Being an ethical leader

Reflect on what it means to you to be an ethical leader, particularly in a complex global environment.

• In approximately 200-300 words, provide some initial thoughts about the role and importance of ethics in leadership, including the difficulty of identifying the characteristics of an ethical leader in a challenging global environment composed of varying cultural dimensions. Reflect on what it means to you to be an ethical leader, particularly in a complex global environment.

• In approximately 200-300 words, provide some initial thoughts about the role and importance of ethics in leadership, including the difficulty of identifying the characteristics of an ethical leader in a challenging global environment composed of varying cultural dimensions.

Ethical leader

As the number of countries that are viable players in the global marketplace continues to rise, an inevitable clash of cultural norms and standards has occurred. What is acceptable—even praised—in one country may be very offensive in another.
Those conducting international business have realised the importance of becoming familiar with the cultures of those with whom they will associate. It becomes more problematic when the behaviours that differ are based on ethical standards and beliefs.

In the Michaelson (2010) article in this week’s Learning Resources, the author recalls asking a group of business executives from major U.S.-based multinationals ‘whether a change in the economic balance of power [from developed to emerging markets] might portend a change in ethical influence’.

You are required to evaluate the changing dynamics of global business. You will also critically assess the process of establishing ethical standards to avoid corruption and support corporate social responsibility when doing business in emerging markets.

To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
• Read the Michaelson article in this week’s Learning Resources.
• Consider the changing dynamics of global business.
• Supplement your observations with some original secondary-sourced references drawn from the Academic writings or other reliable sources.

In approximately 1,000 words, complete the following:

• Evaluate the changing dynamics of global business from developed to developing nations. Consider the impact changes have had on ethical standards.

• Critically assess the process of establishing ethical standards to avoid corruption and support corporate social responsibility when doing business in emerging markets.

• Provide a properly formatted references list.

In formulating your analyses, consider the following questions:
• ‘When moral business conduct standards conflict across borders, whose standards should prevail?’ (Michaelson, 2010): how would you respond if this question was posed to you?

• If you were a leader in an organisation that operates both in developed and emerging markets, how could you create and maintain personal and organisational standards of business practice that are both ethical and moral?

Unit 5 Application 1: Behavioral Modeling

In this Application, use the WestEast College case to create a behavioral model that depicts the system’s interactions with the students. Using one use case as your basis, perform the following steps:

Create a sequence diagram.
Create a communication diagram.
Create a behavioral state machine diagram.
Perform a CRUD analysis.
Justify the choices you made in your behavioral model.
Briefly explain the relationship between your behavioral model and your structural and functional models you created in the last unit.
Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.
A behavioral model diagrams what activities occur within the system. Contrast this to the functional model, which depicts the activities that occur from the user’s point of view—the external perspective. With behavioral modeling, you capture the internal perspective—how activities occur from the system’s point of view.

Behavioral models comprise communication diagrams and sequence diagrams. These diagrams show the messages that objects send and receive and the order of those messages. Behavioral models also include state machine diagrams, which indicate what happens to each of the objects in the system once those messages, or interactions, occur.

Report on US stock market IPOs

Details of the coursework are mentioned in the file attached. the topics to link are the time value of money, Net Present Value, Profitability Index, Internal rate of return, incremental rate of return, incremental cash flows, sensitivity analysis, break-even analysis, real options, capital asset pricing model, Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), financial leverage, M&M capital structure model, trade-off model of capital structure, long term debt financing, operating leases and finance leases, lease vs buy options, IPO, IPO underpricing, effects of IPO underpricing, IPO process, long term performance of IPOs, difference between US and UK IPOs, rights offering, seasoned equity offering and basics of M&As wherever possible. I have chosen Calyxt 2017 and Dropbox as the 2 companies but please feel free to change if you like.

Unit VII-Organizational Theory and Behavior

Throughout this course, you worked toward a course project by creating and sharing information with your colleagues and creating plans to help your organization. Your supervisor has been so impressed with your work that she has asked you to create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies.

