Paper 2 Analysis – IB (International Baccalaureate)

Hi! I need a work for the IB program (International Baccalaureate) for the course of A English Language & Literature SL. I need someone really knowledgeable in this area (in the IB course) with a lot of experiences and who knows exactly how to write the Paper 2. Also it is very very important that you have read the books Frankenstein and The Unbearable Lightness Of Being and (The Things They Carried). I am demanding with my requirements and I really need the best work. I uploaded a file with all the instructions. And also a rubric with all the criteria according to which the work will be marked.
Also please, I would appreciate a lot if you will finish it asap but the quality is much more important for me!

Mental Health Case Study Focused Nursing Process

Follow and answer directly into the document file.
Watch the short films/videos below (these are the clients), then pick one film/video and complete the assignment.
1. Alone – Depression
2. Living With Depression
3. Engulfed by Depression – A Story on Depression 4. Still Life (CC)
5. Facing Elderly Depression: Linda’s Mother
Need to meet the Exemplary level in the rubric
Definition is accurate and well developed including description, symptoms and DSM criteria/timing. Information is from text or reliable source & cited in correct APA format.
Disease process defined in detailed, Information is from text or reliable source & cited in correct APA format.
Assessment is complete and accurate. Correctly and concisely interprets, explains, and draws conclusion. Obstacles identified.
All components of POC is accurate. Rationales are clearly referenced in APA format from reliable sources to support intervention.
Teaching Plan complete and accurate. Information is from text or reliable source & cited in correct APA format.


lo 1 HOW CULTURE AND POLITICS INFLUENCE INDIVIDUAL AND THE TEAM BEHAVIOUR?(PLEASE analyse and apply the theory in company)must to give example related to the organisation!! lo2 Analys the INTERNAL capabilitys of 4com.plc using frmeworks by examplse from this company!APPLY THE THEORY INTO 4COM.PLC(PROCESS THEORY CONTENT THEORY’S) Show MASLOW AS A CONCEPT THEORY! AND VROOM AS A PROCESS THEORY! Give examples from 4complc as an effective/ineffectiv team into 4com.plc

lo 1 HOW CULTURE AND POLITICS INFLUENCE INDIVIDUAL AND THE TEAM BEHAVIOUR?(PLEASE analyse and apply the theory in company)must to give example related to the organisation!! lo2 Analys the INTERNAL capabilitys of 4com.plc using frmeworks by examplse from this company!APPLY THE THEORY INTO 4COM.PLC(PROCESS THEORY CONTENT THEORY’S) Show MASLOW AS A CONCEPT THEORY! AND VROOM AS A PROCESS THEORY! Give examples from 4complc as an effective/ineffectiv team into 4com.plc


Please provide statistics, effect, genetic, facts, treatment,ages affected… I’ve highlighted some main points pls read through thank you.

Please provide statistics, effect, genetic, facts, treatment,ages affected… I’ve highlighted some main points pls read through thank you.

Please provide statistics, effect, genetic, facts, treatment,ages affected… I’ve highlighted some main points pls read through thank you.

Please provide statistics, effect, genetic, facts, treatment,ages affected… I’ve highlighted some main points pls read through thank you.

Please provide statistics, effect, genetic, facts, treatment,ages affected… I’ve highlighted some main points pls read through thank you.

Please provide statistics, effect, genetic, facts, treatment,ages affected… I’ve highlighted some main points pls read through thank you.

Social Problems

For this last minute Extra Credit WA, using either education or work (c8 or c9), identify the structural origins of that social institution’s social problems and what possible political causes and solutions have been identified to resolve that social problem. The solution does not have to work, but what has been tried, or what do you think needs to be tried?
Is public school choice a viable educational alternative? Why or why not?(C8)
Work has undergone a transformation in the types of work done and who is doing that work. Discuss the three major workforce transformations, beginning with WWII and their impact on the current labor market.(C9)
See images attached.
Must be cited in ASA style. No cover or header.
Page number must be placed in upper right hand corner within the 1″ margin.

The Effects of Plastic, Emollients and Leftover Food on Our Beaches

Plastic and other pollutants creates a chain of negative affects that disrupt our use and enjoyment on many of our regularly frequented beaches. This paper should point out the affects of how these types of pollutants affect our beach from tourists, the inconvenience it causes other tourist and what ideas we could adopt to make beaches enjoyable for future tourist.

Plastic and other pollutants creates a chain of negative affects that disrupt our use and enjoyment on many of our regularly frequented beaches. This paper should point out the affects of how these types of pollutants affect our beach from tourists, the inconvenience it causes other tourist and what ideas we could adopt to make beaches enjoyable for future tourist.

Social Problems

For this last minute Extra Credit WA, using either education or work (c8 or c9), identify the structural origins of that social institution’s social problems and what possible political causes and solutions have been identified to resolve that social problem. The solution does not have to work, but what has been tried, or what do you think needs to be tried?
Is public school choice a viable educational alternative? Why or why not?(C8)
Work has undergone a transformation in the types of work done and who is doing that work. Discuss the three major workforce transformations, beginning with WWII and their impact on the current labor market.(C9)
See images attached.
Must be cited in ASA style. No cover or header.
Page number must be placed in upper right hand corner within the 1″ margin.

