The Mechanisms of Hearing

The hearing process has evolved for a period of time to give us critical sensory data which is vital in our day to day lives. Just like other sensory organs, the ear has been charged with the responsibility of gathering information from an individual’s surrounding and translating the gathered data into a manner that the brain can comprehend. With the help of the sound waves, the hearing process is initiated. The sound waves are the vital aspects that cause vibration in the air. The brain later interprets these vibrations in the air in three classes; gathering the vibrations, translating these vibrating in the form of mechanical energy and ultimately transmit each of this vibration into an electrical impulse which can be interpreted by the brain as a sound. Just as this process is divided into three, the ear can also be classified into three evident anatomical classes with their roles and responsibilities;

The inner ear

The inner ear plays a major role of sound interpretation from the cochlea which is a coiled chamber that has fluid. This coiled chamber has an oval window that segregates the inner ear from the middle ear. When the bone in the middle ear knocks the oval window sound is carried to the perilymph. With the movement of the perilymph, information is relayed to the brain to the auditory nerve and further interpreted as sound.

Middle ear

Attached to the three small bones of malleus, stapes and incus is the tympanic membrane. The three bones increase another sequence of strikes on the oval window which propels sound to the outer ear.

Outer ear

Through the external auditory canal and to the tympanic membrane which is the ear drum, sound waves are transferred with the help of the auricle. It is in the outer ear and in this process that the sound vibrations and transformed to mechanical energy.

All the above mentioned steps are vital in the hearing process. This is because the damage or the defect or the relationship failure of these structures could cause one to lose his sense of hearing.

JavaScript on Web design

From the 1980’s vision of using face video to communicate, it has taken about 20 years for this particular mainstream to become broad and this is evident in the abundant internet mainstream and the heavy use of JavaScript enabled devices. Devices are enabled with JavaScript framework and flash that enable communicators write anything to their recipients. The same JavaScript framework abstracts the APIs of every mobile environment while exposing a neat version of JavaScript API to control both sender and receiver devices.

Simply put, this week’s lessons elevated my knowledge on design patterns. A design pattern in the use of JavaScript is a kind of reusable solution for specific software services that focuses on a particular type of problem that developed frequently when developing software’s. The three types of design patterns increase understanding of the most important software that is used in large applications that control systems of structural patterns.

These forms of communication enabled in design systems can be found in learning how systems work. For instance, when using web developers such as opera, Mozilla and the webkit, these structural designs have been enabled in such as a way that enables the user to learn how to implement conditional elements while at the same time being presented with a simplified interface for user abilities.

JavaScript is a system that is simplified, effective and versatile languages used in extending functionality in websites. JavaScript is designed to execute plans from the client side and this is considered a major advantage the use of relatively easy language in JavaScript makes it even much more advantageous and faster enabling faster procedures for the end user.  However, the JavaScript is disadvantageous as well because of its settings that can be used to manipulate the user’s system thus giving rise to security issues. Inconsistency is equally high in using JavaScript because of the different terms of functionality and interface thus a thousand users of are enraged on a daily basis.

Product and Service Innovation in Coca Cola

Products from Coca Cola Company have over time experience tremendous success ever since the beginning of the product. Everyday walking across streets, people are seen holding soda bottles on their hands and evidently from Coca cola Company. One successful factor that has ensured success of Coca Cola Company products has been often linked to more investments in relation to money, time and resources (Cooper 1999). Customer satisfaction is a different success factor that has been developed by the Company. Once the customer is satisfied, there is increase in demand of the product and ultimately increase in sales and overall success of the company. For customer satisfaction, there must be prior conduction of field trials, market test and customer to know the tastes and preferences of the customer. Coca Cola Company has used unique customer benefits to gain higher product advantage against its competitors and thus exceptional success of Coca Cola Company products (Cooper 1999).

The Ben-Gay Aspirin has been named the biggest product that did not guarantee market success. Having a big name does not necessarily guarantee success especially if customer perceptions about other related products are negative. Customers could not find confidence in a product that initially they though were related to a burning sensation. Even though the product was designed for pain relief, customers could not get a taste of what made them develop a burning sensation. The fatal mistake that Ben-Gay did was to attach a negative recognized brand name with something that was differently out of character. The company did not find out the requirements, specification and relevant needs of the customer and thus failed to position the product effectively in the marketed. It can also be said that probably also failed to have accountable, dedicated, cross functional teams with strong leaders who are perfectly committed to the success of the product (Cooper 1999).


End of life care

End of life care and issues have become complicated at the mention of elderly patients. Especially with the emergence of hospice programs and palliative care units, a majority of elderly patients do not die as they wish to in their homes but instead taken to palliative care programs. The reason for this trend is hidden in the quality of life when a patient has an illness that can no longer be cured. The hospice and other palliative care programs are designed to support the dying process in a way that is compassionate.

This has become a growing trend in the nursing industry because of the need to utilize physical therapy very frequently in the hospice. The hospice is designed to assure the patient of physical safety, ability to extend his life and maximize on the quality of comfort in his last days while receiving emotional, physical and spiritual support at the end of his life. In as much as the hospital institution has designed a way of making the end of life process easier and comfortable, it is essential that nurses support their clients and support their desires to die in particular way (Erickson 2013).

As a nurse dealing with a patient in the end of life unit, I will ensure I treat my patients with compassion. Compassion in this sense involves communicating the methods of patient care clearly and sensitively, listening to the demands and wishes of my clients, identifying and meeting my clients’ communication needs and acknowledging the pain and stress with immediate care action. Before making any treatment decision, as a nurse I would involve other people especially on the side of the patient in decision making about care and respect for how they wish to end their life. As a nurse would keep the patient’s family updated in case of a change in the patient’s situation while looking out for support from colleagues and friends.

Innovation thinking Response

Like it is said, creative thinking is the art of designing solutions to challenges by force of reasoning and imagination. Living in a dynamic world of the present, the challenges presented to man are not static and these calls for being creative and therefore the activities of the mind must go through deep thinking approaches that are creative.

Hagel and Singer’s ‘unbundling the corporation’ bring us to an understanding of how business that faces the changes of time must seek to clarify the nature of business they are in. Many managers will go through painful decisions but innovation in entrepreneurship demands them to realign their businesses. ‘Block by blockbuster innovation by Kanter designs a systematic approach that managers can use to generate all levels and kinds of innovation. Even when a company has the technology to come up with a new innovation, blockbuster products do not just spring from work or life without making any changes within resource allocation, looking at risks and uncertainties and the whole process of doing business.

Design is now becoming a central part in production and business. How do companies think of design centricity? This is the question by Jon Kolko in his ‘Design thinking comes of age’. A great innovator needs to incorporate incredible designing into creative innovations and ideas to perfect his final product. Roger Martin on the other hand cautions business people not to get blinded by numbers. In the new challenge in business schools, he is keen in teaching managers how to look beyond statistics and instead use factors like trust and empathy when making vital business solutions. The media has led business people into thinking that they can achieve success and innovation without paying the full price but the truth is most business that have this mentality end up in failure because they opt for a normal and safer life while trying to reach their maximum as discussed by Barry Shaw.

All these authors give us a direction on how to achieve and apply creativity and innovation but I would say there is no universal recipe for innovation but every business situation has a different approach according to its interest, area of specialization and the type of teams they have. I would say and suggest that creativity should revolve around these questions;

  • What should I improve or change on my product is I am to use in in five years?
  • What would happen if I change my system, products or the social relationship with my clients?
  • How will I go about a million dollar investment improvement?

These questions would help bring a perfect innovation and creativity.