Animal testing can be justified”

COM 105 Argumention Paper Assignments:

Affirm/Negate A PropositionPurpose:

For this assignment you are to convince me of the validity of both sides of an argument. You are to use one of the claims from the Topics list as your thesis .  This assignment is in two parts.  In one paper you are to affirm the proposition using convincing, logically sound arguments.  In the second paper you are to negate the same proposition using convincing, logically sound arguments.


What you should have in this analysis:  

  1. A clear explanation of your issue.
  2. A clear identification of the arguments used.
  3. Clear, strong support for both sides of the issue.
  4. Appropriate use of outside source material. Arguments that do not contain direct references to supporting material will not be considered strong arguments.



Paper #1 (Affirm the proposition)

Due Date: Check Course Schedule

Total Points: 50

  1. This paper is to be 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins.
  2. At least five (5) sources used to support your arguments. These sources should be appropriate for a college level paper on this topic. These must be formatted in MLA style and cited both in the text of the paper and a bibliography at the end of the paper. The bibliography does not count toward the total page number.
  3. You are welcome to write more than 4-5 pages. I am more interested in quality arguments than specific page length. Papers that are considerably longer (or shorter) than this page range may have their grade affected as a result.  For example, I generally stop reading past page 6 and anything less than 3 pages indicates a lack of development.



Paper #2 (Negate the proposition)

Due Date: Check Course Schedule

Total Points: 50

  1. This paper is to be 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins.
  2. At least (5) sources used to support your arguments. These sources should be appropriate for a college level paper on this topic. These must be formatted in MLA style and cited both in the text of the paper and a bibliography at the end of the paper. The bibliography does not count toward the total page number.
  3. You are welcome to write more than 4-5 pages. I am more interested in quality arguments than specific page length. Papers that are considerably longer (or shorter) than this page range may have their grade affected as a result.  For example, I generally stop reading past page 6 and anything less than 3 pages indicates a lack of development.


Helpful Advice: 

  1. Use strong language. Assert yourself. Be confident in your opinion. Arguments with too many qualifying statements will not be regarded highly.
  2. Be clear and concise. The more specific you are the better. Use concrete examples. Vague or broadly worded statements will negatively impact your paper.
  3. Use the Writing Center. My students have shown a dramatic increase

in the quality of the papers by getting help from the writing center. Attend a walk-in session in person.There is a link for the writing center on the Valley College web page.

  1. Use Clear Organization. Identify what your main arguments are. Make it clear how many you plan to make in support of your position. Use an introduction and conclusion to preview and review your main points.  The organization should be clear.
  2. Use your source material properly. All information should be clearly linked to a

source.  These sources must be cited in the paper.


Your paper will be graded on the following:

  1. Your use of source material.
  2. Your ability to analyze the issue, not just describe.
  3. Quality of arguments. The clearer and more specific your arguments the better.
  4. Validity. The more valid your arguments, the higher your grade will be.
  5. Your use of classroom material/ideas/concepts in your paper.
  6. Grammar, punctuation, and syntax will be a factor. However, quality of thought will be

a greater factor.

  1. Structure of your paper. Do you have the basic elements such as clear thesis, support

for each main point, clear transitions, and an effective conclusion?

  1. Paper basic requirements such as length, font, and actually doing what the assignment

asks for. Not following the basics is the number one killer of student’s grades.

  1. Your use of MLA. Improper MLA usage will really cost you a lot of points!

The Vice-Chancellor of Ceele University now wishes to know whether ‘Forest of Light’ is included in the sale of the land.

Please answer all three questions:
Question 1
Last month, the University of Ceele entered into an agreement to sell
part of its campus to Kampus Creativity Ltd (KCL). An artwork known as
‘Forest of Light’ (pictured in the foreground below) is situated on part of
the land included in the sale. This artwork was not expressly referred to
in the negotiations leading up to the sale or in the written contract signed
by both parties. The Vice-Chancellor of Ceele University now wishes to
know whether ‘Forest of Light’ is included in the sale of the land.

Question 2
Critically consider whether the decision in Dowding v Matchmove Ltd
[2017] 1 WLR 749 (CA) means that in failed land contract cases the
Court of Appeal is making use of the doctrine of proprietary estoppel in
all but name.

