American Southwest History

TERM PAPER QUESTION: Consider the four states, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and California. Can the four genuinely be considered a cohesive region of the United States? Be certain to account for commonalities and differences in history, language, culture, economy, and demography.

Cite at least two published academic books or articles beyond the given required books. Required books are as follows:

Thomas Sheridan, Arizona: A History
ISBN-13: 978-0816506934

Linda C. Noel, Debating American Identity: Southwestern Statehood and Mexican Immigration.
ISBN-13: 978-0816530458

Kevin Starr, California: A History
ISBN-13: 978-0812977530

Robert A. Calvert, Arnoldo de Leon, & Gregg Cantrell, History of Texas, Fifth Edition.
ISBN-13: 978-1118617738

Joseph Sanchez and Robert L Spude, New Mexico: A History
ISBN-13: 978-0806146638

Term paper should include an introduction and a conclusion. In the introduction, state a thesis, which should be clear and concise answering the question. The conclusion should summarize the main points as well as a restatement not a riteration of your thesis.

create Budget for a police unit and justify expenditures

Need to create a budget from scratch for a newly formed Ontario Police Service Drug Enforcement Unit. Have to JUSTIFY the expenditures-from operational costs to capital expenditures. for examples vehicles computers and supplies. Tracker units and other surveillance equipment just for example.

Need to create a budget from scratch for a newly formed Ontario Police Service Drug Enforcement Unit. Have to JUSTIFY the expenditures-from operational costs to capital expenditures. for examples vehicles computers and supplies. Tracker units and other surveillance equipment just for example.

Need to create a budget from scratch for a newly formed Ontario Police Service Drug Enforcement Unit. Have to JUSTIFY the expenditures-from operational costs to capital expenditures. for examples vehicles computers and supplies. Tracker units and other surveillance equipment just for example.

The impact of the non-financial incentives on employees in the public sector in Norway

The purpose of the research is to answer the question: What is the effect of the non-financial incentives on improving the performance of employees in the public sector on Norway? and to what extent these incentives can play a role in increasing the enthusiasm of employees and their desire to improve their performance?
In addition, what is the effect of gender, life cycle, education and position level on the employee’s preference when it comes to incentives?
The study will focus on the positive and negative aspects associated with incentives in Norway.In addition, what is the effect of gender, life cycle, education and position level on the employee’s preference when it comes to incentives?
The study will focus on the positive and negative aspects associated with incentives in Norway.

Final Project SWOT Analysis

The Assignment

Develop an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint SWOT analysis presentation based on your proposed initiative from Week 3. In addition, include detailed speaker notes on each slide or a 2-page executive summary, submitted as a Word document.

Your presentation should include the following:

An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your proposed population health initiative
An analysis of the role of social and economic determinants in assessing your selected community’s needs
An assessment of the direct and indirect financial consequences for your proposed initiative
An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your proposed population health initiative
An analysis of the role of social and economic determinants in assessing your selected community’s needs
An assessment of the direct and indirect financial consequences for your proposed initiative

3.2 – Assignment: Case Analysis – On-Airport ARFF Response Time

Note to Students: Refer to 14 CFR Part 139.315 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. – from the GPO U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Develop a case analysis on this topic:
If an airport falls below its required ARFF Index, the airlines have to be told to operate only those aircraft that fit the lower Index (i.e., if larger passenger planes are the critical aircraft, the Index would drop to the next largest plane which could seriously impact airline operation. Not to mention airlines may have to bring in the smaller aircraft if not in regular service already). The FAA also would have to be notified as well with a timetable of when the standard Index is restored. No loss of federal funding involved.

Read the discussion dialog and scenario between two managers:
• Airport Manager A says: “Wow, these ARFF trucks cost a ton of cash! We’ve never had a mishap at Possums Elbow Airport, and sure as heck don’t expect one. I don’t need to budget for or purchase all this stuff!”
• Airport Manager B says: “You are soooo right, buddy! I’ve never had a major crash at Foxxy Meadows Airport either, but that FAA guy says I don’t have a vote; we must keep our ARFF capability robust.”

Question: Who (if either) is correct and why? Should (and/or do) dollars dictate our response capability?

