The Book of Acts

1. Please read the instructions that I have uploaded for this paper.
2. It is very important to follow the rubric while writing this paper. Please make sure to follow the instructions on the rubric.
3. I have uploaded images of the 5 Big things you need to write in this paper. Please read them and use them for this paper. (it should say step 1, step 2, step 3, etc…)
4. Please make sure that you are not just using third person form but also using first person form especially when you come to the (apply) part of the essay. (My professor looks for emotion in the paper so I have to make this paper seem like I learned something from it.)
5. I have uploaded the files that you will need to read and talk about in the paper as well as sourcing them.
6. Make sure that this paper is in Turabian with footnotes.
7. You have to Read Acts 15:1-21 (you need to read this from the Bible because this is the main focus of the paper) refer to the instructions I uploaded for further information! (IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ THE ENTIRE INSTRUCTIONS AS WELL AS FOLLOWING THE RUBRIC!)
8. I have also uploaded the images of the reading you have to do. It is called “Playing with Fire” by Walt Russell. Please make sure to read the images i uploaded. and also make sure to cite it as well.

Listen & Journal – “Angel” (story), by Darryl McDaniels; “Angel” (song), by Sarah MacLaughlin – NO separate


a song, and spoken story

1. Listen to song first: “Angel,” by Sarah MacLaughlin

Answer question:

2. What did you think about the song? Did you like it? Not like it? Why?
3. Listen to podcast: “Angel,” by Darryl “DMC” McDaniels
4. Did you like Darryl McDaniels’ story/monologue? Why? Why not?”Angel”

a song, and spoken story

1. Listen to song first: “Angel,” by Sarah MacLaughlin

Answer question:

2. What did you think about the song? Did you like it? Not like it? Why?
3. Listen to podcast: “Angel,” by Darryl “DMC” McDaniels
4. Did you like Darryl McDaniels’ story/monologue? Why? Why not?”Angel”

a song, and spoken story

1. Listen to song first: “Angel,” by Sarah MacLaughlin

Answer question:

2. What did you think about the song? Did you like it? Not like it? Why?
3. Listen to podcast: “Angel,” by Darryl “DMC” McDaniels
4. Did you like Darryl McDaniels’ story/monologue? Why? Why not?

Contract Law

This is my summative essay in Contract Law. It is a problem question, wherein we are given a legal problem and must advise a party about it. We must use case law and statute law. Please DO NOT use purely academic journals or writing. Each issue in the problem must be addressed in order to score the high marks.

The use of the IRAC, or Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion is highly advised as it scores high marks. Purely descriptive passages are penalised.

I will be attaching the problem question and the marking criteria. In the “Marking Guidelines” document, please refer to the Problem Question section, as it is the relevant one.

I will be indicating ten sources in the section below. This is indicative. Please use relevant case and statute law to make the necessary points.

Philosophy of the mind essay

Everything in this paper needs to be explained more clearly. It has a lot of jargon, and you include a lot of details that are not explained and are not really relevant. It sounds like you might have tried to paraphrase an article, rather than trying to understand the ideas yourself and then write them out as you understand them–this just makes the paper much less clearer than it could be if you simply tried to explain the ideas yourself.
Do not use quotes and explain everything clearly as it is like you. No paraphrasing and not quotes. Do not use quotes and explain everything clearly as it is like you. No paraphrasing and not quotes.

Contract Law

This is my summative essay in Contract Law. It is a problem question, wherein we are given a legal problem and must advise a party about it. We must use case law and statute law. Please DO NOT use purely academic journals or writing. Each issue in the problem must be addressed in order to score the high marks.

The use of the IRAC, or Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion is highly advised as it scores high marks. Purely descriptive passages are penalised.

I will be attaching the problem question and the marking criteria. In the “Marking Guidelines” document, please refer to the Problem Question section, as it is the relevant one.

I will be indicating ten sources in the section below. This is indicative. Please use relevant case and statute law to make the necessary points.

Plan to Address Areas of Deficiency

Include a description (minimum length of one paragraph and maximum length of one (1) page, single spaced) of how you hope to develop as a leader based on these competencies.
Discuss the areas where you feel you need additional development and identify several resources/opportunities that will enable you to obtain these experiences.

In addition, complete the worksheet with the question number of the answers that were put as sometimes and never, and describe your plan for each question in order to change it to always.
In addition, complete the worksheet with the question number of the answers that were put as sometimes and never, and describe your plan for each question in order to change it to always.

