Capstone Paper on Water Quality Issues in Flint, Michigan in the context of Emergency Management

This is a capstone project for a Master’s Level Emergency Management Course (think FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, natural disasters, technological disasters, and man-made disasters. The capstone is the final product and is based on the water contamination issues in Flint, Michigan. I have attached my initial proposal and progress report to assist. The proposal includes all elements that should be included in the final project.
All primary references must be peer-reviewed and should not be hard copies of books.This is a capstone project for a Master’s Level Emergency Management Course (think FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, natural disasters, technological disasters, and man-made disasters. The capstone is the final product and is based on the water contamination issues in Flint, Michigan. I have attached my initial proposal and progress report to assist. The proposal includes all elements that should be included in the final project.
All primary references must be peer-reviewed and should not be hard copies of books.

“ Evolving into Offline Retail” case study analysis

The case analysis assignment is on case study “ Evolving into Offline Retail” by Won-Yong Oh. The case analysis assignment is to measure the analytical thinking and the communication related to writing skills. The assignment will be evaluated by the Critical Thinking Rubric (see attached ) The assignment should be 10 pages in APA format, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font and with a 1” margin. Please include include at least 6 references (one being the case), with in text citations. . I will submit the assignment
through Blackboard and it will be checked by SafeAssign for Plagiarism. Any references or facts not cited will be counted as plagiarism.

Cortesi, G. (2016). Mastering Real Estate Principles (7th ed). La Crosse, WI: Dearborn Real Estate Education. eText Jean and Jude own a townhome that was purchased for $165,000 on 6/30/2007. Current property values in the area have not substantially recovered to their pre-2008 values. They believe that their current mortgage balance exceeds the townhome’s current market value by $30,000.

Cortesi, G. (2016). Mastering Real Estate Principles (7th ed). La Crosse, WI: Dearborn Real Estate Education. eText

Jean and Jude own a townhome that was purchased for $165,000 on 6/30/2007. Current property values in the area have not substantially recovered to their pre-2008 values. They believe that their current mortgage balance exceeds the townhome’s current market value by $30,000.

Their family has grown from 2 to 4 (twins, boy and girl) and as a result they need more living space. The children will be starting school within the next 6 months. They are not pleased with the quality of the current school system. They need more living space and want their children to attend school in a better school district. Jean and Jude have decided to look for a different home. They would like a detached single-family home with at least 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a 2-car garage and a ¼ acre back yard.

After interviewing several Realtors, Jean and Jude have selected you to find them a new home and discuss the options of either selling or renting their current home.

Jean and Jude have asked for you to provide the following. How would you respond?

Explain the three methods used to appraise the value of our townhouse and recommend the most appropriate method to use.
Explain and describe the information included on the TRID form and how it benefits the home buyer?
If we decide to rent out our home, we would like to exclude tenants that have a pet of any kind or for any purpose. What, if any, government regulations will impact this decision?
List the steps in the loan process used to qualify us for a mortgage and explain how our current mortgage balance may impact the qualification decision?
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of selling or renting our townhouse. Assume that we would have to take an early distribution from our individual 401Ks to make the down payment on a new home.
If we stopped making the monthly mortgage and escrow payments, what action(s) would the bank take?
Regarding our townhouse, which course of action would you recommend: selling the townhouse, renting the townhouse, or stopping the mortgage and escrow payments?
This assignment must include properly formatted APA-style citations.

Variable Topic III /Long-Term Care: Mgt Continuum

Variable Topic Assignments: All students are required to choose 3 of the 4 variable topic assignments listed below. You may only complete each assignment one time, as there is no repeating any of the variable topic assignments. Please see the schedule for due dates of each assignment. Also, in addition to the requirements listed below, you must follow all written assignments requirements as noted in the course schedule.

Variable Topic Assignments: All students are required to choose 3 of the 4 variable topic assignments listed below. You may only complete each assignment one time, as there is no repeating any of the variable topic assignments. Please see the schedule for due dates of each assignment. Also, in addition to the requirements listed below, you must follow all written assignments requirements as noted in the course schedule.

Negative Sentences Turned Positive

Assignment: Negative Sentences Turned Positive:

Please take the following ten negative sentences and rewrite them to make them much more positive.

The author stated that these are sentences you should never say to your children. I want the same message or a similar message said in a positive, encouraging way.

Some hints:
Perhaps you need to say what age group of child you would be addressing.
Are you conveying support for your child? Good! Are you giving veiled (passive aggressive) criticism? Don’t!
Are you making martyr statements (statements about “poor me” and “how hard I work” statements beginning with “I” and having complaints in them)? Many parenting textbooks like “I” sentences, but I find that they usually end up being angry complaints directed at the child. For this assignment, I would not use “I” statements.
Please do not use sarcasm. Sarcasm is always interpreted very negatively by children. The angry message we think we hide in clever or funny sarcasm shouts loud and clear to children and hurts them terribly.
No threats, even hidden threats!
Do not ever compare siblings. That produces resentment by children.
Sometimes a sentence is SO negative you cannot use it at all. Please substitute a positive, motivating sentence for any really bad, negative sentence.

Here are the Negative Sentences:

You are to compose and turn in the completely rewritten, positive versions of these. If you think the sentence is just terrible, you should change the content enough to make it a sentence that is positive and encouraging.

