Flowchart improvement

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft® PowerPoint® (or other software such as Vizio, Word, etc.)

Select a complex process from your personal life or work.

Use Microsoft® PowerPoint® or other software including Vizio, Word, etc. to create a flowchart of the as-is process.

Define metrics and measure the current process.

Use process improvement techniques to improve the process.

Use Microsoft® PowerPoint® or other software such as Vizio, Word, etc. to create an improved process flowchart.

Use judgmental forecasting, which is your professional judgement, to ascertain how the future process will perform according to your metrics.

Develop a 525-word executive summary in which you describe your process improvement project (including the as-is process flowchart and the improved process flowchart).

Note: Students and faculty are reminded both Six Sigma readings and Lean Principles introduced in Week 2 are spread throughout the entire course. Students will apply the knowledge from the readings in their Learning Teams throughout the course.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Corporate Finance and Financial Accounting Report

My most important instruction is citing and references, as I have previously had a severe incident of bad citing from a writer who got me in trouble. So please after every single sentence that comes from another source, provide (author, year). I have attached the assignment details, please follow through with it. Additionally, if you require access to certain materials or sources, please message me and i’ll try my best to provide. Otherwise please just use the most relevant sources for the essay.

My most important instruction is citing and references, as I have previously had a severe incident of bad citing from a writer who got me in trouble. So please after every single sentence that comes from another source, provide (author, year). I have attached the assignment details, please follow through with it. Additionally, if you require access to certain materials or sources, please message me and i’ll try my best to provide. Otherwise please just use the most relevant sources for the essay.

Legends Essay

When you make a claim in an essay, you express an idea or opinion about information in a text. But an effective essay does more than state ideas and opinions. To persuade your readers to accept your point of view, you’ll need to support your claim with evidence, including facts, details, examples, or logical reasons. Complete the attached worksheet from lesson 4 and use the ideas from the worksheet for your essay. Submit both your worksheet and your essay (together) for a final grade. (Please read the question to be answered carefully–this assignment is not asking you to write about The Legend of King Arthur) The prompt for the essay is below:

The legend of King Arthur is well-known in literature. Based on Unsolved Mysteries of History, there is little to suggest it is true. Do you think it is important for people to believe in legends like King Arthur even if there is little evidence to support them? Why or why not? Write a short (3 paragraphs) explanatory essay stating your opinion. Justify your opinion and conclusions with relevant textual evidence and background knowledge. Remember to use relevant vocabulary from the text in your essay.

Schizophrenia Spectrum

It is important to note that this is not simply a summary review paper. You will be using the required scholarly literature to support a discussion of specific areas, as outlined below, within the topic that you chose. The paper will consist of a literature review and discussion of the current biological/genetic treatments for your selected topic. The body of the paper will be 6-8 pages in length, not including the title, abstract and reference pages and the annotated bibliography. At least 6 scholarly sources should be used. This paper must be written through a biological lens. Meaning a discussion of the genetic/biological origin and treatments are required. Do not include non-biologically-based treatment methods such as counseling, therapy, support groups etc.

Title page in APA format (Times New Roman, 12 font only)

The below areas are the required subheadings that must be included within your paper.

History: A history (historical perspective) of the topic (one to two pages). The history portion of the paper should be brief and relevant to the purpose of the paper (Written in third person, Times New Roman, 12 font only).

Epigenetic Causes: A detailed explanation of the epigenetic (genetic and environmental) etiology (cause) of the chosen topic (one to two pages) (Written in third person, Times New Roman, 12 font only).

Symptoms and treatments: A detailed discussion of the symptoms and biological/genetic treatments of the chosen topic (two to four pages) (Written in third person, Times New Roman, 12 font only).

Evaluation: A critical evaluation and summation of three current (no older than five years) research articles on the chosen topic (one to two pages) (Written in third person, Times New Roman, 12 font only).

Synthesis: Brief synthesis and conclusion of the material presented (one page) (Written in third person, Times New Roman, 12 font only).

This is a formal paper (not a list of responses, numbered points, or bullet-points) in APA format (6th ed. – Times new Roman 12 font, 6-8 pages in length (not counting title page, abstract, reference page and Annotated Bibliography), the use of five or more references is required (other than the textbook and website), and it must reflect the use of course content and critical thinking.

You must include an APA formatted title page that includes:
Student’s name
Course name and number
Title of paper
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

You must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

You must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

You must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

You must use APA style as outlined in your approved APA style guide to document all sources.

