Explain the benefits and costs of globalisation from the perspective of a specific (named) business.

Part A:
Explain the benefits and costs of globalisation from the perspective of a specific (named) business.
To support your analysis, you should obtain data and information from the published reports and accounts of the business you have chosen.
There are many definitions of ‘globalisation’. You should use the definition of globalisation given in pages 16-18 of the core text for this report, which can also be found in the ‘Important Definitions’ page of Unit 1.

Part B:
The UK’s membership of the EU has attracted many non-EU businesses wishing to enter the EU market through FDI to benefit from ‘insiderisation’. The UK’s decision to leave the EU has made this attractiveness questionable.

With the aid of examples:

Critically analyse the main advantages/disadvantages of the UK as a potential location for non-EU businesses wishing to enter the EU market pre-Brexit, and;
Explain how this situation has changed in light of the UK’s decision to leave the EU.
You should consider the attractiveness of the UK as a bridgehead to the European markets in the context of several different non-European businesses such as, but not limited to, Toyota, Tata, and Pfizer.

Your response should be in the form of a written report of between 1,500 and 2,000 words.

Outline the criminological theory which best reflects various offenders’ viewpoints, as well as any possible shortcomings of your chosen theory.

Choose an example of a criminal event (e.g. break and enter, shoplifting, domestic violence, assault in the CBD, illegal fishing or hunting, drug dealing etc.) for which you can find offenders’ accounts of what motivates their behaviour. From these accounts (confessions, excerpts from academic articles or police interviews, court transcripts, autobiographical material, newspapers, etc.), outline the criminological theory which best reflects various offenders’ viewpoints, as well as any possible shortcomings of your chosen theory.

Be sure to make explicit the specific concepts which resonate with what you find in your literature review (i.e. it is not enough to say, for instance, that Strain Theory holds relevance to your chosen crime. Instead, you would need to match a specific concept within Strain Theory (such as ‘innovation’), to what offenders are or appear to be saying).

You can choose a single specific criminal event (e.g. a particular assault or other crime) or a closely-related set of criminal events (e.g. a series of similar crimes committed by the same people).

The purpose of the essay is to develop the capacity to construct a criminological argument by:

Identifying relevant criminological issues and case studies;
Reviewing the relevant literature;
Analysing data (in this case offender accounts) within appropriate criminological perspectives;
Presenting the argument in a well-structured and lucid form.

Create a visual that shows five of the most important HRM-related issues specific to this employer and rank them in importance to their business success.

Case Assignment


After you have read about Anglogold Ashanti in Chapter 10 of the Bluen book, please respond according to the following:

Create a visual that shows five of the most important HRM-related issues specific to this employer and rank them in importance to their business success. Your visual can be a chart, a table, a drawing, etc., as long as it is in a format that is accepted in TLC.

Then discuss in detail the top issue (#1) and your bottom issue (#5) and explain why you ranked them as you did.

Finally, look up the company/industry in each of the following:

  1. IBISWorld (under library search box on TLC page, click “Additional Library Resources,” then click IBISWorld and search by company or industry).
  2. Company’s website
  3. Two good articles related to HRM at this company (Google search or library search).

Review what you have learned from your research in a-c above, especially as it updates the case information in Bluen’s book.  Also bring in Chapter 3 of the Bluen book to strengthen your submission.

Provide an introduction and a conclusion; cite sources; and include a References page.

Submit your visual to the assignment dropbox as part of your 4- to 5-page paper (not counting the cover and References section) on or before the module due date.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

  • Meets assignment requirements—Answers each assignment question and follows assignment instructions closely.
  • Critical thinking—Alternatives considered, with best answer/solution defended.  Argument is well developed. Logic is clear and easy to follow.
  • Writing and assignment organization—Uses scholarly vocabulary.  Writes in coherent paragraphs.  No errors in spelling or grammar.  Uses clear, engaging style.
  • Use of sources and mechanics—Demonstrates mastery formatting in-text citations and references.  Uses relevant and quality sources to support compelling ideas and convey understanding of the topic to shape the whole work.
  • Timeliness of assignment—Assignment submitted on or before due date.


For this assessment, you will first select an actual business-related legal case that has been decided by a state court, a federal court, or the United States Supreme Court, based on briefly conducting associated research

