief calls for knowing one’s likes and dislikes in order to create and experience that is out of this world. Conducting an inventory allows one to develop a clear understanding of his strengths, skills, personality and valued while at the same time gathering essential knowledge of choosing an essential career.

Boston Massacre for American History

John Adams took a position of defending the soldiers and according to him the soldiers could not be judged as guilty. John Adams thought that since the soldiers were attacked, they too had the right to fight back. He described the soldiers as one who fought for a fair justice system, they had to competently defend the justice systems by fighting back and therefore Adams later referred to them as patriots (York 2010). However much he knew that defending the British soldiers would be dangerous, his exact motivations for defending them could not be known. He strongly believed that the men should be entitled to a fair trial.

Thomas Preston was a British captain who most at times was responsible for calling in reinforcements for the British Soldiers. His major influence was seen in his fight during the revolutionary war where he was accused for ordering soldiers to fire and attack the crowd. He took defense of the soldiers by directing most activities of the soldiers’ wand also giving them weapons to support themselves (York 2010). Just like John Adams defended the soldiers, Thomas Preston also supported British soldiers activities proving their innocence even though he was on trial. He was a patriot who agreed to be in charge of the British army and in control of its activities.

I believe Adams motivations for supporting the British soldiers cannot be known. However, I think he strongly brought out the point that British soldiers indeed needed to defend themselves. Since the crowd initiated the fight, British soldiers were just right to act in their defense (York 2010). He was also successful in arguing that Preston did not give orders to fight the crowd and that his soldiers were simply provoked by the crowd and their actions were in relation to self-defense. He wanted a just society and not a society that is quick to perform judgments without looking at both parties and their flaws.

Self Identity

As a student, record keeping is important because it enables me consider my education route since I have graduated from paper notes taking, and graduated to college where students are allowed to make notes on paper books. As a master degree student, I will love to keep records of note taking practices since masters studies does not necessarily require one to write on paper. I will keep these note taking records so that when looking back in my education times, I will understand where I have come from.

I think I need to keep such records because of its safety and easy retrieval in the future. In as much as the world is becoming global and computerized, the same computers might crash and, therefore, it becomes easy to lose information. Therefore, keeping handwritten records enable easy retrieval when the computer crashes. These records can be kept as long as they can serve the process of retrieval (Faulkhead, Evans, & Morgan, 2005). However, paper records cannot be kept for such a long time because, if not stored properly, paper combines with atmospheric air and react changing color and handwritings as well, and so there is a need for backing up paper records as well. However, just for student purposes, paper records can be kept for a maximum of four years which is the duration of a specified course with reference to future retrieval and for learning purposes.

As a method of record keeping, I think about the coming generation too because in the near future, paper records and manuscripts will not be used. Everything will be stored in digital records and, therefore, the obligation to keep the said records for future generations. Printed academic photos can be kept to show how technological changes occurred (Evans, 2014). Since there are many people with computers out there and backing up the same information, I believe I am obligated to do more   backups, and my major responsibility is to use multiple formats and conventional storage types. I remember one time, I had my final undergraduate college essays printed and backed up in my computer, but then I lost all of them when my computer crashed, and since I had done away with the paper noted I had to find a way to retrieve them. In the future things will be different as technology will demand everything to be stored in electronic formats and thus the need to keep handwritten records.

I feel that I am compelled to function in paper storage activities as a major role with the future generation in mind. After reading Evidence of me, I realized that most individuals have resorted to using electronic supporting documents and in turn forgot about papers. With actual paper, losing documents becomes more deliberate and this made me think about the diaries I wrote while I was still a child but deliberately destroyed them in my teenage years. As a Chinese citizen I want to believe that with the ever changing technology, handwritten documents should be kept as a way to remember our old cultures. Technology of the coming days will have people using touch screen computers, computers that accept command and people will no longer remember how to use pen and paper.

Most times I wish that I had kept them not only because of looking back and seeing how much they could be of importance, but also looking back and seeing the evidence of how I reasoned as a child and the memories of particular events (McKemmish,1996). I believe museums, photographers, students, instructors and even film makers would benefit from these kinds of records. After reading McKemmish’s article, the author also makes considerations of electronic documents and discusses how archivists have developed ways of becoming involved at the beginning with each record, and also provides a discussion of how archivists can use personal papers to turn them into an archives collection for future generations to see.