The various factors that lead to stress.

Please write a 2 – 3 page paper, using in text citations in APA format and writing style to discuss the various factors that lead to stress. Must have a intro and conclusion.Please write a 2 – 3 page paper, using in text citations in APA format and writing style to discuss the various factors that lead to stress. Must have a intro and conclusion.Please write a 2 – 3 page paper, using in text citations in APA format and writing style to discuss the various factors that lead to stress. Must have a intro and conclusion.Please write a 2 – 3 page paper, using in text citations in APA format and writing style to discuss the various factors that lead to stress. Must have a intro and conclusion.

Critical Synthesis of 4 books running themes

1. T3. 30%. Final paper. 10 – 15 pages.

This paper is your own critical synthesis of a larger topic based on the four works we have discussed throughout the course. You can take many approaches to this paper. However, it should bring together ideas from each of the books and meld them into a unified whole. This is not a mere “mushing together,” but a critical synthesis that reflects your own independent integrative thought on an issue and topic that you have identified running through the semester, in readings, writings, and discussion. It should not merely reiterate the arguments from the books and those offered in class but should use these as a launching pad for your own thinking.

It will be in proper academic format and style and will accurately employ a standard citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago).

1.The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World. Andrea Wulf (2015)

2. Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. Steven Pinker (2018)

3. The Underground Railroad: A Novel. Colson Whitehead (2018)

4. Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? Michael J. Sandel (2010)

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment – TAFE Australia

The course is TAE40116 certificate IV in Training and Assessment in TAFE Australia

The coursework to be completed is the last part of the course focused in:
Planning assessment activities and process (TAEASS401)
Design and develop assessment tools (TAEASS502)
Assess competence (TAEASS402)
Participate in assessment validation (TAEASS403)

The format of the question are a combination of direct answer is paragraph (never more than 25 words) and filling templates (that I have attached in electronic format). When a template must be filled it will be highlighted in bold on the questions:
RPL assessment plan/tool
Competency map (matrix)
Validation records
Assessment brief check list
Assessment instruments
Assessment results
Other documents
Assessment feedback form for candidate
Individualized assessment plan

The best references to answer all question (up to now have not failed) are the following materials:

Most of the question that I attached on my example the people (learners) or companies they work for I just made up, including their profile educational background and general information. Follow the same line of work if necessary I will add anyone “real” later.
All the work will be based on units of competence that can assed through the site (on the top right corner there is a search engine). If you need to find an option just go to BSB (business courses) and choose a unit they all have descriptions of assessment requirements, that combined with the explanation from the above text books allow you to complete questions. I can give some examples of unit I have used before to make it easier to plan the assessments answers:
BSBMKG523 Design and develop integrated marketing communication plan
BSBCMM201 Communication in the workplace
BSBCMM101A Apply basic communication skills

Any chance you have option of working in a “group” situation or doing yourself choose the last one.
The file I am attaching
1. Examples of previous questions
2. Example of my answers
3. The questions I need answered (7 to 10)
4. The template of the forms to be filled

Short answers: Variable interest entity and internally retired debt

Part 1 of 2, In ½ a page answer the following: investigate the effects of complex ownership on the consolidated financial statements. What is a variable interest entity (VIE)? When does a variable interest entity need to be consolidated? How does a VIE resemble a special purpose entity (SPE)? Where have you heard the term SPE before? Hint: Enron scandal used SPE
Part 2 of 2, in ½ a page answer the following: explain the complexities of intra-entity transactions. Can a company recognize a gain or loss on retirement of debt if the debt is retired internally? What is the rationale for or against recognizing the gain or loss?

Australian Commercial Law

Diplock LJ’s classic statement (in Freeman & Lockyer v Buckhurst Part Properties (Mangal) Ltd) regarding the requirements for establishing ostensible authority, in particular the requirements regarding the making of the representation, can prove problematic for a third party seeking to establish ostensible authority. This calls for a doctrinal re-calibration of those requirements to better reflect sound considerations of commercial utility.

