Journal Entry

Reflect on your reading/viewing of Me Before You and this week’s class discussion. Do you believe that this case would or should have been handled differently if Will was 17, or if Will had a different diagnosis, such as a mental illness? Discuss informed consent as it would apply to Will’s case if he had been a minor.
Moyes, J. (2012). Me Before You. New York, NY: Pamela Dorman Books/Viking. (Note: you have a choice of reading this novel or seeing the film.)Reflect on your reading/viewing of Me Before You and this week’s class discussion. Do you believe that this case would or should have been handled differently if Will was 17, or if Will had a different diagnosis, such as a mental illness? Discuss informed consent as it would apply to Will’s case if he had been a minor.
Moyes, J. (2012). Me Before You. New York, NY: Pamela Dorman Books/Viking. (Note: you have a choice of reading this novel or seeing the film.)

This question has to do with the Kano Model, discussed in the lecture 8A. It is a true story. In addition to teaching at NJIT, I also do corporate training. About a week or so before the training is to begin, the corporation’s point person gets in touch with me and asks what I need. I usually tell them the same thing: LCD projector, let me know if I need to bring a laptop or just a USB drive, I need either a white board or a flip chart, both would be nice, but one or the other is essential. Those are my “stated needs.”

This question has to do with the Kano Model, discussed in the lecture 8A. It is a true story.

In addition to teaching at NJIT, I also do corporate training. About a week or so before the training is to begin, the corporation’s point person gets in touch with me and asks what I need. I usually tell them the same thing: LCD projector, let me know if I need to bring a laptop or just a USB drive, I need either a white board or a flip chart, both would be nice, but one or the other is essential. Those are my “stated needs.”

So for this one gig, it’s a beautiful building and I’m escorted to the training room. There is a ceiling-mounted LCD projector, a computer is there for my USB drive, there is not one but 4 flip charts, one in each corner, with markers even though I brought my own, there was a white board on 3 of the walls, all remotely controlled so the boards could slide up and down, the window shades were remote controlled so you could adjust the amount of light in the room. So many customer delighters! Yet….I was a VERY unhappy customer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did they not provide?

Part 2

It is very difficult sometimes for organizations to promote a quality focus without it just turning into a meaningless slogan. Why does this happen so often? And what are some specific actions managers can take to truly make quality inherent in every step? What are some obstacles they face? And is it truly worth the effort?

Respond to the following statement. Agree or Disagree and discuss Why: Bandura’s social cognitive theory is based on what he called “Triadic Reciprocal Causation,” the relationship between behavior; internal personal factors (in the form of cognitive, affective, and biological events); and the external environment (Bandura, 1997). Perceived self-efficacy embodies these interacting determinants and is defined as the confidence one has in their capability to accomplish a specific task (Bandura, 1997). Bandura’s social cognitive theory provides the foundation for the many ways in which efficacy beliefs operate in concert with socio-cognitive determinants that govern human adaptation and change (Bandura, 1997).

Respond to the following statement. Agree or Disagree and discuss Why:

Bandura’s social cognitive theory is based on what he called “Triadic Reciprocal Causation,” the relationship between behavior; internal personal factors (in the form of cognitive, affective, and biological events); and the external environment (Bandura, 1997). Perceived self-efficacy embodies these interacting determinants and is defined as the confidence one has in their capability to accomplish a specific task (Bandura, 1997). Bandura’s social cognitive theory provides the foundation for the many ways in which efficacy beliefs operate in concert with socio-cognitive determinants that govern human adaptation and change (Bandura, 1997).

Information processing theorists, according to Mayer (1996), as cited in Schunk (2016), “contend that people select and attend to features of the environment, transform and rehearse information, relate new information to previously acquired knowledge, and organize knowledge to make it meaningful” (Schunk, (2016), p. 165). Knowledge can be estimated from the ability of the individual to process information. If an individual is capable of handling information quickly, then the person can be considered a quick-learner, and if the person can process information slowly, then the individual can be termed as the slow learner.

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman.

Schunk, D. H. (2016). Learning theories: An educational perspective (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Graphic summary of Ubiquitination-Deficient Mutations in Human Piwi Cause Male Infertility by Impairing Histone- to-Protamine Exchange during Spermiogenesis

Assignment: Creating a Graphic Summary [Read directions VERY carefully.]
The aim of a graphic summary is to convey the purpose, methods and findings of a primary research article in a summarized format using brief textual descriptions and images to convey different aspects of the article. You will design a graphic summary based on a figure or experiment in the primary research article of Ubiquitination-Deficient Mutations in Human Piwi Cause Male Infertility by Impairing Histone- to-Protamine Exchange during Spermatogenesis. (There should not be paragraphs of text, though bullets or numbering with concise text may be used to outline. See examples below.)

