For this essay we are looking at influence and time. With any author or work of your choice, analyze the influence of ‘real life’ of the times on the author’s work(s). How does the author’s time of life, the time and place they live in, the political culture of the time and place, affect the work itself. What do you see reflected in the writing of the time and place in which it was written and the author’s life and the author’s personal experiences.

For this essay we are looking at influence and time. With any author or work of your choice, analyze the influence of ‘real life’ of the times on the author’s work(s). How does the author’s time of life, the time and place they live in, the political culture of the time and place, affect the work itself. What do you see reflected in the writing of the time and place in which it was written and the author’s life and the author’s personal experiences.

MLA format, at least 1500 words, at least 3 sources.

The sources will need to be at least one of the author’s works. You will most likely also need to look up the author and some history of the time and place in which they lived.

PDVSA- A contingent liability to the state

Case study: “PDVSA – A contingent liability to the state”

What is a contingent liability?
Why did PDVSA default?
How did the government step in (investor treatment of the debt)?
How did the credit rating of PDVSA and Venezuela evolve over time?

Feel free to use graphs / tables / charts to summarize your findings. This should be presented in Powerpoint and should not exceed 10 slides, so please take some time following your research to think about how you would like to present the content.

Avoid overpopulating a slide with content (one message = one slide)
Less is more (too much text is cumbersome to look at)
Stay true to the natural flow of a slide (always from left to right)
Formatting! (ensure that all the content / graphs / notes / etc. are aligned properly. Messy formatting is distracting to the audience)
Shave the fat (information that is not relevant to the main message of the slide should not be present)
Source everything (ensure that your sources are reliable and/or up-to-date)

Medicinal Cannabis Project

Due date Week 7 submit online, 10.00 pm Thursday April 11th 2019
Weighting 40%
Type Report; Individual
Length 2,500-3,000 words
Submission Online via Blackboard by 10.00 pm Thursday April 11th 2019
Requirements New Zealand legislators are about to make the sale and supply of cannabis
for medicinal purposes legal. See:
Imagine you are the country marketing manager for the New Zealand
business of GSK (GlaxoSmithKline). Companies such as this are known as
“Big Pharma” because they have billions invested in the development of
ethical pharmaceuticals and have strong interest in holding on to their
market share. The advent of medicinal cannabis is expected to disrupt the
current market in New Zealand for pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors
and primarily used for chronic pain management, drugs available to people
via the pharmacy or used in hospitals to manage long-term pain conditions.
You are very worried about the development of medicinal cannabis because
your business is heavily invested in continuing to sell expensive, researchintensive pharmaceuticals via distribution channels that are closely
monitored and controlled. Currently your company is not planning to enter
the medicinal cannabis market. You think this might be a mistake but do not
have any marketing data to convince the CEO otherwise.
You have noticed that even though the medicinal cannabis market is very
new, it seems to be highly disorganised with few identifiable (and legal)
channels for chronic pain sufferers to obtain products.
ƒ You think you might be able to create a new business model based
on your company sharing some of it’s resources with others (e.g.
other emerging businesses) to help develop the market in a
sustainable, organised, safe and ethical way.
ƒ You also believe that the end consumer (e.g. the chronic pain
patient) deserves better value from Big Pharma via new channels
(i.e. non-traditional) to access pain relief drugs, including medicinal

(1) Using any relevant ideas from Kumaraswamy, A., Garud, R., & Ansari, S.
(2018) article “Perspectives on Disruptive Innovations” Journal of
Management Studies 55:7, and the course materials about developing
segments including buyer personas (Weeks 2, 3 and 4) and other relevant
articles you find, create a report that describes a new business model and
that contains and addresses the following:
ƒ A title page listing your project title, name, student ID
ƒ What is the business model idea?
ƒ Who is the target segment for you and your emerging business
partners? Describe the segment/s you have identified with
marketing research, as well as using a consumer profile.
ƒ What is the specific unique selling proposition for your new
segment and for your potential new channel partners?
ƒ What kind of campaign/s would you use to reach either of your new
ƒ At the close of your report, include one or two paragraphs with
your brief analysis of the changing social and ethical environment in
New Zealand that opens the way for medicinal cannabis to be part
of a new pain relief market. What are some of the systems, norms,
values, beliefs and behaviours that are changing?
learning goals
1. Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address
complex problems
2. Be knowledgeable in a specialist area(s)
3. Be adept at working in changing local and global contexts and
4. Be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large
5. Be able to work collaboratively
6. Be effective communicators
Paper learning
2. Apply processes for segmenting marketing amongst organisaitons,
consumers and shoppers for marketing, advertising, retailing and
sales contexts.
4. Examine and apply opportunities within an omnichannel
environment for contemporary segmentation.