Read through the On-Airport ARFF Response Time Analysis for Case Analysis#1 (attached) to be familiar with a case analysis on this topic. You are to use that document for guidance only, as you should develop your own case analysis.
Refer to the Certified Federal Regulation (14 CFR Part 139.315), link is
Read and review the sample/example provided on developing a case analysis on the Case Analysis Introduction page (attached).
In a 2-3 page paper, the equivalent of 550 words, please provide a case analysis for this ARFF scenario as follows:
• Review materials from the provided and outside sources regarding the case analysis
• Diagnose the case (identify the issue/problem, define the significance of the issue/problem)
• “Size-up” the case (determine the influence of the issue/problem, decide what was done well, and identify what could be improved)
• Provide recommendations (identify courses of action; what would you do differently?)
In your case analysis, include these elements:
• Summary
• Problem
• Significance of the problem
• Two alternative actions
• Two advantages and disadvantages per alternative action
• Recommendation

Please provide 3 references from Google Scholar

Case Study – Nissan: Building Resilency – Milestone 3

I. Theories and Techniques
A. Summarize the following theories: just in time (JIT), Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean. How are these concepts related? Describe the
advantages and disadvantages for using each of these concepts at the company presented in the case study.
II. Sustainability
A. Describe how the emerging concept of the triple bottom line can be used to enhance operations management at the company. Be sure to
address each component of the triple bottom line.
B. Explain how the company integrates ISO 14000 standards in its manufacturing plants. Support your explanation with citations from your
textbook or outside sources.
C. Describe ways by which the company can integrate corporate responsibility principles into their operations. Which of these do you believe to be
the most effective? Why? Support your opinions with citations from your textbook or outside sources.

Community Health Assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to create a Community Health Assessment. The assessment is to be created by the student – based on problems, solutions, issues, and trends that exist within a certain population. The assessment must be 5 full pages. Students will work individually on this assignment. Examples of the population chosen can be a geographic one (i.e.: Atlanta, GA) or a health issue specific one (i.e.: diabetics). Whether a geography or a health issue is chosen, the student must provide a background as to why that community of people is being chosen — write about the problems the community faces in health and the solutions to those problems (all based on literature).
Page 1* – Community Health Assessment overview: location, population, background, purpose for choosing community
i.e.: who, what, when, where
Pages 2 and 3* – Community Health problems
ie: challenges, obstacles, issues, population implications, etc.
Page 4 and – Community Health solutions
ie: lessons learned, improvements, changes, resolutions, results, etc.
Your paper must contain the following:
– At least two references from peer-reviewed journal articles. Note: Wikipedia is not an approved source.
– Please format your paper as follows: 12 pt. Times New Roman font; double spaced. Please ensure you only utilize normal Word formatted margins.
– Please format your sources in APA format.

Respond to the following statement. Agree or Disagree and explain Why:

Respond to the following statement. Agree or Disagree and explain Why:

According to (Schunk, 2016) transfer refers to the knowledge and skills being applied in new ways, with new content or in situations different from were they were acquired. In my opinion, most learned behaviors are transferable. As it relates to sports one example would be ballet and it is influence on football. Football is thought of to be a highly competitive contact sport where as ballet is typically viewed as a softer gentler dance performance. However, studies have shown that learning ballet can be a benefit to a football players mental focus, balance, endurance, speed, and agility. “Learning ballet makes it easier for players to make leaping catches without losing their footing and to stay on their feet while opponents try to tackle them or strip the football from their hands.” (Gerard, n.d.) Learning ballet in an environment completely different than learning on a football field still allows the player to transfer and transform the skills acquired to assist them in becoming a better football player. I have seen football players leap across the end zone as well as point their toes to avoid going out of bounds, and now I find myself wondering if that is the result of ballet lessons.


Gerard, J. (n.d.). What Ballet Does For Football. Retrieved March 30, 2019, from AZCentral:

Schunk, D. (2016). Learning theories: An educational perspective (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Using Diagramming information to produce a management report based on analysis of change facilitation

2. Analyse your diagrams and choose ONE key (significant) change and, based on your diagrams

check feedback document and make sure everything written is included

Using data and information extracted from your research sources produce the each of the following diagrams:

2 Systems Maps (present state and future state/vision)

Force Field diagram

Multiple Cause diagram

Business Process Mapping

TIP/Guidance: Decide how you wish to create each of these diagrams i.e. to help you capture and visualise the ‘current system state’, to highlight what elements of the system need to be changed or to represent the ‘vision of the organisation in its future state, after the change.

Analyse your diagrams and choose ONE key (significant) change and, based on your diagrams, prepare a 2000 word management report for the organisation that critically evaluates the potential impact of the change on key stakeholders and makes recommendations as to how to support these stakeholders through the transition.

Using Diagramming information to produce a management report based on analysis of change facilitation

2. Analyse your diagrams and choose ONE key (significant) change and, based on your diagrams

check feedback document and make sure everything written is included

Using data and information extracted from your research sources produce the each of the following diagrams:

2 Systems Maps (present state and future state/vision)

Force Field diagram

Multiple Cause diagram

Business Process Mapping

TIP/Guidance: Decide how you wish to create each of these diagrams i.e. to help you capture and visualise the ‘current system state’, to highlight what elements of the system need to be changed or to represent the ‘vision of the organisation in its future state, after the change.

Analyse your diagrams and choose ONE key (significant) change and, based on your diagrams, prepare a 2000 word management report for the organisation that critically evaluates the potential impact of the change on key stakeholders and makes recommendations as to how to support these stakeholders through the transition.