Your plan will include the following items:

an introduction that includes a description of your organization(coca cola) ,
tips for goal setting and what you see as the leader’s role in helping employees reach their performance goals,
ways to apply the Five Cs,
strategies for effective communication,
approaches to create or improve team rewards,
tips for minimizing conflict, and
tips for overcoming resistance to change.
Your plan must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Feel free to be creative with your plan. You may also use ideas from previous units but do not copy and paste previous assignments to create this plan. You are required to use at least two outside sources, and one may be your course textbook. All outside sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

Leadership Case Studies

There are three separate case studies.

Case 6-12 Progressive Disciplinary Approach. It has various Situations
(1-7). Each situation has an issue and questions which must be answered on how to handle the employee using a disciplinary approach.

Case 6-43. A Gantt Chart must be created. It suggests to use Microsoft Project to create the chart. Use the info provided to compete the chart.

Case 6-50. Read the setup and answer the question completely.

Each case should be separate and not combined on one essay.There are three separate case studies.

Case 6-12 Progressive Disciplinary Approach. It has various Situations
(1-7). Each situation has an issue and questions which must be answered on how to handle the employee using a disciplinary approach.

Case 6-43. A Gantt Chart must be created. It suggests to use Microsoft Project to create the chart. Use the info provided to compete the chart.

Case 6-50. Read the setup and answer the question completely.

Each case should be separate and not combined on one essay.

Mom’s reentering workforce and thriving as entrepreneurs

No writing style required. I need something very simple with statistics and facts for specific demographics: mom’s reentering workforce and being entrepreneurs. Please cite for statistics.

No writing style required. I need something very simple with statistics and facts for specific demographics: mom’s reentering workforce and being entrepreneurs. Please cite for statistics.

No writing style required. I need something very simple with statistics and facts for specific demographics: mom’s reentering workforce and being entrepreneurs. Please cite for statistics.

No writing style required. I need something very simple with statistics and facts for specific demographics: mom’s reentering workforce and being entrepreneurs. Please cite for statistics.

Assignment on reflection on the dissertation already prepared (Order ID 9052389222) and (Writer ID 53346)

Please write an assignment on Student’s Reflection on his own dissertation (Order ID 9052389222) already prepared by (Writer ID 53346) on your site.
In this reflection, please discuss and analyse key decisions you have made during your dissertation journey – from the development of the research proposal to its final submission about four key problems; ethics, subjectivity, bias and redundancy, that could compromise the quality of your dissertation.Please write an assignment on Student’s Reflection on his own dissertation (Order ID 9052389222) already prepared by (Writer ID 53346) on your site.
In this reflection, please discuss and analyse key decisions you have made during your dissertation journey – from the development of the research proposal to its final submission about four key problems; ethics, subjectivity, bias and redundancy, that could compromise the quality of your dissertation.


1. Essay Question and Instruction (See QMT 2019 PMA Questions and Answering PMA guidelines)
2. The report must include an appropriate structure with headings
3. Please include a cover page, title, headings and tables of content
4. Total word limit is around 2750 to 3000
5. Please review and cite around 3 to 5 journal articles wherever appropriate.
6. Citations and references are recommended to be in Harvard Style
7. An introduction at the beginning, shows a good grasp of the question, presents the objectives, and provides a clear outline of the scope of the report and a conclusion and recommendations at the end.
8. Constructive critical analysis is important in this paper
9. Please use actual examples to support
10. Diagrams and charts can be included in the paper

Sport Biomechanics and Injury

This entails a portfolio (learning diary) in which i need to include a written work reflective of my intake from each activity 1-8 and indicative of my engagement in tasks related to that activity. All tasks should be accompanied with graphs and diagrams where necessary.

For Activity 1-4 this will be factual and may lend towards answers to the tasks, activities 5-8 will be more application and reflection based on the content from the tasks. This would be between 250-300 words per activity that would sum up to 2000-2400 words in total.
In this portfolio you need to demonstrate a sound knowledge of biomechanics as a foundation for the understanding the mechanism of injury. You should also reflect a systematic understanding of issues related to sports injury prevention, management and rehabilitation in light of the sport biomechanics principles.

All Activities 1-8 should be included in assignment 1. You may find that your work on Activity 1-4 is very factual and is a presentation of the tasks that you have studied as part of this side of the module. The second section 5-8 is more application with opinion based discussions and critique, therefore you may feel that a 300 paragraph about the content of the tasks and literature you have read gives you a better structure to the work.