Review of Evidence, Malaria’s Correlation with Cancer

The paper is a literature review to examine the strength between Malaria and Cancer. The paper should be written in Canadian English, and should use only scholarly sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles, and government reports. Please use APA format with subheadings, all the instructions/questions to be answered and points to be touched on are clearly explained in the attached pdf paper outline. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask.

The paper is a literature review to examine the strength between Malaria and Cancer. The paper should be written in Canadian English, and should use only scholarly sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles, and government reports. Please use APA format with subheadings, all the instructions/questions to be answered and points to be touched on are clearly explained in the attached pdf paper outline. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask.

Indirect Price Discrimination

Review Chapter 14, Section 14.1 on indirect price discrimination. Discuss the grocery store coupon market, and explain why the grocery stores can use price discrimination in this situation.

Review Chapter 14, Section 14.1 on indirect price discrimination. Discuss the grocery store coupon market, and explain why the grocery stores can use price discrimination in this situation.

Review Chapter 14, Section 14.1 on indirect price discrimination. Discuss the grocery store coupon market, and explain why the grocery stores can use price discrimination in this situation.

Review Chapter 14, Section 14.1 on indirect price discrimination. Discuss the grocery store coupon market, and explain why the grocery stores can use price discrimination in this situation.

Direct Price Discrimination

Define and discuss direct price discrimination (sometimes called third-degree price discrimination. What conditions are necessary for this price discrimination to work for the seller (to increase profits)? How can a firm, such as a movie theater, enforce these conditions?

Define and discuss direct price discrimination (sometimes called third-degree price discrimination. What conditions are necessary for this price discrimination to work for the seller (to increase profits)? How can a firm, such as a movie theater, enforce these conditions?

Define and discuss direct price discrimination (sometimes called third-degree price discrimination. What conditions are necessary for this price discrimination to work for the seller (to increase profits)? How can a firm, such as a movie theater, enforce these conditions?

medications for the treatment of Type II diabetes mellitus

This paper is about 2 types of medications for the treatment of Type II diabetes mellitus and Obesity. Please paraphrased using your own words from the articles provided. Use the format below for writing the paper 1thru 3. No direct quotes are allowed for this assignment. Please only use the attached articles as references and note provided below. Please cite the referees.

This paper is about 2 types of medications for the treatment of Type II diabetes mellitus and Obesity. Please paraphrased using your own words from the articles provided. Use the format below for writing the paper 1thru 3. No direct quotes are allowed for this assignment. Please only use the attached articles as references and note provided below. Please cite the referees. Thank you

The Foundation for Your Service Learning Strategy Project

As with any instructional model, it is important to be able to apply your learning to a real-world problem. Think about the curriculum, community needs, and problems in the learning cycle that might be “solved” with service learning. By identifying community and school needs and connecting them to learning opportunities in your curriculum, you have done the groundwork and should be well on your way to planning your Service Learning Strategy Project. After all, once you pour a foundation, the next step is to frame out the structure. This Assignment will begin your project’s “frame.”
To prepare

Examine a Louisiana (or southern) school and school community for possible opportunities to create a Service Learning Strategy Project.
Review the Toolkit information regarding identifying problem statements found on the Course Overview page.
Review any Learning Resources you need to articulate your vision.

Using the criteria create a paper in which you do the following:

Write a clear, unambiguous problem statement that describes the community problem the project might address.
Cite the learning or curricular standard to which the project might align.
Explain the rationale for choosing this learning standard. How do you generally teach this standard? (Or, how has it been taught in the past?).
Describe how service learning might make this area of curriculum more engaging.
Explain how service learning might make this area of curriculum more learner-centered.
Describe the type of project you might construct to address the community need, using the learning standard.
Include with your paper a cover sheet, and use APA conventions for your references.

Billig, S. (2000). Research on K–12 school-based service-learning: The evidence builds. Phi Delta Kappan, 81(9), 658–664.

What is Service-Learning?

Read Research paper (see below) and answer following questions [access to Sage Journals required to read research]

Read “Let’s stay home and watch TV: The benefits of shared media use for close relationships” accessible link:
then answer all sections of TMA15 Submission form (important note: Step 3 already completed, Step 4 answer is based on Step 3 answer). Read Completing the Activity document before starting the assignment. Chapter 5 (social identity) and 6 (relationships) attached to aid in answers – references to be included from research article and chapters attached only

Read “Let’s stay home and watch TV: The benefits of shared media use for close relationships” accessible link:
then answer all sections of TMA15 Submission form (important note: Step 3 already completed, Step 4 answer is based on Step 3 answer). Read Completing the Activity document before starting the assignment. Chapter 5 (social identity) and 6 (relationships) attached to aid in answers – references to be included from research article and chapters attached only

The summary in Chapter 10 states, “The Fifth Amendment protects against self-incrimination and guarantees citizens due process of law by limiting the federal government’s actions: “No person shall … be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself” and “No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law.” The Supreme Court has extended the elements of due process through case law beyond the words of the Constitution but in keeping with its spirit.”