Persuasive Essay, (English in Primary school)

You are to write a 1500-word persuasive essay addressing the following:
What is the most relevant reading model* for addressing 21st century literacy demands? Illustrate your response with examples of classroom practices consistent with this reading model.
You only need to argue for ONE model in your essay.
I have attached the assigment outline, and a sample essay for reference. i have also attached the four models studies in this course, (one should be discussed only in the essay).
In this essay there should be referenced to study material from the course, (podcasts and e-texts/ books), I tried to upload them but it seems like there is a limit to the number of files that can be shared. please contact me before starting in order for me to send you all the materials, which should be refenced in addition to other scholarly refences.

The Honduras “Caravan”

The fact that the first of these caravans were able to move from Honduras into Guatemala and then into Mexico is inspiring other migrants to travel in large groups, reversing the long-established logic of Central American migration to the United States: Rather than trying to travel undetected, some migrants are trading invisibility for safety in numbers.

Kirk Semple and Elisabeth Malkin for the New York Times, 31 October 2018

Conservative commentators have described the caravan as an invading hord, an invasion and “a full-scale invasion by a hostile force. According to closed
captioning transcripts, the word invasion was used in relation to the caravan more than 60 times on Fox News in October 2018 and more than 75 times on Fox Business. President Trump told supporters that there were criminals and unknown middle easterners in the caravan despite the lack of any evidence for this charge. Likewise, Vice President Pence in an interview with Fox News stated: “ What the president of Honduras told me is that the caravan was organized by leftist organizations, political activists within Honduras, and he said it was being funded by outside groups, and even from Venezuela … So the American people, I think, see through this—they understand this is not a spontaneous caravan of vulnerable

Assignment Tasks: With reference to a diverse range of relevant course material (4
articles and 4 concepts at a minimum) write a paper that critically examines the issues surrounding the recent “Honduras Caravan” in the US based on the attached materials. In your analysis, be sure to integrate and apply relevant themes and concepts that we have examined in the 2 nd half of our course. Optimal Length of Paper:
7-8 pgs.



Related articles:

I have provided the relevant course material down below, you do not have to use all but use at least 4 relevant course materials and at least 3 or 4 of the news articles provided here in the instructions. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER MATERIALS BESIDES THE ONES PROVIDED.

what’s the biggest barrier to success in college??

PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS!!! So the file that i uploaded does not answer the question what’s the biggest barrier to success in college?? Also its my shitty draft. the Book we’re gonna work on is by Linda F. Nathan ” When Grit Isn’t ENough”. Can you just ged rid of dont need things and add yours on the file that I uploaded and please don’t use any fancy professional words just because i’m an ESL student. A lot of my paragraphs from file does not answer the question, so can you stick to the question and don’t plagiarize please thank you. The source can you just source the book itself thank you

Clinical documentation

Best practices for clinical documentation improvement in an outpatient settings.
Instructor Comments:

Baba, Please see the comments in both documents, and revise your work with comments from both. In the resubmission, you did not utilize my edits and feedback fully. The paper needs to be in APA style, and the citations need to be APA format. Also, when you paraphrase or cite you need to show that in the paper. You can show the reference for the citation in the paper — follow how to do this in APA style guide. I think you should visit the Odegaard Writing Center for assistance on this writing credit assignment. When you are ready to resubmit, please send the final paper to me at my email address

In Module 3:Toxicology, we investigated the effectof Cu2+on Daphnia magna. The first experiment was designed for you, and allowed you to calculate the 48-hr LC50value from aggregated class data.Note: There was excess mortality in the controls of the 72-hr exposure, so only 48-hr LC50values need to be calculated.Thisvalues can be used to assessthe relative toxicityof Cu. The second set of experimentswas designed by your group, and allowed you to investigate the effect of Cu on a sub lethal endpoint-heart rate.