Use formal conversational language, as if you were speaking to an audience of introductory biology students. Do not use slang or colloquialisms; don’t make it so basic that it isn’t even scientific. Check spelling and use appropriate capitalization.
Content (use these as subheadings in your summary):
Research question. Identify the question the experiment is designed to address. Write and punctuate as a question of no more than 25 words. Remember: a mutation or abnormal situation isn’t what interests you in the question; understanding what the wild type situation is and how it is potentially disrupted is the interest. Mutations/abnormalities are just tools for understanding WT functions of genes and proteins. Your question should focus on the normal situation being addressed (sometimes despite the title of the article).
Hypothesis. State the hypothesis being tested in a single sentence of no more than 25 words. (Hint: Focus on stating the hypothesis, then edit for brevity.)
Null hypothesis: Think carefully about what you would predict if the hypothesis were not true, then state it in one sentence. Word limit: 25 words.
Experimental set-up. Create a graphic or series of graphics that represent pictorially how the experiment or observational analysis was conducted. You may indicate the sequence of steps in the experimental design with letters, numbers, or arrows. Choose a method that is easy to follow, but uncluttered. DO NOT COPY DIRECTLY FROM THE PAPER.
Prediction: In one sentence, state the expected outcome from the experimental or observational measurements if the hypothesis is correct.
Prediction of null hypothesis. In one sentence, state the expected outcome of the experimental or observational measurements if the null hypothesis is true.
Results. Create one graphic to show the results. The graphic must be clearly labeled, but do not write a text summary. Do not copy and paste figures directly from the article. Below are two examples of graphic summaries. The first summary is based on a research article by Wittlinger et al (2006), which is posted with these directions. Compare the graphic summary to the figures in the Wittlinger article.
• Although there are similarities, the graphic summary does not copy figures directly from the original article, and you should not either.
• Find a new or different way (condensed, represented differently, drawn differently, etc.) to summarize the data using a graph, table or chart. A model of how the process works is not data.
• Do not redraw the exact same figure with minimal changes – this might as well be plagiarism. •
Conclusion. State the inference from the results. One sentence.
References Cited: Cite the paper you are basing your summary on. Cite any other scientific information or data that you retrieve from elsewhere. If you copy standard images from the internet (flasks, PCR machines, pipettors, etc.), there is no need to cite their retrieval.

Economist quotes and theories

It is pretty generic and open to any ideas. He wants 6,000 characters (not words) so maybe 4 or 5 pages.It is pretty generic and open to any ideas. He wants 6,000 characters (not words) so maybe 4 or 5 pages.It is pretty generic and open to any ideas. He wants 6,000 characters (not words) so maybe 4 or 5 pages.It is pretty generic and open to any ideas. He wants 6,000 characters (not words) so maybe 4 or 5 pages.It is pretty generic and open to any ideas. He wants 6,000 characters (not words) so maybe 4 or 5 pages.It is pretty generic and open to any ideas. He wants 6,000 characters (not words) so maybe 4 or 5 pages.

Discussion 6.1: Me Before You

Moyes, J. (2012). Me Before You. New York, NY: Pamela Dorman Books/Viking. (Note: you have a choice of reading this novel or seeing the film.)

First, select one principle from the four in the Principlism framework:

Apply one of the four principles to Louisa, Louisa’s parents, Will, Will’s parents, or Nathan in Me Before You. State how you believe this principle applies best to the character(s), citing the literature on principlism. Then, state whether you believe the principle you chose to address trumps all others in importance; if so, how? If not, why?
At the beginning of your post, indicate whether you read the book or viewed the movie.

Cultural Diversity

Unit 5.3 DB: Cultural Diversity
What general steps would you take in leading a task/work group composed of individuals from different cultural backgrounds? How would your steps be different if this group were a counseling/therapy group? Would leading a diverse psychoeducational group require that you do anything different from what you have already proposed?

Readings and Resources
Gladding, S. T. (2012). Groups: A counseling specialty, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education
Chapter 7: Closing a Group
Chapter 8: Diversity and Social Justice in Group Work
Articles, Websites, and Videos:
Freidman, L. (2014). The value of emotional ambivalence.
Transference and Countertransference

Watch Video
Transference, Projection, and Boundaries

User: n/a – Added: 9/27/12
YouTube URL:



Evidence Practice discussion question

This is a discussion question, no need for a cover page. Please use the assigned reading to complete the assignment. Thank You.

American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)This is a discussion question, no need for a cover page. Please use the assigned reading to complete the assignment. Thank You.

American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)This is a discussion question, no need for a cover page. Please use the assigned reading to complete the assignment. Thank You.

American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. ANA. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Article review on education pedagogy approach

You will need to review 3 articles that relates to the pedagogy practices.

The Article review has to be:

DISCURSIVE – a logical argument, not a list of studies presented one after another (need to focus on ideas, theories, issues, results not sources), and not a catalogue of facts.

Some questions …

Is the problem important and clearly spelled out?
Is the methodology well justified as the most appropriate to study the problem?
How were the results analysed?
Is the theoretical basis transparent?
What perspective are they coming from?
How large a sample was used?
What are the main findings of the study?

I provide four (4) articles, but I need writer to choose 3 best articles for the review

short italy paper

BUS420 First Assignment
Develop an overview of Italy.

Include the following:
Brief general history of the country
Major events which have and will affect business in the country
Population – important demographics.
– Prominent Religions
General Economic Position
GDP and GDP per capita and trend
Unemployment rate and trend
Government spending vs. revenue and trend
Most important imports/exports
Most important industries
Near term economic outlook and assessment of overall business climate

Find at least three sources
You may use sources on the syllabus or find other well-regarded sources.
Use MLA style
Submit to TurnItIn
Should be two pages minimum
– Send to Professor via email attachment by April 4th
– Name the file as follows: Student Last Name-Date- BUS420 -First Assignment