The summary in Chapter 10 states, “The Fifth Amendment protects against self-incrimination and guarantees citizens due process of law by limiting the federal government’s actions: “No person shall … be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself” and “No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law.” The Supreme Court has extended the elements of due process through case law beyond the words of the Constitution but in keeping with its spirit.”

1. What two criteria must be met for the Miranda warning to be necessary?
2. Why would it be wise for an officer to read the Miranda rights from a card?
3. Does the Miranda decision impede police work?
4. Why should government be limited on how and when it asks questions?
5. Should a “stop” require the Miranda warning?
6. Why might trickery, innuendo, or even falsehoods asserted by police during questioning may not be Fifth Amendment violations? Should these techniques be Fifth Amendment violations?

Please number the questions and write the answers. This does not need to be in essay form.

The scenario for the term paper is that the course participant (ME) is applying for a research grant, as part of which he is required to submit a project description, focusing in particular on methodological issues. The project description should be no longer than 8 pages, including foot-/endnotes, but excluding bibliography and cover page. • Accepted fonts: Times New Roman or Arial • Font size: 11 • Page margins: 1 inch (top, bottom, left and right) • Line spacing: 1.5

Term Paper
The scenario for the term paper is that the course participant (ME) is applying for a research grant, as part of which he is required to submit a project description, focusing in particular on methodological issues. The project description should be no longer than 8 pages, including foot-/endnotes, but excluding bibliography and cover page.
• Accepted fonts: Times New Roman or Arial • Font size: 11 • Page margins: 1 inch (top, bottom, left and right) • Line spacing: 1.5

The project description should contain:
– a brief introduction to the topic and relevance of the research project
– a concise and workable research question
– a brief theoretical discussion, i.e. a discussion on the theories that the proposed research draws on and contributes to
– a brief statement as to the originality/contribution of the proposed research, referring to the state of the art of the existing empirical literature in the field
– a thorough discussion on the advantages of the chosen methodological approach, motivating why a qualitative design was chosen in the first place
– some reflection on the reasons why other qualitative methods are less useful (where appropriate/relevant)
– a brief discussion on the expected research findings

I was thinking that I am sure the teacher would like to see that I am applying for a research grant that has to do with my profession: a kindergarten teacher.


If I could give you a hint on the term paper topic I would say: Teaching Creatively and Teaching for Creativity. This is my philosophy in my kindergarten. I always teach in a creative way so that I can motivate and engage my kids but I also like to teach them Creativity because it is very important to be creative in every field in today’s society. I do not mean creativity that manifests itself in the arts or drawings but in everything, we do in life. YOU DECIDE WHICH TOPIC, THIS WAS ONLY A HINT. In case you need material on creativity I can send you many articles.

A Combined Prosodic and Linguistic Treatment Approach for Language-Communication Skills in Children

There is a complete summary of the article that includes all of the pertinent details of the journal article. The student analyzes the article and demonstrates an excellent understanding of the research and how it relates to the field.
Select 4 of the following topics:a) Receptive/expressive language,
b) Cognitive communication,
c) Social aspects of communication, and
d) Communication modalities.
e) Communicative intent
f) Pragmatic aspects of language
g) Joint attention
All 4 topics are thoroughly addressed and there is a detailed discussion of how these topics relate to the journal article chosen for the assignment. It is apparent the student has an excellent understand of the information in the article and the 4 topics. Critical thinking skills are demonstrated.

Criminology: Explaining Crime and Deviance

Write an answer to ONE of the following:
1. Drawing on relevant criminological theory, assess the most likely impacts of economic austerity on crime in the 21st century.
2. Critically assess the extent to which it necessary to understand criminals in order to explain the problem of crime.
3. To what extent is cultural criminology an advance on other forms of critical criminological theorising?
4. To what extent does gender explain crime?
5. What are the most valuable insights to be extracted from the study of the relationships between ethnicity, crime and criminalisation?
6. In what ways does globalisation present a challenge to those committed to explaining crime and deviance?
7. Which is the more useful criminological discovery: a) that crime is concentrated in particular urban areas; or b) that involvement in crime tends to peak during late
8. What might a theoretically-informed ‘public criminology’ look like?
(I have also attached 9 pdf of my lecture slides for you to know what theories were taught in my programme but you are welcome to use any of your own that fits one of the questions)
(for the sources, please use more than 10 so at least around 15)