In Module 3:Toxicology, we investigated the effectof Cu2+on Daphnia magna. The first experiment was designed for you, and allowed you to calculate the 48-hr LC50value from aggregated class data.Note: There was excess mortality in the controls of the 72-hr exposure, so only 48-hr LC50values need to be calculated.Thisvalues can be used to assessthe relative toxicityof Cu. The second set of experimentswas designed by your group, and allowed you to investigate the effect of Cu on a sub lethal endpoint-heart rate. Your task for this assessment is to write a lab report that communicates the results of your findings for both experiments. The laboratory report introduces the research, provides a description of the results obtained, and ties back your findings with known results from other scientific studies. If you are having trouble knowing where to begin, try reading some of the referenced papers that were provided to you in the outline and lecture. As you are writing a lab report primarily on toxicology, it would be best to familiarize yourself with this field before diving in and starting

research proposal, the programme is under operational research. the research proposal should focus on decision making under uncertainty (ambiguity) and learning (which can reduce ambiguity, better combine with AI such as deep learning, reinforcement learning) in individual financing and behavioural area.

research proposal, the programme is under operational research.
the research proposal should focus on decision making under uncertainty (ambiguity) and learning (which can reduce ambiguity, better combine with AI such as deep learning, reinforcement learning) in individual financing and behavioural area.

should be in format of formal research proposal:
1. motivation and the research gap this proposal fill
2.literature review
3.objective /research question
4.specific ways of modelling and solution approaches. Modelling should be operational optimization mathematics model, and no need to collect extra data, only use the “survey of consumer finance” conducted be federal reserve board

Example references:
1.Health Cost Risk: A Potential Solution to the Annuity Puzzle, The Economic Journal, 2017, with Theo Nijman and Bas Werker.

2.Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Ambiguity Aversion and Learning, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Economics, 2018.

3.Ambiguity Aversion and Household Portfolio Choice Puzzles: Empirical Evidence, Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, with Steve Dimmock, Roy Kouwenberg, and Olivia Mitchell.

Legal Problem – Contract Law

Molly owns a beautiful hinterland property on the Gold Coast which she has named ‘The Sanctuary’. In her old age, she is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the property and the huge grounds. She has recently learnt that her estranged sister’s twin children, Pam and Pete, will be commencing university studies on the Gold Coast and will need a place to live. She decided to ring Pam, with whom she shared a special
bond as she had cared for her right up to her teenage years, before a family misunderstanding caused her and her sister, the twins’ mother, to grow apart for a considerable number of years.

Below is what transpired during her telephone conversation with Pam:
Pam: Hello, Aunt Molly, it’s been a while! So good to hear from you! And yes, Pete and I will be coming to live on the Gold Coast. Thanks so much for inviting us to live with you. I hear you have a gorgeous property – can’t wait! We are happy to pay you $100 per week each, as suggested.
Molly: I’m so glad we have re-connected. I’m really excited for you and Pete about your university studies. My house is much too big for me now and even with you two here, there will still be plenty of space. I hear that Pete runs a lawnmowing business and I do have acres to mow! See you both in a fortnight!
Pam and Pete arrived at The Sanctuary and all went well in the first five months of shared living. They made their weekly payments of $100 each on time. Several times, without Molly asking, Pete would mow the property, a job for which Molly would normally pay her gardener $300 each time to mow on a regular basis. Pete also kept
his gardening business going on a part-time basis, charging Molly’s neighbours commercial rates for lawn-mowing at a rate similar to what Molly’s gardener would charge.
Pete, being entrepreneurial, advised Molly to start a bed-and-breakfast business as The Sanctuary would be perfect for it. Pam, too, encouraged her aunt to do so.
However, discussions turned sour and there was an irretrievable breakdown in their relationship. Eventually, Molly asked them to leave her property, giving them 48 hours’ notice.

Advise Pam and Pete