“Look at the dirty footprints you put on my clean kitchen floor. You never consider how hard I work.”
“You are the sloppiest person. Just look at your room!”
“If you don’t start doing your share around here, I’m going to cut your allowance.”
“Take the garbage out this minute and no back talk, young man.”
“Now, do you think that was a nice thing to say about your friend? You should learn to treat your friends the way you want to be treated.”
“Don’t step off the sidewalk. You’ll get hit by a car.”
“Why are you doing this to me, hard as I work?”
“Why can’t you try as hard in school as your sister does?”
“You knew you had to get up early, but you were so smart and stayed up until midnight.”
“If you continue in the same manner, you’ll never amount to anything.”

Space X

Section I: This serves as an introduction to the Research Paper. Provide an overview of the research design of the paper. Introduce the various topics that will be addressed in the research paper. Identify the method(s) that will be used to collect the data for the topics and how that data will be evaluated.
Section II: There will be a brief discussion of the firm to include its principle goods and services, market share, geographic locations where it operates, and major competitors.
Section III: Evaluate and discuss whether the firm could benefit by using Activity Based Costing (ABC). The discussion should include what factor(s) influenced your decision, the ramifications of implementing ABC in the international business environment, and how you would structure the distribution of costs using ABC for your firm.
Section IV: Evaluate and discuss whether the firm could benefit by using standard costs. The discussion should include what factor(s) influenced your decision, the ramifications of costs, quantity, and variances, and the ramifications of using standard costs in the international business environment.
Section V: Evaluate and discuss how the firm could benefit by analyzing future projects in terms relevant costs. This discussion should include the firm’s future plans, such as expansion, consolidation, and downsizing and how relevant costs could be used in the decision making.
Section VI: Summary and conclusion(s). The discussion should provide a brief summary of the previous sections, and the conclusions you have reached.

Evaluation section

Purpose of evaluation of client: – and tools used Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) 10 PRE-TEST 9 BEFORE INTERVENTION and Post Test, odservation, and self report from client.

Rationale: Describe why you choose this method and the instruments. 5 pts.

Evidence base: Discuss the evidence base here. Be sure to cite references and list on reference list 5 pts.Purpose of evaluation of client: – and tools used Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) 10 PRE-TEST 9 BEFORE INTERVENTION and Post Test, odservation, and self report from client.

Rationale: Describe why you choose this method and the instruments. 5 pts.

Evidence base: Discuss the evidence base here. Be sure to cite references and list on reference list 5 pts.

Criminal Law

Discuss the following proposition: “Wrongdoers who cannot tell right from wrong are
exactly the sorts of people we should punish. Matters are entirely different if a person
causes harm without knowing the nature of his or her actions. Such a person lacks
mens rea and should be acquitted.”

This is my summative paper in Criminal Law. It requires two fundamental things: that one takes a position in the argument, and that descriptive passages be avoided. Doing one or the other will incur in penalties.

I will be attaching the marking criteria, and several baseline resources that can be cited. I will be indicating ten sources in the section below. This is indicative. A range of 8-12 is perfectly acceptable.

Please also see the following links

Law Commission:
Criminal Liability: Insanity and Automatism. A Discussion Paper (July 2013).
• On the question on whether an insanity defence is needed at all see pp. 29-38 of the previous
entry, the Law Commission Discussion Paper.
• There is a useful short version of the Law Commission’s proposals for law reform: Law
Commission: Insanity and Automatism Discussion Paper: Summary for Non-Specialists (July 2013),

Food and Mental Health

5 page APA style paper
Minimum of 5 scientific references
Headings include: Problem/Health issue, Demographics/Statistics of target population, Intervention description, and Conclusion.5 page APA style paper
Minimum of 5 scientific references
Headings include: Problem/Health issue, Demographics/Statistics of target population, Intervention description, and Conclusion.5 page APA style paper
Minimum of 5 scientific references
Headings include: Problem/Health issue, Demographics/Statistics of target population, Intervention description, and Conclusion.5 page APA style paper
Minimum of 5 scientific references
Headings include: Problem/Health issue, Demographics/Statistics of target population, Intervention description, and Conclusion.5 page APA style paper
Minimum of 5 scientific references
Headings include: Problem/Health issue, Demographics/Statistics of target population, Intervention description, and Conclusion.

International Relations Theory and Practice

Do not go past 1500 words please
You should state the issues you are concerned with in the introduction, develop your hypothesis and arguments in the main part and the concluding parts should provide answers to the questions raised in the introduction.

Topic: Explain the role of sovereignty in the international system.
Apply different theoretical views to this issue and offer your own opinion. Could sovereignty be restricted? If so, explain how and when? Did sovereignty change over the time?

Explain different theories and their approaches with empirical examples to strengthen your own argument.

Key criteria:
Quality of Answer and Argument;
Quality and appropriateness of evidence
Fulfilment of key tasks
Research and referencing (use of relevant sources; engagement with literature from the reading list; integration and application of research in the argument)
Structure and Presentation
-Schuett, Robert, and Peter M. R. Stirk (eds.). The Concept of the State in International Relations: Philosophy, Sovereignty, and Cosmopolitanism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press .
– Strange, Susan (1996) The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) ‘Theoretical Foundation’,
Chapters 3 and 4 in M. F. Imber, & T. Salmon (Eds.) (2008) Issues in International Relations, 2nd Edition, Routledge.
Chapter 5 in Heywood (2011) Global Politics, Palgrave.
Krasner, Stephen D. (1999) Sovereignty: organized hypocrisy. Princeton University Press.
Krasner, Stephen D. “Sharing sovereignty: New institutions for collapsed and failing states.” International security 29.2 (2004): 85-120.
Jens Bartelson (2006) ‘The Concept of Sovereignty Revisited’, European journal of lnternational Law, vol. 17, no.2.