Question 3
Irma holds the registered freehold title to Thunder Master Farm. Over
the last two years she has entered into the following transactions.

a) Three fields were sold to Phillippe. These fields are separated
from the public highway by a fourth, which remains part of Thunder
Master Farm. The transfer of the land did not include an express
easement allowing Phillippe to cross over the fourth field, but you
should assume that an implied easement to do so was granted as
a result of the transaction. Phillippe decided to let the fields lie
fallow for a long period before farming them, and has not visited
them since the date of the transfer.

b) Stacia took a three-year, verbal, lease of the stable-block, which
includes an equitable easement to use the main drive-way of the
farm in order to reach the stables.

c) A contract to grant a ten-year lease of the main barn to Oscar. The
main barn adjoins the public highway, and Irma has allowed Oscar
to store some of his equipment in the barn prior to the lease being

Irma now wishes to grant a mortgage in favour of Gaumont Bank plc.
Indicating any further information you may require, advise the bank
whether the implied easement, the equitable easement, and the contract
to grant the lease will take priority over any legal charge registered in its

Construct the Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for the frame shown below.

Autumn 2019

QUESTION 1 (30 marks)
a) (20 marks) Construct the Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for
the frame shown below. Assume joint B as rigid. Show your working clearly and
indicate the location and magnitude of the maximum bending moment on the
appropriate diagram.

b) (10 marks) Determine the internal normal force, shear force, and moment at point C in
the simply supported beam. Point C is located just to the right of the 1500 kNm couple

QUESTION 2 (30 marks)
a) (15 marks) Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the simply supported beam.

b) (15 marks) Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the beam shown below.
QUESTION 3 (20 marks) Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the following beam.


Digital strategy for AUS POST organisation

This report (3500 words excluding reference and appendix) should be titled as “Digital strategy for AUS POST organisation: [ theme selected, that is, either customer experience  or platform modernization or digitised solutions (Implementing Drone Technologies)”. The report shall include but not limited to the following

  1. Introduction: brief background to the organisation; processes used to conduct the project and the scope of the project.
  2. Digital strategic analysis: analysis of the current internal and external state of the business and its IT based on the theme and scope of your choice (use the feedback from the interim report and presentation to update your analysis)
  3. Defining digital strategic objectives: articulate the digital strategic objectives to define a desired situation (you must demonstrate how you have used the findings of your analysis and apply relevant frameworks taught in the class)
  4. Digital strategy actions: For each digital strategic objective, identify a set of strategic actions and recommendations. This shall address some, if not all, of the IT issues identified through the digital strategic analysis.
  5. Digital strategy implementation and evaluation: how would you go about the task of implementing the recommendations, what are the key implementation issues and how do you intend to handle them? How do you ensure that your strategy delivers what it was intended to deliver?
  6. List of evidence. This can include both academic reference and other materials such as websites, company documents, list of people (can use pseudo-name) consulted including their job title, and personal correspondences that you have used to complete the interim report or will use in the future to complete the group project. The evidences should be cited in appropriate places in your report.
  7. Appendix ( if applicable).



Submission Instruction 

  • This report should not be more than 3500 words excluding list of evidence and appendix.
  • The report shall be formatted as: 11pt font Times New Roman ; 1.5 line spacing and 54 (standard setting) margin.
  • The report should have a cover page and the six sections described above. This report is short in length so there is no need for an executive summary or abstract.
  • Research, critical reflection and use of the interim report and presentation feedbacks are required to successfully complete the report.
  • Your analysis and recommendations will need to be supported with clear and relevant evidence from both scholarly and other sources described under the list of evidence.


Marking guide

  • Approach (10%): Clear statement of scope and systematic approach to the project.
  • Quality of digital strategic analysis (25%): evidence of improvement based on interim report feedback; richness and depth of analysis; extent of evidence-based analysis; coherent flow of different analysis sections, and application of relevant course concepts and frameworks.
  • Digital strategy definition (objectives and actions) (40%): logical flow of analysis findings to digital strategy definition; validity of digital strategic objectives; feasibility of digital strategic actions; application of relevant course concepts, and frameworks and use of own insight and originality.
  • Strategy implementation (15%): feasibility of implementation considerations.
  • Organisation and Presentation (5%): clarity of structure, quality of presentation, style and readability.
  • Citation practice (5%): appropriate citation of sources and evidences used.

Explain the following business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and a corporation

Visit the Choose Your Business Structure section of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website.
If you were to start your own business, which business entity structure would you choose? Justify why your chosen structure is the best organizational form.
Explain the following business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and a corporation. In your analysis address the following for each business structure:
Steps to form
Personal liability for owners
Advantages and disadvantages
Your paper must be three to five pages (excluding title and reference pages), and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. You must cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. Cite your sources in-text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials

In terms of countries in the present or in the past, which country do you think exhibits the dystopian ideals of Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell. 

Final Exam QUESTIONS: In terms of countries in the present or in the past, which country do you think exhibits the dystopian ideals of Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.  Use the information below from the book and write a cohesive 3-5 page paper illustrating your choice.