For this assessment, you will first select an actual business-related legal case that has been decided by a state court, a federal court, or the United States Supreme Court, based on briefly conducting associated research. Based on that, you will then select an organization that you believe would be impacted by that legal case. Having completed both of these tasks, you should assume you’re a senior manager in the organization you selected, and that you were asked to perform an analysis of the legal case and to write an executive briefing for the executive team of that same organization. Your executive briefing should include a summary of the case, as well as an evaluation of how the case impacts the organization.
The purpose of this format is two-fold:
To give you the opportunity to research and investigate a real court decision.
To challenge you to think about the business implications of the case, and specifically how the case will impact an actual organization.
In your case law analysis, you must be able to navigate the court’s decision, and summarize and evaluate it. You may choose any business-related court case, either state or federal, as the basis for your case law executive briefings, as long as the case is applicable to the assessment topic. You are expected to conduct your own independent research to locate and evaluate the applicability of cases. A few appropriate case law websites are recommended for you in the Resources, but you are not limited to using cases from these sites.
For this assessment, use credible legal research databases and online resources, research federal and state court cases, and select any business-related case that has been decided by a state court, a federal court, or the United States Supreme Court. Then select an organization (potentially the organization for which you work) that you believe the selected case might impact. Write an executive briefing that addresses the following:
Articulate the context and relevance of law in a business environment:
Identify the parties who are before the court.
Provide a brief background and context associated with the case. Summarize the facts in no more than 2–3 paragraphs.
Identify the specific disagreement between the parties.
Explain the ruling of the court and its business relevance in no more than 1–2 paragraphs. Was there a dissenting opinion? If so, explain why some of the judges or justices disagreed with the majority in the decision.
Evaluate the business impact of the case:
Summarize your analysis of how the case will impact businesses in general, including both positive and negative impacts.
Indicate the organization you selected as potentially impacted by the case, and why you selected that organization.
Explain how the case will impact the specific organization you selected, such that the executive team will understand the implications of the legal decision.
Based on your executive audience, your executive briefing should be no more than two pages, and should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.

Identify and discuss 2 different Australian welfare reforms that have sought to address the area of need of People experiencing homelessness

Prepare a written assignment in the assigned area of welfare which addresses the following:

    1. Identify and discuss 2 different Australian welfare reforms that have sought to

address the area of need of People experiencing homelessness

  1. Discuss and describe the impact of the welfare ideologies that have influenced these


Word Limit: 750 words plus references

the essay should be supported by references

  • well structured and APA format
  • Introduction and conclusion should be for around 2 lines.
  • discuss one welfare reform and then welfare ideologies to that part then followed by next welfare reform and welfare ideologies that have influenced

Create a financial plan/Statement of Advice (SoA) which will assist Dean and Hamish in achieving their life objectives with emphasis on their insurance and superannuation needs.



Create a financial plan/Statement of Advice (SoA) which will assist Dean and Hamish in achieving their life objectives with emphasis on their insurance and superannuation needs.


You must first collate their information so that you may undertake analysis of the information. This is in tasks A.1 to A.6. You will then need to analyse the information to identify the strengths and weakness of their existing financial position. This is in tasks A.17.

Recommend a realistic solution in detail of how to fund their comfortable retirement using superannuation:

i) Quantify the lump sum requirement they will need based on their retirement income needs and life expectancy.

ii) Project their superannuation to retirement and calculate the retirement shortfall (or surplus) without any changes to the recommendation

iii) Provide a recommendation on how they may contribute more (or less) to superannuation to fulfil their lump sum requirement.

The retirement needs analysis needs to consider their risk profile, recommended asset allocation and effect of the recommendation on their other life priorities.

Reasonable assumptions on life expectancy, investment returns, tax rates and inflation among other things must be made and clearly stated.You must provide calculations in an appendix. These will not be shown to the client so make sure all relevant information is in the SOA.


Discuss and explain the various modes of entry in Selected country market which can be used as a strategy for further expansion.

The German company “Solawerk AG” is the designer and manufacturer of sophisticated solar powered electronic products mainly focussed on the telecommunications industry.

One of its successful products is a miniature mobile phone charger that is solar powered.  This product has been in production for several years and the main customer is a leading German telecommunication group.

While the product is selling well the high production costs in Germany mean that the profit margin is small and the firm’s shareholders have requested that management should investigate ways in which the production costs can be reduced.

The management is also very interested in further expansion to the South Asian Market.

Please Select Country of your choice



  1. Discuss and explain the various modes of entry in Selected country market which can be used as a strategy for further expansion. For at least three of the most attractive modes analyse benefits and possible problems. However, the products are dedicated for the both German market, and for Host country markets.


  1. For the most suitable country design a strategy for Human Resource planning, performance management, training & development and for remuneration. Analyse separately three different groups of employees:


  1. a) Home Country Nationals
  2. b) Host Country Nationals
  3. c) Neither Home nor Host Country nationals


Assume That your company will provide equivalent of AUS$ 500,000 per month at current exchange rate. The estimated values of sales growth are given in the Table 1.



Table 1 Estimated values of sales growth

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
10% 20% 30% 20% 10%


The Initial Investment is 10 000 000 Total costs are assumed to 50 % of revenue in the first year and 50% of revenue for subsequent years. Assume that inflation rate is 5% higher as it is Australia. Calculate NPV

There are many kinds of scientific articles. Research articles report on one particular research project. Communications report very briefly on important work and are typically followed later by full-length research papers

Guidelines for Final Paper 

There are many kinds of scientific articles. Research articles report on one particular research project. Communications report very briefly on important work and are typically followed later by full-length research papers. Review articles cover a body of research done by several (or many) people over a period of time.