Agency analysis proposal

Overview of the program
The agency overview should describe the program in detail. This overview should provide a detail description of the agency that you are going to evaluate. The purpose of the overview is to provide the reader with background information of the program. Upon reading this paper, one should have a sense of the following:
• Official title of the program and how long it’s been in operation
• Vision,
• Mission,
• Goals,
• Objectives
• Purpose of the program
• Population is serves
• Services provided and how is it provided
• Number of staff members
• Resources
Some of this information can be found on the agency’s website. However, you may have to look at physical documents or interview your administrator. Of course, this paper should follow APA format.

Here you state the purpose of the proposed evaluation and whether it is a process/formative or outcome/summative evaluation. You should also state the research questions that will guide your evaluation. For example
• How effective is the STA service at reducing recidivism among its participants?
• Is the STA program an efficient program at reducing recidivism among black youth?

The methodology section is your road map. It describes the procedures for your research in a very detailed way so that your reader is able to either know exactly what you did and or the reader can replicate your study. The section has several subsections (however the subsections will vary) such as research design whether you are doing a process or outcome evaluation, whether it will be qualitative or quantitative or mixed methods.
, study setting
, population
, recruitment strategy
, sample strategy
, instrumentation/measurement
, data collection procedures, data analysis
, strength and limitations, implication for practice.

This is a separate page and should include the full citation in APA of all the articles Although a program evaluation may not have as many references as a research paper. You should cite as appropriate.

On-Site Curriculum Project

On-Site Curriculum Project Planning Document 10 Points
Initial information, details, and planning for On-Site Curriculum Research Project.
Describe your plan for doing the On-Site Curriculum Project: Name of School, location, contact person at school, tentative date for interview and key questions for the interview, e.g., what is the basis for your written curriculum? State standards? District Curriculum? Specific program(s)?
Send as an email attachment to Dr. Button or bring to midterm session.

Part I. On-Site Curriculum Project Title Page 5 Points
Title Page with the course title, class member’s name, School (UCCS)
and the title of the project

Part II. Introduction 10 Points

Introduction includes a relevant question about the topic a brief description of the school and the student population.
The Introduction should have a question, e.g., “What is the Hirsch Core Curriculum and how is it implemented at James Madison School? This is followed by an explanation of why you chose the school and curriculum, a brief description of the school and the student population.

Part III. Body of the On-Site Curriculum Paper 50 Points

• All components (below) to be included; approximately 5-8 double-spaced pages of text including (include sources/citations):
o Interview with key site personnel
o Written Curriculum: description of curriculum documents
o Taught Curriculum: description of resources used
o Teaching strategies utilized
o Tested Curriculum: description which includes the assessment plan and assessments used to determine student progress
o Conclusion includes a summary of your findings and perspective on the curriculum, and its relation current research findings

o Collaborative Project Description (If two people do the interview)
In a short narrative, describe how you collaborated with your partner to complete the project, and what each of you contributed in terms of what parts you created separately and together. You will each sign the title page.

Part III. References/Citations 10 Points
List at least 3 sources and resources. You may list the course text for one source.
The references and citations must be written in APA format. (**Note: Do not use MLA or another format. APA is required by the COE Graduate School.)

Note: the project will be about high school. the ESL teacher will be interviewed in high school in Colorado. The population will be around 1700 students

Customer files

They are expected to run to 3.500-4,000 words, and be based on at least 17-18 academic sources, and therefore students should begin work on them early. To that end, it will often be helpful to discuss topics with the instructor early. Typically students will wish to base their class presentations on material which they intend to use in their term papers.You may choose to do either a standard essay or a comparative book review. If you do a standard essay, it may focus directly on family theories, or it may consider how family theories illuminate, or fail to illuminate, specific themes about the family.

They are expected to run to 3.500-4,000 words, and be based on at least 17-18 academic sources, and therefore students should begin work on them early. To that end, it will often be helpful to discuss topics with the instructor early. Typically students will wish to base their class presentations on material which they intend to use in their term papers.You may choose to do either a standard essay or a comparative book review. If you do a standard essay, it may focus directly on family theories, or it may consider how family theories illuminate, or fail to illuminate, specific themes about the family. (Be sure to consider evidence that is awkward for any theory you examine.) It will be prudent to check the suitability and manageability of topics with your instructor before beginning.
Note that neither your presentation nor your term paper should rely substantially on internet sources, which are NEVER sufficient for academic work. Internet sources may be used, if you are sure that they are of high quality, but the work on which the bulk of your paper relies should consist of academic books and journal articles. Textbooks from previous courses should not be used. To sustain term papers of 4,000 words, normally 18-20 solid academic sources, or more, will be needed.