Do you agree with this statement, and if so, why; and if not, why not?Diplock LJ’s classic statement (in Freeman & Lockyer v Buckhurst Part Properties (Mangal) Ltd) regarding the requirements for establishing ostensible authority, in particular the requirements regarding the making of the representation, can prove problematic for a third party seeking to establish ostensible authority. This calls for a doctrinal re-calibration of those requirements to better reflect sound considerations of commercial utility.

Do you agree with this statement, and if so, why; and if not, why not?

Biomedical Applications of Nuclear Physics

The term paper should be a minimum of 10 pages typed, including figures. There must be a list of references which you cite in the paper. The paper can be of a theoretical or experimental nature. Explain a particular experimental technique or explain a theoretical issue.

The term paper should be a minimum of 10 pages typed, including figures. There must be a list of references which you cite in the paper. The paper can be of a theoretical or experimental nature. Explain a particular experimental technique or explain a theoretical issue.

The term paper should be a minimum of 10 pages typed, including figures. There must be a list of references which you cite in the paper. The paper can be of a theoretical or experimental nature. Explain a particular experimental technique or explain a theoretical issue.

Healthcare Technological Changes and Ethical Dilemma

1. Identify three (3) technological changes that have occurred in health care over the last 5 years. Please include both managerial (information) and clinical technologies.

2. Discuss the new ethical dilemmas created by each of the changes you identified.1. Identify three (3) technological changes that have occurred in health care over the last 5 years. Please include both managerial (information) and clinical technologies.

2. Discuss the new ethical dilemmas created by each of the changes you identified.1. Identify three (3) technological changes that have occurred in health care over the last 5 years. Please include both managerial (information) and clinical technologies.

2. Discuss the new ethical dilemmas created by each of the changes you identified.

Regulation of Research on Human Subjects: Mentally Ill

Investigate some aspect of the regulation of research on human subjects.
Examine the case law, law review articles, and the federal regulations found in the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)
You should select some aspect of this broad topic for your examination’s focus: prisoners; the mentally ill; the mentally challenged; the poor; the seriously ill; Third World countries; women; minorities; stem cell research; fetuses and embryos; IRBs; etc.
You have broad leeway here.
Your perspective and conclusions should involve both legal and ethical viewpoints.Investigate some aspect of the regulation of research on human subjects.
Examine the case law, law review articles, and the federal regulations found in the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)
You should select some aspect of this broad topic for your examination’s focus: prisoners; the mentally ill; the mentally challenged; the poor; the seriously ill; Third World countries; women; minorities; stem cell research; fetuses and embryos; IRBs; etc.
You have broad leeway here.
Your perspective and conclusions should involve both legal and ethical viewpoints.

Vaccinations in Iowa

Examine the population health management situation in your home state/county/town, Vaccinations in Iowa. Utilize statistics relative to care. What problems have emerged or will emerge in the next 3,5,10 years that must be addressed based on current laws? As a population health professional (leader) what do you recommend can be done or actions that can be taken in your community of care to prevent, treat, or resolve the situation.Examine the population health management situation in your home state/county/town, Vaccinations in Iowa. Utilize statistics relative to care. What problems have emerged or will emerge in the next 3,5,10 years that must be addressed based on current laws? As a population health professional (leader) what do you recommend can be done or actions that can be taken in your community of care to prevent, treat, or resolve the situation.

Identical Strangers Article Review

View the following article/video from Newsweek publication.

This exercise involves a story that has recently been in the news although it was first discovered nearly 4 decades ago. There is a documentary that was recently released by the same title- some of you may have seen it. This brief article gives the basics of this story. There are many additional articles, videos, etc., that can be located with a quick search.

Write a 3-page paper that answers the following questions:

1. Explain the basics of this ethical dilemma. Be sure to include: Who all was involved? When and where did this occur?

2. Was there anything that could have prevented this from occurring?

3. Identify at least 2 (two) ethical principles that were violated as they apply to this case.

4. What are your personal opinions about this case and what can/ should be done? Was it justified in the name of research?