You must include, on the final pages, a reference page followed by an annotated bibliography that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved APA style guide.

Do NOT include quotes as they do not add to the critical analysis of the content.

Do NOT write in short (1-3 sentence) paragraphs.

Do NOT include bullet points or numbered items.

Do NOT include research older than 5 years.

All images and tables belong in the Appendix section of the paper (after the Annotated Bibliography) and are not considered part of the body content.

Do include citations in your paragraphs.

Implementation Plan

Your implementation plan will discuss the following:
Proof-of-Concept: How do you plan to implement your solution?
Environment Examples:
Virtualization or simulation
Lab or field implementation
Identify and discuss , in detail:
How the solution was implemented
Models used
What challenges did you encounter?
How were the challenges resolved?
Are there any outstanding challenges/obstacles that you could not overcome?
What would be your approach to address them in the future?
How well does the system perform?
Did your implementation perform as planned? Why or why not?
Discuss any security measures implemented into the solution, if applicable.
Identify and discuss shortfalls in the solution
Data flow design
Include detailed data and program flow design schematics.

Understanding Drama

You will need to base your report on the one-act-play, “Permission to Cry” by David Campton. A copy of the script for this play is located in Assessor Downloads below.

You are advised to read the script a number of times to enable you to identify the key areas that you will need to write about in your report.

You are also advised to watch the following video; this is one interpretation of this play, but may help you to gain a deeper understanding of the characters, performance and possible staging.

Your report will need to be divided into the following sections.

In order to demonstrate that you understand how an author creates a character, you need to analyse the ways in which characters
• are defined by their language.
• are defined by their interactions with others.
• are defined by their actions and motivations.

Remember to refer to the different characters within the play provided. You should also refer to the author’s notes that you will find on page 3 of the pdf.

In this section, you need to evaluate the effectiveness of a play’s division into acts and scenes. As the play provided is a one-act-play, you should consider the benefits and limitations of the play not being divided into scenes and acts. You should also suggest alternative formats for this play within your evaluation.

The video clip of the provided play could be considered as being divided into scenes due to the way that the production has been filmed. You should consider whether this could be effective within a real-time, theatre performance.

You will also need to analyse the progress of plot with reference to appropriate concepts, for example, expectation, surprise, dramatic irony, climax and resolution.

This sections requires you to:
• Evaluate the relationship between language and dramatic action.
• Analyse the use of language to create mood and atmosphere.

Within this section, you need to analyse the issues involved in transferring a play from page to stage.

You must evaluate the potential of scenery, staging, lighting and costume.

You will also need to appraise the use of acting techniques including phrasing, timing and presence. The video link provided will help you with this.

When writing this section, you must ensure that you give suggestions of alternative ways that “Permission to Cry” could be staged. For example, having watched the video link provided how might you do things differently and why? In Assessor Downloads you will find some production notes about a different interpretation of the play that will provide you with alternative ideas for taking the play from page to stage.

Community Health Concern

This project is going to require you to identify a specific health concern within your own community. Search LaGrande, Oregon. Your goal is to identify a health need within your community that you feel should be brought to the attention of someone specific (private individuals, congressional members, industry, state agencies, EOU campus community, church communities, etc.). The first assignment should help you identify the major health concerns within your community.

Specifically, for this assignment, you will:
Investigate a community health problem and its social consequences. What is the issue and why is it an issue?
Identify the magnitude of the problem (provide up-to-date statistics explaining who and how many individuals are affected)
Identify the consequences of the problem. Why is the problem a concern and what are the specific risk factors for this issue?
How is it affecting your community? You will report statistic from the literature. You will need to do an extensive literature review to build your case. What are the social consequences and economic impacts within your community?
What is being done, what can still be done?
Identify relevant information to develop an argument regarding the need to address a community health problem (how prevalent it is, why is it so bad, who is it affecting, what can be done, who is doing it, social burden and consciousness)
How to fix the issue. Addressed the steps that need to be taken to fix the issue within your community. Setting goals and priorities as well as identifying the types of resources that will be needed to fix the issue should be included.

Develop a paper that presents research identifying the magnitude of the health problem

Use Peer-reviewed articles to make your argument (PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar). Internet sources or secondary sources do not count. Avoid any statements, such as, “I think, or I feel.” This is a scientific paper and it needs to be professional.

Thoroughly research your topic and prepare 10 – 15-page research paper, double-spaced with 12 pt font.

Use library database sources – at least 10 credible peer-reviewed citations from 2008 or newer.