Economics and Society

Informal Writing Assignment #3: Using the news article that you have selected for Paper 3 on an economic issue, respond to one of the following authors:
-Ehrenreich (482-86)
-Hooks (486-93)
-Goldrick-Rab (742-86)
-Reich (749-58) in FITA.
-Rutger (TED Talk on Blackboard)
When you write your response, consider the following questions: How would the author respond to your article? Would the author argue that the incident is an example of a larger issue within society? For example, would this indicate class inequality? Be sure to clearly identify and support your claim.When you write your response, consider the following questions: How would the author respond to your article? Would the author argue that the incident is an example of a larger issue within society? For example, would this indicate class inequality? Be sure to clearly identify and support your claim.

Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin

Essay Topic and instructions
Discuss how the invention of Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin prompted a change in national philosophies or ideals. In addition to discussing your topic, you will also want to take into consideration how the nation’s views had evolved to the point of the event you choose.

Your assignment should include a title page, a minimum of two pages of content, reference page and two references at a minimum.

As you are writing, be sure to keep the following in mind:
The introduction should engage the reader and clearly present a summary of the main points that clarify your point of view. The introduction should also include a thesis statement. The quality of your writing should demonstrate critical thinking. Organization should clearly present points arranged to illustrate your opening points. Writing should be clear and concise with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.

Early Childhood

This essay is a written critique of an aspect of provision related to children’s rights. My topic is A comparison of Children’s Right’s to mainstream Education and Participation in Northern Ireland & China focusing upon SEN and Inclusion. You MUST discuss this in relation to international and national issues, and it should demonstrate your understanding of the requirements of Article 12. You must be critically reflective as a requirement to facilitate participation.
It is EXTREMELY VITAL that you always relate back to children’s Participation and whether this is denied or successfully implemented. Also Focus upon- Cultural and social influences (enculturation).

The essay must direct much focus on UNCRC ARTICLE 12 whilst also commenting on UNCRC ARTICLES 13, 28 and 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child focusing on a child’s right to an education and on the quality and content of education. You can also add any other relevant articles or acts linking to Education, SEN, or Inclusion.

HART & SHEIR (2001)

Equality Act (2010)
Salamanca Statement
SEND Code of Practice
Warnock report
Self-advocacy UN-Articles 12 &13

Find Right’s and Laws relating to Children’s Rights Participation to education, SEN and Inclusion.

I have provided all documents, literature, and powerpoints below which have been provided by the university and which are extremely important that they are used.
I have also attached a structure of how I would like my essay completed along with a marking grid provided by the university showing what must be done in order to obtain the highest marks.

I have also provided my last essay as I would like the section on Northern Ireland’s views and China’s views regarding education to be incorporated please. There is VITAL sections particularly for China on the historical view and Belief of Conficious so please include that.
Within the structure of my essay you will see an ‘introduction, normalcy, medical, social and rhizomatic models’. YOU DO NOT need to focus on these areas as I will writing these separate as I have an MA in DISABILITY STUDIES.

I would like the essay to soley be a CRITIQUE of Children’s rights to participation within mainstream education, focusing on SEN and inclusion, comparing the countries of Northern Ireland and China. I also want the above articles from the UNCRC effectively discussed, critiqued and relation to mainstream Education, SEN and Inclusion in Northern Ireland and China.

I have also attached my dissertation as it has some useful research in regards to children in NI so if a connection could be made here regarding their right to participate that would be great.

Finally, in regards to the language used I would like it to be clear, concise but also academic. With this being a high level it is important that the writing can highlight its meaning but sounding academic.

Furthermore, in regards to my work and title when the term education is used I mean it as mainstream education for children with SEN.

Latest revision commentFor the new writer:
1) Section 8: Conventions.
Must be a separate section. More conventions should be mentioned (e.g. Equality Act).
2) Literature critique – seems to be absent. Must be a separate section.
3) Self-determined behaviour – must be discussed at the end, as in instructions.
Best regards, editor.

oppressive nature of gender roles as they were imposed on women in the late 19th century.

this paper is a term paper for my English literature class. this paper is and analysis of “the yellow wallpaper. using the yelllow wall paper as a reference we can compare gender roles between men and women then and now. the paper must have an abstract 4-6 sentences of the book based on the writing. the paper must have 2 and a half pages of content. three references ( one can be the Norton anthology of short fiction.

this paper is a term paper for my English literature class. this paper is and analysis of “the yellow wallpaper. using the yelllow wall paper as a reference we can compare gender roles between men and women then and now. the paper must have an abstract 4-6 sentences of the book based on the writing. the paper must have 2 and a half pages of content. three references ( one can be the Norton anthology of short fiction.