The format for your paper should be that of a Review article based on the specific topic that you covered in your presentation, whether this was an article selected from the literature or a presentation of your undergraduate research work. You should make reference to several additional recent articles on the topic in your paper, even though your presentation focused on only one paper (or research project). For examples of Review articles, look at Chemical Reviews or any of a number of publications whose titles begin Current Opinion in …. (e.g., Current Opinion in Chemical Biology).


One approach to writing your paper is to refer to the Introduction and Discussion sections of the article that you presented. These will usually summarize the general topic and provide some additional useful references for you to consult. Below is an outline of the structure that you should use for your paper.


Your paper format

  • a Title Page
  • Introduction: Introduce the research problem. Discuss context and significance. Some background information may be appropriate. Use tables and figures as necessary
  • Methods: Outline methods used to do research on the problem. Be general. Do not specify fine details such as quantities of reagents used in particular experiments. Convey the basic kind of experimental approaches used. (Note: Be sure that you understand the methods for your presentation, because your professors like to ask questions about them during your talks)
  • Discussion: Summarize the important results and conclusions from the body of research. Interpret significance. Critique where appropriate. Use tables and figures where necessary. Especially if you are explaining data that is presented in the paper.
  • a Reference section


Your first draft paper should be 6-10 pages long, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, with standard margins (1 inch top, bottom, and sides). This does not include any tables, figures and references, which will increase the length of the paper. You may place figures and tables within the body of text, but the total text length should conform to these guidelines.

Give two specific names for the type of symptom that Sophia says caused her to believe she should attack her sister.


Sophia is a 17-year-old girl being admitted to a psychiatric unit. Originally, the police were called to her home when neighbors heard screaming. When they first arrived, Sophia was docile, while her sister and mother were in tears. The sister had bruises near her throat and reported that Sophia attacked her. On questioning Sophia, according to the police report, the officers reporting noted “unusual comments and behavior,” and with her mother in agreement, the police have brought Sophia in for a psychiatric evaluation. Sophia became aggressive and anxious on removal from the home, but once she arrived at the psychiatric unit, she became more docile again, but tearful. She is cooperating with the intake assessment and complains of a voice that made her assault her sister.

Give two specific names for the type of symptom that Sophia says caused her to believe she should attack her sister.
During the intake interview, Sophia sits back and says angrily, “Well. Finally, you have me here. I hope you’re happy.” When the nurse asks Sophia to explain, Sophia expresses the false belief that everyone—including the psychiatric nurse performing intake assessment—is out to get her. When the nurse gently reminds Sophia that they are perfect strangers, Sophia says, “Oh no. You know me. Don’t deny it. You’ve been spying on me, just like the others.” What sort of thought content descriptor will the nurse use to describe this false belief?
Finally, Sophia complains that it is difficult for her to cope with the fact that “everyone can hear every single stupid thought I have, and I’m sick of it. Why can’t you all just mind your own stupid business!” What sort of thought content descriptor will the nurse use to describe this false belief?
The intake supervisor has been observing the assessment and suggests that Sophia be isolated and watched one-on-one. Sophia is calm, but sad now, and she denies suicide ideation. Is it appropriate to place her on one-to-one observation?
Please respond to two other students’ discussion question.

Critically evaluate the extent to which the company (your client) demonstrates engagement with best practice of corporate governance in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code and current best practice demonstrated/recognised by other companies


You are an independent consultant who advises UK listed companies in respect of corporate governance and risk management issues.

You have been approached by the Chair of the Board of Your Allocated Case Study Company and have been asked to prepare a report for the Board that reviews their current corporate governance practices and risk management approach.  The Chair requires a report that will add value to the company.

Further details are as follows:


They have asked you to write a 3,500 word business report which is clearly defined in two sections. The requirement for Section A is detailed below.

Section A:

Critically evaluate the extent to which the company (your client) demonstrates engagement with best practice of corporate governance in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code and current best practice demonstrated/recognised by other companies.

Your analysis should not be solely restricted to their disclosures in the annual report and should consider any wider factors which are relevant.

Your client is aware that you will not be able to focus on all elements of corporate governance as part of your report so require you to identify and justify the area(s) that you feel are most relevant to your client.



Further to Section A, the Board of Directors and Senior Management are considering opening a retail operation in India (you may assume that all metrics for the new operation will be equivalent to 15% of the current retail operation of your case study company. This makes it a significant venture for your organisation).

Section B:

Conduct and present a risk assessment of the proposed strategy above utilising an appropriate risk assessment process.

Your client will expect the analysis to focus on the identification and justification of a maximum of two key risks. You should then propose and evaluate suitable responses that you would advise the company to put in place to manage the key risk(s) discussed.

It is advised that you utilise appendices to provide supporting information, evidence of risk identification and evidence of the risk assessment process taken.