  • State of Perpetual War

Zones of Influence

USSR Conquers Europe

Atomic Bombs

Oceania – Western Hemisphere, British Isles, Australasia, Southern Africa

Eurasia – Continental Europe, Russia (Including Siberia)

Eastasia – China, Japan, Korea, Indochina


  • Totalitarian Government (Dystopia/Oceania)

Nationalism (Populism)

Government Lying to Public

Invented Government Language

Ministry of Peace (War and Defense)

Ministry of Plenty (Rationing and Starvation)

Ministry of Love (Torture and Brainwashing)

Ministry of Truth (Propaganda)

Unpersons (Vaporized/Killed or No Memories)

Children Inform on Parents


  • Big Brother

Cult-like Personality

Re-writing History




Images of Big Brother


  • Class Differences

Upper-Class Inner Party – Elite Ruling Party (2% of Population)

Middle-Class (13% of Population)

Lower-Class (Proles/Proletariat/85% of Population)

Oily Gin (To Keep Sedated), Cigarettes, Synthetic Foodstuffs

Living Standard (Poverty, Hunger, Disease, and Filth)


  • Government Surveillance


Thought Police



  • The Brotherhood (Rebellion From Middle and Lower Classes)


Write a research paper of 7–8 pages that is suitable for presentation at a scholarly conference.

Research Paper: Final Instructions

Write a research paper of 7–8 pages that is suitable for presentation at a scholarly conference. The paper must address a clearly-stated thesis. The thesis must be a significant statement about a significant topic related to this course. The paper must be tightly focused on supporting the thesis statement. All arguments must build toward that central argument.

The paper must be thoroughly researched. You must use at least 20 sources, at least 5 of which must be primary. Make good use of your sources, carefully comparing and collating information rather than relying on one or two sources to the virtual exclusion of others. Make especially good use of your primary sources, keeping in mind that the primary source information is what makes a paper worthy of presentation at a scholarly conference. Remember that at the graduate (i.e., professional) level, people are more likely to ask how many good sources you omitted than how many you used.

The paper must be clearly written. Strive for clarity. Do not try to be eloquent. Be clear, and let eloquence take care of itself. Avoid jargon and clichés. Avoid useless additional verbiage. If a word can be omitted without loss of clarity, omit it. Avoid the passive voice except for situations in which it is necessary in order to make your meaning clear. Avoid errors in grammar and spelling.

For this assignment, due in Module Three, you will submit a one- to two-page document that will provide a profile of your chosen successful company.

milestone will serve as a rough draft and must cover the six critical elements described in Part II of Prompt I. You are expected to provide a minimum of two to
three sentences for each of the six critical elements: mission and vision, strategic management plan, organizational culture, decision making, principle of ethics,
and human resources. Instructor feedback should be applied to your Final Project One submission.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Profile of a Successful Company
a. Explain how the company has communicated its mission and vision within the organization. In other words, explain how the company
demonstrates the importance of the mission and vision to employees and otherstakeholders.
b. Identify the role that management played in helping this company execute its strategic management plan. Justify your response. You could
consider including a specific example of a time when this management plan led the company to success.
c. Describe how management has helped to positively influence the organizational culture within this company. You could consider using some
specific examples, actions, or strategies that show how management has positively influenced organizational culture.
d. Explain management’s pivotal role in the decision-making process within this company. Be sure to include specific decisions made by
management based on principles of ethics. You could discuss specific decision-making models used by the company that may have helped the
company be successful.
e. Evaluate how the use of the functions of management within this company has adhered to the principles of ethics. You could consider how using
the functions of management while adhering to the principles of ethics may have impacted the employees of the company.
f. Explain how this company strategically uses human resources to develop its personnel. You could consider how this use of human resources has
enhanced the company’s business processes.

Write an essay discussing how you, as a business owner, can use annuities to achieve business goals.

Write an essay discussing how you, as a business owner, can use annuities to achieve business goals. Financial decisions require careful planning and prioritizing, especially when large, capital-intensive purchases are involved. As you establish a process to achieve your company goals, you will need to demonstrate your math skills, consider different investment options, and describe how different investment vehicles can be used effectively to accomplish business goals.



As the owner of a vinyl fencing company, you are making plans for two large purchases in the next 3 to 5 years to achieve your business goals.


Purchase 1:
You plan to expand your vinyl fence company in the future, and must purchase a new warehouse facility to achieve this goal. Your insurance company is offering you two very attractive investment options, an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, both compounding quarterly and paying 8% annual interest over a 5-year period. Your 5-year budget includes saving $2,500.00 each quarter. To evaluate which option will benefit the business most, you must evaluate both annuity options by calculating the future value of each option and explain how the investment will help you to carry out your goals.


