Intertextual Study Comparative Analysis Essay

Please open up the ‘Intertextual Study Comparative task’ file first and read through it carefully. It makes reference to specific files attached that must be looked at in order to complete this task successfully. Please refer to the ‘Intertextual Analysis Study Notes’ file and use the notes succinctly to cover the required aspects for different areas of the essay. You will need to look through the notes carefully to discern what is applicable for the first body paragraph and what is applicable for the second. You may also need to conduct further analysis of the article and video and provide textual evidence, which the notes do not include. Obviously, you will not be able to cover all of the aspects of both the film and article. Therefore, you must prioritise ensuring you consider what is the same and what is different about the texts. Remember that your comparison will be most effective if you treat the texts with equal importance and attention to the word count. You should construct your response in order to compare the texts throughout as opposed to analysing the texts separately and then considering them together at the conclusion.

Cultural intelligence and Global leadership

Today’s globalisation demands new leadership skills and dimensions, especially in the area of cultural intelligence. Earley and Mosakowski (2004) explain that cultural competence is more than rote memorisation of a culture’s practices and beliefs; it involves, among other elements, an adoption of a culture’s habits and mannerisms. They further elaborate that through the adoption of customs and use of culturally relevant gestures, global leaders demonstrate to peers they hold them in high enough esteem to want to emulate them.

We should ask ourselves more specifically how does cultural intelligence compare to emotional intelligence–perhaps EI enacted or lacking in these profiles—and also how do certain personality traits (such as profiled in the Big 5 typology) play into cultural intelligence? (See Northouse text chapter 2 pages 26-29).


Also please feel to add / use any additional academic journal

How are adolescents affected by the media?

The above-mentioned title is just a broad topic. The focus needs to be narrowed down and only then a final research statement would be created. Include at least 4 academic and 4 secondary sources. Include at least 4 academic and 4 secondary sources. Our instructor wants us to incorporate knowledge from material learned in the class. So, I have included files for 2 chapters i.e. Ch 1 and Ch6. Chapter 6’s slides number 3 and 15 contains core concepts and theoretical perspectives which she expects us to draw the research paper from. Please follow all the guidelines in the 2 attached files. They are really important. It is worth 20% of my grade. I hope you will do your best.

Characteristics of Maritime Terminal Services

Write a 2-3 page paper on a transportation topic from chapter 6 or 7 of the Elger text.
You will write an outline that organizes your paper and includes an introduction and a conclusion. This is a separate deliverable and is intended to assist students in writing outlines and organization.
The paper should demonstrate your understanding of the transportation topic and should follow this format (you must use APA headings to mark each section below or points will be deducted):
•The pros to your concept (bring in outside source)
•The opposing points of view (bring in outside source)
•Include a cover page and list of References
This midterm paper must be in APA format, double spaced (no extra space between paragraphs) using 12-point font and include at least three references.

Maus thesis

What does this reveal about the way the book works? What does this have to do with the way we understand the story? How does this affect the emotion and pleasure we experience as we read the story? WRITE a counter refutation paragraph where it says “CARRRRRRR”. This is where you attack your idea from the opposite viewpoint and point out whats wrong with your idea.Please go a bit more in depth and included page numbers

What does this reveal about the way the book works? What does this have to do with the way we understand the story? How does this affect the emotion and pleasure we experience as we read the story? WRITE a counter refutation paragraph where it says “CARRRRRRR”. This is where you attack your idea from the opposite viewpoint and point out whats wrong with your idea.Please go a bit more in depth and included page numbers

Intermodal Transportation

The research paper should be a minimum of six typed pages and formatted in accordance with APA. Topics should be relavent to intermodal transportation.

The nature of a research paper is to prove or disprove a thesis or hypothesis, not simply produce a report or provide information on topic. For example; a topic may be the impact of security on intermodal transportation. The associated thesis could be; actions taken to improve the security at ports has negatively impacted throughput, increasing costs and reducing the quality of operations. The research and body of the paper argues to prove the thesis statement.

Policy Analysis: LGBTQ health

Policy Analysis Paper Guidelines
Purpose: To investigate & integrate knowledge of advanced nursing practice, scholarly inquiry, & leadership by examining a policy at the level of clinical practice, health care systems, or public/social health policy. Students are to submit a paper of 5 pages long. Paper must be organized according to the guidelines below and should include all the identified sections as required. Paper must be completed in APA format and contain current scholarly sources dated from 2010 until current. The following is the topics for this paper: LGBTQ health.Paper must be completed in APA format and contain current scholarly sources dated from 2010 until current. The following is the topics for this paper: LGBTQ health.

The machine stops

Come up with a unique symbolic argument over the the science fiction story “the machine stops” by E.M. Forster.

Come up with a unique symbolic argument over the the science fiction story “the machine stops” by E.M. Forster.

Come up with a unique symbolic argument over the the science fiction story “the machine stops” by E.M. Forster.

Come up with a unique symbolic argument over the the science fiction story “the machine stops” by E.M. Forster.

Come up with a unique symbolic argument over the the science fiction story “the machine stops” by E.M. Forster.

Come up with a unique symbolic argument over the the science fiction story “the machine stops” by E.M. Forster.

The crisis of journalism in the Age of the Internet

A RESEARCH PAPER on ‘The crisis of journalism in the Age of the Internet.’ Consider challenges to traditional print and broadcast journalism. Include those regarding the nature of news (such as fake vs. real news) and economic challenges. How likely are these challenges to be met and in what ways?

You may use either a standard academic style or, if you wish, a more ‘journalistic’ style in which you can write in first person and include your own opinions. You must however source all references and provide evidence and arguments for any personal opinions expressed.

Use as much sources you need. (scholarly sources preferred, but other sources are fine too)
PLEASE be accurate about the context when taking informations from the sources!!!



The document discusses the role of the administration in the process of adoption of Industry 4.0 in the global economy. Industry 4.0 describes the use of a high level of digital automation in business and manufacturing processes. The use of industrial 4.0 has the potential to allow the business and manufacturing industries to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The implementation of industrial technologies 4.0 requires management to undertake an elaborate assessment of organizational capacity in areas such as the skill set and the effects of adopting the technology.
Key Words: Skills – Management – Revolution – Industrial – Administration – Capitalism