Provide a detailed reference list in correct APA format. The paper needs to be in APA format. APA citation and format https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Here is a wonderful resource that was created by a librarian specifically to help you all with this assignment. https://guides.library.eou.edu/hws351

Presentation of your final paper:
Present the health issue described in your research paper to your classmates. You will need to post your presentation to the discussion board and your classmates will need to respond.
Develop presentation between 10 – 20 slides, persuading your classmates to take action regarding your health issue- I chose extra pages in the order option to pay for this. The original paper needs to be 10-15 pages. This is an extra 10-20 pages.
Slides need to be well organized and include references.
Do not just copy and paste your paper.
Please let me know the topic of the paper by day 12. Thank you

Edgar Huntley – Memoirs of a Sleep Walking By Charles Brockden Brown


Lurking within this paper are some good points about the way that the environment reflects EH’s mental state, but overall, this paper is a mess. There is no structure to speak of, and so the paper meanders just as EH does in the wilderness of expression. The short staccato paragraphs are either complete conjecture or jammed with quotations that you don’t interpolate effectively. The thesis is muddled and confused, and there are a lot of words at the beginning that have little bearing on what you are arguing. Moreover, the language is faulty, the mechanics tortured, and the overall effect is one of rushed, jumbled thinking. To make this paper better, you needed to clearly articulate your argument—what we discussed in office hours—and then to use three short interventions, with support from the text, to illustrate the way that no matter what the environment is—nature, Indians, white civilization—that this environment reflects the way that the world is against you. This seems to me to be what you are arguing, but it is lost in the language you use to express it. My advice would be to scrap this paper, and then work on outlining your argument, and using evidence effectively. This is too bad, because when you left office hours, I felt like we had a plan for your execution of this essay. That plan, however, was completely rejected here, and the result is a mismatched essay with no clear thesis, faulty evidence, and frankly, unproductive style.

Janis Joplin Book Thesis

This is NOT a book review or summary.

What is the author trying to tell us in this book? What is the thesis of this book. Using the book and only the book provided, write a 275 word essay about what the author is trying to tell us about Janis Joplin and what their thesis is of the book.

One full page, I don’t need my name etc on it. One full page of content top to bottom of page.This is NOT a book review or summary.

What is the author trying to tell us in this book? What is the thesis of this book. Using the book and only the book provided, write a 275 word essay about what the author is trying to tell us about Janis Joplin and what their thesis is of the book.

One full page, I don’t need my name etc on it. One full page of content top to bottom of page.

choose one question from the three questions below (then put it as the topic)

CHOOSE ONE QUESTION IN THE BELOW THREE QUESTIONS AND READ THE READING IN THE GOOGLE LINK TO ANSWER THE QUESTION Please remember to refer back to the reading while answering the questions.
Q1. Choose one thinker or text that addresses the idea of individual freedom. Discuss how it is conceptualized (i.e. in relation to what other ideas), and examine how it may contribute to contemporary society.

Q2. Choose one thinker of text that offers a vision of society. Examine the idea and discuss particular aspects of this vision that can be found as being pursued in contemporary society.

Q3. Choose one thinker or text that offers insight on peace. Examine the ideas and discuss how far they may illuminate the understanding of a particular incident in your life or in the contemporary world relating to the pursuit of peace.

******IDENTIFY, PRIORITIZE, EXPLAIN and interpret particular ideas from the texts. You will also explore, analyze and develop them in writing. All these are activities requiring close reading and thinking; they are essential components for making reflective and meaningful judgments on the question you have in hand.*****

GOOGLE LINK: (there should be 44 images for you to read)

-The questions require that you define accurately particular topics, while at the same time, offer interpretations that are open-ended. “Open-ended” does not mean vague or “anything goes”. It means there are more ways to interpret the ideas than just one single correct answer.

-Your response must regard the texts as evidence, and engage with them as the ground of your reasoning. Where evidence is partial or not available, your judgement on how to regard what is missing and the uncertainties the thinkers demonstrate is also relevant.

-Any citation details within the body of your essay are included in the word count. However, footnotes are NOT included in the word count.

*The topics mentioned in the questions below may be explicitly or implicitly addressed by a thinker. Either case could make your choice of text a good one. *Limit and regulate the scope of your analysis – aim not at covering ‘everything’ because it’s impossible; aim, instead, at examining, explaining and developing a relevant idea adequately in context. *In many cases, your conclusion could be open-ended, especially when more than one interpretation is possible within reasonable limits, and when there are ambiguities and uncertainties in the text itself.