Purchase 2:
After careful review of your maintenance log, you also realized that you will need to replace a fence post molding machine that sells for $45,000.00. You estimate that you will need to purchase a new machine in 3 years’ time as this machine reaches the end of its useful life. You plan to save for this purchase using a sinking fund that compounds semi-annually, and earns a 12% annual rate.


Your essay should in include the following information:


  1. Calculate the future value of both the ordinary annuity and the annuity due options being offered by your insurance company. Explain the differences between these two investment options. Select the best annuity option for your business and explain why that option is preferable.
  2. Calculate the sinking fund payment required for the fence post molding machine.
  3. Compare and contrast the shorter timeframe and higher interest rate of the sinking fund with the longer term warehouse annuity option you chose. Be sure to calculate and report how much interest you will earn from the annuity chosen for the warehouse and the amount of the sinking fund investment.
  4. Develop a plan to prioritize these two purchases, and discuss the potential impact that these will have on the future of your business. For example, is expanding your business more important than saving for and paying cash for a fence post molding machine? Remember, you could borrow money to finance the fence post molding machine when it eventually breaks, but financing will cost the business in finance charges.

Remember, this Assessment should be complete and cover each point as outlined above. Be sure to include at least one APA formatted reference.


Critical elements for Writing:

  1. Essay should include a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
  2. Assignment is written in Standard American English and demonstrates superior organization. 3. Communication is highly ordered, logical and unified.
  3. The assignment displays exceptional content, organization, style and mechanics.


NiseFood Corporation is analyzing the possibility to acquire KradFood Corp. Calculate the projected FCF

NiseFood Corporation is analyzing the possibility to acquire KradFood Corp.


Kradfood earnings have been under pressure in recent years, thanks to the change in consumer behavior. Consumers are more willing to pay an extra price for healthier food, and at the same time are reducing the consumption of fast food. Nisefood Corp is exposed to the growing segment of the food industry, while Kradfood is focus on un-healthy food.


Nisefood expects to improve Kradfood distribution channel, using its existing distribution network, restructuring production facilities from un-healthy food to healthy food and to reduce operating costs in the process.


There is enough room to grow the acquired company (Kradfoods) sales by 12% per year during the next 4 years, and then reduce the growth rate to 6% per year until year 10. Growth at perpetuity is estimated to be 5%.


The EBITDA Margin will also improve by 2.75% of sales thanks to the synergies in the distribution channel and the manufacturing operating efficiencies.


The acquirer expects the NWK to be reduced by 0.07% of sales (per year) from 2017 level in years 2108 to 2020 and then to grow at 0.04% (per year) as percentage of sales from 2021 onwards (20121 included).


The depreciation expense will be stable as percentage of sales during the forecast



Capital Expenditure will be increased by 0.30% per year as a percentage of sales during the first three years (2018 to 2020), but will come back to the 2017 level as a percentage of sales from 2021 onwards.


The tax rate is expected to be stable at 30%


Nisefoods Corp will change the leverage of the acquired company.

The new capital structure will be 58% debt to total debt plus equity (D/V)

Please find the relevant information to calculate the discount rate (WACC):


The risk free rate is 2.25%


The corporate Spread is 1.23%


The levered beta of Kradfoods Corp is not known but we have data from a universe of “comparable companies “ shown in the Excel and in the table below.


The Equity Risk Premium is 5.75%

Using the information given above please:


1- Calculate the projected FCF


2- Value KradFoods Corp using a DCF analysis. What is its’ EV? What is the Value of its’ Equity?


3- Value KradFoods Corp using several Market Multiples. The multiples to be used must be derived from the information given for comparable companies table above.


4- Value the company using the fundamental P/E ratio and EV/EBITDA ratio.


5- Now, assume that KradFoods Corp managers do not want to sell the company to a competitor and to keep their jobs the y decide to buy out the company using some money they have saved, and more importantly a Venture Capital (VC) that will finance the deal.


The VC will sell its equity stake in five years and will get a total of $15m (expected value in year 5 to get the expected total return of 21% in their investment, the balance return will come in the form of undisclosed interest income).


Please calculate the percentage of the company that will have to be given to the VC by the managers in exchange for its financial resources. Please use the multiples calculated before to value the company as a reference for the calculation of the “Exit Multiple” for the VC.


Please work all your calculations in the Excel given, and answer the questions above both quantitatively and qualitatively (if you think there is room to make comments).